Solbidyum Wars Saga Book 1: Battle of the New Orleans

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Solbidyum Wars Saga Book 1: Battle of the New Orleans Page 21

by Dale C. Musser

  “This ship looks like a luxury liner but is equipped line a battle cruiser!” Marranalis exclaimed. “There are laser cannons, extreme long range GW-antimatter torpedoes, fission bombs, and a phalanx plasma gun system. This ship is armed to the max.”

  “Citizen Galetils was a bit paranoid it seems and feared that sooner or later war would break out again with the Bunem System or one of the non-aligned systems and he wished to be prepared.” Orcpipin said. “But come, let us dine now, a meal has been laid out for us in the star light hall.”

  The star light hall was located in the upper deck on the ship just under the arched window canopy and provided a vista of the stars and planet Nibaria off to the one side. Senator Tonclin sat at the end of the table and I was to his right with Kala beside me. To his left and straight across from him sat Orcpipin. The meal was just like the others I had experienced so far in the Federation; exquisite. During the meal Senator Tonclin carried on a most pleasant conversation with Kala and me about our adventures of getting the Solbidyum safely to the Megelleon. Orcpipin and Senator Tonclin both tried to convince us to spend the night on the ship but I declined stating that we had much business to attend to back at the estate. For a moment I sensed that both Orcpipin and Senator Tonclin took this as a sign that I was not interested in buying the ship and I could see that they both were down fallen by this.

  “So,” I began “how much are you asking for this ship?”

  Immediately I saw Orcpipin’s countenance pick up. “Well Honored…ahh, Tibby the original price for the ship was thirty –four billion Federal dollars, of which twenty-two billion has already been paid leaving a balance of twelve billion Federal dollars, which is the amount we are willing to let you have the ship for.”

  I chewed on my lip a moment “Hmm, I don’t like that price,” I said. I could see Orcpipin’s countenance fall again, “no I don’t, that will not do. I think eighteen billion Federal dollars would be much better.”

  Orcpipin and Senator Tonclin both sat there wide eyed, “But that’s more than we are asking.” Orcpipin said in disbelief.

  “Indeed,” I said, “and I won’t pay a cent less. Now do we have a deal or must I go someplace else to find a ship?” and with that Orcpipin passed out.

  As part of the closing deal on the yacht I requested that I might have several minor modifications made to the ship; Orcpipin was more than happy to agree to those terms. I also asked them to assist in stocking supplies. Since the ship had not already been named I insisted that it be named the “NEW ORLEANS” and that the ships name is painted on the bow and that a brass plaque be mounted on the Bridge. Naming this ship gave me another idea.

  “Once a ship is named is it possible to rename it.” I asked?

  “But we haven’t put the name on the ship yet, so that would be no problem.” Orcpipin responded.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, “I should have made myself a bit clearer perhaps… I was not thinking of this ship, I was thinking of the TRITYTE, I was wondering if I could change its name.”

  Senator Tonclin looked at me as thought I had lost my mind, “But why would you want to do that? It’s the most famous and recognized ship in the entire Universe.” He said.

  “That’s precisely the reason I would like to change its name,” I said, “So it is NOT so easily recognized. It will make it easier for my crew and I to go places unobserved, it will mean a lesser need for security. Personally I would prefer less fanfare when I travel.” I could see heads turning as people looked at each other hoping someone had a sensible answer.

  Kala spoke up, “There are times when having the TRITYTE known by that name will have its advantages, but I can also see your point. I wonder would it be possible for the ship to have two names on the ships registry with the Federation. Perhaps there’s a way of changing it from within the ship by means of a lit name on the hull that can be changed when you see fit.”

  “I like that idea, does anyone know if it can be done?” I asked the group around us.

  Senator Tonclin laughed “For you Tibby I think anything can be done. If you have problems doing so please feel free to contact me and if necessary I will make it an issue to be voted on by the Senate. But I don’t think it will ever come to that.”

