Blessed Hearts (Hearts Duology Book 2)

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Blessed Hearts (Hearts Duology Book 2) Page 5

by SF Benson

  I quickly step away from Cash. “Fine. Go enjoy your debauchery. I’m tired and wish to sleep.”

  “Okay.” His eyes meet mine.

  The smoldering gaze makes me tingle all over. My face heats up as images of this beast on top of me flash in my mind. I let my eyes wander to the floor, hoping to break this uncomfortable connection between us.

  Cash grumbles, “Well, good night then.”

  Heavy footsteps cross the floor. The sound quickens as Cash walks through the hall followed by the front door slamming.

  A biting pain settles in my chest. I grip the sink to keep from falling over. Why does his leaving bother me?

  I give up on trying to figure out how to clean dishes and go upstairs. Cash was right about the bedrooms. There’s only one frilly room, and it has to belong to his sister. No self-respecting vampire would rest in a room filled with blood red roses. A black and red comforter covers the ornate queen-sized bed. I test the mattress. Thankfully, it’s comfortable.

  This place makes me miss my room back home. I crawl over to my stained jacket and remove my phone. It cannot hurt to contact my brother.

  Hadid picks up on the first ring. “Ahlan, my dearest sister.” His voice booms through the device. “I wondered how long before I heard from you.”

  “Ahlan, Hadi. I’m fine.”

  “Where might you be?”

  “In some awful house in the middle of nowhere.”

  “I shall come to you.”

  “No!” I shout. “Stay put. I don’t want the Si’lat coming for you, too.”

  My brother exhales. “I warned you running away was not the answer. Father’s henchman won’t rest. You never listen to me, Qadira.”

  “I didn’t call for your criticisms.”

  “Why did you call?”

  Good question. Maybe I simply require a distraction from the incubus? “I miss you, brother dear. Is that allowed?”

  “Of course, it is.” Seriousness slips into his voice. “Father is angry with you. Mother is trying to calm him, but—”

  “Tell her I’m sorry. I will come home soon.”


  “After my birthday.” I run my hand across the black spread with large, blood red roses on it. Can I endure six days in this depressing place? The only answer is yes. If I stay away until then, the marriage contract will become void. “I promise, Hadi. I will return soon.”

  “You must promise to stay in touch every day.”

  “I promise.”

  The serious tone slips from his voice. “What do you need from me?”

  I tug on my ear as I struggle for the right words.

  “Qadira,” his voice singsongs. “What’s the problem?”

  If I don’t ask Hadid, no one else will answer my questions. “What do you know of incubi?”

  A hearty laugh comes from my brother. “Is that why you ran? You hooked up with an incubus?”

  “No, Hadi.” I blow out a noisy breath. “Just answer my question.”

  Hadid clears his throat. “I’m not friends with any incubi. My perception is only conjecture. They are man-whores. What more should you know?”

  “Do they have the capacity for love?”

  “Dear sister, we all have the capacity. Incubi, however, act like it is a detriment. Succubi are a cursed lot, but it does not extend to their incubi brothers. They are free to love whoever they choose. Problem is, like I said, they avoid it like the plague.”

  His words, for some unknown reason, chill my heart. “What about soul mates? Does this exist?”

  “It’s a concept few supernaturals experience. I’ve heard it described as a strong feeling, almost like a magnetic pull, between two individuals. Sometimes it can be seen as well when two auras unite.”

  I consider, for a moment, the electricity which passed between us in the kitchen. I am sure it meant nothing.

  “Is Djamila your soul mate?”

  “Alas, no. It doesn’t matter, dear sister. We love each other as if we were.” He pauses. “Qadira, have you found someone other than Shedad?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Hadi. I’m not in love with Shedad. My questions are just curiosity, nothing more.”

  Keep telling yourself that.

  “Okay. Do not upset yourself. Is there anything else?”

  I could give him a list of what I need, but that would put him in danger. The Si’lat would follow his trail. “No. I shall call again. Good night, Hadi.”

  “Good night, little sister.”

  I place my phone on the nightstand and turn off the lamp. Perhaps if I cannot see this horrific room, it will be easier to bear.

