Rose, Charlotte - Bayou Famine [Shifters of Alligator Bend 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Rose, Charlotte - Bayou Famine [Shifters of Alligator Bend 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2

by Charlotte Rose

  * * * *

  About an hour into the tour, Narcisse woke to the lively sound of Harry’s voice. “Okay, folks, we’re going to pull into this dock area for a little bit and have a little nature demonstration. Please remember to stay on the dock at all times. Do not, I repeat, do not wander away from the group. The swampland is a very dangerous place.”

  Narcisse was so content with the rocking river and warm sun that she almost hated to leave the boat, but she also didn’t want to miss whatever was happening outside. Steadying herself on the wooden planks, she looked out on the water to the two men who appeared to be working.

  She was vaguely aware of Harry’s voice going into a discussion of bayou wildlife, but couldn’t draw her gaze away from the two men on the small fishing boat. Both were tall, but one had a deep tan and black hair. The other had lighter skin and golden hair. The men were shirtless, and both had well-chiseled chests. To her surprise, Narcisse found herself wanting to dive into the water, swim across, and touch them. She wanted to explore the ridges of their muscles, to find out what their flesh felt like against her fingertips.

  Suddenly, though, the darker one changed. His nose elongated into a powerful snout, his teeth grew longer, and his skin became leathery. Narcisse shook her head, but there was no denying what she was seeing. The first man had turned into an alligator, and his companion wasn’t far behind him in the transformation.

  The second man, though, was even more startling. He was still turning into an alligator, with a powerful tail and menacing teeth. But this one had skin that was so white it was almost translucent, and his eyes turned red. Narcisse sucked in her breath at the sight.

  As both men suddenly changed shape, their boat capsized, spilling them into the water. Immediately, the gators surfaced and began smacking their heads on what had formerly been a smooth-surfaced pond. Then they started slamming against each other, battling over some unseen object.

  Narcisse wasn’t the only one who noticed. Another woman from the tour group seemed to have been paying attention, and she started screaming.

  “It’s—It’s okay, everyone,” Harry called. His voice was weak, and Narcisse’s stomach clenched at how unconvinced he sounded.

  Harry continued. “To ensure everyone’s safety, I’m gonna be canceling this nature demonstration right now. We’re uh, we’re gonna move on with the tour, but we can’t stay here.”

  “What’s happening?” a middle-aged woman screeched.

  “Ma’am, I don’t know, and I don’t have time to answer.” Harry sounded more panicked with each passing second, and his skin had gone white. “P–p–p–please return to the boat in an orderly fashion. M–move along now.”

  “They were men! And now they’re gators!”

  Harry began to shake, as though he’d been able to put what he’d seen out of his mind until just then. “G–g–get in the boat, everyone! I mean it, now! I’m gonna get us all out of here.”

  Nobody, however, was orderly. Narcisse, who had been standing near the middle of the crowd, suddenly found herself squeezed by two dozen other bodies all trying to be the very first one onto the boat. As she tried to maneuver through the crowd, she lost her footing, and fell to the ground. Struggling to get around the cluster of feet, she had to roll away to avoid being trampled in the confusion, and found herself precariously close to the edge. She was one careless kick away from rolling into the water.

  Suddenly, however, Narcisse was surged by a powerful sensation that she wanted—no, needed—to be in the water. She wasn’t interested in getting back on that boat and continuing with the bayou tour. The boat, ultimately, would only take her back to New Orleans and her friends. And a few days later, she’d end up back in Houston, with the regular life that made her miserable.

  She knew what she saw. Two grown men had transformed into alligators before her very eyes, and she wanted to figure out what had happened and why. She didn’t know how she’d get back to New Orleans, but at that point, she didn’t care. This was the chance she had been waiting for all along, the chance to experience something amazing and different.

  Taking a deep breath, Narcisse slipped off the dock, trying to avoid making a large splash. She didn’t want anyone from the tour to notice she’d fallen in and attempt to rescue her. Then she’d never figure out who these men were, or why they could transform. It seemed, however, that in all the confusion, nobody noticed that she was missing. Narcisse clung to one of the thin posts holding the dock up, concealing herself in the shadows until she heard the motor start and Harry begin talking. After what felt like an hour, the tour boat finally took off.