  “Reidecor, would you investigate this matter for me?” I asked.

  “I’d be most happy to Tibby” Reidecor responded. “Any idea on what the second name you would like for the TRITYTE ?”

  “I do indeed,” I said, “I’d like her to be called MOUND ISLAND.”

  “That’s a most unusual name,” Lunnie said with her typical crooked smile, “any special significance to it?”

  I laughed and shook my head, “Yes, Lunnie, but I fear it’s nothing as fascinating as your sense of humor has dreamed up. Mound Island is the name of the location on Earth where I found the TRITYTE. I would like the ship named that so I never forget where I came from.” For a moment everyone was silent and I believe that each of them was trying to imagine themselves in my place.

  “I do out understand this comment between Corporal Luinella and Tibby about a difference in significance.” Senator Tonclin said. “Perhaps you can explain it to me Major Kalana since you are an attaché and accustomed to explain things not understood?”

  Lunnie started to snicker but Kalana caught her off guard by saying, “I think perhaps Corporal Luinella would be better able to relate the significance since she was the one who made it.” I could clearly hear Lunnie gulp, but then in typical Lunnie’s brazen fashion without so much as a hint of embarrassment she said.

  “At times and in certain context the human female genitalia is referred to as ‘the mound’ she said, I thought that perhaps since Tibby and K….”

  Kala quickly interrupted “That’s more than sufficient information Lunnie. I am sure that now the Senator and Orcpipin are even more baffled, but at least they understand YOUR reference.”

  “Most interesting, is it customary for humans to name things after genitalia?” Senator Tonclin asked as though we had opened an area of human culture that might be of some importance in his senatorial duties.

  “Usually only in derogatory slang references,” Kala responded while giving Lunnie a hard cold stare.

  “But then I do not understand why she would think that Tibby should want to give a derogatory name to his ship!” Senator Tonclin said with a bewildered look.

  “Senator Tonclin, I apologize for my sister’s actions and comments, she has a rather perverted sense humor at times and it is better off ignoring than trying to understand.”

  “AHH,” the Senator said, clearly not understanding but willing to end the conversation. Lunnie hung her head and actually blushed, one of the few times where I saw her actually embarrassed by her actions. The rest of the visit she was noticeably quieter and more reserved showing she clearly saw how far she has crossed the line of improper behavior in the presence of foreign dignitaries.

  After the dinner with Orcpipin and the Senator I asked Lunnie to step aside with me for a moment. She obviously thought I was about to lecture her on her comments and behavior and immediately started apologizing before I had a chance to speak, she ended up by promising never to again make any such comments or suggestions in front of others outside our group, a promise I clearly doubted she would be able to keep. When she finished I said.

  “Well that’s all very nice and I am glad you realize the embarrassment you have put us through, but that is not what I wanted to talk to you about.”

  “It isn’t?” she said reverting to her old whimsical self, “you mean I just made all those promises for nothing?”

  “Oh those were great promises Lunnie and I fully expect you to live up to them, but no, that is not what I wanted to discuss with you.”

  “Well what do you want?” She asked

  “Orcpipin mentioned that an area had been created near the hanger bay for the newly designed fission reactors to be installed to power the defensive shields for the ship. He said that the a
rea is wired up to the shields and ready to go except now there are to be no reactors. I would like for you to investigate the wiring and see if there is a way that a wiring harness can be made that can hook up from where the cables are now to the TRITYTE in the hanger bay. I believe there is a power outlet on the hull of the TRITYTE, if I am not mistaken, and if there isn’t I would like to know what it would take to install one. I would like connect the TRITYTE’s power into the shield system here on the New Orleans.”

  Lunnie’s eyes widened, “Oh!” she said, “I think I see where you are going with this, the Solbidyum reactor on the TRITYTE is more than ample to provide the power to the shield anytime that it is aboard the New Orleans, all you need to do is to hook it into the power grid. I never would have thought of that, and I’ll bet no one else has either.”

