Kings of Mountain Brook Academy

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Kings of Mountain Brook Academy Page 5

by J. N. Pack

  Matt says, “Jonathan.” and shakes the man's hand.

  Miri says, “Come on in guys.”

  The woman smiles and says, “The boys will be here shortly. Dalton had a game. The boy thinks he’s got to play every sport there is.”

  As they come in Aunt Miri says, “This is my niece Harper.”

  “Fallon.” I correct. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  The woman grins and her husband smiles. “It’s very nice to meet you as well, Fallon.”

  We start to the kitchen and the doorbell rings again. Uncle Matt says, “You guys go on in. I’ll get it.” WE walk into the dining room and sit down.

  I’m looking down as Uncle Matt ushers the boys in. Lucy says, “Fallon, darlin’, this is my boys Maverick and Dalton.” I look up and my mouth drops open. “I know you met Maverick when Miri and Matt were out of town, but this is my sweet boy Dalton.” The boy shyly smiles and waves. King grins in all his fuckin’ glory. They sit at the table as dinner is served. My phone vibrates in my lap. I glance at the message.

  My King: Hi neighbor!

  I quickly replied.

  Fallon: Fuckin’ douche Canoe!

  My King: LMAO!

  “Fallon, put your phone away please.” Aunt Miri asks.

  I fake a smile as I glance around the table, “Sorry.” I turn it off. My eyes land on King and he smiles stunningly at me.

  Lucy asks, “What happened to your face sweetie?”

  My hand absently goes to my cheek. I smile and say, “I got into a fight with a door and it won.”

  She smiles, “my goodness darlin’.”

  I keep my hands under the table hoping they don’t see my knuckles. I’m sure the little guy does because he smiles brightly at me as I hide my hands. I grin in return and give him a little wink. At that I swear the little heart breaker blushed. He is definitely following in big brothers steps.

  As they were leaving Jonathan says something about the gym and Uncle Matt says, “I’ll be there as soon as I drop Fallon at school.”

  King pipes up, “I can take her. I mean she can ride back and forth with me.”

  My mouth drops open. Uncle Matt says, “That’s awesome thanks Maverick.”

  King looks at me and says, “Be ready at seven thirty, k?”

  I nod without looking up because I’m slightly furious with him.

  When I’m in my room getting ready for bed I check my messages.

  My King: You look beautiful.

  Yeah I’m not even going to respond to that.

  Finn: How’s dinner? LMFAO

  Fallon: -Asshat-

  Finn: LMAO

  Wit: I’m bored! Entertain me!

  Fallon: Fuckin’ Maverick King is my neighbor! His family and him were here for dinner!

  Wit: WTF??

  Chapter 12

  T he next morning I wanna play sick, but what would that accomplish. I get up and pull on my uniform. Throw my hair up in a bun and I’m out the room headed down the stairs. At the bottom of the steps my feet falter. King is standing in the doorway to the kitchen so he can see up the stairs and into the kitchen. I start moving again when he looks up. He says, “Morning.” as I move by him. I grab an apple and a bottle of water.

  “Morning sweetie.” Uncle Matt says.

  “Morning!” I reply.

  King asks, “Ready?”

  I nod and head for the door. Before walking out King says, “Later Matt.”

  “Bye Maverick.” he quickly replies.

  In the Tahoe King says, “Buckle!”

  I roll my eyes, but I pull my seat belt on. We pull up at a house almost as beautiful as Aunt Miri’s.

  King says, “Slate and Serena live here.”

  I shrug. I check my texts while we wait. I can feel his eyes on me.

  “Stare much?” I ask bluntly.

  “Only when I see something I like.” he mumbles, but turns his head away.

  Finn: What’s up Princess?

  I actually laughed out loud at that and King looked at me. I ignore him, but respond to Finn.

  Fallon: Morning Wood!

  I actually laugh at my own joke.

  Finn: Really? LMAO

  Wit: What’s up cum guzzler?

  I try the same joke with her.

  Fallon: Morning Wood!

