Monster Girl Islands 3

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Monster Girl Islands 3 Page 10

by Logan Jacobs

  “Sisters.” Ainsley smiled at everyone and held out her hands, and the group instantly held hands the way Christian families did at the dinner table.

  “I like this.” Mira smiled as we entwined our hands together.

  “We must thank the Goddess for this food, and for the blessing of Ben and Mira,” Ainsley intoned as she bowed her head. “They have shown us new ways of being and doing, and we are eternally grateful for their presence. Will harlecht nell afrint Nira.”

  The language was strange to me, but I joined everyone else as they repeated Ainsley’s words back to her.

  “Now, let us eat.” The blonde clapped her hands together.

  Everyone immediately dug in with gusto. Meat and vegetables were passed back and forth as everyone served themselves and tried to get a bit of everything.

  I took a hunk of the tan, soft meat for myself, as well as some potatoes and one of the bright red fruits. It resembled a starfruit, and I split it open to find a bright orange center inside.

  I bit into the soft center, and I was surprised when it tasted almost like pure sugar. The sweetness wasn’t overpowering, though, the way cane sugar was. It was more like cotton candy, and it even seemed to melt into my taste buds the way spun sugar did.

  Next was the meat. I was so freaking excited for it, part of me wanted to save that for last, but I also didn’t want it to get cold, so I ripped off a piece and popped it into my mouth.


  That was truly the only way I could describe it. The meat was even better than the best venison on earth. It had the earthy, creamy taste of deer meat, but it was also fatty in the best way, like a good piece of bacon. Kinda just like the crazy fucking fanged rabbits, and I briefly considered naming this place the “Everything Tastes Like Bacon Island.”

  I could eat tarrel every day for the rest of my life and never get bored. It was that freaking good.

  “Are you enjoying the meal?” Ainsley leaned over to ask me.

  “Absolutely.” I nodded and licked some meaty grease from my fingers. “You guys are awesome cooks.”

  “I am glad.” Ainsley smiled. “We were not totally sure how to cook the meat, but Mira helped us.”

  “Trust me, you guys did a perfect job,” I informed her. Then I grabbed another huge piece of meat, shoved it into my mouth, and almost groaned in ecstasy at the perfect flavor.

  “Ben, I was wondering if I could give you something?” Ainsley asked as she watched me chew.

  “Sure.” I swallowed and nodded. “But you don’t have to get me a gift.”

  “Oh, it’s not like that.” She laughed that beautiful, musical laugh. “Well, I suppose it might be a little like that. I wondered if you would like to join me in my tent tonight to …?”

  She trailed off, but the implication was clear in her eyes.

  My dick instantly started to harden in my loose pants, and my eyes trailed down her chest to the place where her supple breasts peeked out the top of her dress.

  “Uhhh … yeah?” I nodded quickly. “I mean, yes! Yes, I’d like that.”

  My voice was harsh with longing, and I would have been embarrassed if it wasn’t for the way Ainsley’s cheeks blushed red at the sound of my voice.

  “Okay,” she murmured, and a shy smile twitched at her mouth.

  “Ladies, and gentleman!” Theora shouted suddenly, and the brunette drew my attention away from Ainsley. “It is time for music!”

  An excited whoop sounded through the crowd, and a few of the women got up to retrieve what looked like drums and maracas from their tents. The drums were clay buckets covered in cloth that had been stretched tight and tied off with a vine, while the maracas were bulbous clay rattles that let off a sound like a rattlesnake when shaken.

  The women started to beat the drums, shake the maracas, and sing, and the song was in that same strange language Ainsley had spoken in earlier. It was upbeat and fun, the kind of rhythm that called for hip shaking.

  And that was exactly what the women did. They all got up and started to gyrate and shake their hips like Middle Eastern belly dancers.

  “Join us!” Jemma insisted as she bounded up to Mira and me and grabbed our hands in hers.

  “Oh, no, I don’t dance,” Mira tried to protest, but it was too late.

  The thin deer woman had pulled the warrior to her feet with nothing but sheer determination and spun her off into the crowd of women before she turned to me.