  “That’s precisely what I am hoping for Lunnie, so I would really appreciate it if you kept this quiet and not share with anyone outside of our circle, you understand?”

  “Tibby I may like to joke and tease about personal relationships and often say things I should not, but I never divulge secrets about my job or what I have been asked to keep confidential!”

  “I know Lunnie,” I replied, “I’ve read your personnel files,” and with that I turned and walked away leaving her with a look of amazement on her face.

  Orcpipin said it would take several days to get everything ready for the NEW ORLEANS to be delivered for flight, which was fine as I didn’t have a crew to man her. It was going to take thousands of people to fully man this ship and right now I only had five and only three of them were qualified for a position on the ship; Lunnie, Kerabac, and Marranalis. Reidecor, while a good pilot for the TRITYTE was by his own admission clearly out of his league for being captain of the New Orleans.

  We were on our way back to Megelleon when a transmission came in telling us that Corporal Lexmal had escaped from captivity. His court martial had been held and was sentenced to death by being released into the vacuum of space without a space suit. It was the standard punishment for the death of a traitor in the Federation. How Corporal Lexmal had escaped was unclear, but it was apparent that he had help. While we were gone the DUSTEN had arrived at Megelleon and it was believed that his accomplice from the DUSTEN, whose identity Lexmal had never divulged, had come to his aid as several guards in his cell area had been rendered unconscious. He had made his way to the hanger and had escaped in one of the patrol ships waiting in the hanger there.

  There was a two other messages that came in as well, the first was from Captain Maxette, congratulating us on our success, he was hoping to meet with us while they were in orbit around Megelleon for a month .

  The next message was from Piesew Mecarta, also congratulating us and saying he had received our message and offer to be house major domo for the Estate. However, he was not sure that he could handle the task as he was more accustomed to a ship and its lifestyle. He said, that he thought he knew of someone who might fit perfectly to our needs and he hoped we could meet and discuss it.

  “Kala, contact Captain Maxette and make a dinner engagement with us for sometime early next week, then make one with Piesew Mecarta for the next day if you can. Tell them we will pick them up with the TRITYTE early in the morning and to plan for it to be an all-day event. Oh, and don’t say anything to them about the NEW ORELANS just yet I would like for it to be a surprise. One more thing, see if Admiral Regeny is available at the same time as the Captain and if he is, invite him also.”

  Part of the trip back, for those not involved in the actual flying of the ship, consisted of practicing martial arts in the cargo hold, after which Kala and I spent some quality time together in our cabin. It was bothering me that even though we were together most of the time, we really weren’t, at least not in the more personal way we had been before my fame and fortune. Once we were back at our estate I contacted one of the house staff and asked them to assemble a bouquet of the most beautiful flowers from the greenhouse and to deliver them to my suite. I also contacted one of the many chefs’ at the estate and had them prepare one of Kala’s most favorite meals. I dressed in one of my nicest black dignitary uniforms, and told Kala that there would be a special guest for dinner that night and to dress appropriately.

  While she was showering and dressing the staff arrived with the food and flowers, the table was set elegantly. I found some nice music similar to smooth jazz from back on Earth and had it piped into the dining room. Kala had followed my instructions without asking who the special guest was and when she came out of our bedroom sharply dressed and only saw two place settings at the table she asked. “Who’s the special guest and why are there only two services set out on the table?”

  “Ahh my dear, but everyone is here. You are the special guest.” With that I pulled the bouquet out from behind my back and handed them to her. The look on her face was not what I expected. I forget sometimes that simple customs from Earth are not necessarily the same in the Federation. Kala’s questioning look at the flowers set me into a fit of laughter. This only increased her quizzical look and I had a hard time gaining my composure to explain.

