Alien Dragon's Baby: Aliens of Renjer - Book 1

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Alien Dragon's Baby: Aliens of Renjer - Book 1 Page 4

by J. S. Wilder

  She sagged against him. “Please.” As much as she loved foreplay, he was making her a wanton floozy and he still had all his clothes on. “Take off your clothes and take me.”

  “Of course.” He took off his shirt and raised his eyebrows at her. “Remove the rest of your clothes first. I want to explore you.”

  Never before had she gotten fully naked so fast. Even a button flew off her pants. When she removed her underwear, Kohl sank on his knees before her. He stared at her sex with such wonder and longing that she started to feel self-conscious and moved her hands to cover herself.

  “No, please don’t.” He pushed her hands away before tracing her folds with his fingertips.

  She trembled, but he held her up with his hands under her ass. When he slowly licked a path from her abs to her sex, her breath froze. His tongue dipping inside her, wet and thrusting. She gasped as her orgasm raced forward and she couldn’t stop screaming his name as he lapped her up.

  And when she thought he was done or surely his tongue was sore, it seemed to go deeper and widen inside her, stretching her. She bucked against his mouth as he lifted her legs around his neck and cradled her ass in his palms.

  Without breaking his stride, another climax ripped out of her, he carried her to her bedroom and laid her on the mattress. His sucking and plunging drove her mad with endless need. He cupped both her breasts kneading them until her whole body buzzed and screamed as every fiber, every cell of her being exploded through her.

  He pulled back and a satisfied crooked smile sent her heart pounding. “Let’s see if I can get you to do that while I’m inside you.” In a flash, he removed his pants.

  Commando huh?

  Glancing down at his nakedness, she wanted to shout in wonder and run in horror. His cock tented his jeans and even with his clothes on looked freaking enormous. Could she die from too much sex?

  Chapter Seven

  Kohl had never tasted such sweet nectar. And the sounds she made when he kissed her down there made him forget everything but pleasuring her more. His cock was painfully aware that he'd never mated before and even more so that this human female turned him on in ways no one ever had before. The mechanics of mating were the same for his kind as humans from what he gathered. Yet, at least in his human form, he didn’t need to worry about being too big for her.

  The scent of her arousal was a mix of melon and an aphrodisiac that intoxicated him. He kissed her belly, trailing a path up to her nipples. So taut and pink, they made his groin tighten harder. He lavished one breast and then the other, one hand exploring her sex. Her wetness coating his fingers and her nails raked down his back. Was this the mating ritual of humans? In his world, the female bites the male’s tail, then he bites hers. Then he mounts her from behind.

  Here, once blood was drawn by the female’s nails, did it signal the male of her readiness and ripeness? He wasn't certain, and he wanted to please her. Bring her pleasure...more so than any other had before. The thought of another man touching her had him growling. He tensed. Fuck it all, had she heard him?

  She rubbed his thigh. “Why did you stop?”

  “Not satisfied yet?” he asked.

  “No, not by a long shot.” Her hands teased his erection through his pants.

  He moaned. How could this Earthling who had no scales or wings or tail entice him like this? When she unzipped his pants with a lustful gleam under her gaze, she licked her lips and bent down to taste him.

  He stilled her hands. “Next time. I'm afraid I wouldn’t be able to control myself.” Truth was he was worried he'd shift into his dragon form. His tongue had earlier when he lapped at her juices and dove inside her depths. His dragon yearned to taste her further, to claim her. But he couldn't. If he transformed, she’d scream or faint like a few women had done in the past when he teleported in front of them, except for Dena. But then she was used to animals and such. He couldn’t bear it if Isabelle was afraid of him or worse, repulsed. He could never know what he really was.

  Kissing her pouty mouth, he eased her back on the mattress. One hand cupped her breast and the other freed his erection from his clothing. He pressed his tip against her entrance, stroking up and down until she writhed underneath him.

