Freeing Her (A Hart Brothers Novel Book 1)

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Freeing Her (A Hart Brothers Novel Book 1) Page 20

by A. M. Hargrove

  “Kolson, the last thing I feel like doing right now is smile.”

  “You’re right. That was insensitive of me. Why don’t we go home and have a relaxing evening?”

  “I was going to go to the medical library at the hospital tonight to catch up on my journal reading. I’m so far behind. And now I won’t be able to concentrate.”

  “It’s my fault you’re behind, isn’t it?”

  “No! I’ve been busier than usual.”

  “Gabriella, you don’t have to soften the blow. I know I’ve been occupying more of your time lately. Come on. Gather your things and let’s get out of here. You need food and maybe after you eat, you’ll feel like doing a bit of reading.”

  On the way home, Kolson did a little probing on how to make it easier on Gabby to read her journals. The next day when she went to work, an iPad was delivered to her office and on it were all her subscriptions to her medical journals.

  Hands fumbling for her phone, it took her three times to hit Kolson’s number because of her excitement.


  “Oh my God. Oh my God. I can’t believe you. You crazy man. You are amazing!”

  Kolson leaned back in his chair and found himself smiling at his phone. “I can only assume by your erratic sentences that you received the iPad.”

  “Yes! Thank you! You’ve made me the happiest woman alive.”

  “Well, damn. If I’d known all it took was a mere iPad, I’d have done that long ago. But wait. I thought my amazing finesse in the sack did that.”

  Gabby giggled. “Stop. You know what I mean. And you went a little crazy on the journal subscriptions, didn’t you? That’s a lot of money. Those are expensive.”

  “Kea, you’re worth way more than that. I see how hard you work and it’s important for you to stay abreast of things. This will make it easier for you. I wanted my favorite girl to be happy. Besides, this means she’ll be able to spend more time with me. Ulterior motives and all.”

  “Oh, so that’s how it works. But damn. Addiction, American Journal of Psychiatry, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, Archives of General Psychiatry, Neuropsychopharmocology, Evidence Based Mental Health. That’s some kind of reading stack you have for me. I’m impressed.”

  “It’s not that much. If you need more, let me know.”

  “Oh, that’s plenty. Trust me.”

  “Gabriella, I do trust you.”

  “Thank you, Kolson. I, uh, I think I would be in deep trouble without you.”

  “The feeling’s mutual. Listen, I need to go, but I’ll see you in a little while.”

  # # #

  Two weeks passed in a blur and it was moving day. Since Gabby’s office was so tiny, the move was a cinch. Kolson had two men from HTS take care of it for her. The biggest issue was her personal office, which consisted of her desk and file cabinets. The rest was only a few chairs and kitchen items.

  As for her apartment, Kolson and Gabby argued over it. He insisted on buying her new furniture. He wanted her to have new bedroom furniture since the things she currently had were old, from her college days. He thought it was time to move on. She disagreed. She liked her shabby chic things and wanted to keep them. In the end, she won, and he sent his men to move them. He had to agree; her things were cute. She’d painted and sanded them, giving them a rustic, stylish look.

  Gabby smiled all day long as she set up her new living quarters, and Kolson sat in her only chair and chuckled at her. He couldn’t imagine living in something so cramped again. He had at one time, when he’d left his father and started out with nothing, but to go back, he knew it would be difficult. But watching Gabby gave him a new appreciation for things. She literally was giddy. And it made him happy to see her happy. It also made him want to give her things. Lots of things.

  “If you could have anything in the world, anything at all, what would it be?”

  “World peace.”


  She laughed. “There was a movie a while back where this girl was an undercover FBI agent posing as a beauty pageant contestant and when it came time for her to answer the million-dollar question, that was what she said.” Gabby giggled. “It was hilarious because the character was so not a pageant type and she didn’t know what the hell she was doing.”

  “Oh.” He looked positively confused.

  “Oh my God. You don’t get it, do you?”

