Silken Embrace (The Drakes of California)

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Silken Embrace (The Drakes of California) Page 11

by Zuri Day

  “She is someone I’ve known since childhood. Our families have been friends for years.”

  At one time, the news of Ernest marrying would have been devastating. That now all she felt was sorry for his wife was proof that any romantic notion toward him was long gone.

  “Have you by chance seen a recent video of Kyle?”

  A hesitation, but only briefly. “As a matter of fact, I have! You remember Roosevelt, right? I believe he was about to get his doctorate when the two of you met. His wife is a PhD also, specializing in early childhood education. Someone brought the video of a so-called whiz kid to her attention, and she told Roosevelt about it. When he went online to view it, he clicked on another link that had aired on television, recognized you and contacted me. Given that I’d already planned to contact you, I felt the timing was a sign that my decision was the right one.”

  “Oh, so the television segment isn’t why you called me. This was something you’d already planned.”

  “The facts are as I’ve stated, but nonetheless, my son’s intellect is indeed impressive. Of course, given both yours and my level of intelligence, his high IQ is not surprising. My grandfather graduated high school at the age of fifteen.”

  Good for him. “Here’s the situation, Ernest. While I agree that Kyle should know his father, the fact of the matter is he does not. I have told him about you, and showed him pictures. I am in agreement that you two should meet. But it needs to be at a pace that is comfortable for Kyle.”

  “Kids adapt quickly. He’ll be fine. I would like to see him as soon as possible. Too much time has passed already.”

  The more things change, the more they stay the same. “Here’s what I’m willing to do. I will consult with a child therapist trained in this area to learn the best way for us to proceed, and share those findings. I also need to know that this isn’t a request predicated on a temporary desire. If you are not planning to be a part of his life for the rest of his life, then we can’t go down this road.”

  “That choice and this journey is not up to you. Kyle is my son, legally and biologically. I will be a part of his life, and he will get to know the paternal side of his family. This can only happen through regularly scheduled visits to Rhode Island.”

  “That possibility is a long way from happening. Let’s start with the therapist and then something easy, like a telephone conversation. How’s that sound?”

  “Like a suggestion from one who’s forgotten who I am, a man of means and ability to make things happen. I’m hoping we can resolve this amicably, but if necessary, legal action will be taken.”

  “I have full custody of Kyle, Ernest, and that is not going to change.”

  “We’ll see about that.”

  “Yes, we will.”

  After a near-sleepless night filled with tossing and turning, Aliyah’s anger had not waned. The nerve of Ernest! Calling her as if that were perfectly normal, something that happened all the time. Asking about a son that he at first denied and later abandoned. She hadn’t seen him in three years, but was sure the size of his jeans had changed. It would take tailor-made ones to fit the ginormous cojones it took for him to call her. And his request? Regular visits? Across the country? Was he serious?

  Unfortunately, Aliyah believed that he was. But when it came to her son and what was in his best interest, she would not back down.

  Chapter 17

  For once, Aliyah was thankful for the heavy three-day work schedule at UC Davis. She’d managed to transform anger into energy and give her patients the best care possible. Focusing on the management of their pain caused her to manage her own, and after a couple days had passed she was able to put the conversation with Ernest in better perspective. She’d also talked with a colleague who recommended a child therapist and had made an appointment. Taking this step made her feel better, too.

  What didn’t feel so good was not seeing Terrell. Dealing with Ernest had thrown off her entire weekend schedule. She’d canceled their Saturday night date to take Kyle and Conner to the movies. Sunday was filled with study and Terrell had had an event on Monday night. Several texts had been exchanged, but they’d talked only once in the past three days, and it was now late afternoon on Thursday. She missed him, but right now would forego Novocain and have a root canal before admitting it. Ernest’s sudden reappearance in her life had brought up old memories, reopened old wounds and reminded her why she’d decided not to enter into a serious relationship right now. The most she would acknowledge was if she were to change her mind and want a commitment, it would be with a man like Terrell.

  As if thinking him up, her cell phone rang. “Yes, I got your messages and was going to call.”

  “Good evening to you, too, Ms. Robinson.”



  “Not at this very moment—am in between surgeries and was just checking my phone.”

  “I miss you.”

  She wouldn’t say it back. She’d bite a hole in the side of her mouth first.

  “No comment? Something like, ‘I miss you, too,’ or ‘looking forward to seeing you’...something like that?”


  “Dang, girl!” Terrell laughed. “Why you want to hurt me?”

  “Your ego can take it. You’re a big boy.”

  He paused, then said, “You still haven’t told me about this past weekend, and how the conversation went.”

  “I know. It’s been busy and I needed some time to think. But I will.”

  “I don’t like how you sound, Aliyah. It’s not just being tired. There’s something else there. What is it?”

  “I’ll tell you later.”

  “Promise me you’ll call tonight?”

  “I promise.”

  Later, as soon as she’d put Kyle to bed and gotten comfy in her own, she did just that. “Hey, you.”

  “Um, the way you said that sounded so sexy, better than when we spoke earlier. How are you?”

  “Better now.”

