Freeing Her (A Hart Brothers Novel Book 1)

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Freeing Her (A Hart Brothers Novel Book 1) Page 10

by A. M. Hargrove

  “Okay, okay,” Sky said. She stuck out her tongue.

  “So, at first I didn’t pay attention to this guy sitting two seats away from me, but eventually he started talking to me, and it turned into a three-way.”

  “What?” the girls shouted.

  “No! Not that kind of three-way! A three-way conversation, for Pete’s sake.”

  “Oh, for a minute there, I thought you landed on the dark side,” Cara said. “We don’t even do that.”

  “Ha, you wish I had that kind of sordid tale to tell.”

  “Yeah, I actually do.” She giggled.

  “Well, as the night wore on, I got super trashed. I honestly don’t remember much, other than calling him Skippy.”

  Sky laughed. “Skippy? Why’d you call him Skippy?”

  Gabby shook her head. “Beats the hell outta me. But then the next thing I knew, he was waking me up and I’m in this amazing room in his home.”

  “His bed? Ohmygawd!” Sky grabbed Gabby’s wrist and squeezed it. Hard.

  “Ouch! No, not his bed! A guest room in his penthouse on 5th Avenue.”

  “Oh. Well, that’s boring,” Sky said, pouting.

  “A penthouse on 5th Avenue is boring?”

  “Not that part. The guest room part.”

  “What? Did you expect me to hop in the sack with some dude that I nicknamed Skippy? He could’ve been a serial killer or an animal hater or something.”

  “Yeah, but he wasn’t. He was Kolson Hart,” Cara said with a sly grin.

  “Okay, Cara, I know that now, but I didn’t then. Heck, I didn’t even know I was in a stranger’s house until he barged in and I found my skirt up to my nose and my ass hanging out for the world to see. And you should’ve seen him checking me out.”

  “Oh, yeah?” The two women stared at Gabby, panting like pups waiting for a biscuit.

  “Damn, you two are bad.” Gabby dabbed Sky’s chin with a napkin.

  “What’re you doing?”

  “Wiping up the drool.”

  “So then what? Have you seen him again?” Cara asked.

  “Yeah, we’ve gone out to dinner a few times. And get this. He has one of his men watching me and driving me around. Like a bodyguard or something.”

  “Get the fuck out of town,” Cara said. “Is he a stalker?”

  “No, it’s more like he’s protecting me.”

  “Um, from what? Himself?” Sky asked.

  “Well, that’s the complicated part. I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Oh no, you don’t,” Cara said. “What the hell is going on that you need protecting because I can get J.D. to put someone …”

  “No, that’s not necessary,” Gabby interrupted. “I don’t need your pimp’s help. Kolson was just worried that when I ran in the early morning, it wasn’t safe. You know, it’s still kinda dark, that kind of thing.”

  “Well, dang, Gabs, he’s right,” Sky said. “If Ryder knew you were doing that, he’d kill you himself. What the heck are you thinking?”

  “I know, I know. I’ve got it handled.”

  Cara asked, “How? You’re not doing anything crazy, are you?”

  “No,” Gabby grinned. “Kolson runs with me now.”

  “Hot damn! So, what’s he like?” Sky asked.

  Gabby gave them a dreamy smile. “Um, in a nutshell, he’s damn gorgeous. Tall, a body to die for, blondish hair and eyes I can’t describe. They’re a blend of gray, green, and brown.”

  “You mean hazel?” Cara offered.

  “No. It’s like they’re sort of striped or something. Hard to explain. You have to see them.”

  “Is he an alien?” Sky asked.

  “Very funny. And he’s built. Muscles, but not busting-out-of-his-skin muscles.”

  Cara asked, “But what’s he like like?”

  “He’s intense. Amazing. Protective. He’s sweet. He even went to the hospital on one of the nights I worked a shift and stayed there with me. All because he wanted to spend time with me. I think he cares about me.”

  “Whoa! All that.” Cara said. “So, you’re dating then?”

  “I guess you could call it that. We’ve been out a few times.”

  “Well, that’s a good start. You don’t want to move in with the guy or anything. Nice and slow is best. What’s he like in bed?”

  “Cara!” Gabby said. “I can’t believe you’d ask that.”

