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Jax Page 6

by Julia Mills

  We made it exactly two steps inside the wall surrounding the back of the castle before the kitchen door flew open and Phoebe was running towards me. With my new enhanced vision I could see the red rings around her eyes and the tears wetting her cheeks. My heart broke. I hated it when she cried and even more so when I was the cause.

  Jumping into my arms, Phoebe grabbed my neck for all she was worth and sobbed. The force of her attack was such that I had to drop Pearl’s hand and shift my stance to keep both of us from hitting the ground. Phoebs babbled unintelligibly into my shoulder as her tears soaked my shirt. I let her go on until I could feel her strength waning and her crying was more hiccupping than sobbing. During it all, Grant stood to the side, taking in the scene, his eyes bouncing between his wife and my mate.

  I let Phoebe’s feet touch the ground when I was sure she could stand on her own, but kept hold of her upper arms. Although she’d stopped crying, her little sobs threatened to tear out my heart as she looked up at me and asked, “Where have you been? I was so worried.”

  I’d expected her to scream, to tell me what a dick I was for being gone so long and making her worry. That was the way Phoebe and I always dealt with one another. That was what I was prepared for, not the weeping mass of emotions standing before me. Not to mention the King of the Jungle and all his kitties were looking at me like I was enemy numero uno. I guess since they now knew I was okay, they were ready to kick my ass for making their queen cry.

  It just doesn’t get any better than that, now does it?

  I opened my mouth to speak but Pearl stepped forward before I could get a word out and began, “It’s my fault, Your Majesties, and I’m prepared for whatever punishment you see fit.”

  Grant’s guards took a step forward and Phoebe took one back breaking my hold on her. Grant nodded, a silent command for his men to take Pearl. I damned near lost my mind.

  “What the...? Wait a cotton picking minute here!” I screamed.

  Thankfully, everyone stopped as I pulled Pearl closer to me and growled in her ear, “I’ll get to you in a minute.” Then looking to my sister and her husband, I took a deep breath before saying, “Everyone needs to take a step back and one big deep breath. None of this is how it seems.”

  Looking right at Phoebe, I was glad to see anger replacing the sadness. I had a PhD in handling my little sister after I’d pissed her off in one way or another. This was my comfort zone. All I had to do was get her and Grant alone and explain the situation. Of course, Willem was not going to like my plan, but I really didn’t give a damn.

  “We need to talk.” Phoebe nodded her head and started to answer, but I quickly added, “Alone.” And her jaws snapped shut.

  Coming up behind his wife, Grant placed his hands on her shoulders before looking me right in the eye and speaking over her head. “Yeah, I’d say that’s an understatement.” The knowing look, followed by a quick look at Pearl, told me the king had some idea what was going on but was waiting for the chips to fall where they may.

  Turning Phoebe to face him, they did that unspoken communication thing that until I’d met Pearl, had pretty much pissed me off every time it happened. My sister glanced over her shoulder and gave me a half smile before turning back to her husband.

  Once again Grant spoke over her head, “Willem, you and your men are dismissed. I’ll call you if we need you.”

  Reluctantly, the guards disbursed, but not before eyeing Pearl like she was the enemy. My fists balled at my sides. I wanted to punch each and every one of them in the jaw for even daring to look at my mate, let alone like she was a criminal. Sliding her fingers through mine, she kissed my cheek and whispered, “My hero.” Her chuckle was enough to push back my anger as we followed Grant and Phoebe into the castle and straight to the king’s office.

  The door had just closed when Phoebe yelled, “Talk! Talk now and talk fast. What is going on? I was so worried I was sick. Grant’s had every cat within a hundred mile searching for your mangy ass. I just knew you’d had fallen off a cliff or broken your neck and left me. Who the hell do you think you are, Jackson Alexander Montgomery? Seriously, I wish I could hate you right now.”

  Stop laughing. My mother, God rest her soul, was a true Southern belle.

  And P.S. Only Phoebe gets to call me that. Seriously. Remember, I know how to hide the body.

