I, Columbus
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All the people I have seen so far resemble each other. They have the same language and customs.
All of the trees are as different from ours as day is from night, and so are the fruits, the herbage, the rocks, everything. The fish are so unlike ours that it is amazing; some are like dorados, of the brightest colors in the world—blue, yellow, red, multi-colored, colored in a thousand ways; the colors so bright that anyone would marvel and take great delight at seeing them. Also, there are whales. I have seen no land animals except parrots and lizards. I have not seen sheep, goats, or any other beasts.
Friday, 19 October, 1492. I simply do not know where to go next. I never tire from looking at such luxurious vegetation. I believe there are many plants and trees here that would be worth a lot in Spain for use as dyes, spices, and medicines, but to my great sorrow I do not recognize them. You smell the flowers as you approach this coast; it is the most fragrant thing on earth. Before I depart, I am going ashore to explore.
Sunday, 21 October, 1492. At ten o’clock in the morning we anchored. Flocks of parrots darken the sun. Birds of so many species so different from our own that it is a wonder. I am bringing a sample of everything I can. I saw a serpent, which we killed with lances. I am bringing Your Highnesses the skin. The people here eat them. The meat is white and tastes like chicken.
Sunday, 28 October, 1492. At sunrise I approached the coast of Cuba. I am now certain that Cuba is the Indian name for Japan. I have never seen anything so beautiful. The country is full of trees. I took a small boat ashore and approached two houses. The people fled in fear. We found a dog that did not bark. We found nets and cords made of palm threads, fishhooks made of horn, harpoons made from bone. I ordered not one thing be touched. The Indians say on this island there are mines of gold and pearls. I saw a good place for the pearls. I was given to understand large ships belonging to the Great Khan came here. From the mainland it is 10 days journey. I must try to go to the Great Khan, for he is in the city of Cathay. This is a very great city, according to what I was told before leaving Spain.
Saturday, 3 November, 1492. Many canoes came to the ships to trade things made of spun cotton, including the nets in which these people sleep, called hammocks.
Monday, 5 November, 1492. At dawn I ordered the Nina beached in order to clean the hull. I shall do the Pinta next and then the Santa Maria. Two ships should remain in service all the time for security reasons, although here people are safe and I could beach all three ships together without fear. This is one of the best harbors in the world, and it has the best climate and the friendliest people.
Thursday, 8 November, 1492. Our work on the ships is not complete and the winds are still contrary. I therefore have postponed my departure, and will remain here until the ships are ready.
Sunday, 11 November, 1492. It would be well to take some of these people, in order that they might learn our language and we might learn what there is in this country. Upon return, they may speak the language of Christians and take our customs and Faith to their people. Today there came to the ship a canoe with six youths in it, and five came aboard. These I ordered held and am bringing them with me. I sent men to a house west of the river, and they brought seven women and three children. Tonight the husband of one of the women, and father of the children, came to the ship. He asked that I might let him come with us. It pleased me greatly. All the people on board are now consoled.
Wednesday, 21 November, 1492. This day Martin Pinzon sailed away with the Pinta, without my will or command. It was through treachery. I think he believes that an Indian I placed on the Pinta could lead him to much gold, so he departed without waiting and without the excuse of bad weather, but because he wished to do so.
Thursday, 22 November, 1492. Last night after Pinzon sailed away I could see him for a long time, until he was twelve miles away. That night was very clear and the light wind favorable for him to sail in my direction if he had chosen to do.
Friday, 23 November, 1492. I sailed all this day toward the land to the south. Visible in the distance is another land or cape that extends to the east. The Indians aboard call this Bohio, and say it is very large and has people with one eye in the forehead as well as others they call cannibals of whom they show great fear. When they saw I was taking that course, they were too afraid to talk. They say that the cannibals eat people and are well armed. The Indians we have met believed the same thing at first about us Christians.
Sunday, 25 November, 1492. I saw a large stream of very fine water, which fell from a mountain and made a great noise. I went to the river and saw in it some stones, glittering like gold. I ordered certain stones gathered for the Sovereigns. The ships’ boys cried out they saw pines. I cannot exaggerate their height and straightness like spindles. I knew ships could be made from these, and there is a great quantity of timber and masts for the largest vessels of Spain.