  “Kala, I never thought for a minute that things here might be different from Earth in this matter. It is customary for a man on Earth, when he is enamored of a lady to present her with a bouquet of lovely flowers. It is often given at other times as well, for special events such as birthday celebrations, anniversaries, sometimes as acts of an apology, and sometimes simply just to express your love for that person.”

  Kala tilted her head down, a slight blush on her cheeks and smelled the flowers and then asked,” “Which of these is your reason Thibodaux James Renwalt?”

  “Well initially as an expression of love for you, but in reality it should be all of the above. We both have been so busy of late that I have not taken the opportunity to spend the time that I should with you, so I apologize for that. I’m sure if I look back over the past month that I have missed recognizing some significant event as well, but without a doubt I am highly enamored with you and that alone justifies the flowers.”

  Kala smiled and played a little coy, “Nice choice of music, I like it. I am assuming you have ordered something for us to drink as well.”

  “Indeed I have.” I said. “It would appear that Galetils was a collector of rare wines from all over the Galaxy and had quite a cellar full of them on the estate here. I understand that after his death one of the house staff members went to great pains to protect them from being pilfered by others here. Tonight we are drinking a rare vintage from the third moon of Fiepur in the Loca System. It is said to have aphrodisiac effects on its imbibers and a euphoric nature that enhances ones senses during love making.” I raised an eyebrow.

  Kala laughed and said, “Well then perhaps we should wait to drink it until after we eat, it would be a shame if the wine took hold of us too soon and we never got to eat.”

  “I do believe that if we just take small sips now with our meal it will create in us such growing passions that the anticipation alone will make it all worthwhile.” I said, hamming it up a bit.

  Kala said, “All right Tibby at least I warned you.” We barely made it through the appetizer.

  I want to tell you now that waking up next to Kala in the morning is without a doubt the greatest joy in my life. Never has anything pleased me more than opening my eyes and seeing her head on the pillow next to mine. She is without a doubt worth far more to me than anything else I have gotten out of my experience and I would give it all for her if I had to.

  The next morning Kala and I ate the leftovers from the meal of the night before, fortunately none of the items had spoiled overnight and though cold, still were quite tasty. We both laughed looking at each other remembering the haste with which we had left the table the night before and the trail of clothing we found the next day leading from the dining room to the bed.

  We had just finished eating when a message came in for Kala from her staff saying that the company that produ
ced the learning headbands had been located and it was on Omalcron. Kala frowned and told me that Omalcron was a good two week trip across the galaxy from Megelleon. The aid went on to say that several of their top scientists and managers were going to be attending a conference on Megelleon in three days and would be on the planet for nearly a week. I gave instructions to Kala that I wanted the entire team invited to the estate as my personal guests and to pay them whatever was necessary if it came to that to get them all there at once. I had a feeling though that it would not be necessary to pay them.

  I had produced several vids of martial arts moves that Marranalis was using as training tools for our own developing security force. I would drop by for several hours a day to demonstrate moves and to critique the progress of the martial arts students or “Karate Ka”. I was referred to by the students as “Shihan Tibby” as I was as close to a master as they were likely ever to get. Marranalis wasn’t even close by Earth’s standards but the students still called him “Sensei” by the Karate Ka, as he definitely was more advanced than they. It was two days after our return from Nibaria that Kala came to me to tell me that everything was set up with Captain Maxette and with Piesew. We would be able to entertain the Captain in two days and Piesew the day thereafter. In the mean time I had received word from Orcpipin that a luxury passenger starship had collided with an asteroid and was being towed into the shipyard at Nibaria for repairs. It would likely be there for a year before being back in service. The starship line was letting most of the crew go as they didn’t have any another ship to place them on. There was a good possibility I could get a relatively experienced crew or at least partial crew that were accustomed to working together if I was interested. He said the ship would be arriving in about a week but he would be able to contact it before then and arrange for me to interview people for crew positions. I thanked him and said I would be most appreciative if he did and would gladly pay him a finder’s fee if things worked out.


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