Abducting Abby (Dragon Lords of Valdier: Book 1)

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Abducting Abby (Dragon Lords of Valdier: Book 1) Page 11

by S. E. Smith

  “Wake up, baby doll, time to do some walking. I have some plans for you.” Clay said sliding his hand down over Abby’s breast and squeezing it hard.

  Abby fought through the haze that clouded her mind. She felt lips pressing against hers than a hand gripped her breast, squeezing it hard enough she cried out in pain. Fighting to get away from the pain, Abby’s eyes popped open when she couldn’t move her hands.

  “No!” Abby cried out trying to push herself up and away from Clay. “Let me go.”

  Clay gripped Abby’s hair painfully in his hand. “Never, I told you, Abby, you belong to me.”

  Clay pushed open the door to the truck, pulling Abby across the seat by her hair. Abby let out another cry of pain as she was pulled out of the truck. Unable to prevent herself from falling, she hit the ground hard. Clay was just bending down to pick her up when he was yanked back and thrown against the trees laying in front of the truck.

  Abby cried out again as gentle hands picked her up off the ground. “Hush, elila, I have you.”

  Abby heard Zoran as if in a dream. “Zoran? Clay…be careful, he has a gun.”

  “Too late, bitch.” Clay said from behind Zoran pointing his gun at Zoran’s chest. “So, you are the bastard who thinks you can poach on my territory. I planned on killing your ass. Doing it in front of Abby just makes it sweeter.”

  Zoran stood up to his full height with a growl, pushing Abby behind him. He felt both he and his dragon’s fury at the male’s claim on Abby. Abby whimpered behind him, trying to stay upright.

  “You are sentenced to death for touching my mate.” Zoran growled taking a step towards Clay.

  Clay, recognizing Zoran was somehow threatening him, pulled the trigger firing point blank into Zoran’s chest. “Think you can intimated me, asshole? You’re the one that is dead.”

  Abby screamed as she felt Zoran jerk back against her. Two loud roars filled the air just as a body flew out of the air tackling Clay from the side. Abby cried out in anguish as Zoran collapsed to the ground in front of her. Abby kneeled in front of him ignoring the fight between the two figures.

  “Oh baby, no.” Abby cried. “Please, help him.” She pleaded with the symbiosis around her neck and wrists. “Please.”

  Abby watched as the symbiosis on Zoran moved rapidly down to his chest disappearing under his skin. In moments, she watched as the symbiosis quickly healed the wound, pushing the bullet out of Zoran’s chest as it moved in and out. Zoran’s eyes flew open, narrow slits as he let out an unearthly growl surging to his feet. Abby looked up from the ground where she was crying, watching as Zoran shifted into his full dragon form. She had never seen him change in person, only in the shared images of his home world. Within seconds, two other dragons appeared on each side of where Clay and a figure in solid black fought viciously.

  Clay swung out hitting the figure in black a wicked blow to the head and then the chest; breathing heavy as the figure collapsed in a still heap on the ground. He turned with a bloody knife in his hand towards where Zoran now stood in full battle armor as a dragon. His eyes widened as he took a step back in horror. He turned to find himself surrounded by two other dragons who glared down at him.

  Zoran moved toward Clay with a deadly snarl. Clay’s mouth opened in a silent scream as he became encased in dragon fire. Soon, nothing remained of him but black ash mixed into the muddy soil of the road.

  All three dragons turned as the truck, which had been following Clay, came to a screeching halt. Zoran recognized Abby’s truck. The doors flew open and three females rushed out; only to stop in shock as they saw three dragons. Cara was the first to respond.

  “Holy shit! And I thought the little gold guys were cute.” Cara said before glancing at the dark figure laying motionless on the ground. “Ariel…Carmen.”

  Ariel let out a cry, ignoring everything but the still figure laying on the ground. Kneeling next to Carmen, she turned her over pulling the dark cap from her blonde hair. A large bruise graced the side of her left cheek and a trickle of blood flowed from the corner of her nose and mouth. Trisha moved cautiously towards Ariel while Cara moved towards Abby.