  It wasn’t until the boat was out of sight that Narcisse began to consider that she’d made a mistake. She had no idea where she was, and the cell phone that was in her pocket had most certainly been destroyed by her sudden immersion. But it was too late now. Since she couldn’t change her mind, she decided to act. Steeling her courage, she began to swim out toward the sparring gators. Harry’s warning to keep her distance flashed briefly in her mind, but she felt compelled to swim toward them anyway. It was as though her body was being compelled by some force other than logic, and she had no choice but to follow its demands.

  “Hey!” she called out. “Hey, what just happened?”

  The gators, however, kept sparring. At this point, they’d moved a considerable distance from their boat. Narcisse swam to the vessel, righted it, and climbed in. Suddenly, she felt safer and became bolder.

  “Hey!” she yelled again. “You can understand me, right? Hey, quit fighting and tell me what’s going on!”

  Suddenly, one of the gators snapped to attention and started speeding toward her. Narcisse’s heart began to race, and she suddenly regretted coming out on the bayou tour. But just as she thought she was about to meet her demise, the gator stopped swimming and let out a bellow.

  Narcisse had never heard such an intense sound before. It reverberated through her entire body, and the tremors settled in her cunt, which suddenly throbbed with more intensity than Narcisse could ever remember feeling in her life. Her whole body began to pulse with desire. She didn’t care that she was probably in danger. All she wanted to do was get laid.

  The other gator swam up and emitted a bellow. Narcisse had to remind herself that she was facing down two vicious predators. Touching her aching clit was probably not the best strategy. Unfortunately, that was all she wanted to do. She stood and let the bellows continue to wash over her, pressing her hands hard against her hips so that she wouldn’t touch herself.

  * * * *

  Nelson struggled to regain control over his body. He had spent years learning how to maintain control over his shift. By the time he reached his twenties, he had mastered the ability to change between human and gator form at will. It had been five years since he’d had an unexpected switch. Now, though, not only had he shifted without warning, but he couldn’t figure out how to switch back. The territorial head slapping and fighting had occurred against his will. Even the bellowing didn’t seem real. He knew it was his lungs making those sounds, but he didn’t think he could stop if he wanted to. He wanted to talk to the woman who had climbed into his boat. Floating in the water and bellowing was not the first impression he’d hoped to make. Whoever she was, she probably preferred a more traditional, human form of introduction.

  Then, almost as suddenly as it had arrived, Nelson felt the gator form leave him. His limbs lengthened, his teeth returned to normal, and his skin took on its regular texture and hue. Suddenly, he was floating naked in the water in front of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his entire life. Despite the confusion of shifting between forms without warning, Nelson realized his cock was completely hard. His whole body was pounding with lust for the woman who stood in front of him.

  Glancing to his side, he saw that Armand had shifted back to human form as well. Cautiously, he turned his head to face his boat to gauge the woman’s reaction. To his surprise, she didn’t look completely terrified. She
seemed confused, but she didn’t appear to be the least bit afraid of them.

  “Hey,” Nelson said, unable to come up with a better opening line. “I know this looks weird, but I can explain every—”

  He was interrupted by the sound of the woman shrieking as the boat toppled over yet again. Armand, it seemed, had not wanted to try having a rational discussion about what had just happened. Instead, he’d tried to climb in the boat to join the woman, and in his haste, hadn’t thought about balance. Nelson realized Armand was probably at least as horny as he was, and that he was going to have to practically restrain his friend if they were ever going to explain things to this woman rationally.

  The woman surfaced, and Nelson was relieved to realize she didn’t look angry. She seemed even more perplexed than she’d been before, but at least she didn’t seem furious. That was a start.

  “Sorry about that—” he started to say, but the woman’s attention was immediately captivated by Armand when he swam up and kissed her. Nelson didn’t realize his cock was capable of throbbing any harder, but as he saw the woman embrace his friend and return the kiss, his cock ached even more.