  Wit: Oooo Damn! I just might need a ride then!

  This bitch! I laugh to myself. Slate and Serena both eye King when they climb in and realize I’m in the front seat. Serena sends a text and King’s phone starts blowing up. He glances at the screen and then in the rearview mirror, “Really Serena?”

  She pops a shoulder and pops a bubble with her gum.

  I don’t look at any of them. King silences his phone. I glance at him and then go back to looking out the window.

  King asks, “Who wants coffee?”

  Slate pats his shoulder and says, “My dude!”

  Serena says, “O my God YESSS!”

  King glances at me and I shake my head no. I’m not much for coffee. I’d prefer fruit smoothies or something like that.

  He pulls up to the drive through and starts ordering.

  Wit: Who are you riding to school with?

  O boy what now!

  Fallon: Why?

  A second later she replies.

  Wit: Queen B is on the warpath!

  I groan, “Fuckin’ great!” louder than I had intended. Everyone in the car looks at me. I flip my phone around and show King. He groans, picks his phone up and sends a text.

  Fallon: King!

  Wit: Ooooo!

  Fallon: Yeah!

  Wit: Ooo boy!

  Fallon: I know we aren't friends, but can you please make sure Payton leaves Wit alone.

  Liam: Who says we aren’t friends?

  Fallon: Liam?

  Liam: On it Princess!

  I groan, but lay my head back on my seat. At least he is going to look out for Wit.

  King pulls into the parking lot beside Liam’s jeep. Slate and Serena climb out. When I got to get out King says, “I’m sorry.” and reaches up pushing a loose piece of hair behind my ear. I shrug his hand away and climb out. He gets out and I’m already halfway to the front of the school trying to put some separation between us as fast as possible. I glance back before going into the school. He’s leaning against the back of his Tahoe with his arms crossed over his chest while Payton flips on him. I walk in the school and meet Wit at my locker.

  “What the fuck?” she says.

  I shrug.

  “You put a guard dog on me?” she asks.

  I wince. “Sorry, I didn’t want you getting shit from her because of me.”

  She laughs and says, “Pa Leease bitch! He’s fine as hell. He can guard me any damn day of the week.”

  I laugh and smile. I could kind of see Wit and Liam. Her crazy to his calm. I feel the atmosphere change as soon as they come inside. I want to punch her in the face. He’s not touching her, but she is too close to him.


  Hell no! Not mine!

  He glances at me as they pass and I can feel my heart break just a little. That’ll never be me, as much as I want it to, it won’t!

  Liam smiles as he passes. Slate ignores me like always and Finn grins wide. Of course I get glares from both Payton and Sawyer.

  The day goes by relatively fast. At lunch I sit with Wit like I always do. Max drops by halfway through.

  “What’s up Wildcat?” he asks.

  I roll my eyes at the nickname.

  “What am I, chopped liver?” Wit asks.

  “Hey beautiful.” he says grinning.

  She winks at him.

  “Two weeks, same spot, and same time!” he says.

  I nod and say, “I’ll be there.”

  “Party right after at my place!” he says, turning his attention to Wit. She smiles and says, “We’ll be there!” When he walks away he squeezes my shoulder. When I look up I see four sets of eyes watching me. One set was angrier than the rest.
When my phone vibrates. I read my messages.

  My King: What the fuck did he want?

  I roll my eyes and ignore his text. Not your business big boy.

  Wit says, “What’s up?”

  I shake my head and ask, “Can you please give me a ride after school?”

  She nods.

  I avoid King the rest of the day. During fourth period I sat all the way up front to avoid him. In PE I claimed to have cramps to get out of running.

  My King: WTF Fallon?

  After school I intentionally wait until Wit is already in her car and I race to her car as fast as I can. I can see King take a step towards the car when I jump in and Wit leaves the parking lot.

  Wit says, “What’s going on with you?”

  I shake my head and groan, “I’m trying not to catch feelings for an impossible human being who is determined to put himself in everything I do.”