  “Why not? That’s an important part of a relationship.”


  “Well?” Cara prodded.

  “We haven’t slept together yet.”

  “Hmm. Interesting. He really does like you.”

  Gabby’s head popped up. “Why do you say that?”

  “Jeez, you’re naive. If he didn’t give a shit about you, he’d have slept with you right away. And then he may have thought about seeing you again or maybe not. If he keeps hanging around you and he hasn’t slept with you, he is completely interested in you. Use your freaking brain, girl. You are supposed to be a psychiatrist.”

  “Yeah, but I’m a total loser when it comes to my own personal relationships.”

  Sky nodded. “I agree with Cara. Keep doing what you’re doing because it seems to be working. You’re charming him. And slow is good.”

  “I don’t know. I don’t think he does anything slow. And I’m sure everything is on his terms. Hey, you all ready for another?”

  “Yep, and tonight is on me!” Sky announced. She signaled to the bartender to bring another round.

  An hour later, the girls were laughing louder and Cara decided it would be good to order some food. As they ate, Gabby decided she needed another drink.

  “Let me order for you,” Sky said.

  Gabby gave her a suspicious look. “Uh-huh. No way. I’m not a fan of those sweet drinks you always get. Like tequila sunrises. Who drinks those, anyway?”

  Sky’s hand shot up in the air as she hollered, “I do!”

  “How ’bout a mai tai?” Cara shouted.

  “Ew, no. I hate rum. I want a vodka drink.”

  “I know, order a Sugar Tit. They make those special here.”

  Gabby looked at Sky like she was nuts. “You’re either severely crazy or trying to make a fool out of me.”

  “No! I’m totally serious. Here, I’ll ask the bartender.” And she did. Gabby was surprised to find Sky had been right. They had a drink called a Sugar Tit, made with vodka, pineapple and orange juices, and club soda, the glass rimmed in sugar and a red cherry dropped on top—hence the name. They also put in chunks of fresh pineapple and orange.

  “Okay, what the heck. If I don’t like it, I’ll switch to Martians.”

  As more drinks were downed, Gabby shared a bit more about Kolson. But then she slipped up and mentioned Danny and the note on her mirror, which opened the gates to trouble. Sky already knew the basics, but Cara wanted to tell J.D. so he could put one of his bouncers on her. Then they insisted that Gabby move in with one of them. It was a mess.

  “Whoa! Stop! Calm down everyone. Now listen up. The only way I’ll move in with one of you is if you give up your profession. Sky, you know Ryder will be happier if you do. And Cara, I know there is someone out there for you, too. But you won’t know because you’re always with a customer. And besides, that’s why Sam is following me.”

  “Who the hell is Sam?” Cara asked.

  “He’s Kolson’s guy.”

  Sky held up her hands. “Okay, this is creepy. You have this hot rich dude that you don’t know a whole lot about fretting over you and putting a bodyguard on you. And then you have a creepy cousin stalking you, writing notes in lipstick on your bathroom mirror. What the hell, Gabby? Two months ago you led the most boring life around. So, what are you gonna do?”

  Gabby laughed. And laughed harder. Then she raised her glass and said, “I’m gonna propose a toast. To all the women who have crazy cousins stalking them and hot rich dudes trying to protect them. Here’s to more Sugar Tips!”

hey’re Sugar Tits!” Cara and Sky said in unison.

  “They sure are!” Gabby said as they broke out in giggles. “And I need another one.”

  The music had picked up so the girls decided to dance. Gabby shouted, “Do you think we’ll get in trouble for dancing?”

  “Yeah, they’re gonna call the dance police!”

  They laughed but then Gabby started thinking. “You know, they probably will and put me in dance jail, because here I am dancing next to you two—dance pros. It’s not fair.” She made a pouty face.

  “You dance great. Look at the way you move your hips,” Sky said.

  Cara watched Gabby and nodded. “Yeah, girl, you know how to work it.”

  “Maybe, but only a little. But I have one thing going for me. I bet my Sugar Tits are really popping out!” She didn’t realize that Cara and Sky had not only ignored her little joke but they had also stopped dancing. Instead, they stared at the tall specimen of manhood that stood directly behind Gabby as she howled over her little joke. She finally noticed their silence.

