Sharing Sisters (The Gardeners)

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Sharing Sisters (The Gardeners) Page 1

by Lee Moore

  I want to thank family and friends who helped me with the proof reading and pointing out the punctuation and other ways I’ve murdered the English language.

  I write for fun, not to make large sums of money, so in the spirit of Indie authors all out there in the net, much of this is self-edited, and any errors found herein are my responsibility.

  Although many places and people in this book are described, I’ve taken liberties here and there. All characters in this story are fictional, so any similarities to any real people in this book are purely circumstantial. All people portrayed in this book are of course, over the age of 18.

  I Hope you have as much fun reading this, as I did writing it.

  Copyright © 2013, Lee Moore. All Rights Reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of the author. You may not circulate this publication in any format

  The Gardeners – Sharing Sisters

  Prologue –

  Chapter 1 –

  Chapter 2 –

  Chapter 3 –

  Chapter 4 -

  Chapter 5 -

  About the Author –

  Prologue –

  “Shut up,” she said with conviction. “How could you get Sarah Pregnant and let us all think it was Steve’s Baby?” she asked me holding up the viewfinder for me to see.

  I was handcuffed to the bed, and riding me reverse cowgirl style was Sarah, with Kara watching silently in the corner, motioning for her sister to be quiet about her moans and groans. I then remembered the finish, and sure enough it happened just how I felt it. She came, so did I, and she laid down across me to catch her breath. I realized from the angle, the camera was on my dresser, and being blind-folded I had no idea I was being recorded or put out to stud.

  I handed the camera back to Kara who was in shock. She realized that her niece had grabbed her camera by mistake so she put the camera in her purse and Sarah was quietly starting to cry. I didn’t get her pregnant that night, but now, everyone in the family would find out.

  “Kara, why?” I asked her. I had thought that once again I was fucking my wife.

  “Because..,” deep breath “because… I saw it happening and wanted to scratch your eyes out and cut your dick off but… part of me wanted to watch, and I was… I don’t know how to say it… turned on by it?” She said looking into my eyes. I knew I probably looked pissed now too, because I looked to Jamie when she realized there was a whole lot more going on than she knew. What Kara was talking about wasn’t in the video after all.

  “So you recorded this?” I asked Sarah.

  “No…” Sniff… sniff… “Kara wanted to, to show you someday. I’m sorry, I’ve just been so lonely and I’m already pregnant and I’ve always loved you…” she said started to cry hard.

  With everyone around me either pissed or in tears I did what I could do. I got our shit together and paid the bill, giving everyone a hug and a kiss except Jamie who pushed me away. She wouldn’t hear anything from any of us, and Sarah especially, was in tears begging for her silence.

  “So Cory, which of my friends or family Haven’t you fucked?” She said as she walked out to the car, leaving us all standing there trying to figure out what to do next. Damn, she almost sounded jealous.

  Chapter 1 –

  It was almost three weeks before my father in law James came around to see me. He looked like death warmed over, and he had left Rita at home. I knew the old guy didn’t like to drive much, so I was already on edge when he asked me to hop in the car and take a ride with him so we could talk. Kara gave me a worried look and I shrugged. I’d be careful, she knew that, and I would do what I had to, to keep her family relationship intact.

  His car was more comfortable than mine, and he must have sensed the “dead man walking” way I was carrying myself. He was blunt though, I’ll give him that.

  “So Sarah’s having your baby?” He asked me. Shit. He gets right to the point doesn’t he?

  “Dad… shit… I think so, there’s a possibility it isn’t mine… but I think it probably is,” I told him defeated.

  “Well, at least the baby will have a good dad,” he said and I jerked my head up to inspect myself for damage. Finding all my body parts intact and no bullet or knife marks I let out a deep breath I’d been holding for a second.

  “Dad, James… I started.

  “How bad did you hit your head that night?” he asked me quietly.

  “Cracked skull. Not life threatening, but a major concussion that had me laid up for a week… but that’s no excuse for what I…”

  “Stop, just stop ok?” He asked me. I nodded. Damn, this old guy scared the hell out of me.

  “I’ve got 3 beautiful daughters, and it seems that you are romantically involved with two of them. It is just two isn’t it?” he asked me, pausing for my reply.

  “Yes, but neither time with Sarah was deliberate… I didn’t…”

  “Ok, I asked you to shut up, so I’ll ask you to at least listen to an old man if you can’t keep quiet. Work with me here,” he said. His knuckles were white on the steering wheel as we cruised the streets of our town.

  “Ok, I’m all ears and listening,” I told him meekly.

  “If the baby is yours, what are your plans?” He asked me.

  “I’ll love it, care for it, and be a father for it,” I told him without hesitation and for the first time in this awkward car ride he relaxed and smiled. The color returned to his fingers, and the pinched look on his face started to ease.