  “Your turn.” Jemma grinned, and her eyes sparkled mischievously.

  “You’ll have to show me how,” I laughed. “I’m not too much of a dancer.”

  “That’s okay,” Jemma said. “Just follow me.”

  She pressed herself up against me sensually, body to body, and started to grind her hips against mine as she moved up and down to the beat of the music.

  Before, in my human life, I hadn’t been much of a dancer. I was never too keen on going to clubs or parties where there would be tons of music and dancing. It wasn’t my scene, and truthfully, I wasn’t the best at it.

  But here, right now, surrounded by all of these gorgeous women who thought I could do no wrong, all of my doubts disappeared, and I let myself move to the beat with Jemma. We spun and grinded and let the music flow in and out of us like it was an extension of our bodies.

  I had no idea how much time passed, or how many women I danced with. I felt like I’d been passed from woman to woman to woman, but I was too enthralled with the music and bodies to pay much attention to myself at all.

  Especially since each of the beautiful deer women had made a point to grind their hips and asses into my crotch.

  Finally, though, the moon was high in the sky, which meant it was time for bed. So, the music gradually died down, and the crowd began to disperse. The women exchanged breathless, happy good nights with broad smiles on their faces, and it made me happy just to see the change in them, how carefree they’d become in only a few days.

  “Ben,” Ainsley said from behind me, and her slender hand trailed up my spine. “Would you like to retire with me?”

  “Abso-freaking-lutely.” I grinned as I turned to her.

  The blonde matched my excited smile and grabbed my hand in her own. I could already feel her skin was hot and pulsing with anticipation, and I was sure mine felt much the same.

  I stepped behind her so I could watch her perfect little ass sway as she sashayed toward her tent, and when we stepped inside, Ainsley made sure to close the flap so we could have some privacy.

  “I wanted to thank you for all you’ve done for the village, and for me,” she told me.

  The slender woman stepped back, her eyes locked on mine, and let her fingertips trail up her sides and to the place where her dress tied around her neck.

  “This is the best damn thank you I’ve ever gotten.” I smirked at her.

  A proud smile curled her lips up, and she undid the knot to let her dress fall off her body and to the ground.

  I was pretty sure my mouth fell open. There was definitely a benefit to the dress over the pants and shorts she sometimes wore, and that was how easy the damn thing came away from her perfect body.

  Her breasts were perky and round, with small pink nipples in the center, and I could see from a few feet away that they were already rock hard.

  My eyes trailed down her thin, toned stomach to the mound between her thighs, which was already soaked in her own juices.

  “Oh, God,” I let out a small groan in the back of my throat and earned myself yet another smile.

  “Touch me,” Ainsley breathed as she stepped forward.

  And of course, like the gentleman I was, I complied.

  I reach out a hand to cup one of her soft, supple breasts, and I ran my thumb over her hard nipple and reveled in the way her body instantly responded to my touch. Slowly, I brought the other hand up to cup the back of her neck, and then I drew her closer to plant a heated kiss on her lips.

  Ainsley’s mouth opened instantly, and her tongue tra
ced the inside of my upper lip delicately. Then her thin arms wrapped around my waist and tugged on the hem of my shirt.

  Without a word, I lifted my arms up and let her pull the shirt from me. Our lips separated only long enough for the material to come up and over my head, and then our mouths instantly met again, like they were two opposite ends of a magnet.

  Soft hands traced my torso, down the dragon scales that lined my sides, and to the center of my pelvis bone. Within seconds, my pants were off, and my hard dick sprang free of the restrictive material.

  Ainsley took a moment to look down at me, and a mischievous smile spread over her features before she slowly sank to her knees in front of me.

  “May I?” she asked, but the shit-eating grin she wore told me she already knew the answer and just got a kick out of asking the question.

  “Yes. Fuck, yes.” I nodded my head like a madman in anticipation of those swollen lips around my cock.

  Ainsley wrapped a hand around the base of my member and rubbed me a few times before she finally lowered her head and sucked just the very tip of my dick into her mouth. Then she bobbed up and down a few times before she sucked me all the way in.

