The Guardian: A NOVEL

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The Guardian: A NOVEL Page 19

by Pamela Ann

  I had meant to voice out the question lingering in my mind, too, but the severe expression on his face halted me from spouting it off. “Tonight—I had planned to give him my body tonight…after the party.”

  “How will you achieve that if your cunt is leaking with my nut after I’m done with you?” he viciously spat at me. “Will you not care if he tastes you with my cream dripping out of your used cunt?”

  Aghast, I was left to wonder why he was being so crude and brutal. Had it not been him proposing such notions before? Had it not been him encouraging me to date other men? At first, I was truly against it, but Wyatt already knew me. There was no need for false pretenses. Wyatt knew I was in love with Jared. So, when he broached the subject of “helping to distract me” with his skilled expertise, it was difficult to turn him down. Desperate as I was to forget about Jared even for a short time, I caved in to what brokenhearted women did to alleviate their ache—another man’s touch.

  But seemingly, the man who caused my despair didn’t see it otherwise. “I’m not going to. I won’t go through with it anymore.”

  He remained unconvinced. His cock pulsated inside of me before he ruthlessly shoved his hip, making the tip go painfully past the opening of my cervix as he wrathfully gazed down on me like some darkened knight meaning to cause destruction. Nostrils flaring, he gritted his teeth, merciless as ever. “You swore this body belongs to me, yet you freely give it away to any man licking your cunt. Is that the kind of woman you are, sweet wife?”

  His dark, unforgiving demeanor made me tremble and aroused me simultaneously. There was no mistaking it; he was jealous. So, he lashed out, punishing me the best way he knew how, the perfect tactic he conquered seamlessly—by letting his cock exact revenge on my body. This was why he came here today. Not because it was my birthday, but this…branding me as his, marking his territory.

  Jared had no need for such measures. “I love no other man but you,” I bravely stated again, hoping my words would get through his stubborn head. “No more guys, I promise. From now on, I’m exclusively yours.”

  He unabashedly scowled at me. “Oh, how sweetly you lie to me.”

  Without any warning, Jared lifted my body with my back still leaning against the wall while his cock gave limitless access to my depths. My arms clung onto his neck as I gazed upon my dark knight, ready for him to conquer me. Grip secured on my hips, he thrust roughly, penetrating farther than before, reaching the deepest recesses of my womb. I felt his monstrous girth expanding my insides, my body straining, shifting to accommodate his demanding size.

  “You’re a fucking beast. You’re splitting me open,” I wailed, momentum picking up speed, relentlessly punishing me with his manhood as he ceaselessly slammed into my swollen walls.

  “I’m coming inside you,” he harshly grunted out, fucking in and out my pussy as he hammered me into the wall.

  Fuck, that was the hottest thing I’d ever heard him say to me.

  My reply was lost on me as our lips met, kissing feverishly, effectively muffling our grunts and moans as we came apart together. We clung onto each other as he gradually lowered my body, but his cock stayed lodged, throbbing in my thighs.

  Cupping my face, he chastely kissed my forehead, my cheeks, the tip of my nose before brushing a soft one on my swollen lips. “Happy birthday, wife,” he murmured with a smile. “Your gift is on your side table. Open it first thing tomorrow.”

  “You didn’t have to get me anything—this…” I made an emphasis by constricting my vaginal muscles, choking his girth as he groaned in pure ecstasy. “This is all I’ve ever wanted. You—just you…It’s all I’ll ever crave, and it’s all I’ll ever need.”

  “You’re quite easy to please. I love that about you.”

  His half-mast length began to grow again. I didn’t stop him when he lifted my leg as he devoured my lips, aiming for another round. His lovemaking wasn’t as rough, but the intensity persisted. We were bewitched, clinging, kissing, mad for each other. I had given him my all, countering his movements just as passionately. Lacking words, Jared showed my body just how greatly he wanted me. I clung on to that hope, believing there may be a future for us someday.

  After loading his semen into my womb for the second time, I peered at him with a half-lidded gaze, drunk off his passion. “When do I get to see you again?”