  Ariel looked up at the three dragons. “Please, can you help her? Please…” She sobbed. Carmen had blood on her shoulder and chest where Clay stabbed her. “Please…she’s my sister. Help her.”

  Zoran looked at the still figure. He growled out to Kelan and Trelon to take the injured woman and the other two women to the warship. He turned to growl at the tiny woman who rushed to Abby’s side.

  “Back off, you overgrown lizard, or I’ll have you for dinner.” The little figure said as she quickly undid the handcuffs on Abby’s wrist. When Abby looked at her silently, Cara shrugged, “I’ve had to get out of more than one pair in my life. Unfortunately, never in a good situation, can you figure that?”

  Abby couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped her. Only Cara would threaten a dragon while explaining how she could unlock a pair of handcuffs without a key. Cara helped Abby stand, holding her steady. She jumped when a male hand suddenly appeared.

  “Shit! What the hell is going on?” Cara asked looking up at Zoran who stood towering over her. He gently picked Abby up in his arms as she swayed.

  “Unfortunately, you have seen too much, little one. You will accompany us.” Zoran said right before he and Abby disappeared.

  Chapter 14

  Zoran yelled out orders as soon as they materialized on the ship. Two men quickly came towards Cara while Zoran carried Abby down a few short steps and towards a door. Abby had lost consciousness again and was laying limply in Zoran’s arms. He moved with lightening speed towards the medical unit.

  “My lord, we have stabilized the other female. She should be alright. The other two females were taken to a holding room until you tell us what you wish to do with them.” Jarak, his chief of security, explained as he followed Zoran to medical.

  Zoran frowned but never broke his stride as the doors to medical slid open. “What of the other female who came with us.”

  “Trelon is working with her. She is not as…cooperative as the other two.” Jarak responded hesitantly.

  Zoran just nodded. Let his brother deal with her. He had enough to deal with worrying about Abby. He called for his mother symbiosis. He gently laid Abby down on a medical bed. His mother symbiosis burst through the door in the shaped of a huge mountain cat. It moved past him to where Abby was laying so still and pale. It purred as it brushed against Abby, splitting to form a smaller cat which jumped up onto the bed next to Abby, laying down on her chest and stretching out. Zoran ran his hand down it.

  “Take care of her, Goldie. She is everything to us.” Zoran whispered softly sinking down in a chair next to the bed. He would not move her again until he knew she was safe. Picking up her delicate hand, he wrapped it in both of his hands praying for the first time since he was a child to his gods and goddesses that his true mate would be alright.

  Abby moaned as she relived Clay shooting Zoran. She wanted to die. She had no reason to live without him. If a bullet didn’t take him away then his brothers would. She knew she could never survive without him. Seeing him laying in front of her, a bullet to his chest had shown her that. She just wanted to sink into the dark oblivion and never wake up.

  “Elila, wake for me. I miss you.” Zoran said brushing the hair back from Abby’s forehead.

  She had been unconscious for two days. His symbiosis said she was just sleeping, afraid to wake. Her symbiosis had grown as it absorbed more from its mother. Now, large gold bracelets adorned both of her wrists, as well as, around her neck and ankles. Zoran could feel his dragon’s impatience for Abby to wake as well. It clawed at him to get out, to call to its mate to see if she would respond. Unable to think of what else to do, Zoran let some of his dragon’s breath wash over Abby before he gently bit her shoulder and breathed some into her blood stream.

  Warmth engulfed Abby’s body right before she felt a sharp sting on her shoulder followed by an inte
nse burning pleasure. Try as she might to resist waking, the desire burning in her refused to let her remain unconscious any longer. She could feel something stirring deep inside her fighting to get out. With a loud cry as a hot wave of desire rushed through her, Abby’s eyes opened as she panted until the wave crested and began to roll back out.

  “Zoran.” Abby cried out huskily.

  “Shush, elila, I am here.” Zoran smiled with satisfaction.

  He could feel Abby’s response. Even better, he could feel the dragon in Abby respond. She was still not ready to transform yet. Her body would need more time to learn how to. Zoran looked forward to teaching her.

  Abby turned her head towards Zoran, confused. “Where am I?”

  “You are in my cabin aboard one of our warships. We are on our way to Valdier.” Zoran said softly kissing Abby’s forehead as he continued to brush her hair to one side.