  I felt my dick hit the back of her throat, but she didn’t gag once.

  “Gods.” I closed my eyes and let myself bask in the bliss of Ainsley’s talented mouth.

  After a few minutes, I felt the tight swell in my balls that indicated an orgasm was on its way.

  “I’m about to … ” I managed to mumble.

  Ainsley got the idea, and she slowly pulled her mouth from me and then backed onto the bed.

  “Come here,” she murmured.

  The blonde laid down and spread her legs for me, and I was faced with the most divine pink pussy I’d ever seen in my life. Half of me wanted to bury my dick inside of her, and the other half of me wanted to taste her and tease her until she screamed my name.

  I crawled onto the bed and settled myself before her. Then I took a moment to look at the woman splayed out in front of me, with her strawberry blonde hair tangled around her head like a lion’s mane. My fingers trailed up her smooth legs and down her creamy thighs so I could make sure she was totally ready for me.

  And boy was she ever. The moment my fingers touched her swollen lips, a trickle of liquid spilled out of her, and she let out the most erotic groan I’d ever heard.

  “Please, Dragon King,” Ainsley whimpered, and her eyes were half closed because her lids were so heavy.

  Who the hell was I to deny a beautiful woman?

  But I wanted to watch her pleasure first. So, I circled her clit with my thumb, and applied pressure in uneven intervals, as she bucked and writhed beneath my talented fingers. Slowly, I pressed my index finger inside of her. Warm, slick walls clenched down around me immediately, and I fucked her slow with just my fingers. The show I got was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. Her eyes were screwed shut, her fists clenched and unclenched against the mattress, and strings of sound escaped her mouth like music. Then she came with a scream of my name, and I couldn’t hold back any longer.

  I kneeled before her, lifted her impossibly long legs so they rested on my shoulders, pressed the tip of my cock to her tight entrance, and slowly pushed myself inside. I reveled not only in the tight, warm wetness I felt, but at the string of mumbles and groans that escaped Ainsley’s mouth. Her eyes were totally closed now, and her back arched as she gave herself fully to the pleasure of it all.

  As soon as I was buried inside of her, I pulled all the way out, and then slammed back into her with a grunt.

  And that earned me a scream of pleasure from the blonde.

  “Goddess!” she screeched, and her blue eyes flew open and met mine. “More. Faster.”

  “Yes, Madam President.” I grinned.

  And then I did exactly what she asked. I fucked her, hard and fast, as I relentlessly chased both of our orgasms. All the while, her walls tightened and shuddered around me as her entire body writhed in the bliss of our love-making.

  I bent forward and latched onto one of her nipples with my mouth, and then I gently twisted the other one.

  “Yes, Ben,” she moaned. “Give me your Dragon King seed. My body needs it.”

  A small hand tangled itself in my thick hair, and the pressure on my scalp as she pulled just slightly sent a pleasant tingle down my spine and right into my balls.

  And that was fucking it. My mouth slipped from her nipple, and my hand stilled on the other as I came with a grunt.

  Then I poured what felt like a pint of cum deep into her tunnel.

  “Ben!” Ainsley’s hips bucked and rocked against mine as her body sought out its own orgasm. Then her walls clamped down around my hard cock as a second orgasm rolled through me, smaller than the first, but in time with her own.

  “Fuck,” I groaned against the warm skin of her chest as my second climax caused my cock to spray another volley of my seed into her womb.

  Ainsley, though, was still buried in her own bliss as she rode out the last of her orgasm.

  It took a few seconds for us both to recover from the amazing sex. Then I gently slid out of her and grabbed a cloth from the side of the tent. I handed it to Ainsley, and she gave me a happy, grateful smile as she wiped away some of the sperm leaking out of her pussy.

  “I suppose that was a thank you for both of us,” she giggled.

  “And it was a damn good thank you,” I replied.

  Ainsley finished cleaning herself off and pulled a blanket over the two of us. Instantly, the blonde curled up into my side and rested her head on my shoulder, and her fingers played softly in the little curls of brown chest hair that made a V on my torso.