  He tenderly caressed my cheek before dipping his head close to my ear, licking my lobe. “You’ll see me when we leave for Tokyo.”

  He was serious, too. Headquarters was fifteen minutes away. Surely, he could spare time to drop by to say hello, or was that too much for him? “Why so long?” I cautiously probed.

  His tongue hadn’t strayed from my ear when he panted out his answer. “Because each time I see you, this is all I want to do.” His cock remained glued in my passage, seemingly at home enveloped in my wet warmth.

  “I don’t mind it. I encourage you to indulge as much as you desire.” I grinned, sated in post-coital bliss.

  “Don’t tempt me for a third round. You have a party to attend.” He groaned, madly grinning as he playful bit my ear. “I’ll take the side exit so I don’t have to run into your boyfriend.”

  “He’s not my boyfriend.”

  As he brought his face close to mine, something flashed in his eyes, meticulously analyzing me.

  Ignoring his probing eyes, I bit my lip as I coquettishly pressed my breasts against his chest, making sure my nipples brushed against his torso before bringing my lips close to his ear. “Are you sure you don’t want to continue this…” I murmured seductively, dangling my bait, hoping to lure him to indulge in the pleasure of my body soon.

  “We can’t. You know I can’t,” he replied with a strangled voice, battling his inner demons.

  Damn him. Did he come here to punish me and leave me wanting? What was I to do for the next six weeks until I saw him again, play the fiddle? At night, when I was all alone in such a massive house, that was when I got restless. Surely, he could afford a few days to come back to me.

  “Yet that didn’t stop you from ravaging me and coming inside me twice.”

  “Stop me next time…”

  “I would never. I want you too much.” Chasing him had been a thrill, but it was becoming exhausting. My heart questioned my sanity, wondering when this whole tedious obsession would grind to a stopping halt. But tonight…after capturing him as he lavished on my body, surely that entailed something significant, right? And if it were the case, fighting and waiting for him to come to his senses maybe would be worth it in the end. It had to be worth it, or it would all be for naught. I had to believe. It was all I had left. “Someday, Jared…Someday, you’re going to be mine.”

  That made him grin wide. “Oh, yeah?” he quipped back, kissing me thoroughly, unreservedly. “In a few years, maybe…I’ll be strong enough to stay. Maybe I’ll deserve you then, but for the time being, I’m staying away from you.”

  “We shall see,” I murmured, feeling quite out of my depth, but it was too late to stop now. “You know how I love a good challenge.”

  “You are shameless.” He spanked my ass.

  “I love you. There’s no shame in that.” I kissed him for the last time. “Go, before I decide to keep you forever.” He was, in some ways, a challenge. Did I have the wherewithal to tame someone like him?

  Dancing blue eyes thoughtfully gazed down on me tenderly.

  My heart swelled, and I couldn’t look away.

  “Don’t be too naughty. Happy birthday, kitten.”



  Twenty minutes later, all freshened up and ready to go, I came downstairs to meet Wyatt in the kitchen. Thomas had taken it upon himself to make sure Wyatt was properly taken care of. Wyatt had quite a savory spread before him as he casually sipped on one of my father’s vintage.

  “The gift is well received, I take it?” Thomas asked, his innuendo lost on our guest. He was fond of Wyatt, but he was team Jared through and through. In his ey
es, no one could compare.

  Neither did they in mine.

  A small smile toyed on my lips as I sat across from Wyatt at the six-seater breakfast table. “Very well received, as you can tell. Thank you for being so generous, Thomas.”

  “I’ll leave you, madam. I’m enthused your birthday’s wishes are coming along quite splendidly.” He portrayed the stuffy butler, but he was such an adorable gem. “It’s good to see you again, Mr. Rinaldi.” He made a firm nod before retreating to his office.

  Bantering with Thomas had become one of my favorite highlights of living at home. But with father gone, we all felt the loss. The liveliness of the staff had somewhat drained. Though Thomas appeared composed and trying his damnedest to appear his usual self, the strain in his eyes become apparent. I wondered how well he was coming. Maybe this could be the perfect opportunity for him to take a break and worry about himself more. The man’s loyalty deserved an all-expense paid vacation for a few months. This could be the great start of cheering him up. He could visit as many countries as he wished. He surely wasn’t getting any younger. I made a mental checklist to call my father’s lawyer so it would be immediately taken care of.