  “Of course. Because you miss me and now I’m here. You don’t have to say it. I already know. Don’t worry. The next time we’re together I’ll make up for this time we’ve spent apart.”

  “Gosh, you’re smooth.”

  “And I mean every word. That’s what counts. Now tell me about this knucklehead and what he wanted.”

  She did, the short version. “He didn’t mention the video initially,” she said, finishing up. “Only that he’d grown to realize the error of his ways and wanted to correct them.”

  “Do you believe that?”

  “Not for a second. So I asked him straight out if he’d seen it.”

  “Has he?”

  “Of course. And the fact that he didn’t mention he’d seen it, that I had to bring it up, convinced me beyond all doubt that it’s exactly why he called. In the past couple weeks, total strangers have come up to Kyle and me to talk about it. The waiters at the restaurant, even the cook came out to congratulate him. Our breakfast was on the house. People who’ve seen the video talk about it. So had the video been truly irrelevant, then saying he’d seen it would have been the first thing out of his mouth.”

  “Do you think he’s serious about trying to get regularly scheduled visits established?”

  There was silence as Aliyah pondered the question. “I think that this isn’t solely his idea—that his wife and definitely his image/status/perception-conscious mother have been in his ear. When Kyle was simply the illegitimate child of a commoner, he had no value to the Westcott brand. But a child genius? Suddenly they can see themselves in him. He’s become ‘our child,’ when before I was on my own. Now, he has the nerve to mention his grandfather, who graduated high school early, implying Kyle’s intelligence is from their gene pool. His family is probably rethinking their stiff and vocal opposit
ion to Kyle taking the Westcott name.

  “If I know his mom, she wants to flaunt Kyle to her friends in a continued effort to prove their superiority. Not on my watch.”

  “Have you contacted your attorney?”

  “Not yet.”

  “From what you’ve told me about this family, I suggest you do that ASAP. And I hope your attorney is ready for hardball because that is the type of game that’s going to be played.”

  Terrell’s words caused her another sleepless night. The Westcotts were used to winning and given his track record, the attorney she’d used before would be no match for their legal team. She’d need time and money to secure a comparable lawyer and she was short on both. There was never a good time for a custody battle, but now, in the middle of a fast-tracked residency program, was especially inconvenient. And ironic, given she’d always wanted Kyle to have a relationship with his father. But did Ernest really want to get to know his son, or was he capitalizing on being the father of viral video whiz kid? Time would tell.

  She looked at the clock. Two hours until her shift at Living Medical. She went online to check her emails and search the web. But the thoughts persisted, too many to allow her to focus. Her nerves were too raw to sit still. So with Kyle having already been picked up by Lauren, she grabbed her purse and keys and headed out. Just as she reached her car and got in, her cell phone rang. It was one of her colleagues at the center. Due to a schedule mix-up, they were overstaffed. Lucky Aliyah had the day off.

  More time to think. Just what I needed.

  She called Terrell. “What are you doing?”

  “Working. What about you?”

  “I just found out I have the day off. This happens so rarely, I don’t even know what to do with myself.”

  “I can think of more than a few things I could do with and to you.”

  “Ooh, sounds delicious. Want to play hooky?”

  “I’ll call you back in ten minutes.”

  He did it in five, and a short time later he picked her up and they went zooming down the freeway in his overpriced sports car. Top down, sun shining, hair blowing in the wind and singing hit pop songs loud and off-key. A spontaneous trip to Napa Valley was the perfect diversion.

  “What’s in Napa besides wine?”

  “I don’t know. Eating and drinking has been the extent of my experience.”

  She pulled out her phone and searched the web. “‘Twenty things to do in Napa,’” she read. “Wineries, vineyards, wineries in castles, vineyards on the hillside...ooh. We can take a balloon ride. Have you ever done that?”

  “Can’t say that I have.”

  “Can you say that you want to?”

  “It might be fun.”

  “We could do a bike tour. Visit a museum.” A phone call interrupted her search. Another unknown number, one of several she’d received since Kyle’s video went viral. “Hello? Excuse me, who is this?” Terrell closed the convertible top. “Yes, this is Aliyah.” She made a face, her eyes widening as she looked at Terrell.

  What? he mouthed.

  “That sounds excellent. I’m sorry, just a bit shocked right now.” She listened, swatting at Terrell as he tried to get her attention. “Is that the only day available? Hmm. Then is there a way I can make a call or two and get back with you?” She mouthed something to Terrell. He couldn’t seem to decipher the words. “I understand. I will call you back as soon as possible. Thank you! ’Bye.”

  As soon as she tapped the end button Terrell pounced, his expression a mixture of worry and curiosity. “What is it?”

  “You are not going to believe this.”


  “That was a producer from the Helen show.”

  “Helen DeMarco?”

  “Yes! They’ve seen Kyle’s video and want him to appear as a guest!”

  “You’re kidding?”

  “This is crazy!”

  Aliyah rarely had time to watch TV but knew that Helen was known for featuring talented kids on her show. Even she’d seen the adorable boy arguing with his mom about fixing her breakfast. He’d been invited to the show and given $10,000. He and several other of these guests had been found online.