  “I am very glad you found us, Ben,” Ainsley mumbled as she drifted off to sleep.

  “Me, too,” I whispered, and I kissed the top of her soft head before I also fell into a deep, wonderful sleep.

  The next morning, I woke up to find Ainsley had snuck out at some point before me. The woman had been so quiet she hadn’t disturbed my sleep one bit.

  I grinned as I thought about the sex we’d had last night. She was a great lover, and I wondered if I’d given her enough seed to impregnate her.

  Pretty sure I had, and I wondered how freaking cute our firstborn would be.

  I grabbed my clothes from the floor and got dressed before I stepped out into the morning sunshine. To my surprise, the sun was already high in the sky, which indicated it was around ten in the morning.

  Mira spotted me from the cooking tent and waved me over.

  “Did you have a good night, my king?” the warrior asked, with a knowing grin on her face.

  “A perfect night, you might say.” I smirked.

  I wandered over to grab some breakfast and found Jemma and Theora both seated in the tent while they munched on fruit.

  “Good morning, Ben.” Jemma smiled. “I am ready for our adventure today!”

  Excitement shone in her brilliant eyes, and I couldn’t help but feel the same.

  Ainsley popped up behind us just then. She tapped me lightly on the side as she brushed past, and then she spun around to shoot me a wink as she grabbed a piece of fruit for herself.

  “What is this about an adventure?” the blonde asked.

  “Ben wants to explore the island,” Theora explained. “And I believe it is a good idea.”

  “Yes, I agree.” Ainsley nodded. “I plan to work on the fields today. Now that they are protected, I want to add more seeds in and hope the Goddess blesses us with a bountiful harvest.”

  “Make sure to take your bow with you,” I told her seriously.

  “Of course.” The blonde smiled and kissed my cheek before she whirled off in a post sex glow.

  “I know what happened last night,” Jemma sang out and grinned at me.

  “Are you two ready?” I laughed and avoided the insinuation.

  Mira joined us, and the four of us packed up some fruit and nuts for the mission. Jemma and Theora also had two of the new
bows I’d made early that morning, while Mira and I took our own bows and our sea glass swords with us.

  We dropped down to the forest floor and started to head in the opposite direction of the beach. We’d been that way enough times before I didn’t think there was too much to see. I was more interested in what was on the other side of the island, and what kind of creatures might lurk there.

  Our jaunt through the forest was relatively uneventful. We saw a few rabbits and tarrels, but we didn’t shoot any since we weren’t sure how much longer we would be out for, and I didn’t want the meat to spoil.

  The terrain was gorgeous, though. The green leaves on the trees were a vivid emerald, and colorful wildflowers painted the ground, like the field of poppies in The Wizard of Oz. I bent down to take a sniff out of a giant purple flower that looked like a rose, and the smell was wonderful. It was sweet, but also tangy, like citrus.

  I grinned and plucked it from the ground to hand to Mira.

  “M’lady,” I said as I presented the flower.

  The jade haired warrior laughed and accepted the offering.

  “Why thank you, my king.” She smiled.

  This part of the forest seemed to have more birds and critters than the part we lived in. Bright orange birds, the size of pigeons, flitted from tree to tree, and they let out high chirps and whistles as they went. A giant caterpillar was glued to one of the trees we passed. It was bright orange with tiny blue dots all along its back, and I almost reached out to touch it when Jemma grabbed my hand.

  “That is deadly, Ben,” she informed me.

  Noted. Deadly caterpillars.

  I spotted a few of the large paw prints of the giant cats Ainsley and I had encountered, but I didn’t see any actual creatures. I made sure to keep my eyes peeled, though, just in case.

  About three miles out from the camp, we came to a clearing at the base of the mountain, where a small pond had formed. A gentle waterfall glided into the pool and filled it with crystal sea blue water.

  I edged up to the water and peered down into its depths. I wasn’t too sure what I hoped to find, but the pond seemed to be completely empty of anything. So, I cupped my hands and took a long drink of the cool water.


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