  “Why are you smiling like that?” Wyatt’s eyes rested on my face before they generously traveled to my ample cleavage then lingered on my mouth as I bit into a strawberry. The tip of his tongue curled on his bottom lip, aroused at the sight of me.

  I mockingly glared at him, amused at his reaction. “You’re such a pervert, Wyatt.”

  Such opinions only thrived when it came to the likes of Wyatt Rinaldi, grooming himself to a notorious playboy, closely following his father.

  “You’ve teased me for weeks on end. When will you properly have me, hm?”

  I threw him a mocking look. His roguish grin grew wider. I rolled my eyes before feigning a frustrated groan. “You say it as if you’re not nursing my rejection with your usual sort of disposable ladies.”

  He leisurely sipped on his champagne before looking across the table with incredulity. “Because you insisted on it. Tell me why again?” His dark, fathomless eyes stayed grim.

  Taking a steady breath, I plucked up the mother of pearl spoon, scooping a great amount of Sevruga gray caviar before I carefully placed the savory beads on my middle finger and slipped it into my mouth. Pressing my tongue against the ceiling of my mouth, each flavorful bead exploded like ambrosia on my taste buds. I moaned with gusto. But before I indulged for another, I sat back and gazed at the man sitting humorlessly across from me.

  “I told you about my disastrous fling with Jack and my feelings for Jared. If I wanted to enter another relationship, I want to be sure this time, Wyatt. I’ve stressed this on many occasions. It’s also why I unfailingly remind you we should keep dating other people. You’ve been around the block several times over, while I’m barely new to this whole scene. It’s fair to say it’s my turn to explore the dating pool.”

  “I understand all of that, I do, but your obsession with Jared is so unhealthy. What are you hoping to gain? He’s your guardian, and I doubt he’s going to see you any differently even if he partially lives in the same house as you. I get it. Maybe it’s your pride or the idea of being rejected fucks with your head more than it should, but you have to know when enough is enough, Gisele. It’s really stupid when my sister and Vivienne encourage you, too. It’s fucking hopeless.”

  Damn it, Wyatt. His lectures were becoming so tedious. “I’ll get there when I get there, okay? Pressuring me to be with you isn’t helping this at all.”

  He shrugged. “All I’m saying is…there are a lot of guys like me out there, Gi. You have no idea how many guys want to come knocking at your door to ask you out, but are reluctant to. That time will eventually come, and I don’t want to be at the back of the line.”

  Like I cared about any of it. “Wyatt, you’re worrying over nothing. We have to go. Blair hates it when I’m late.”

  I was about to push my chair back when Wyatt directed a curious glance at me. “What?”

  “You’re still going to tell Blair tonight, right?”

  My best friend would flip her shit. The thought of it already made me antsy. “Yes, I’ll definitely try.” I wasn’t sure how it would unfold. But one thing I was definitely sure of was how I couldn’t go on keeping my friendship with somewhat of a benefit with Wyatt secret for long.

  With Wyatt by my side, we strode out of the house. My mind immediately drifted off to Jared and what he might be doing at the moment. I could still feel him inside me, throbbing as he angrily penetrated into my untouched depths. He yielded to his body’s desires even though he was against it. Why tonight of all nights?

  Was it the jealousy that drove him to succumb to me? I truly believe jealousy was one of the main pivotal points, but there was more to it. Jared hid a lot of himself. Deciphering his intentions proved to be futile. And even though a newfound hope surged within me, the uncertainty of my future with Jared remained as sinister as ever. Taming him was out of the question. The man would only yield when he willed himself to do so, but until the time came, he was satisfied leaving me to my own devices while he observed from a great distance.

  Was that the kind of man I wanted for myself? The kind whose loyalty shifts whenever his body hankered for a different kind of thrill?