  “But…” Abby looked around confused. “…my mountain?”

  “…Will belong to someone else now, elila. You belong next to me, Abby, now you will live among my mountains.” Zoran said brushing a kiss along Abby’s jaw.

  Abby closed her eyes as another wave of desire began building. She began panting as it built even hotter. She opened her eyes which had narrowed to elongated slits and stared at Zoran.

  “What’s happening?” Abby whimpered. “I feel the heat inside me building.”

  “You would not wake and my dragon was impatient for you. He wants you.” Zoran whispered against her lips. “So do I.”

  Abby moaned and blushed at the same time. “I need a shower.”

  Zoran laughed pulling the covers off of Abby. She was naked underneath. Abby gasped as she felt the cooler air of the cabin before Zoran picked her up and carried her into the bathroom. He gently set her down, watching her as she held onto the side of the cleansing unit.

  “I will help you.” Zoran said with a glitter in his eyes. Abby blushed as she saw the way Zoran was looking at her. She felt the wave of heat building even stronger as her body answered the call of his.

  Abby stepped into the cleansing unit, turning to look at Zoran as he removed his clothes. She couldn’t resist reaching out to touch his chest where Clay shot him. The skin was smooth to her touch. Her eyes shimmered with tears as she looked up into Zoran’s eyes.

  “I didn’t want to wake up. I was afraid you would be gone. All I could see was blood covering your chest.” Abby whispered moving into Zoran’s embrace as he joined her in the cleansing unit. “I was afraid I’d never see you again and didn’t want to have to face a life without you.”

  Zoran’s arms tightened around Abby. “I am not easy to kill and could never leave you behind, Abby.”

  Abby groaned arching into Zoran as another wave of heat built so hot she felt like she was going to burst into flames. Abby couldn’t contain the moan as she felt the damp heat between her thighs grow to the point moisture was beginning to run down the inside of her thigh. Her nipples were so sensitive, even touching Zoran’s chest caused an intense pleasure/pain.

  Abby pulled back enough to slide down Zoran, running her hands down along his side as she knelt in front of him until she was level with his cock. She watched as it grew even harder as her hot breath caressed it; beads of pre-cum glistened from its head. Abby leaned forward licking the tip of Zoran’s swollen cock with the tip of her tongue, tasting his musky scent. Zoran groaned loudly as he watched Abby tease his cock.

  “Zi, Abby.” Zoran moaned pressing against her lips. “Take me deep, elila.”

  Abby opened her mouth, looking up at Zoran as he slowly pressed his cock between her lips. Zoran gasped at the sight of Abby taking his cock deep into her mouth. A wave of heat flashed through him as she cupped his balls in one hand while running her nails down the curve of his buttocks. Abby teased the tip of his cock over and over, pulling out to run her tongue along the slit before sliding the length back into her hot, moist mouth. Zoran ran his fingers through her hair groaning as she played with him, taking him slowly. He felt his balls draw up tight as he shook with the need to explode into her. Gripping her hair, he pumped in and out of her mouth frantically, letting out a hoarse cry as he came. He watched as she drank him down, licking the drops from his cock while he shook from the touch of her tongue.

  Zoran had to have her. He had been so frightened at the thought of losing her, he felt the need to claim her in the most primitive way. Reaching down, he drew Abby up against his body before turning her around to face the back of the cleansing unit. He drew both of her arms up and placed them against the wall so she was facing away from him.

  “Ah, Abby, you are mine, elila. Tonight and always I take you as my true mate. My love for you will be burned into your soul as yours will be burned into mine.” Zoran said as he stroked Abby’s back and hips enjoying how she instinctively spread her legs wider for him to take her.

  “Zoran.” Abby whimpered feeling the burning wave cresting. She cried out, pushing back towards him.

  Zoran used his mouth to tease Abby, nipping and tasting her as he ran his hands over her possessively. He wanted to touch her, memorized every nook, every dimple on her body. Abby pushed back against his fingers as he buried them inside of her hot sheath. He rubbed against her clit while his other hand moved to clasp her swollen nipple between his fingers. He felt the wave of dragon heat flow through her as she pushed against him. Not wanting her to come just yet, not until she gave him the promise he sought from her, he withdrew his fingers. Only then, would he let her find relief.