  As she pulled away, the woman still didn’t look angry. In fact, she looked ecstatic. Nelson suddenly felt that he was losing control of his body again. This time, though, instead of shifting, he paddled over to where she was treading water. Placing a hand on her cheek, he brought her into a kiss, sliding his tongue between her lips.

  Electricity raced through his mouth and down the rest of his body. As her taste and scent washed over him, he brought his other hand to cup her soft ass. She returned the kiss, her tongue mingling with his, her fingernails digging into his hips.

  He hated to pull away, but he knew he had to eventually. When he did, he found himself gasping for breath.

  The woman looked at him with mischief in her eyes. “Your boat looks a little unsteady. Should we continue this over on the dock?”

  Chapter Two

  Armand couldn’t believe what he was hearing. The gorgeous woman whose name he didn’t even know was now suggesting they go over to the dock to have sex. His cock pulsed with anticipation of being inside her wet cunt. He was half-tempted to suggest they stay there and get back in the boat, but he knew that would only lead to further capsizing.

  “Heading over to the dock sounds like an excellent idea,” he said. “Do you want to swim, or should we take the boat?”

  “It’s not far,” the woman said. “I’ll race you both.”

  Just as Armand was taking off for the dock, Nelson grabbed him by his shoulder.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Following the gorgeous brunette who wants sex. What else would I be doing?”

  “We don’t even know her.”

  Armand glanced down. “Dude, you’re as hard as I am. Don’t tell me you’re not interested.”

  “I am, but—”

  “Look. She saw us shift, and rather than being terrified, she wants sex. What’s the problem?” He tried to take off, but Nelson kept him stuck.

  “You don’t think it’s a little weird that she wasn’t terrified?” Nelson asked.

  “I’m thrilled. Now come on, she’s going to beat us to the dock.”

  Armand finally took off, swimming as fast as he could. But the woman, having a substantial head start, was already climbing up onto the wooden planks before he was halfway there.

  “I won,” she said with a smirk. “I believe that entitles me to a reward.”

  “What would you like?”

  “Another kiss.”

  Armand dove toward her mouth, parting his lips and letting his tongue explore hers. She moaned against his lips and started running her hands up and down his naked body. Even though they’d both been swimming in cold water, Armand’s skin suddenly felt hot as her fingers began exploring his chiseled muscles. His cock throbbed even harder. He couldn’t explain why he was so attracted to this stranger, but he couldn’t deny that all he wanted to do was bury his cock into her slick pussy.

  “My name is Narcisse, by the way,” she said as he reluctantly broke the kiss.

  “I’m Armand. And the gentleman climbing up the dock is Nelson.” He gestured to his friend, who hoisted himself up onto the planks.

  “Pleased to meet you both,” she said with a giggle.

  “Likewise,” Nelson said. He still seemed reticent, but Armand could detect traces of excitement in his friend’s face.

  Narcisse reached out and brought Nelson into a kiss and curled one hand around his cock. She started to pump slowly, and then reached out for Armand as well. As she began to stroke both of them, Armand’s body roiled with heat and electricity. He fought back the desire to come right then and there, knowing it would be infinitely better if he held back and waited until he could be inside her. All he wanted in the world was to pleasure her, to feel her body combine with his. And he wanted to have her at the same time Nelson did.

  As Narcisse leaned her head out to kiss Armand again, he eased her down onto the dock and unbuttoned her shorts. After removing them, he ripped off her panties and slid two fingers inside her slick pussy. Her cunt muscles immediately locked around him, and he trembled at the thought of her squeezing his cock the same way.

  Narcisse moaned and thrashed, struggling to sit up and remove her tank top. Nelson was immediately at her side, helping her out of the wet garment, and spreading it beneath her so she would have some protection against the wooden planks. As Armand continued working her G-spot, Nelson began to focus on teasing and pinching her nipples. Armand brought his mouth down to her pussy and slid his tongue along her slit before delving in and focusing on her clit. He brought his tongue against her in small flicks at first, enjoying the way she twitched with anticipation. Then, he licked with long, deep strokes, making sure to fully taste her. Finally, he began to speed up, ready to give her a release, excited to hear what she sounded like at the height of orgasm.