  “I’m glad to hear that. I won’t excuse my daughter’s actions, but I wanted to know more about the man who’s been so good to my family,” he told me and my head shot up, looking for the scorn or sarcasm in his face. Seeing none I asked him what he meant.

  “There isn’t a single or newly married lady in our family that doesn’t think you are a good man and would make a “good catch” (he said using one set of fingers to make quote marks in the air). A lot of them also know that you and Kara are very open minded… I just want to make sure I am not going to have too many more grandbabies pop out all at the same time?”

  I was flabbergasted for a moment, and then I understood. Kara and I had Sam, and not a year later Sarah was pregnant with what I thought was going to be my son or daughter… and if he got his information from Jamie, possibly Nancy as well.

  “No, Sarah’s the only one,” I told him without offering up more information. My paranoia had kicked up a notch the last couple of weeks and I’d bought Nancy a kit just to make sure a few days ago. She had laughed at me, but took it anyways. We were clear. They claimed they were 99.99% accurate same as birth control, so I was relieved.

  “Good. Rita doesn’t know how she feels about this, but she said if anyone could manage this sort of mess, it’d be you,” he said. I sort of felt touched by his understanding. I was waiting for the shotgun wielding, raging father to come out and beat my ass, and honestly I deserved it.

  “Dad, I’m sorry, I never set out to do this…” I told him lamely.

  “Oh hell, I know that. I know how my girls are, and Kara’s been a curious girl ever since her fifth grade band camp. Don’t think we won’t talk about Nancy someday,” he told me sternly fixing me with a gaze.

  “Dad I… That’s mostly Kara’s thing. It was only,” I started.

  “Doesn’t matter. You took a vow son. Do you love her?” He asked me.

  “Kara?” I asked him confused, because we’d just talked about 2 other recent sexual conquests in the last thirty seconds.

  “Of course,”

  “Yes, with all of my heart,”

  “And do you love Sarah also?” He asked me

  What could I say? She
was almost a twin of my wife, a tad bit younger, but just as fun, just as zany and just as sexually motivated. She was different than Kara, but part of me still had a strange twinge in my stomach when she was around… She had also loved me with her whole heart, and I had never known until I had watched Kara’s homemade porno once again. When Kara was toying with me, Sarah was crying. She was only happy when her big sister motioned to her it was her turn, and then promptly tuned her out.

  “I do. I just don’t know how; does that make any sense?” I asked him.

  I really hoped he got it, because I was having a hard time myself with this, and it wasn’t a topic I felt like I could talk to Kara about. She was all over the board emotionally lately with Sam’s development, and her budding relationship with Nancy that I sort of backed away from. She was happy, exploring and sharing her experiences with me at night time. I didn’t want to complicate things by trying to be the 3rd wheel, but had gotten to watch some hot steamy sex on multiple occasions.

  “Yeah,” he said over time. “I think I do. You didn’t see it coming, but you got hit with something you couldn’t control?” He asked me. I just nodded like a dumbass.

  “Pretty much. At this point, I don’t care if the baby is Steve’s, I’ll be the father, dad, uncle or whatever Sarah needs of me. The baby will not go without, and Kara is already buying girl clothing by the truckload,” I told him.

  “Wait, it’s going to be a girl?” He asked me pulling to a stop at a red light.

  “No, she says if she doesn’t buy girl clothing, Sarah’s baby will be a girl out of spite. If she buys the clothes it could go either way and the baby could have Sammy’s barely used stuff we have piles of if it’s a boy,” I told him.

  “So she’s on board with this and ok with everything?” He asked me

  “Yeah, we’ve talked about this a bit. She was pissed at me at first, but realized that I honestly thought it was her that night… and the 2nd time wasn’t my choice. I found out the moment after Jaime did…” He waved me off so I shut up.

  “Please don’t tell me about it, these are my daughters. Just please, please tell me that there’s nothing between you and Mary?” he said and I laughed until I realized he was being serious.

  “Uh, no. Not at all, why?” I asked him.

  “Well… The way Jamie tells it, you are all over the board, and she said she almost got you herself at her open house…” And he stopped waiting for my reaction….

  My jaw dropped, and probably scraped the floor of his car as we took off again. He pulled into a McDonalds so I shut up for a moment while he ordered us a sack full of McDoubles. Mary would have been a beauty when she was my age, but she was the oldest daughter and in her late forties. The years and booze hadn’t been kind to her… Not only a no, but a hell no. She was hot when I started dating Kara, but now… Hell no. Enough said about that.

  He chuckled and told me he figured that’s how it was.

  “How’s mom taking the news?” I asked him expecting the worst.

  “She’s listening to the police scanner hoping I don’t kill you outright,” He said laughing. I hoped he was joking and he looked at me smiling. He was joking right?

  “Uh… Is she mad at us…?” I asked him.

  “Oh no, she figures things will work themselves out. She was more worried I’d have a heart attack over this, but I told her I had to talk to you for myself. I’m glad I did,” he told me pulling back into our driveway.

