This Darkness Light

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This Darkness Light Page 31

by Michaelbrent Collings

  But she did save me. Always there, like my guardian angel, my angel of mercy.

  Serafina had no mother to rescue her from these monsters. No one to swoop in and save her. John was gone. Darkness surrounded them.

  It was just her and a man who had been trying to kill her.

  And then not just them.

  ʺYou seeing this?ʺ

  She nodded. Didnʹt know if Isaiah saw the response or not. It didnʹt matter.

  The mist was blinking. Flashes, innumerable as all the stars of the firmament, surrounded them on all sides. They twinkled and winked. They also moved, not only turning on and off but shifting left and right, forward and back, up and down.

  The mist dimmed, silver to gray. Lights all around, but the shadows somehow grew stronger. The mist had brightened slightly as night had given way to day–if either could be said to exist in this new world clad eternally in fog. Now it darkened again and Serafina knew that the huge pillar she had seen in front of the car had been joined by others just like it. The writhing vines with lights at their ends that coated those towering things were all around them.

  The legs walked around the car. Serafina and Isaiah were dwarfed by beings so large they had no basis for comparison. Not bigger than whales or dinosaurs or even mountains, they simply were, and that was all that could be said of them.

  She suddenly felt that these creatures were not held to the earth by gravity. No, it was the earth that was held to them. If they left the world would spin into darkness and be lost. Or perhaps that had already happened and these creatures were simply along for the final ride.

  Isaiah kept driving. What else was he to do? Serafina would have done the same in his shoes.

  Answers were near. These things were accompanying them–or hounding them–to the end of the journey.

  The rhythm of the car changed.

  They were getting off the freeway.

  ʺWeʹre here,ʺ said Isaiah.


  LOCAL DATE/TIME: 0601.1445

  AUTH: POTUS 474653565GREEN

  AUTH: CHIEF1 658989465RED

  AUTH: CHIEF3 986465843RED

  TargCoord: 38.8951N77.0367W

  TargTime: 1914GMT




  ARE YOU SURE (this cannot be revoked)?



  The first thing that greeted Isaiah after he left the freeway was the sign at the side of the road:


  POP. 214

  The sheet of metal hung askew, a single bolt keeping it from fluttering to the weeds below the support posts. The support posts themselves were wood, and Isaiah could see that someone had written something on them. He stopped the car. Just for a moment–he suspected that stopping long would not be tolerated by the massive things surrounding them, the creatures that were somehow clothed in light while at the same time shrouded in darkness–but long enough to see what was written on the wood: ʺWEVE ALL GONEʺ on one and ʺGOD B WITH YOUʺ on the other.

  ʺThatʹs not good,ʺ said Serafina.

  Isaiah nodded. They drove into the town.

  There was only one street. A few houses and shops on either side. A church. A city hall.

  As they passed through, the dark/light things crushed down on either side of the car. Muted thunderclaps sounded as otherworldly flesh fell to earth.

  The buildings were crushed. The small town in Kansas that had once held few people and now held none was trampled to dust. A ghost town that became a nothing.

  Isaiah slowed the car. Was he supposed to stop here?

  No. One of the monstrous things crashed down behind the car. For the first time the impact was so hard it rocked the world, slamming the car forward. Isaiah got the picture. He drove forward.

  The street continued for a few miles, heading north and then veering sharply west.

  Isaiah glanced at Serafina. She shrugged and shook her head. Her hand reached for his. Fingers clasped.

  The road continued for nearly two miles in the darkness. Then a figure loomed. A man standing beside a sign. For some reason the sign could be seen first. The man was dark, a shadow in shadow.

  The sign said, ʺThe GEOGRAPHIC CENTER of the UNITED STATES,ʺ followed by latitude and longitude. Isaiah also saw a small building nearby. It looked like a tiny church. Just a twenty by twenty building with a cross atop it. Someplace for people to rest and meditate and pray.

  The shadows around the figure drew back like folds of a cloak as Isaiah pulled up beside the sign. The man leaned down and gestured for Isaiah to roll down his window.