  Narcisse’s legs jerked as he and Nelson both worked her, and as Armand began to plunge his fingers in and out of her with greater intensity, he could feel her cunt muscles clench up around him even tighter than they had before. He moaned, imagining how powerful his orgasm would be inside a pussy that tight.

  Moving with all his might, he felt her entire body seize up and listened to her cry out with release. The sound was so intense that he thought he was going to come just from listening to it. But he held back, excited even more by the promise of having his cock deep in her cunt.

  * * * *

  Narcisse reached up to kiss Nelson as Armand pulled his fingers from her cunt, desperate to keep going. Despite having an incredible orgasm, she didn’t feel remotely sated. In fact, she was hornier than she’d ever been in her life. Pulling her lips away from Nelson’s tanned face, she kissed Armand’s pale lips again, tasting her juices on his mouth.

  “I want you both inside me at once,” she murmured, picturing what it would be like to be crushed between both of their hard, muscular bodies.

  The fact that she’d never had a threesome before, much less taken two men at the same time, flashed across her mind. But the thought only lasted for a brief second before Nelson gave her another kiss, his rough hands raking over her shoulders and sending sparks of electricity through her body. Whatever confusion or doubts she was experiencing grew a little dimmer with each caress. She didn’t care that what she was doing didn’t make sense. She wanted them too much.

  “I don’t know,” Armand said, though Narcisse could tell by the strained sound in his voice that he wanted to be sure. “We don’t even know each other.”

  Narcisse pulled him into another kiss and gave his rigid cock another long, hard stroke. “Don’t you feel it?” she asked when she pulled away. “If you want me only half as much as I want you, I know you feel whatever is pulling us together. You want me, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” Armand gasped. “I want you like I’ve never wanted anybody else in my entire life.”

  Narcisse gav
e his cock two more swift strokes and watched him writhe. “And I want the two of you, right now. Armand, you lie down. I want to ride you.”

  Armand didn’t hesitate. He gave her one more passionate kiss before he lay down and let her climb on top of him. Narcisse rubbed her pussy up and down his rigid shaft, scraped her fingers down his smooth chest, and smiled as he writhed beneath her.

  “Tease,” he gasped.

  “Not for much longer.” She stilled, waiting for Nelson to make his move.

  His hesitation seemed to have completely vanished. Nelson swirled his fingers around her pussy, and then brought her juices up to moisten her tight hole. He slid one finger inside her, and she thought she was going to come from the excitement of the new sensation. Narcisse slowly eased her cunt down Armand’s cock, watching him shudder with pleasure. When she was settled, Nelson slid another finger into her ass and began stretching her gently. As he slid his fingers in and out, Narcisse clenched her pussy muscles around Armand’s cock, wanting to pleasure him while he waited.

  “You’re still a tease,” Armand said, his voice strained.

  “I promise I won’t tease you much longer.” Narcisse found, however, that she enjoyed waiting and teasing. As horny as she felt, she could only imagine how powerful everything was going to feel when she finally got going.

  Finally, though, Nelson’s slow strokes weren’t enough anymore.

  “I’m ready,” she moaned. “I need you both, right now.”

  “You sure?” Nelson asked.

  Narcisse groaned again. She had enjoyed teasing Armand, but she didn’t have the patience for Nelson to tease her.

  “Yes, I’m sure. I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life.”

  Narcisse sighed with pleasure as Nelson eased his fingers out, and then she groaned even louder as he slowly slid his cock into her tight hole. He paused, waiting for her to get used to him, and then began to thrust in and out. Narcisse followed the pace he set as she began to ride Armand. But soon, the slow tempo wasn’t enough for her. Her body was demanding speed and pressure. She picked up the pace, and was glad to find that Nelson was willing to follow her lead. Soon, she was pounding against Armand with all her might, and Nelson was slamming into her with the same intensity.


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