  Wit says, “So you’re finally admitting King’s got a place in there”

  I nod, but say, “I’m not competing with Payton. I’ve competed for everything I’ve ever had. I’m either going to be it or I’m not.”

  Wit nods and says, “I don’t think there's a competition. I think you just need to place a claim.”

  My King: Stop avoiding me!

  I groan and Wit asks, “Him?”

  I nod. “He just wants to know what Max wanted at lunch.”

  Wit says, “Tell him instead of avoiding him.”

  “Yeah I’m not doing that. I have a feeling the only reason he wants to know is to keep me from fighting.” I responded.

  She gets quiet for a minute before saying, “Is the fighting just for the money?”

  Liam: What’s going on?

  Fallon: Nothing

  Liam: Lies! You’re answering me, but not him.

  Fallon: Because he put you up to texting

  Liam: He’s losing his shit Fallon

  Fallon: Payton will make it all better!

  Liam: Is that what this is about? You’re jealous?

  Fallon: NO!

  Liam: LIES!

  “No I’ve always fought. It’s just what I do. Yeah it’s a quick way to make money, but the money is not why.” I answer.

  When Payton drops me at home I’m fighting the world's worst headache. I turn my phone on silent and take some ibuprofen and quickly fall asleep.

  Finn: What’s up Princess?

  Wit: How would you quickly dispose of a body in a hotel room?

  Wit: How come cat’s butts go up when you pet them?

  My King: …..

  Wit: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

  I wake up long enough to check my messages and respond.

  Fallon: Girl take your meds and go to sleep!

  Fallon: Goodnight Maverick!

  My King: Goodnight Princess!

  As quickly as he responded I’m guessing he had his phone in his hand already.

  Wit: LMAO

  Fallon: Can you pick me up @ 7:15 in the morning?

  Wit: Sure, but why?

  Fallon: I need space from King and his crew.

  Wit: If that’s what you want.

  Fallon: It is! Night chic!

  Wit: Night!

  Chapter 13

  A t seven fifteen I’m jumping into Wit’s car and we are zooming down my short driveway.

  “We’re early, where to?” she asks.

  “Smoothie. I need a fruit smoothie.” I responded.

  “I know the perfect spot!” she says.

  Maverick: WTF?

  I changed his name in my contacts.

  Fallon: What?

  Maverick: Still avoiding me?

  Fallon: Nope, not at all

  Maverick: I call bullshit.

  We pull up to the same place King got coffee from yesterday. We order and then head to school. When we get there and get out we walk to the school. Finn snatches my smoothie before we make it to the building and takes a big gulp.

  “What the fuck!” I growl. HE hands it back with a funny look on his face.

  “What the hell is that?” he asks.

  “Strawberry Pineapple smoothie.” I say taking a sip.

  “Who doesn’t drink coffee for breakfast?” he asks.

  I grin widely in his face, “ME!”

  He laughs and says, “Well aren’t you just a little weirdo!”

  “Most days.” I reply as he jogs to catch up with Slate.

  I’m at my locker when King and Liam come in. The halls part like one of those biblical stories I’ve heard before as they walk through. King doesn’t look at me what so ever and Liam glances, but no smile, nothing. So this is how it’s going to be. I don’t jump at his advances so I get wrote off. What really pisses me off is when they get to Payton and he allows her to kiss him. Then allows her to take him by the arm and usher him around. I mean, whatever, it’s not like he was mine and I’ll be out of here soon anyways. Wit must’ve seen something on my face because she asks if I’m ok.

  I shake my head trying to clear it and say, “I’m not feeling well. I think I’m going to cut today.”

  She asks, “Need to use my baby?” shaking her keys at me. I shake my head and say, “I’m just going to walk.”

  “You sure?” she asks.