  “Not a bit.”

  “I was kidding. I don’t know. You’re asking me something I can’t answer. The question’s too out there for me.”

  “Well, think about it.”


  He stood and moved to her. She was standing next to the bed so he grabbed her around the waist and she tumbled down on top of him.

  “Because maybe I want to give you the world, kea.” His lips touched hers softly. “You are so overjoyed by the smallest things. It makes me happy to see you happy.”

  “I don’t need things to make me happy. This, you and I being together, makes me happy. Moments such as this make me ecstatic. Materialistic things don’t make me happy. Touching you is what brings me joy. For most of my life, I didn’t have any of this.” Her fingers danced over his cheeks and then into his hair. “Or this.” She kissed him. “You make me happy, Kolson.”

  “Say that again.”

  “You make me happy, Kolson.”

  “God, Gabriella. No one has ever made me as happy as you have. Some days I want to walk out of my office and come straight to yours, grab your hand, and do all sorts of crazy shit. Act like we’re twelve. Do things we should’ve been doing when we were teenagers but never did because we were living fucked-up lives. I want to do so many things with you. But then I stop myself because I’m afraid I’ll scare you off. Or that you’ll think I’m a freak. Or that I’m moving too fast. I’ve never wanted anything like this before or anything this badly.”

  She laced her fingers with his and held on fiercely. “Do them, Kolson. Do every one of them. I won’t run. And you won’t scare me off. I swear you won’t.” Her eyes burned into his as she spoke and his heart expanded like it never had before. It was in that moment that Kolson knew he was falling in love with Gabriella Martinelli. And he prayed she was falling in love with him.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Kolson and Gabby met with the attorneys to discuss the avenues regarding Gabby’s case against Danny.

  Stan Harrison, the lead attorney, said, “Dr. Martinelli, I have to be honest with you here. Even though you can get those X-rays and a psych evaluation and there is the fact that you tried to take your life, I’m not sure how far that will take us.” Stan paused and hated what he had to tell her next. “The problem we have is that you never filed a police report on the rapes so if that wasn’t done, technically, a crime was never committed in the eyes of the law. We may be able to file a civil suit, particularly against your parents, but I think that’s as far as we’ll be able to take it. I do recommend you have the X-rays and the evaluation done, in case your cousin tries something, since he is stalking you. You’ll be one step ahead of the game.

  Kolson was one gigantic stretch of unyielding steel. He watched Stan with interest but was not pleased with his statement. Danny would always be an issue for Gabby, blocking her ability to move freely without fear.

  “So what you’re saying is she has no recourse at all.”

  Stan looked at both of them and nodded. “Unless she wants to file a civil suit against her parents.”

  She sighed. “I don’t know if this is all worth it.”

  Kolson leaned forward and grabbed her hand. “It would be a start, kea.”

  “He’s right, Dr. Martinelli. And considering the fact that your parents abused you, this is truly the best way I see. The other thing, and I hate to bring this up, is if he ever acts, we’re already ahead of the game, like I said before.”

  “Absolutely,” Kolson agreed.

  “Okay, if you think this is my only option.” Gabby wasn’t altogether comfo
rtable with this, but everyone else was advising her to do it, and as a psychiatrist, it was what she would advise her patients to do.

  “So do you want me to arrange the X-rays?” Stan asked.

  “Please. Can we use Lenox Hill?”


  “I want this to stay away from my professional interests.”

  “Dr. Martinelli, I need to mention this. You do realize that if this goes to court, it will most likely catapult your career.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You were sexually molested as a young girl by a family member. The act was ignored and denied by your parents. You then tried to commit suicide, and they still turned the tables on you. But you persevered. Not only did you persevere, you went to a very prestigious medical school and became a psychiatrist to aid the kinds of patient you once were. You will become a media icon. I’m only telling you this because once this trial hits, you are going to become the darling of the news. The beautiful, tragic story of the girl who rose from the ashes.”

  “Oh hell to the fucking no!”