  Then he slid slowly into her, letting her body adjust and stretch to accommodate him. Gods, she was so freakin’ tight. Why had he not mated before? The feeling of being inside her was so overpowering that he almost spilled his seed. She pushed her hips up and gasped when he inched in further. His dragon form roared forward. Scales broke out along his back. He shoved the beast back into its cage inside him. It smashed against his restraints, but they held.

  Sweat beaded along his brow as he waited. He didn’t want to injure her. “Are you okay?”

  Her eyes half-closed. “Yes, but I won't be soon if you don't move.”

  Was his weight too much? Had he injured her down there? He pulled back when she locked her legs around his hips.

  “More, please more.”

  His penis twitched and he plunged back inside her. All of her squeezing him. He grunted, holding onto his orgasm until she screamed his name and went limp beneath him. His cum ripped through him and his orgasm exploded. He laid on his side, pulling her into his arms until her back hit his chest and her delicious backside nestled against his groin.

  If he lived forever, he'd never forget her. But as soon as she fell asleep, then he would need to get the quasicrystal and leave. He'd spent too much time here already.

  * * *

  Kohl hunted her house for her purse. Where had the woman hidden it? He opened a door that led to a closet and after searching through the coats, boots and shoes, and gift wrap, he didn’t find it. The kitchen showed only dishes and food.

  Where would she have put it? Retrace your steps from last night. He laid a hand on her front door, recalling their kiss and his first taste of her arousal. His gaze drifted to a huge potted plant beside the door. There! Her purse lay between the plant and wall. He tugged on it, but the strap was wedged underneath the heavy plant. Had he scooted the heavy pot last night when he was kissing her, did the plant get pushed over her purse? The strap broke in his hand and he cringed. Damn. He wished he could buy her another, but he had no time. Quickly, he dug inside her purse and grabbed the quasicrystal. He turned briefly to glance behind him. As much as he wanted to wake with her and enjoy lovemaking again, his people were counting on him. With his throat tightening, he walked out of her home.

  It wasn’t dawn yet and all her neighbors must still be sleeping. After surveying around him to ensure no one would see him, he transformed back into his dragon form and soared through the night sky with the crystal in his talon. Now all he needed was a lightning storm to get back home. The thought of not seeing Isabelle again cut him like a burning knife to his heart. But it was too risky. He barely knew the woman and found himself wanting to discover everything about her. What made her laugh, what her favorite foods were, her hobbies, what she cared about. Did she like animals? Even reptiles...dragons?

  He shook his head. Dena was the exception to humans. As an animal doctor, she was trained to have compassion for nonhumans by choice. It was only bad luck of crashing through her home slash vet clinic in his dragon form that she knew the truth of his kind. His family would be appalled and demand her death, but humans didn't have space travel like his kind. They were centuries away or more before they could sail along a wormhole or zip through a black hole to reach his solar system.

  In a distance of about fifty miles, dark clouds rumbled. My ticket home.

  Still, an ache pierced him of leaving Isabelle without a goodbye or a kiss. No, if he touched her again then he'd never be able to leave. She'd never accept him anyway. He was half dragon. When Dena had shown him a computer, he'd seen images and stories of his kind in their history. A Saint George who was praised for slaying dragons. Evidently, his people had sent scouts to Earth in the past and stopped when they realized how barbaric humankind was. Worse, they kept animals l
ocked in a prison system they called a zoo. That would be his fate if he let Isabelle discover the truth. Either that or he’d end up on a scientist’s dissecting table.

  Humans had a fascination and terror with dragons and Kohl was no fool. No human would ever love a Renjer...a dragon. Best he could hope for would be buddies like he and Dena. Right, fuck buddies who couldn't keep their hands off each other.

  He shouldn't have had sex with her. Not without telling her what he was. At first, he'd only intended on distracting her until he could get the crystal from her purse. It was too late now.

  Best he could do was disappear and never see her again. But he had to get back to his people with the crystal. Convince his family to scour the galaxy for more so they could defeat the enemy or at least drive them from their shores. Earth was the easiest to hunt for more quasicrystals because they didn’t have to worry about protocol like asking for licensing and cutting through red-tape like other planets. One of the advantages of beings who refused to believe aliens existed he supposed.