  “What’s she say?”

  “She said that someone had seen Kyle’s video, showed it to Helen, and that was it. She told them to book him right away. There’s only one problem.” Her enthusiasm waned. “The show tapes in LA and they want us there Monday. I don’t know if I can get the whole day off. But with all the logistics involved, I’d need it.”

  “If you tell them what’s going on, I think they’ll work with you. This is a big deal.”

  “I could ask Lauren.”

  “And miss being there for your son’s debut on national TV. No, that’s not going to work.”

  “You’re right. It’s not. Shoot! His assessment test is scheduled for Monday. And I’d planned to spend my day off researching lawyers. Who was the guy with the bright idea to videotape my son?”

  “I tell you what, he’s one smart brother. You owe him big-time. And he’s definitely going to collect. Don’t worry about LA, either. I’ll help you get there.”

  “The producer said the network would buy my ticket. It’s the added time of driving to and from either Oakland or San Francisco that makes this an all-day affair.”

  “We’re not driving to either of those places.”

  “We’re not?”

  “That same smart brother I told you about has access to a private plane. He’ll hook you up.”

  “Are you serious? And you’ll come with us?”

  “Of course.”

  She hit the call-back button. “Let me confirm with the producer and then call Mama. She’s going to be so excited. This is her favorite show!”

  Instead of choosing between the hot air balloon and bike tour, they did both. And Aliyah didn’t think about Ernest or his visitation nonsense. Not even once.

  Chapter 18

  On Monday morning, Aliyah met Terrell at the regional airport.

  “Good morning.”

  “Good morning, Ms. Robinson.”

  “Mr. Drake! What are you doing here?”

  She got out of the car and opened the back door. “Come on, boys.”

  Kyle and Conner, who’d been invited along at Kyle’s request, scrambled out of the backseat.

  “What are you doing here, Mr. Drake?” Kyle repeated. “Are you coming with us?”

  “Yes, Kyle, I am.”


  “We’re flying to Los Angeles in Mr. Drake’s plane, so we can get there faster.”

  Conner’s eyes widened. “You have a plane?”

  “The company I work for owns it. But I get to use it.”


  “Where is it?” Kyle asked.

  “Behind that building, on the runway. If everyone’s ready, we’ll go there now.”

  Once they were in the air and settled, with the boys being entertained by a friend of Stan’s who was clocking hours toward his pilot’s license, Terrell leaned over and snuck a kiss.

  Aliyah gave him the side eye. “Don’t. Start.”

  “I couldn’t resist,” Terrell replied, his sexy eyes still fixed on her mouth. “You look gorgeous. I like your hair loose and curly like that. You should wear it that way often.”

  “Thank you. It’ll work for television but as a doctor, not so much. For that job, the good old ponytail is most efficient.”

  He reached over, grasped a tendril of her hair and rubbed it between his fingers. “Nice and soft. What I wouldn’t do to...”

  Pulling away, she gave him a warning between gritted teeth. “Behave!”

  The petulant look he offered made her laugh out loud. “You are so silly.”r />
  “That’s what you love about me.”

  An hour later, four excited Northern Californians landed at LAX. For the boys, the trip had been a great adventure, made extra special because of Stan, the pilot, who let each one come into the cockpit and “fly” the plane. Having Conner along proved to be a great distraction that prevented inquisitive Kyle from asking more questions about Terrell being there. There were more questions. Of this she was sure. His quick glances back to the two of them left no doubt.

  The studio had arranged a car to meet them at the airport. Kyle and Conner kept up a steady chatter during the forty-five-minute ride from the Los Angeles airport to Hollywood and the studios where the Helen show was taped. They were ushered inside and led down a hallway to the greenroom, where one of the show’s assistant producers joined them.

  “Good morning, everyone!” Greetings abounded. “Flight okay, no problems?”

  “No, it was fun!” Kyle said. “We got to fly the plane!”

  A confused expression flitted across the producer’s face, but she just smiled and said, “Awesome!” She turned and kneeled. “You must be the famous Kyle Robinson!” He nodded.

  “Speak up, Kyle,” Aliyah said.

  “Yes.” His voice was just above a whisper.

  “Kyle, don’t be shy. Remember what Mommy said earlier? We have to speak...”

  “Loud and proud.”

  “That’s better.”

  “Good morning, Mommy,” the producer said with hand outstretched. “My name is Jade, I’m here to take care of you, and walk you through the entire process so that everyone knows what’s going on and can relax and have fun. Does that sound good?”

  Everyone replied in the affirmative.

  Turning to Terrell, she reached out to shake his hand. “Are you Kyle’s father?”

  This got Kyle’s attention. Aliyah swallowed a moan.

  “No. I’m Terrell Drake, assistant director for the Drake Community Center, which Kyle attends.”

  “And where this gift was discovered,” Aliyah added.

  “Well, we can’t wait to hear all about that, but we’ll save the details for in front of the camera. Right now, what I’d like to do is get both of you—” she looked at Aliyah and Kyle “—down to makeup and wardrobe—”


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