  Stan and Kolson looked at her and then Kolson laughed.

  “How can you laugh?” she asked, indignant.

  “I’m laughing at your choice of expletives. ‘Hell to the fucking no?’ I don’t think I’ve ever quite heard it put that way.”

  “Well, I’ve never quite felt this way, so yeah, hell to the fucking no. I don’t want to be in the media or the news.”

  “Welcome to my world, kea.”

  “What will I do? Is there any way to stop it?”

  “We can try, Dr. Martinelli. But this will be pretty damn big.” Stan looked at Kolson.

  Kolson leaned closer to her and took her hand in his. “First things first. Let’s take this one step at a time before you start worrying about the news.”

  “Yeah. You’re right.”

  As they walked to Kolson’s car after the meeting, he said, “I think it’s time we set you up with a full-time bodyguard. I’m not comfortable with you on your own.”

  “But I have Sam, Ovaltine, and Eddie.”

  “And they’re fine, but they drive you around. I want someone with you in your office and someone escorting you; I think it’s wise so you’re not alone. Just being safe. And please allow me to satisfy myself here. That will make it easier on me so I don’t spend my days worrying about you.”

  She was thoughtful for a moment. “Okay, but when I’m at work in my new office, I’m good. With Case and the guys around …”

  Kolson turned to her and put his hands on her shoulders. “Gabriella, it’s not Case’s job to guard you. I know he loves you, but he has a business to run. He shouldn’t have to make sure someone is there all the time to keep an eye on you. Besides, he has a receptionist out front to worry about. It’s comforting to know there’s a professionally trained guard taking care of you.”

  When stated like that, Gabby almost felt guilty not letting him hire one.

  “Fair point. So when will this start?”

  “Today. We have plenty at the company. You’ll use one of them.”

  “Okay, boss.”

  “You think you’re funny, don’t you.”

  # # #

  Two weeks later, Kolson was in his office when a call came through from Stan Harrison.

  “Mr. Hart, I have all the X-rays and the radiologist’s report. I’ll send them to your home so you and Dr. Martinelli can look over everything together.”

  “Why not send it to me?”

  “Uh, Mr. Hart, I don’t want you to see it without her. Sir, it’s pretty bad.”

  Kolson’s grip tightened on his phone. “Exactly how bad?”

  “Much worse than I imagined, and if I were to guess, I’ll bet that even Dr. Martinelli has forgotten a lot of it. Or maybe forced herself to block it out.”

  “Okay. Send it by courier and we’ll go over it together.”

  “She’ll need you there with her. If it were me, I’m not sure I’d want to review it alone.”

  “Fuck me.”

  “That’s what I said when I read it, sir.”

  Kolson decided against mentioning it to Gabby. He’d just call her up and ask her to eat dinner at his place.

  # # #

  Gabby was surprised to find Kolson home before her. He was waiting on her when she walked off the elevator.

  “Hi, gorgeous.” He took her briefcase and purse and handed her a glass of wine.

  “Hey, there.” She leaned in for a kiss. “Mmm, that’s nice.”

  “Yes, always.”

  “Come.” He led her into the den where the large gold envelope sat on the coffee table.

  “What’s that?”

  “Your X-rays, along with the radiologist’s report. They came in today. I haven’t read it or looked at any of it. I waited for you.”

  “I see.” Her body stiffened. “I’m … I …”

  “I’ve got you, and I’ll always have you. You don’t have to look. I wanted you to have the opportunity, but if you don’t want to …”

  “No. I do. It’s just that, I …” She swallowed the thickness and rubbed the ache in her chest. “The pain, not the physical but the emotional, you know. My parents, how they …” She shivered.

  He turned to her and said, “I’m here. Gabriella, I believe in you. I know you as a person. I know how much you hurt. Trust me. Let me be your strength.”

  “Okay.” She took a deep breath. “Let’s do this.”

  He pulled out the films but she said, “You don’t have to bother with those. The lighting isn’t good enough and the report will tell us all we need.”