  I knew she was just venting. It’s her way. My darling sister is high strung to say the least. Most times, I blame it on the red hair, but in this case, she had me dead to rights. I opened my mouth to answer but patience was not a virtue Phoebe possessed. I’m also pretty sure she thought I wasn’t going to answer, so she turned her verbal attack on Pearl. “And you, I should’ve know. What, it wasn’t enough to break his leg and damned near his head? You had to kidnap him too? What the hell do you have to say for yourself?”

  It was as mad as I’d ever seen Phoebe, even taking into account the time I’d shown Bobby Smith, her junior high crush, a picture of her when she was six years old without her two front teeth and sporting a black eye. Pissed didn’t come near to what we were witnessing and I was the one to blame, but it was her husband that came to the rescue.

  Remind me to get that man a bottle of hundred year old scotch.

  Stepping up, Grant pulled my sister to his side and calmly said, “Dear, if you don’t stop screaming questions at them, they can’t answer. I’m sure there’s a logical explanation if you’ll just let them speak.” Not waiting for his wife to respond, the king scooped her up, walked over to the couch, sat with her on his lap, and nodded in my direction.

  I will never bitch about Grant again. I mean seriously...NEVER. Dude’s got skills.

  I could tell Pearl was about to take the lead, but she backed off when I squeezed her hand and just slightly shook my head. Taking a deep breath and clearing my throat, I started, “First of all, I am so sorry. You know damned good and well I would never do anything to hurt you or cause you to worry if it wasn’t completely unavoidable.” One quick nod from Phoebe said she was listening but still mad. At least it was something, so I powered on.

  Looking to my mate then back to the only family I’d ever really known, I said, “This is Pearl. And as hard as this is going to be for you to believe, she is my mate.”

  Grant grinned and nodded as Phoebe’s jaw dropped open. She looked as if I’d just announced I was pregnant with twins. Several long seconds later, she shook her head and asked, “But how?”

  It was Pearl’s turn to explain because quite frankly, I was still confused as hell as to who in my crooked family tree had been a shifter and how that had affected me. Being a foster kid from a very young age meant I only knew the little bit of my family history I’d taken the time to dig up, and that info would fit in a cigar box with a lot of room left over. It had never mattered...until now. Then there was all the shifter lore and rituals and stuff that flew right over my head.

  The conversation seemed to go on forever, with Phoebe going from pissed to accusatory to sad to happy, due in part to her husband agreeing with Pearl’s explanation and even adding to it when necessary. Three hours of talking with no end in sight and this Marine was about to go stir crazy. I needed to know my sister was okay and that life would go on as it always had with us adapting to whatever came sailing our way, but I also wanted to be alone with my mate. It was then my stomach growled so loud the entire room erupted into laughter.

  “Hungry, Bubba?” Phoebe asked, using a childhood nickname to let me know everything was gonna be all right...weird but all right.

  Hey, it was the most I could hope for.

  “I am freaking starving. I just realized it’s been days since I ate.”

  Chuckling, my little sister teased, “Good Lord, tell Cook to get a cow.” Then winking at Pearl, she added, “This boy is on an every three hour feeding schedule and he eats like a horse.”

  We all stood. The ladies walked towards the door talking among themselves, and I had to smile. Everything really was going to be okay. Fo
llowing my sister and my mate, Grant shook my hand as we walked. “Welcome to the Pride. Not that you weren’t always a member, but now it’s official... even if you don’t get furry.”

  “Furry or not, I can still kick your ass on the basketball court, Buddy Boy,” I kidded.

  “That’s King Buddy Boy to you now, Mr. ‘Not Quite’ Puma.” Grant howled at his own joke and I shook my head.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah...” I laughed along as we caught up to the girls and headed to the kitchen to find food.

  Life’s not always what it seems, sometimes, it’s better...much, much better....