  Taking one last look at Isabelle’s sleeping form before he left, his soul twisted inside his chest as though he had left part of himself behind. He would never be the same and he'd always remember her.

  Chapter Eight

  Isabelle stretched and groaned in a sore, satisfied way. Last night with Kohl had been amazing. His emerald eyes hypnotizing like a spell. She'd never had sex with a stranger before. And she wanted more of him. Rolling over, she felt his side of the bed and her hand brushed cold sheets.

  She sat up with a start. “Kohl?” But even before the emptiness of the house echoed back in answer, her instinct told her that he was gone. That she'd had a one-night stand and would never see him again.

  A pain hit her chest. God, she had amazing sex with a guy and was hooked.

  Yowls echoed from the front door.

  Right, it was past breakfast. She gathered her robe from her closet and wrapped it around her. Another thing she'd never done before...sleep without clothes.

  “I'm coming, I'm coming,” she called out as she went to the kitchen. “No need to wake the neighbors.”

  Better have their food ready before I open the door, or the cats might claw up my legs in retaliation for being late. She poured the cat food into two silver bowls and set them down near the table. When she opened the front door, both cats shot past her, ignoring the food.

  “Where are you both going?” Had they not seen the food? She traced down the hall checking the half bath and opened hall closet. Had she opened that last night?

  A meow and hiss sounded from her bedroom.

  “If you two are gonna fight, take it outside. There's plenty of food for you both.” Had she spoiled them already by giving them fish one too many times? “I'm all out of tuna, sorry. But dry cat food is better than starving on the streets, right?”

  Another hiss and she rounded the corner to her bedroom. Both cats were on her bed, biting and clawing into the sheets on Kohl's side of the bed.

  What the hell? “Stop that! Shoo!” she yelled.

  Lucy and Orange bolted. Damn cats. Why would they do this? Had Kohl eaten seafood and they smelled it?

  Another yowl shot through her house. “What now?” She stomped toward the sound and found both cats scratching at her sequined purse from last night. It was wedged between the wall and a potted plant. How had it gotten there? She picked up the cats, moving them out of the way. The strap was broken and lay open. Her wallet lying on the floor. Son of a bitch! Did Kohl rob me? God, she was so gullible. But she checked her contents and her license, credit cards and cash were still inside.

  Opening her purse wider, she tugged at it to free it. She must have dropped it here last night when Kohl had kissed her, then it got stuck underneath the edge of the pot. It looked like someone had tried yanking it out but gotten what they wanted out of it. Everything was still in her purse, though. Cell, lipstick, even her ticket into the club last night. She pulled out her cell and a gritty texture brushed her fingertips. Dirt? She rolled it between her fingers. How did that get into my purse? Her cell phone buzzed with a text message about coupons. She stared at the time…seven thirty-nine? Since she’d left her phone at the front door, she hadn’t heard it go off. The tardy bell rang at eight am. Shit, I'm late.

  She tore down the hallway. A quick shower and dress six minutes later, she bustled out her door and into her car.

  Traffic was horrid as she weaved through back streets to get to school. She jerked her car into the parking lot and hustled inside Parker Elementary.

  “Miss. Givens,” Principal Cooper said, “A word please.”

  Overhead, the tardy bell rang. “But my class…”

  “Mrs. O’Malley is taking them with hers. Until our meeting is over.” He opened the door to his office.

  Great. Just great. She'd only been late one time before last semester. Why was Cooper such a freaking jerk all the damn time? And Mrs. O’Malley was performing BJs on him in the janitor’s closet. Everyone knew that since Isabelle had gotten lost on her second day and led her third-grade class right into the small room. Thankfully, both the teacher and principal had pulled away and Cooper had yanked a sack of dirty towels over his junk before her students saw anything.

  When Isabelle had confessed to another teacher what she'd seen and how she couldn't get it out of her mind, Julia had nodded.