  He stuffed them back in and took out the papers. They bent their heads together and started reading.

  They read through it all. Gabby tallied nineteen separate rib fractures, several bone fractures in her left wrist and arm, several fingers, both nasal bones, and two broken clavicles. By the end Kolson was wound up so tightly, he was ready to spring.

  “That motherfucker has to die. And then, so do your motherfucking parents. How could they not see this?”

  “I hid a lot of it.” Her voice was muted.


  “After a while, I hid most of it. He’d hit me in places that didn’t show. So I hid it. The stuff I thought would heal on its own.”

  “How the hell’d you do that?” he bellowed.

  She cowered from him and he immediately reacted.

  “Shit, I’m sorry. The last thing you need is to have to deal with a maniacal boyfriend.” His hands plowed through his hair. “Fuck!”

  She bowed her head into her hands, thinking back. Most of it had been relegated to the furthest reaches of her mind. But this had kicked it to the front row and it was doing a standing ovation complete with confetti and streamers. Oh, how she recalled the pain. How she could barely breathe as she would lie in her bed at night. She crossed her arms and rubbed her sides, the places that used to ache so terribly.

  “They accused me of making things up so I hid it from them after a while. The bruises were mainly in areas that were covered by clothes. They couldn’t see them. Soon I stopped crying about it because it only caused me more trouble.” Her eyes took on a haunted look. “I stopped crying altogether. That was one of my psychiatrist’s goals. To learn to cry again. Do you know I haven’t cried since I was fifteen?” She gave him a weak smile.

  “Not at all?”

  “Never. Not even when my dog, Ethel, died. And I loved that dog more than anything.”


  “I don’t know. I can’t. Sometimes it feels as though it’ll happen, like the burn is right in my eyes, but then it goes away. My psychiatrist thought it was because of the trauma I endured and that once I let it all go I would be able to face everything again. But my opinion is that it has to do with vulnerability. It was safer for me not to cry. I built such a solid wall that I got used to stopping the tears. Whatever the case, Danny knew it. He would punch and kick me and try his damnedes
t to make me cry. But I wouldn’t. I think that’s why I had so many broken ribs.”

  “Goddamn him!” Kolson wanted to punch something. Anything. Just to let off the building steam. He stuffed everything back in the envelope. “Let’s get out of here for a while.”

  “Fine with me. But where?”

  “Hang on a second.” He got up and went to his office. In a few minutes he was back again. “Come on, let’s go.” He offered his hand and she grasped it.

  “Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  They rode the elevator down to the garage and got in his car.

  “Any hints?” she asked.

  “We’re going for a little ride. We both need a change of scenery.”

  They pulled up in front of HTS.

  “Isn’t this where you work?” she asked.

  “Yeah, this is my building.”

  “You taking me on a tour?”

  “Kind of.” He pulled into the underground garage and rode the elevator up. And up. When they got out on the top floor, a helicopter awaited. The rotors were spinning; it was windy and extremely loud. He took her hand and pulled her to the passenger door, where a man stood holding it open.

  They climbed inside and Kolson handed Gabby a headset and turned it on. He put on his own and they were greeted by the pilot.

  “Good evening, Mr. Hart, Dr. Martinelli.”

  “Hi, Steven. Thanks for coming on such short notice. We won’t take up much of your time. Only about an hour or so.”

  “Not a problem at all, sir. So you want the greatest aerial tour of Manhattan, sir?”

  “Give my lady the best show you can.”

  “Coming right up. Enjoy the ride, Dr. Martinelli.”

  “Thank you, Steven.”

  “My pleasure, ma’am.”

  Kolson buckled Gabby’s harness and the craft lifted off. She gripped his hand as they went. “Oh my God! I can’t believe you.”

  He grinned at her.

  Gabby gawked out of both windows as Steven began his flight pattern over the seven boroughs of New York. Her head swiveled while Kolson laughed at the picture she made.


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