  I kill the motor as I roll up to the barn in the hills above Falls Creek. Years ago, Edwina found an abandoned farm and claimed it for herself. The barn is the only structure she renovated. Her apartment, unseen by me, in town is to keep the Coven from getting suspicious.

  After opening one of the tall, double doors, I push the Ducati inside to its corner. Dropping the kickstand, I leave my helmet on the seat and pocket the keys. My footsteps thud across the white ash floor.

  Toward the rear is a staircase leading to the loft bedroom. I reach the top of the stairs and find the she-vamp lying in the middle of a king-sized bed with dark sheets.

  “It’s about time, cher,” she drawls.

  I drop my jacket on the floor. “Quit your complaining, vamp. You know I’m worth it.”

  Edwina stands, and her black, silky robe falls to the floor revealing a perfect body—round and full breasts, gleaming tawny-brown skin as soft as satin, wispy waist, and curvy hips. Clad in only a pair of lacy panties, she draws me in like a fucking magnet.

  She fists my shirt, pulls me closer, and drawls. “I’ve been waiting too long for ya. I started to go out.”

  Her raspy voice whispers want and need. I waste no time toeing off my boots before shrugging off my jeans and boxers together. Edwina’s fingers tear off my shirt, and buttons fly around the room. I swing her into my arms, our kiss wild with passion, and carry her to the bed. It creaks beneath us as we tumble onto it like a couple of drunks.

  Edwina’s tongue darts between my lips. She’s probing, seeking a response I’m having a difficult time giving. My breathing is faster, shallow too, but it has nothing to do with the vampire working my body. There’s someone else invading my thoughts, calling me on a deeper level.

  A cold hand circles my hard length. My resolve crumbles as spasms of pure unadulterated pleasure rip through me. This won’t be slow and easy tonight.

  “Stop,” I pant.

  “In a hurry?” Edwina continues stroking me.

  “Yes,” I grunt and grasp her hand, yanking it over her head. With my other hand, I drag her panties down her thighs, the last barrier to my lust.

  Edwina’s knees clamp around my naked hips, and I wedge myself between her thighs. She opens her legs wide.

  Vampires are cold to the touch, but deep inside, where it counts, they are hot as hell. She stretches and tightens around my dick. I pull out almost completely before plunging deep. With each thrust, the headboard slams into the wall, cracking the plaster. She arches her hips and meets my driving rhythm, beat for beat.

  Her breathy moans fill the room. My balls tighten. I push aside the guilt raining upon my shoulders, clasp her ample hips, and pull her hard into my final thrust. Edwina’s name tumbles from my lips as I explode within her.

  Seconds later, she throws her head back and purrs beneath me.

  I collapse against the satin-covered pillow just as horny as I was when I arrived.

  Edwina drags the sheet over her breasts and rolls over to face me. “Cash, what’s with you ta night?”

  I light up a cigarette. “Nothing.”

  “Right.” She points at my erection tenting the sheet. “I don’t think I’m losing my touch.”

  “Have you forgotten I’m an incubus?” I wink at her. “We stay horny.”

>   “Whatever.” She slides off the bed and picks up her robe. “If ya don’t want to talk, I’ve got other things ta do.”

  I grab her arm. Edwina is the one person who knows me better than anyone. Shutting her out isn’t fair. “Don’t go.” I drop my hand. “Tell me what you know ‘bout djinn.”

  She tightens the sash around her waist and picks up a glass goblet near the bed. She takes a long sip of the crimson liquid before saying, “They can be judgmental bastards. Personally, I haven’t met one I like.”

  “Male or female?”

  Edwina wipes away the blood clinging to her lips. “The females can be worse than the males. They are some arrogant bitches.”

  “That’s a little harsh.” I sit up. “What ‘bout the royal ones?”

  She turns to me, and her face lights up as she speaks. “Cassius Martin, have ya met a djinniyah?”

  I tug at my cigarette before saying, “Just asking.”

  Soft laughter breaks from her full mouth. “Ya suck at lying, dawlin’. That’s why ya still stiff as a pole. What a waste. She’ll never fuck ya.”