  “What? Don’t you like my Sugar Tits? Oh, I get it. You’re jealous! Ha! All this time, I’ve been jealous of you and all your man-tales and the way you shake your booties. And you Sky, with your Ryder accounts, making me drool with envy and now you guys are totally over the top jelly of my Sugar Titties.” Then she lowered her arms and squished her boobs together, making her cleavage look immense.

  Laughing, she leaned into the bar to grab her drink when a warm hand clamped around her wrist and a deep voice hummed in her ear. “I think you’ve had quite enough.” She turned her head slightly and found herself staring at those magnificent eyes, though now they were darkened with unspecified emotion.

  “Well, look who’s here.” Standing up straight, she announced to her friends, “Hey, everyone, this is Holson Kart.” She smacked her mouth with three fingers and said again, “Kolson Hart. And this is Ky and Scara.” She didn’t bother to correct her second error. He looked at the girls and dipped his head once in acknowledgement, for it would have been rude for him to do otherwise, but that was it.

  Then his eyes went straight back to Gabby. “Say goodbye to your friends. We’re leaving.”

  “What? But I want more Sugar Titties.”

  “You have plenty, kea. Trust me, you don’t need any more.” He glanced down at her chest as he spoke.

  “But I’m not ready to leave yet.” Gabby pouted.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll make it worth your while.”

  “Oh? And how’re you gonna do that?”

  His hand was still locked around her wrist, not painfully, but she knew he meant business. Then he bent toward her ear and whispered, her face flushing as her free hand flew to her cheek. The corners of his mouth curved up slightly while Cara and Sky eyed the two of them curiously.

  His body was a sentinel, looming over hers, yet Gabby didn’t mind one bit. In fact, she rather enjoyed her physical reaction to him, like he let off a static charge and the fine hairs on her body paid homage to him. Her eyes targeted his lips and all she wanted to do was taste them again, so that’s precisely what she did. Kolson wasn’t a man who was often caught off guard, but Gabby had the element of surprise when she threw her arm around his neck and lunged.

  It wasn’t a tentative test-the-waters kind of kiss. It was an explosive, take-control type. Body armor: gone. Weapons: tossed aside. Gloves: ripped away. She didn’t give a damn about caution or preliminaries. Cara and Sky were dumbfounded for they had never seen Gabby in action. As for Kolson, he didn’t demur one bit. His hand released her wrist and both his arms yanked her against him, lifting her off her feet and imprisoning her against his larger frame. It was so erotic that even Cara and Sky panted.

  Cara eventually stuck her face up to the couple and said, “Get a room.”

  Gabby’s hands were tangled in Kolson’s hair when the kiss ended. She said, voice sexed up, “Maybe we should.”

  Kolson turned to Gabby’s friends and said, “Good night, ladies. It was a pleasure meeting you.” And then he walked out toting Gabby in his arms.

  Once outside, Kolson asked, “Why did you go out without letting me know where you’d be? Especially after what happened today?”

  The question stumped her. Was she supposed to tell him her every move?

  “I didn’t know I was supposed to.”

  He stopped walking. “Conversation is impossible with that damn mouth staring me in the face. Either I put you down or we kiss again. Which will it be, Gabriella?”

  “Kiss me, Kolson.”

  “I’m going against my better judgment here. You’re intoxicated.”

  She pulled his face toward hers and was satisfied when she heard him groan. “Wrap your legs around me. I want you to feel what you do to me.” And then his lips met hers again. But this time they teased her, tasted, nibbled, and grazed until she squirmed against him, moaning.

  He murmured against her mouth, “Hush, Gabriella. I let you have your way with me the last kiss. This one’s all mine.”

  He moved until her back was against the rough concrete of a building and skimmed her with his lips. He brushed them across the apple of her cheek, sending ripples of heat over her body. Though his touch was delicate, she shivered violently as her body reacted to him.