  To say the last few months have been crazy would be an understatement. Phoebe and Pearl are damned near inseparable and planning my wedding, which is supposed to take place on Christmas Eve, just ten days from today. For some strange reason, I’d thought we could do all of this without a lot of commotion, but then again, who was I kidding? Phoebe loves a party and Pearl is learning that having an extended family is more fun than she’d ever imagined. I believe if we set these two beautiful women loose on the world, not only would they find World Peace, but kick the butts of anyone who gets in their way.

  Apparently, the whole puma fertility during the full moon thing is not a myth. Yesterday, after an especially harrowing night the night before of holding Pearl’s hair while she threw up everything but her toes, I demanded she see the doctor. One hour and a sonogram later, it was announced that in just a bit longer than five months, I will be the father of not one, but two bouncing baby boys. The doctor explained the gestation period for a puma shifter is just a few days longer than six months and that Pearl is about three weeks pregnant. To say I was shocked would be the understatement of the year. We have no clue if they will be like Pearl, like me, or a cross between the two. The one thing we are sure of is that we will love them no matter what.

  I was upset that we’d gotten pregnant before Pearl was officially Mrs. Jackson Montgomery, but then she reminded me that from the moment I’d marked her and we’d made love the first time in her cave, we’d been mated. The wedding was just a formality. She was mine and I was hers and that was all that mattered.

  So far I’ve passed out three boxes of blue bubble gum cigars. Big Cats’ heightened sense of smell makes having cigars around almost impossible. I almost sneezed my damn fool head off just standing outside the smoke shop. I ordered newborn-sized Dallas Cowboys football jerseys and onesies. Pearl says we cannot decorate the nursery in blue and silver, but I’ve got time, I’ll wear her down.

  Phoebe keeps reminding us that life is exactly how it’s supposed to be and I have to agree. With a sister who’s the ‘Not-Quite’ Phoenix Queen, how could I be anything but a ‘Not-Quite’ Puma father? Happily ever after never looked so good.

  The End

  (At least for now...)

  VIKTOR: Heart of Her King

  Kings of the Blood ~ Book 1

  Available Now!

  Three millennium brought the Supreme Commander to this place at this time to meet the one woman who can save not only his soul but his very existence.

  Too many days pondering her life. Too many nights dreaming of the nameless, faceless man who makes her feel things she never thought possible.

  One has a chance for revenge, the other a chance for redemption. Together they must make a choice. Together they hold the key.

  Together only they can save the heart of her King.

  Destiny Waits for No Man...Not Even the King!

  Her Dragon, His Demon

  Book #12 in the Dragon Guard Series

  Coming March 1, 2016

  Rian knew he shouldn’t have run off half-cocked. Rory and Royce had damn near driven him mad screaming directly into his brain for the last three days. Finally, unable to stand their endless bitching, he’d cut all communications with them. It was the first time in more years than he could remember that he’d been truly alone.

  As if all that wasn’t bad enough, Rian had snuck into his oldest friend’s private lair and stolen the stone they’d recovered along with Drago, the assassin. He’d known he was going to raid Maddox’s cave even before he sent Tomas off with the ancient artifact, but it was the only way he could keep his plans from the others. No one would understand. How could they?

  For years he’d been living with the secret of his mate’s painful existence. Unable to go to her, unable to save her, only able to see her once every full moon and only with the aid of a Devil’s Trap. His beautiful Audrey had been possessed even before he knew of her existence. A terrible curse was put upon her by the same evil wizards the Dragon Guard sought to destroy. She hadn’t given up her freedom willingly; rather it was taken from her as a way to coerce her father, the king of a small seaside village, to give up his lands.

  Unfortunately, King August was killed in battle before he knew his daughter had been taken and the man who inherited the kingdom, Audrey’s uncle, was evil to the core. He simply left his niece to rot in hell, the servant of the Chancellor and President of the High Council of Devils.

  Not long after Royce had left to train with the Golden Fire Clan, when the O’Reilly brothers were still considered young dragons, Rian had been deep in the forest that bordered the sea one night just after midnight. He’d needed time to think. The Elders had just come to him, requesting he join their ranks and rule the Blue Thunder Clan. The Guardsman was honored but filled with doubt.