I cannot express to you, my Sovereigns, what a joy and pleasure it is to see all this. I have not praised it a hundredth part of what it deserves, and it pleases our Lord to continually show me something better, for always in what I have discovered up to the present it has gone from good to better, in trees, forests, grasses, fruits, flowers, and in the people. The same is true about the harbors and waters. When one who has seen all of this wonders at it so greatly, how much more wonderful will it be to those who merely hear of it. No one will be able to believe all of this until he sees it.
Wednesday, 5 December, 1492. I have decided to leave Cuba which up to now I thought to be the mainland. I have sailed along its coast three hundred sixty miles. I will sail to Bohio which lies southeast. It is a very great island say the Indians who are very afraid of the inhabitants of Bohio. They believe those of Bohio eat people.
Thursday, 6 December, 1492. At dawn I found myself twelve miles from land. At the hour of vespers we entered a harbor I named in honor of St. Nicholas because it was his feast day. I marveled at the beauty and excellence of this harbor. We shall call this land Isla Espanola.
Monday, 17 December, 1492. I sent men to a village and by trading some worthless glass beads they obtained gold beaten into the form of a thin leaf. I saw one man they call Cacique, whom I take to be the governor of the province.
Tuesday, 18 December, 1492. I remained anchored today because there is no wind. More than two hundred men came with the Cacique and four men carried him on a litter. The Cacique arrived while I was eating. He saw I was eating and came quickly to seat himself beside me, but would not allow me to rise or interrupt my meal. After the meal a servant brought a belt. He gave this to me, along with two very thin pieces of gold. I saw the cover on my bed pleased him, so I presented it to him, along with some amber beads that I wore around my neck. I also gave him some red shoes and a flask of orange water. This pleased him wonderfully. I also showed him the royal banners which he admired greatly. He told his men that Your Highnesses must be great Lords, since you sent me here so far without fear. Many other things were said that I did not understand, except I saw everything was wonderful.
Friday, 21 December, 1492. Today I saw a harbor on Isla Espanola which surpasses any other. I have been sailing for twenty-three years and have seen all the East and West and have traveled through Guinea, but in all those regions harbors as perfect as these will never be found. I have considered what I have written very carefully, and I assert I have written correctly and now this harbor surpasses all the others. All the ships in the world could be contained in it.
The people here have no spears, arrows, or other arms. I ordered that at no time were any of my men to annoy any of these people in any manner and that no one was to take anything from them against their will. I cannot believe that we have found a people with such good hearts, so liberal in giving, and so timid, that they strip themselves of everything to give all they have to us.
Sunday, 23 December, 1492. I sent two Indians to villages. They returned to the ships with a Chief and with the news that in
this Isla Espanola there is as much gold as we desire. In the three days I have been in this harbor I have received good pieces of gold. May Our Lord, Who has all things in His hands, assist me and direct me in finding the gold.
I think that more than one thousand persons came to the ship, all bringing something. Even before these canoes reached the ships, the Indians arose and held up what they were bringing saying, “Take, take.” I think another five hundred swam because they did not have canoes, and we were anchored three miles from land!
Tuesday, 25 December, 1492—Christmas Day. I sailed in a light wind yesterday. I decided to lie down to sleep because I had not slept for two days and one night. Since it was calm, the sailor who was steering the ship also decided to catch a few winks and left the steering to a young ship’s boy, a thing I have always expressly prohibited throughout the voyage. It made no difference whether there was wind or calm; the ships were not to be steered by young boys.
The currents carried the ship upon a bank so quietly that it was hardly noticeable. When the boy felt the rudder ground and heard the noise of the sea, he cried out. I jumped up instantly; no one else had yet felt that we were aground. I ordered the master of the ship to rouse the crew, to launch the small boat and to take the anchor and cast it at the stern. I assumed they were following my orders. Instead, their only thoughts were to escape to the Nina. The crew of the Nina would not receive them which was correct.
I ordered the mast cut and the ship lightened as much as possible, to see if it could be refloated. But the water became even more shallow, the ship settled more and more to one side. I could not save her.