  “Noooo!” Abby wailed jerking as she felt Zoran bring her to the precipice before stopping.

  “Say you will never leave me again, Abby.” Zoran demanded softly against her neck.

  “Take me Zoran.” Abby moaned.

  “Say you will never leave me again, Abby.” Zoran repeated as he pushed two fingers deep into her. “Promise me.”

  “I promise.” Abby cried out. “I won’t ever leave you again. Please, Zoran, I need you.”

  Zoran smiled. “Not yet, but soon you will.”

  Abby glared over her shoulder at Zoran. “Fuck me now, dammit.”

  Zoran laughed softly as he slid into Abby’s hot pussy, closing his eyes as he felt her wrap around him. He would never grow tired of the feel of her wrapped around him. Moving slowly at first, in and out of her, he wanted to savor the feeling of her hot sheath. He had plans to love her throughout the long night.

  Chapter 15

  Abby was still in a daze as she watched Zoran talk with his two brothers and his head of security. She was sitting on Zoran’s lap. She blushed profusely when they walked into what appeared to be a conference room and found three huge men staring at her like she was a tasty morsel. It hadn’t helped when she tried to move to sit away from everyone only to find herself firmly entrenched between Zoran’s muscular thighs. She wiggled, trying to get free, until she felt Zoran move his hand between her thighs. When she tried to move his hand, he took his other one and slid it up under her shirt.

  “What are you doing?” Abby whispered furiously, trying not to look at the three other men.

  “If you insist on wiggling your ass on my cock, I will take you here right now.” Zoran murmured in her ear.

  “The others will see you.” Abby glanced under her lashes at the men who were watching with interest.

  “They wish to see how your species responds. They want to watch as I take you.” Zoran said huskily.

  Abby froze in horror. From the feel of Zoran’s cock under her ass, he seemed turned on by the idea of others watching as he took her but Abby didn’t feel the same. She began shaking as fear set in.

  “Zoran, please don’t.” Abby begged. “Most of my species are very private about what we do. I’m very private. I don’t think I could ever forgive you if you did.”

  Zoran frowned as he felt Abby begin to shake in his arms. He had not meant to frighten her. His species found nothing wrong with the enjoyment of watching others enjoying themselves. He
would not offer to share Abby as she was his true mate and his dragon would not share. His brothers asked if they could learn how to please a human female as both expressed an interest in two of the females who were taken. He had not been offended. He found it rewarding to watch his brothers with other females, often suggesting ways to pleasure them. He would enjoy doing things to Abby they might suggest.

  “It is not unusual for my species to enjoy watching others as they seek pleasure. It often heightens our own.” Zoran said trying to calm Abby. If anything, her shaking became worse.

  “Zoran, all is well with your mate?” Trelon asked curiously. “I smell fear on her.”

  Zoran pulled Abby tighter into his arms, frowning as she buried her face in his neck and clung to him. “Her species does not allow others to see them when they pleasure each other. Abby says it is a private matter between the mated pair.”

  “But…” Kelan began frustrated.

  Jarak leaned forward. “If the female is uncomfortable with my presence, I can leave.”

  Abby peeked out from Zoran’s neck, tears glittered on her eyelashes. “It’s not just you.” Abby began softly. “Most people, humans, are very private about sharing their body. We don’t walk around without clothes on, we definitely don’t make love in front of other people, and we don’t share our bodies. Not all humans, but most find it offensive to even ask them to do so.”

  Abby looked up at Zoran sadly. “I’m afraid we didn’t have much time to get to know each other, otherwise you would know this. If you don’t mind, I’d like to go back to our cabin. I…I’m not feeling very well.”

  Zoran frowned down at Abby. He could feel her pain and it confused him. She was looking very pale. Perhaps, she reacted badly because she was still tired. Zoran felt a wave of disgust when he thought about the fact she had been through a lot and he had been selfish with his own desires.

  Nodding, Zoran stood picking Abby up in his arms. “I will return shortly. I wish Abby to rest more.”


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