  ʺHello, Isaiah,ʺ said Dominic. He shifted his gaze to Serafina. Winked. The wink wasnʹt aimed at Isaiah but it still made him feel dirty. ʺHello, my dear.ʺ

  For some reason Isaiah wasnʹt in the least surprised to see that Dominic was here, or that he had somehow arrived before them.

  ʺIʹve done what you asked,ʺ Isaiah said. ʺJohnʹs dead, Serafinaʹs here.ʺ He squeezed her hand. Hoped she would know that he still intended to protect her.

  But he had to know.

  ʺWhereʹs Katherine?ʺ he asked. And his voice choked.

  Dominic shrugged. ʺWho knows?ʺ he said. ʺI lost track of her almost immediately.ʺ He looked up at the sky as though searching for answers in stars that could not be seen. ʺI can keep track of most people, but a few fall into my blind spots.ʺ

  Isaiah swallowed a knot that tried to claw its way up his throat. His control threatened to crack in a way it hadnʹt for years.

  ʺBut…I heard her. I heard her. I know it was her.ʺ He looked at Serafina. She appeared stricken, though she had only seen Katherine years ago and knew her not at all. ʺShe sang to me,ʺ he whispered.

  Dominic leaned in close. Almost through the open window. His mouth gaped and a pure song came out. ʺJesus love me, this I know….ʺ The voice wasnʹt his. Not the perfectly-enunciated baritone of a man of power. It was the lisping sound of a child. The halting tones of innocence.

  He smiled at Isaiahʹs confusion. Spoke again, and his voice changed once more. ʺI can speak with many voices, Isaiah,ʺ he said in a womanʹs voice. And Isaiah recognized it as one of those he had heard on the phone, one of those he had spoken to in order to ask for cars, ammunition.

  ʺMany voices, indeed,ʺ said Dominic. And this time the voice Isaiah heard was the most terrifying and terrible. This time it was his own.

  Isaiah resisted the urge to shrink back. ʺWhat are you?ʺ he said. But he feared he knew. ʺYouʹre the Dev–ʺ

  Dominic shook his head and waved. ʺNo, no, nothing so grand, my boy.ʺ He looked up again. Dark towers draped in flashing lights moved around them. They were ringed in now. Trapped. ʺThings have certainly gotten interesting these last few hours, havenʹt they?ʺ

  The thundering monsters came to rest. Solid walls of flesh that joined at the edges and became mountains that went up forever. It was just Dominic, Serafina, Isaiah, the small chapel, and the sign that marked the center of a country that had ceased to exist.

  And then the light.


  From: POTUS

  To: 'X'

  Sent: Saturday, June 1 3:12 PM

  Subject: Last Message

  I know where I am. I figured out who you are, and that helped. It made it obvious.

  Do you know how I finally figured it out? It wasnʹt the things you shouldnʹt know or the deals you helped me make or how good you still look after all these years. It wasnʹt even the fact that Iʹve had access to a single line of communication–these emails–even when everything else has shut down, and so could talk to you if needed.

  It was the times.

  I looked through all our archived communications. And even though all your personal information is encrypted and impossible to trace (a trick that always had my security people chewing the walls in frustration), there is one thing that you left alone: the time sta

  In all the years weʹve been communicating like this, all the hundreds and thousands of emails, you always answered immediately. Not quickly, instantly. If you deigned to reply, it came back within the same minute. It didnʹt matter if it was one line or ten pages, the response was always that fast.

  I never noticed that. Perhaps I never wanted to notice it.

  I feel better. More aware of what has happened, and what my part has been. Though I suspect this sanity and awareness are simply provided so that I can better suffer at your hands. That seems to be your style.

  I suspect you will not respond to this email. Because Iʹve already done my work and served my purposes for you. But I wanted you to know that I figured you out. I figured out that I was nothing to you. You used me, the way I hoped to use you, and jokeʹs on me for that.