  My head whips around. “Why do you say that?”

  “I told ya she’s judgmental. Djinn don’t like too many supernaturals outside of their own. They think vampires are greedy bastards with no regards for life. Lilin are just man-whores and sluts.”

  I shoot her a grin. “Well, there’s truth to that.”

  Edwina perches on the edge of the bed and places her hand on my cheek. In a soft, gentle voice she tells me, “Ya don’t give ya’self enough credit, cher. Ya not some textbook definition of an incubus.”

  A slight chill moves down my spine as my eyes meet hers. Something resembling hurt shines there. I’m not sure what’s happening between us. Fear knots inside me.

  She removes her hand, and the moment passes. “And they don’t like witches either.”

  Maybe I’m making more out of the situation. Anything’s possible since I’m not completely focused here.

  “And what’s the problem with witches?” I ask.

  Edwina crosses her arms underneath her breasts. “They believe witches are frauds, unable to function without a spell book. Do ya want my advice?”

  It’s a rhetorical question. “You’re gonna give it whether I want it or not.”

  A pinched expression settles on her face. “Leave her alone. She’ll make ya miserable.”

  “I guess it’s a good thing I’m not looking for a relationship.” I put the cigarette to my lips and take a long drag. My words are going to come back with a vengeance.

  Edwina drops her arms. “And there’s ya problem.”

  “Not this again.” I shouldn’t have said anything about a relationship.

  “Yes, this again,” her voice rises. “Ya need someone in ya life, dawlin’. Ya want me to stop worrying about ya? Settle down.”

  “Ain’t happening, Edie.” I rest my elbows on my knees. “Drop it. I didn’t come for a lecture.”

  “Sorry, but ya getting one.” She rubs her hand over my leg. “I don’t think this djinniyah is the answer for ya. Maybe she can be a test run. See how ya like having someone else around. Then ya find somebody who’ll treat ya right.”

  “Why is this so damned important to you?”

  “Cause ya can’t keep running back to me,” she admits.

  My heart stutters. Has she found someone to replace me? “And why not?”

  “What we have is only physical.” Her voice is thick with sorrow.

  Since when did Edwina want something more substantial? She started this mutually beneficial alliance.

  “There won’t be anything more between us. Is that enough for ya?”

  I continue to puff away on my cigarette. There’s no easy answer to her question. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want more. My mother stays away for days at a time since Kels hooked up with Victor. It’s just me and a big house. Alone. Always. But having Edwina around fills the empty spaces.

  “Dawlin’, I get lonely, too. Don’t ya think I deserve someone who can be there for me always? I want a relationship like what Luc has with Inès. He moves heaven and hell for her.” Edwina stares into the distance. “Ya should find someone who makes ya want to give up everything for them. It’s not the djinniyah, and it’s not me…that’s for damned sure.”

  Darkness and heartache find a home in this conversation. Time to evict them. I deposit my cigarette on the ashtray. Vampires aren’t the only ones with an arsenal of tricks. My best feature, outside of my looks, is my voice. When I need to entice, I let it go raspy and so deep it vibrates. The quality draws in all souls, human and supernatural.

  “Gotta better solution for me?” I ask Edwina, stroking her arm. “You’re all I need.”

  Her eyes narrow, and she purses her lips.

  Does she suspect I’m not being totally honest with her?

  Or with myself?

  Edwina plods closer and straddles my hips. I untie her robe. My fingers move up her stomach, pause at her cleavage, and rest on a taut nipple. I squeeze it.

  A soft hiss, a mixture of pleasure and pain, slips from her mouth.

  I lift Edwina. She eases onto my stiff dick and rotates her hips in slow circles. I let my head fall back as she rides me like I’m a fucking stallion. Words escape me, but the image distracting me all night still lives in my mind.

  I’ve done this dance too many times with Edwina. Being fully aware, something advised for anyone fucking a vampire, isn’t even a concern.

  I’m right at the edge when intense pain replaces delight. My eyes pop open. Edwina’s fangs are in my neck. An orgasm jackhammers my body, my toes curl, and I scream her name.