  I nod, grabbing my bag and heading for the door. I walk through town checking out the different shops. Then I start home. I don’t know why I’m letting this shit get to me so bad. He wasn’t mine. I never let it happen. That’s on me. So why do I feel as if I lost something? Why do I feel like shedding tears? This ain’t me. I didn’t cry when my mom's john cracked my jaw and it had to be wired, I didn’t cry when…yeah not going there. I will not cry now. When I get home I take some ibuprofen and lay in my bed watching Netflix. Instead of Netflix and chill, try Netflix to forget.

  Wit: You good?

  Fallon: I’m fine!

  Wit: You sure?

  Fallon: You remember what I told you yesterday?

  Wit: Yeah and I told you to talk to him.

  Fallon: Forget what I said.

  Wit: Why?

  Fallon: Because it’s irrelevant. I’m just going to focus on the fights so I can get the money and get out of here.

  Wit: Sorry you feel that way, but ok!

  The next day I avoid Wit and everyone else. I keep my head down and go through the day without playing a major part. The rest of the week is relatively the same. I got shoulder bumped by Payton and Sawyer a few times, but I tried to ignore them.

  When the weekend comes, I spend it with Matt and Miri. Matt’s been letting me drive his car so I didn’t feel like I had to depend on anyone. Miri tells me that the next weekend they would be out of town leaving Friday morning and returning Wednesday night. Good they won’t be here when I get home Saturday night.

  Wit: Are you mad at me?

  Fallon: No

  Wit: but you’ve been avoiding me all week. You haven’t said two words to me or anyone. It’s like you checked out.

  Fallon: I’m good just a lot on my mind.

  Wit: Ok! Do you wanna come out with me? We can find a party and get smashed.

  Fallon: Nah. I’m spending time with Matt and Miri

  Wit: OK

  Matt and Miri obviously notice some things off too because they’ve asked me a thousand times if I was ok. I hated this the most for them. Out of everyone they’d hurt the most when I left, but we all knew this wasn’t permanent when I got here. King and his crew were right. I don’t belong here. I focused on that so I didn’t get lost in trying to fit again.

  The next week of school went by pretty much the same. I avoided everyone. I didn’t go to lunch, I’d get lost in a book in the library, hidden among the tall shelves with my headphones in.

  On Friday though, Payton pushed me way too hard and I fell to the floor. Everyone in the hall gathered around. “Did you really think you were safe? That I forgot about you?” she smirks. “I told you trash, you don’t belong here!”
/>   I growl, “I don’t want to be here anymore than you want me to be here, but I don’t actually have a choice.”

  “O boo fuckin’ who! Poor white trash! Moms a whore and a murd…” Before she could finish I tackled her. I can feel my skirt hike up around my hips. She swings wildly and my punches are on point. Blood starts pouring from her nose and we are both covered in blood. I can hear Wit behind me screaming at me to “Please stop.” Large arms wrap around my waist pulling me off Payton. She whimpers as Serena and Sawyer help her to her feet. “Like mother, like fuckin’ daughter.” She yells just before spitting blood at me. I’m fighting the arms holding me and when I finally snatch free I scream, “Don’t fuckin’ touch me!” I turn to find King standing there eyes wide. Liam, Finn and Slate are at his side. They all look surprised. King raises his hands in defeat and I turn and make a beeline for the exit. I hear Wit running down the hall behind me. When I slam through the doors I start down the road with blood all over me not wanting to get blood in Matt’s car. A second later Wit pulls up beside me.

  “Get in the fuckin’ car Fallon!” she yells. I ignore her and keep walking. “Either get in the car or I’ll go back and tell King and Liam everything you’ve ever said.”

  “Fine!” I growl. I quickly climb in the car.

  She doesn’t say anything on the drive to my house.

  “My mom’s in prison!” I say. She looks at me and nods. “She got wasted and hit two of my classmates. It killed them on impact.” I take a deep breath pushing as much air out as I can. “Growing up she had johns in and out of our house. Things happened. Things I want to forget. Things I thought I could forget. Things I tried to forget when I met you and…. Well it doesn’t matter. I can’t.” I don’t wait for a response from her. I climb out of the car and trudge into the house. I feel dirty and not because I’m covered in blood.


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