  Jokeʹs on us all.


  The light seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at once. It blanketed Serafina just as completely as the mist had ever done, but with a far greater power. She closed her eyes and still saw it, white and pink sheets of brightness that caused fires to erupt in her mind.

  She suddenly remembered John, saving her.

  Herself, saving John.

  All the people she had ever watched over in the hospital, especially the ones who died.

  The look on her motherʹs face as she died outside the crack house. The smile.

  The fires died. The light dimmed.

  She opened her eyes.

  Isaiah was staring. ʺKatherine!ʺ he screamed. Then he threw his door open and tried to get out of the car so fast his limbs tangled up in one another and he ended up sprawled in the dirt at Dominicʹs feet. The man danced back and laughed.

  Isaiah didnʹt seem to notice. He only noticed the girl who had come from–where?–and was now standing in front of the car.


  Serafina knew it was her. Would have known even without Isaiahʹs reaction. The red hair, that skin so white. Even in a child they had been stunning, and now in a teenager they were more so. And the eyes…so blue.

  Both blue.

  That was wrong.

  Serafina felt herself getting out of the car as well, watching as Isaiah stumbled toward his daughter. Dominicʹs laughter danced around them with malicious glee.

  The eyes were both blue. Both clear. The clouding Serafina remembered was gone, as was the dreadful dip she had seen in the side of the girlʹs head. Katherine was whole and strong, and standing. Even if her brain and spine had been capable, her muscles shouldnʹt have been up to that.

  But she was tall, straight. Dressed in blue jeans and a white shirt, unadorned but looking for all the world like a…a…. Serafinaʹs mind rejected word after word before coming up with the only two that fit.



  Isaiah stopped in front of her. He didnʹt touch his daughter. Serafina ached for him as she realized he wouldnʹt; that even now he still held himself responsible for every ill she had suffered. Even now he had not forgiven.

  Katherine just looked at her adoptive father. Dominicʹs laughter grew louder, more jagged, and Serafina had the feeling that this was the moment they had all come for. This was the moment the world hinged upon.

  The laughter spiked. Serafina wanted to punch the man in the face.

  Isaiah fell to his knees in front of his daughter. He sobbed.

  Say something, Isaiah. Say something!

  She couldnʹt speak. The world was utterly still. The only sound was Dominicʹs cackling, an obscenity thrusting itself into what should be a holy moment.

  Isaiah reached out a hand. His head was bowed. ʺForgive me,ʺ he whispered.

  Dominicʹs laughter stopped. Just ceased like he was a toy whose batteries had been yanked out.

  Katherine shook her head. ʺI never will.ʺ

  Isaiah sobbed again. Serafina felt her heart drop. She also realized something was behind her. A new presence. But she couldnʹt look.

  Dominic began laughing again.

  Katherine took her fatherʹs hand. ʺOnly you can forgive yourself. I never will, because you havenʹt done anything that needs forgiving. You have none of my forgiveness, only my love.ʺ

  The presence behind Serafina moved. She felt a hand on her shoulder. ʺGo to them,ʺ said a voice she knew. She did. Turning her head as she went to make sure she hadnʹt been mistaken.

  John moved to stand beside Dominic. The older manʹs laughter ended. Slower this time, not a sudden cease but a slow ebbing to nothing. The end of Dominicʹs laughter was not dramatic or powerful, just weak and wheezing.

  ʺYou never should have done this,ʺ said John. ʺYou never should have tried to stop what had to be done.ʺ

  Dominic snarled. ʺNothing has to be done. Thatʹs your sideʹs line, not mine.ʺ He stepped back from John, mouth curled in disgust.

  Serafina saw Isaiah looking from one man to the other. ʺI donʹt know whatʹs happening,ʺ he murmured. Serafina could sympathize.

  ʺLeave,ʺ said John. A single word, quietly stated, but it felt like a lightning strike. A shattering instant of power, and all of it focused on Dominic.

  The man wilted. He seemed to fade from Serafinaʹs sight.