  Afterward, Edwina licks my neck and sits back. “Remember, no one else can please ya like me.”

  It’s been a while since Edwina drank from me. Last time she gave me a warning. This time, however, caught me completely by surprise. My eyes flutter closed.

  “Sleep, my dawlin’.” She says something that sounds suspiciously like a word we swore we’d never say. Must be the sudden lack of blood confusing me. I surrender to the darkness.

  I wake up hours later. The loft is still dark, but the smells of breakfast—coffee, scrambled eggs, bacon, and fresh croissants—drift upstairs from Edwina’s gourmet kitchen. The appliances only get used when I come over.

  I could use a shower, but I need to go. Qadira’s been alone all night. Without her powers, she’s helpless.

  Edwina sits at the kitchen island, sipping blood from a glass, when I walk downstairs.

  “Morning, dawlin’,” she says flatly.

  I lean over to kiss her cheek, but she dodges me. “What’s up, babe?”

  “Ya should eat,” she mutters and points her red-tipped finger to a prepared plate on the island.

  “No time. I need to head out. I have a stop to make before opening the shop.”

  She cuts her dark eyes to me and snaps, “I said eat.”

  I don’t understand what’s going on with Edwina this morning. I slide onto a stool and pick up the fork. The moody she-vamp glides from the room.

  Minutes later, I place my dirty dishes in the sink. Edwina comes up behind me.

  “What are ya going to do about the djinniyah?”

  I face Edwina and lean against the counter. “Jealous?”

  “Hell no.” She regards me with insecure, suspicious eyes. “I’m just curious why ya protecting her, putting her up at Victor’s, and lying to Hank.”

  Wait a minute! I didn’t tell her where I stashed Qadira. Then it hits me. My hand goes to my neck.

  The bite.

  Edwina was fishing for information, but why?

  I run a hand through my hair. “Edie, I don’t have any answers for you. I’m helping her lie low for awhile. That’s all I can tell you.”

  “Do ya think she committed the murder?” A twinge of anger laces her words.

  “No.” It’s all I’m certai
n of when it comes to Qadira. “It’s going to take some time to clear her name. Mine as well.”

  She drops a black duffel bag at my feet and steps to the other side of the island.

  I glance down. “What’s this?”

  “Qadira looks to be about my size. It’s just some clothing. She can’t keep walking around in blood-stained leather. And she definitely needs to stop prancing around in a T-shirt. Next time ya get super horny, ya won’t have me as an outlet.” Edwina’s gaze darts away from me as she licks her full lips.

  I rub my chin. “What are you talking about?”

  Edwina sighs. “I’m done here. It’s been fun, but it’s time we moved on.”

  My head flinches back slightly. “Are you breaking up with me?”

  She pours herself another glass of crimson. “No. The term implies we had a relationship. We had an arrangement, nothing more.”

  Years ago, when we first hooked up, Edwina and I made a pact. If one of us developed feelings for the other, we’d end things. It was a safe deal for me to make since Lilin don’t fall in love. My fingers brush the fang marks, and I realize I’ve been a fucking idiot. I did hear her say the L word last night. Shit.

  “Edie, I’m sorry.” I reach for her, but she backs away. “Don’t be this way. I didn’t realize…”

  Edwina waves her hand in the air. Bloody tears shine in her eyes. “I’ll be fine. Our arrangement ran its course. Maybe ya will find what ya need with Qadira.”

  “It’s not like that.” My chest hurts like someone’s stabbing me. My voice comes out low. “Please don’t do this, Edie.”

  She ignores my pleading, picks up her glass, and slinks through the darkened room to the staircase. Edwina throws over her shoulder, “Let me get upstairs before ya go out. I really don’t want a sunburn this morning.”

  Her last words.

  I stand there, feeling like an asshole, watching Edwina climb the stairs. It takes a moment for it to register that she’s not coming back down. Not as long as I’m still here.

  I pick up the bag from the floor. The reason for the chest pain is evident—my heart fractured. It’s a sensation I haven’t felt before, and I don’t like it.


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