  “Yeah, I found them doing the nasty on her desk one evening I stayed late,” Julia said.

  “So why don't they divorce their spouses. Stop hiding and obviously lying to them.”

  Julia held up three fingers. “One, child support. Two, alimony, and three then it wouldn't be as exciting and addictive. They have loose morals.” Julia frowned. “Say they divorced and hooked up...they wouldn't have the thrill of doing something wrong. Soon they'd find someone else.”

  “Miss Givens.” Principal Cooper sat behind his desk and motioned for her to take the visitor's chair. She remained standing, her briefcase hitting her thigh. “You've had a blatant disregard for your class. We cannot tolerate your lateness.”

  “I haven't been late this semester. Last time was because my car cracked and my engine overheated.”

  He leaned back and steepled his fingers. “And what was it this time? A flat tire?”

  “” She couldn't exactly tell him she was slightly hungover and her cats had acted crazy this morning. “My alarm didn't go off. It won't happen again.”

  He smiled, but it didn't comfort her. “This is a private school and I expect exemplary behavior from its staff.”

  Right, like bonking another teacher while married is such exceptional behavior. But she loved the kids and other teachers here. The classes were smaller than in public school and she really felt like she made a difference here in the kid’s lives. And the mainstream schools were full…she’d have to move to the big city to find an opening. No, she liked it here and she would fight for the right if she had to.

  “I'm afraid you leave me no choice, but to put you on suspension.”

  “But I've a nearly perfect record!” She stomped forward. “My students have gone from failing before my class to passing with high marks. You can't do this.” Many of the kids in her class would be devastated. Her heart shattered. How was she going to pay her rent? Her student loans to pay off her college?

  His brow furrowed. “One more infraction, Miss Givens and you'll be permanently relieved of your duties.” He leaned back in his chair with a smug look on his face like he ate the last chocolate donut from the teacher’s lounge as he stroked his mustache that she swore he must have copied from a seventies porn movie. “Consider this your final warning.”

  She swallowed the lump pressing in her throat. Her hand went to her briefcase filled with her students’ papers. This was so unfair. It was like working for a bully and the principal had enough backing from parents and other teachers that she didn't have a chance to stand up against him. Even the teachers’ union loved him. It would be his word
against hers.

  “Take care from now on, Miss Givens, there are many teachers who would love your job here at our school. You’d never make it in a public school. Daily, I have to turn away offers.” He smiled in a way that had her skin crawling.

  “I understand.” She clenched her teeth and marched out of his office on shaky legs. God, the guy had it out for her. Next time she’d offer to get a lock on the janitor’s closet in front of the PTA meeting. Maybe that would shut him up or at least lay off her.

  Chapter Nine

  Kohl swung low, spreading his wings wide as he sailed through the air over his homeland. Darkness covered the lands in her blanket and the thousands of stars flickered above him. He squeezed the crystal, ensuring that he still had it. Once his father saw the rock, he'd organize an expedition immediately. With their weapons and comms working again, they'd turn the tide of this war and overthrow the invaders. The Tryn would leave and hopefully never return.

  Wind flowed over him and brought the scent of over ripened crapples filling the air. His home lay beyond the valley into the mountains. Kohl's gaze swept the ground to ensure that no Tryn scurried over the area after him. Last thing he wanted was to lead one of those monsters to his family.

  The image of Isabelle sleeping punched him in the gut and he gasped from the intensity of the remorse that hit him. It was too dangerous to continue seeing her. She was too tempting and what if he slipped and she discovered he was a dragon?

  He shook his head. No, it was better this way. One night of passion for them both to remember.

  The coldness of the crystal itched across his palm. Once his dad realized Earth had a few of these quasicrystals, he'd send Kohl and some of his brothers to scour for more. Their weapons could be reanimated and they could win this war.

  Kohl folded his wings and landed outside the cave entrance. Nothing around him stirred and he scooted through the opening, twisting slightly at the end to wedge his way deeper into the labyrinth. At the opening, a body collided into his.


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