  The grounds were filled with students from Stanford dressed from Romy and Michele to Star Wars’ Jar Jar to Dracula’s murmured mistress. The variety was astounding, and it seemed everyone was enjoying themselves. On top of celebrating my birthday, Blair intended for this shindig to introduce herself to the rest of the business law students. Our first month had been a success, and although I hadn’t seen Blair and Vivienne on campus often since my schedule differed from theirs, our friendship remained as strong as ever.

  “You’ve been spending a great deal with Wyatt lately.” Vivienne cornered me on the lavishly decorated patio (in a brilliantly gruesome kind of way). She clasped a hand on my hip, ushering me to the side the second she saw Wyatt heading to the bar, quite ready to hear me dish out whatever secrets I’d been hiding from her.

  Both of our gazes followed towards Blair’s brother at the bar. “He’s fond of me.” Fond? Was that the best I could do? Wyatt was beyond fond. He had been relentless in pursuit of me. Diverting my gaze back to my curious friend, I tried to muster a smile. “Has she said something to you?” She, meaning Blair. If she was suspicious, she sure had been taking her time in confronting me about it.

  “She noted it, but I don’t think it’s that big of a deal since you’re secretly married to the unattainable CEO. We both know where your heart lies. Has there been any progress with him?”

  “Yes and no,” I said just as Blair emerged out of the crowd and immediately joined our conversation, dressed as the stuck-up Vivian from Legally Blonde. She sure had the perfect condescending manner to go with it.

  “Party’s great and all, but weeding the not so brilliant people out has been an epic fail.” She let out an exasperated sigh, disappointed with her party organizational skills. Her clever dark eyes landed on me peculiarly. “Is my brother harassing you? If he is, I’m the person to assist in filing a restraining order on him. He’s such an insufferable turd.”

  Blair was discernibly tipsy.

  “No, he’s been great. There’s no need for any of that.” I threw Vivienne a pleading look, but the woman kept cackling, so I was left on my own to figure this out. “Actually, I meant to tell you that we’ve been hanging out a great deal.”

  She arched one perfectly shaped dark brow, pensive. “Go on…”

  Anxious, I squashed my fretful mind and concentrated on what to say next—Wyatt and the budding pseudo-friendship-with-some-benefits. “You see, your brother and I—well, we’ve been…um…messing around a little…” I finished saying with a contorted look on my face.

  “Ew, you had sex with him?” Blair grimaced before she made a gagging noise, appalled at the thought of her brother doing the dirty with me.<
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  “Oh, shit, fuck,” Vivienne blurted out. The cackling had now spiraled to laughing hysterics.

  “No! Not that!” I glared at both of them, irked at their immature retorts. “We’ve done more than kissing; that’s all. I don’t plan on having sex with him.” That ship had sailed, most especially after promising Jared tonight.

  Right on cue, as if she read my mind, Blair’s attentiveness in my chaotic life piqued. “What happened to Jared?”

  They’d been updated on Jared, so they knew he had moved out a month ago. So far, the man hadn’t stated when he’d come home again. “He came tonight, actually.”

  “And?” they both shrilled in unison, highly impatient.

  “We had sex…”

  “Dressed as Lexi? Oh, fuck. That’s so hot!” Vivienne was beside herself, green eyes dancing with enthusiasm.

  Hot? An angered Jared flashed before me. Then the look he gave me before he murmured, “Happy birthday, kitten.” My heart thudded against my chest, feeling quite heady all over again. “Yes…I’ve never seen him so pissed off.”

  “But you guys had sex, anyway, right?” Vivienne wiggled her brows as she fantasized about Jared and I copulating. “Angry sex is the best.”

  It fucking was. God, how that body took me to new mind-numbing pinnacles of pleasure. The high my body floated on was not going to dispel anytime soon.

  Blair sighed, seeming quite ecstatic for me. “You guys consummated the marriage. You’re really married to him now. Be careful, babe. That’s all I’m saying.”

  Warning heeded. But was it truly necessary to sound so doom and gloom?

  “It’s just sex. It’s not a big deal.” Great, mind-blowing sex and then some. I sighed again, wistful at the memory of him taking liberties with my body. Though sore, I craved him again. When would this end? He was a drug I couldn’t get enough of. It seemed the more I had of him, the more the addiction worsened.


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