  Making his way to the water’s edge, he’d seen the full moon’s reflection in the calm seas an instant before glimpsing the most beautiful woman in the world. She walked toward him, obviously enjoying the feel of the sand between her toes and the breeze on her skin. Her long skirts and dark hair blowing behind her. The violet of her eyes glowed in the moonlight as her sweet dulcet tones reached his ears.

  The woman’s song was so hauntingly desperate it pulled at Rian’s soul. He felt her in places he’d never imagined and knew at once she was his mate. Racing toward her, he was shocked when she threw her hands out screaming, “No! Stop! Don’t come near me! Please, please, I don’t want to hurt you. Just stay back!”

  Stopping dead in his tracks, Rian scoffed, “How could you hurt me? I am a Dragon Guardsman in my prime and besides, you are my mate.”

  She fell to the ground, her head in her hands, and wailed, “No, no, no! This can’t be happening. Curse you, Adramelech, curse you and all you hold dear. Curse your cold, dead heart. I should’ve known it was all a trick.”

  Needing to comfort his mate but trying to abide by her wishes to stay back, Rian moved a step closer. The scent of fresh cut daisies invaded his senses, almost driving him to his knees. No longer able to control himself, the Guardsman took yet another step in the young woman’s direction. She jumped up, stepping several quick paces backward. “Please, I beg you, don’t touch me. I’m cursed, possessed, made to do a demon’s bidding. Tonight is my birthday. The first in more years than I can count that my evil master has let me out. Although still chained to him within my soul, he allowed a few brief moments of peace in a place I hold so very dear. I should’ve known he had a plan, should’ve known it was all a game...” Her words trailed off as she stared at the sea.

  Carefully taking another step forward, Rian spoke like he would speak to a scared child. “Let me help you. We have healers and spiritual leaders that can free you. You are a dragon’s mate. My mate. The one made for me by the Universe Herself. Let me help you.” He was begging for the first time he could ever remember, but truly didn’t give a damn. If there as a way to help her, he would do it...anything for his mate. She was his and by all that he held sacred, Rian O’Reilly would have her.

  Her once glowing violet eyes were now overflowing with sadness. He saw her tears. Heard the anguish in her voice. “But don’t you see, that’s his plan. I wish I had known before, but now it is clear. I was sent here to trap you.”

  And with that, she disappeared.

  About Julia

  Julia Mills is the New York Ti
mes and USA Today Bestselling Author of the Dragon Guard Series, the ‘Not Quite’ Love Story Series, and most recently the Kings of the Blood. She admits to being a sarcastic, southern woman who would rather spend all day laughing than a minute crying. She has two of the most amazing daughters ever created, a menagerie of animals, and a voracious appetite for reading. She decided to write the stories running through her brain and is having an absolute blast!! She read her first book, Dr Seuss’s Cat in The Hat, and has been hooked ever since.

  She believes a good book, along with shoes, makeup, and purses, will never let a girl down. She knows for a fact that all heroes in all the books she has ever read or will ever write pale in comparison to her hero...her dad! She's a sucker for a happy ending and loves some hot, sweaty sex with a healthy dose of romance.

  She's still working on her story but can guarantee you that it'll contain as much love and laughter as she can cram into it!!!!! Dare to Dream! Have the Strength to Try EVERYTHING! Never Look Back!

  She LOVES stalkers! So look her up on Facebook and keep up with all her craziness on her Website – JuliaMillsAuthor.com.

  Also by Julia Mills


  The Dragon Guard Series

  Her Dragon to Slay, Dragon Guard Series #1

  Her Dragon’s Fire, Dragon Guard Series #2

  Haunted by Her Dragon, Dragon Guard Series #3

  For the Love of Her Dragon, Dragon Guard Series #4

  Saved by Her Dragon, Dragon Guard #5

  Only for Her Dragon, Dragon Guard #6


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