  Then his outlines firmed. ʺI figured out what you want for them,ʺ he said. ʺDo you think Iʹm stupid? But Iʹve made plans. Plans and backup plans and backup plans for my backup plans.ʺ He grinned and made a show of looking at his watch, then winked at Serafina. It made her feel like roaches were crawling over her eyes. ʺYou know what time it is in Washington, D.C.? Itʹs the end of the world, and weʹre at ground zero, baby. Iʹm taking you out–taking you all out. NOW.ʺ

  Dominic looked up at the sky.

  And nothing happened.


  From: POTUS

  To: 'X'

  Sent: Saturday, June 1 3:14 PM

  Subject: (REAL) Last Message

  Forgot to mention: I didnʹt set the nukes for Kansas. I set them for here. Figured itʹd be a better way to go than sitting with a bunch of dead men and ghosts.

  So…jokeʹs on you, Dominic. Iʹll see you soon.


  Isaiah watched it all, and it jumbled together in a mix that made no sense at all.

  Katherine: alive and well and whole.

  John: also alive, and apparently he knew Dominic and was not afraid of him.

  Dominic: throwing a fit like a spoiled toddler who has been banned from the worldʹs biggest candy store.

  The only thing he felt he understood was Serafina. She had rushed to his side, held his arm. She was, like Katherine, good. She was flesh and blood and the goodness of humanity. Something that he could hold onto not just for support but for hope.

  John laughed. Unlike Dominicʹs laugh, this one was a deep belly laugh that seemed to part the mists and allow more of that sourceless brightness among them.

  ʺI think itʹs time for you to leave,ʺ he said.

  ʺI donʹt want to,ʺ Dominic yowled.

  Isaiah strode forward. Gripped by sudden anger. ʺYou heard the man,ʺ he said. He reached for Dominicʹs shoulder, intent not just on removing the man, but killing him.

  He had sworn to do it, after all. And where justice was concerned, he had always been a man of his word.

  His fingers came down on Dominicʹs expensive suit. Closed. And grabbed…


  Isaiah looked at his hand, a fist that had nothing but air in its grasp. He reached for Dominic again, and again when he clutched at the man, he came up empty.

  Dominic laughed again. Not the harsh laughter of before, but a mad, jittery giggle. Isaiah thought of a child he had once saved, one whose father had beaten and raped him with dreadful regularity. The boy had sometimes laughed like this.

  So had the father.

  Dominic danced. His clothes, so immaculate, so perfect, were suddenly dusty and dark. ʺYou canʹt catch me,ʺ he said.

  ʺNo, they canʹt,ʺ said John. He looked at Isaiah. ʺGo back to your family,ʺ he said. When Isaiah hesitated, he added, ʺPlease.ʺ

  Isaiah nodded, and was already holding Katherine in one arm and Serafina under the other before he realized what John had said.

  Your family.

  John stared at Dominic. He raised his right hand. Brought it down.

  Darkness fell. Fast and full, a velvet curtain cut from blackest night. The everywhere light that had illuminated the fog was gone, as were the millions of blinking lights on the monstrous things all around them.

  Beside Isaiah, Serafina screamed in surprise and terror.

  Katherine was silent. She squeezed his hand. He didnʹt think it was fear, but rather that she was trying to give him courage. He was thankful.

  The light returned.

  John still stood nearby, but where Dominic had been there was only a dark-stained patch on the ground.

  The fog remained, but it was growing brighter. Thinner. Light–real light, natural light–seemed to be pushing through.

  ʺWho are you?ʺ said Serafina.

  John didnʹt answer for a while. Then he walked toward them. ʺEvery once in a while things grow so good and so bad that itʹs better to start over. I was sent to do that.ʺ

  ʺSo you werenʹt a soldier?ʺ said Isaiah. It was as much statement as question. John surprised him.

  ʺOh, I am a soldier. Dominic told the truth about that. He and others like him always tell as much truth as they can–itʹs easier to lie with half-truths.ʺ


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