  Waiting on the porch was Kara looking vibrant as usual, Nancy and Sarah who was sporting Sam on one side with her belly starting to really show now.

  “Well, I’m glad…” I said searching for words, but I was out of my depth here. I knew they were open minded… but holy shit batman.

  “Now, take this food inside, and feed your harem,” he told me sternly and laughed at me by the shocked expression on my face, all the while handing me the bag.

  “But… but…”

  “Give Sammy a hug from grandpa and grandma, and call me in a week or so. I want to make sure they didn’t tear you apart,” he told me with a grin.

  Chapter 2 –

  The walk from the car was one that terrified me, as the 3 beautiful ladies and my almost 1 year old son waited on me to bring the food to the door…

  “See, your daddy is a smart one,” Sarah told Sam helping him wave to me.

  “Oh, do you have French fries?” Nancy asked as she laid her head down on Kara’s shoulder. I looked back, but James had already driven off.

  Dead man walking I thought before looking back towards the girls.

  “Uh, I have…” I said looking through the bag, only to have it snatched out of my hand by Sarah who gave me Sammy boy with a soggy diaper. Gross!

  Sarah gave an unarticulated cry of victory as she held some McDoubles in the air and tossed the bag to Kara. With a Sigh, I made my way into the house, the girls following. Sarah and Nancy complemented me on my diaper changing skills the entire time they choked down 3 sandwiches apiece. I really hoped the left one for me, but I had to wash my hands up first.

  “I see dad let you live,” Kara told me raising an eyebrow.

  “Yeah,” I said. I know, real communication in a marriage blah blah blah…

  “Want to talk about it?” She asked me nodding towards the bedroom.

  I just nodded. Things were weighing me down, and I needed some Kara time, just one on one. Although I was living every man’s fantasy (with my wife’s girlfriend here every other day) I felt like my marriage was starting to slip a bit. Kara and I weren’t talking as much, weren’t having as much sex together, and the only thing normal about our marriage lately was Sam. When I told her that she nodded and told me she had been thinking some of the same things. We talked for a while, and the tension that had been building up over time finally started to loosen up.

  Then she told me to lay on my stomach and relax a bit. Knowing that a back massage was going to be in the works I did. I carry my stress in my shoulders and neck, and although my job at work was physically and mentally easier than before, my home life added to the stress levels. So while we kept talking, she started working the knots out of my muscles, and soon I was down to my boxers and relaxing for the first time since James came over.

  No, no you pervs, It was just a simple massage, and I started to drift when the bedroom door opened and Sarah and Nancy snuck inside and sat at either side of the bed watching.

  “Is he ok with this?” Sarah asked her big sister.

  “He’s almost asleep, but we really have to include him more in stuff,” she told the other girls.

  “but… I do try,” said Nancy as my cock jumped for half a second.

  “You don’t have to talk around me, I’m still awake,” I told them almost facedown the wrong way on our bed.

  “I’m sorry, Kara said turning my head to seal my lips with a kiss. For a second my breath caught, but I was too wiped out.

  “No, that’s not what I mean,” Kara said pausing, probably searching for the words.

  “Is he surrounded by a never ending sea of estrogen and needs to watch something in the ‘Die Hard’ Series?” Sarah asked and I rolled over on my back and grinned.

  “Ladies, honestly…. Shit… (big sigh) I think I’ve been a bit stressed and depressed lately. Shit, I don’t know how to talk about this stuff,” I said putting my hands under my head and stretching slightly. Nancy moved to the end of the bed by my legs, and I had the sisters on either side of me. Sarah was looking like she swallowed a small melon by now, and she had this weird sort of glow to her. I chalk it up to the pregnancy. She did lay out alongside me though, putting her head on my shoulder holding me tightly.

  “Just tell us Cory,” Nancy told me from the foot of the bed. She took my foot in her hands and started massaging. I almost pulled out of grip because it tickled for a second, but it felt great, and I stretched again.

  “Baby, just talk to us,” Kara said laying down on my other side, snuggling as close to me as she could un
til we were nose to nose. I kissed her gently, and tried to stay awake, but being cuddled, massaged and warm puts me to sleep, sue me!!

  “I’m just worried about what the rest of the family thinks about me and Sarah’s baby,” I said. Lame, I know, but it was the truth, and I felt better for suddenly sharing that.

  “Oh, they’ve known for a couple of weeks now,” Sarah whispered to me as she rolled her baby bump towards me so I could feel the baby moving around inside of her. Absolute magic, babies are.

  “How did they?” I asked the room

  “Well, when Jamie freaked out and told everyone, my parents asked me outright,” Sarah told me.

  “And…?” I said

  “We’re still alive also,” Kara told me with a chuckle, and then started working on my neck again as Nancy moved her hands up my legs and started rubbing my calves.


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