  His lips left a heated trail down to the corner of her mouth and then moved to her neck. She could feel the stubble of his cheek, the roughness as it scratched her soft skin, but she didn’t mind. In fact, the masculine feel made it more appealing. Gabby thought she must’ve been drugged because her senses were in hyperdrive. She inhaled his fresh, clean, slightly spicy fragrance. His touch and the way he held her body against his was possessive yet protective and sexy at the same time, and it sent her heart straight into her throat. That he was pleasing to look at was a given. The way he felt beneath her hands, hard but smooth, made her fingers tingle. Had she been a braver soul, she would’ve ripped his shirt, slid her hands under the fabric, and had her way with him.

  By now, Kolson’s lips had worked her into a frenzy as they brushed over and around her neck. Gabby couldn’t think straight as she was damn near hyperventilating. When he lifted his head, he slid his finger over her brow and said, “Gabriella, open your eyes.”

  Dazed, she stared at him like a brainless fool, incapable of words. His hair was bunched in her fists and she didn’t recall doing that. Gabby knew one thing: she wanted to sleep with this man. Tonight.

  “Take me home.”

  “That was my intention. But you distracted me.”

  “That was my intention. Glad it worked.”

  “Shall I carry you?”

  “I think I’m capable of walking.”

  “Are you sure? Those Sugar Tits …”

  Gabby groaned. He set her down as he chuckled. With his arm around her, he walked her to the waiting car.

  Gabby was surprised when Sam drove them to her place, but she got out and Kolson followed. When they got to her apartment, he unlocked her door, turned on the lights, and checked things out. Then he said, “Sleep tight, Gabriella.”


  “I said …”

  “I know what you said. I thought …”

  “And I know what you thought, but that’s not how this works.”

  “I don’t …”

  “Good night, beautiful Gabriella.” His brow furrowed as he looked at her, as though he fought with the desire to stay. But he turned and left her standing by her door, alone.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “You’ve got to be kidding me!” Sky yelled into the phone.

  “Ouch! Don’t scream so loud, and no, I’m not kidding. That’s exactly what happened. I’m lying here all alone. Me, my horny self, and I. Well, I’m not really horny anymore. More like hungover.”

  “What the hell is wrong with him?”

  “He must not want me, I guess,” Gabby said.

  “He didn’t want to take advantage of you. That’s what it was. You were

  “No I wasn’t. I was feeling good. I was feeling damn good.”

  “You were toasted. Come on. Be glad he was looking out for you.”

  “You’re absolutely right and I’m feeling sorry for myself that I let a great opportunity slip through my fingers. The truth of it is I never want to sleep with anyone, but I want to sleep with Kolson.”

  “You will and when you do, the time will be right,” Sky said.

  “Is this coming from experience?”

  “Gosh no! Don’t ever think that. My experience is so awful. Well, except for Ryder and I’d do anything for him. You know that. I’m just saying that I think this guy has a ton of respect for you and when the time is right, it’ll happen.”

  Gabby covered her face with a pillow. “Oh, God. Did I make a fool of myself? Did I throw myself at him? I have this vision of pouncing on him.”

  “Girl, you were hot. You even had me squirming. And it takes a lot to make me do that.”

  “Oh gawd. I’m so embarrassed.”

  “Don’t be. The man ate it up like cotton candy.”


  “Listen, I have to meet Ryder in five minutes, so I gotta head out. Let me know what happens with all this.”

  “You know I will.”

  Gabby pulled her wretched ass out of bed and made coffee. After downing a quick cup, she headed out for a leisurely run to expunge the Sugar Tits and the rest of the toxins from her body. Why the hell did she let Sky and Cara talk her into drinking that sweet stuff? She shuddered at the memory.

  It was Saturday, around nine, so she didn’t have to worry about getting mugged in the dark. Leaving her building, she made a drag-assed beeline for the park.

  Humming as she moved along, she tried to unravel the events of the previous night. It wasn’t that easy, because her alcohol-addled mind didn’t allow her to produce a solid picture. But one thing was clear: those kisses were earth-rocking. And she would’ve let him climb into her bed and into her without hesitation. Maybe he didn’t like his women sloppy drunk. If that were true, who could blame him? But then again, he sure didn’t push her away, either.

  Her phone vibrating in her pocket shook her out of her reverie. Pulling it out, she nearly lost her footing when she read the text. It was from Danny: Where the fuck are you, you little cunt? I’ve been waiting for you and I know where you live. 333 East 86th. Don’t keep me waiting too long or you know what’s gonna happen.


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