I took my crew to the Nina for safety. I dispatched the master-at-arms to go directly to the King and to beg him to come to this harbor with his boats. My men told me that the King wept when he heard of the disaster. He sent all his people from the village with many large canoes to help us unload the ship. Everything was unloaded in a very brief space of time. The King personally assisted in the unloading and guarded whatever was taken ashore. I certify to Your Highnesses that in no part of Castile could things be so secure. Not even a shoe string was lost!
Wednesday, 26 December, 1492. At sunrise the King came to the Nina, where I was, and almost in tears told me not to be dismayed because he would give me whatever he had.
I ordered a lombard and a musket be fired. The King was spellbound when he saw the effect of their force. When the people heard the shots, they fell to their knees. They brought me a large mask, which had pieces of gold in the ears and eyes. The King placed this, along with other jewels of gold, on my head and around my neck. I derived great pleasure and consolation from these things. I realized this eased the trouble and affliction I had experienced by losing the ship. I recognized that Our Lord had caused me to run aground at this place so that I might establish a settlement here.
Now I have ordered a tower and a fortress be built. It is necessary for the Indians to know what we can do, in order that they may obey Your Highnesses with love and fear.
Monday, 31 December, 1492. Today I saw that water and wood were taken aboard for the departure for Spain. I would like to see all the land along this coast, but I have only one ship remaining. It does not appear reasonable to expose myself to the dangers that might occur in making anymore discoveries. All this trouble and inconvenience has arisen because the Pinta deserted me.
Wednesday, 2 January, 1493. I left on Isla Espanola thirty-nine men in the fortress. I have left with them all the merchandise purchased for trading. With this they may trade for gold.
I charged the three officers to see that everything was well ruled and governed for the service of God and Your Highnesses.
Friday, 4 January, 1493. At sunrise I weighed anchors in a light wind. I sailed east toward a very high mountain.
Sunday, 6 January, 1493. After midday the wind blew strongly from the east, and I ordered a sailor to climb to the top of the mast to look out for shoals. He saw the Pinta approaching and she came up.
Martin Alonso Pinzon came aboard the Nina to apologize, saying that he had become separated against his will. He gave many reasons for his departure, but they were all false. I do not know why he has been so disloyal and untrustworthy toward me on this voyage.
The Pinta’s crew had traded for a great deal of gold. Pinzon took half and divided the other half among his people. So, Lords and Princes, I know Our Lord miraculously ordered the Santa Maria should remain here because it is the best place on all the islands to make a settlement, and it is near the gold mines.
Tuesday, 8 January, 1493. I have decided to return with the greatest possible haste and not stop any longer. Although there are many disobedient people among the crew, there are also many good men.
Wednesday, 16 January, 1493. Three hours before dawn I departed.
Wednesday, 23 January, 1493. Last night there were many changes in the wind. I waited many times for the Pinta which had difficulty sailing close to the wind because the mast was not sound. The sky is very disturbed these days, but it has not rained and the sea is very calm all the time, many thanks given to God.
Friday, 25 January, 1493. The sailors killed a porpoise and a very large shark. These were necessary because we had nothing to eat except bread, wine, and ajes from the Indies.
Tuesday, 12 February, 1493. I sailed to the east during the night and by sunrise had made a distance of fifty-four miles. I began to experience heavy seas and stormy weather. If the ship had not been very sound and well equipped, I fear we would have been lost. During the day I made thirty-six miles with great difficulty and in constant danger.
Wednesday, 13 February, 1493. From sunset until sunrise I experienced great difficulty with the wind, high waves, and a stormy sea. There has been lightning three times, which is a sure sign of a great storm coming. I went with bare masts most of the night, then raised a little sail and went about thirty-nine miles. The sea became terrible, with the waves crossing each other and pounding the ships.
Thursday, 14 February, 1493. The wind increased last night and the waves were frightful, coming in opposite directions. They crossed each other and trapped the ship, which could not go forward nor get out from between them, and they broke over us. Seeing the great danger I began to run before the wind, letting it carry me wherever it wanted, for there was no other remedy. The Pinta also began to run and eventually disappeared from sight, although all night I showed lights and the Pinta responded until it was not able to do so any longer because of the force of the storm.
The great desire I have to bring this wonderful news to Your Highnesses causes me to fear I will not succeed in doing so. It seems to me than even a gnat can disturb and impede it. I attribute this to my little faith and lack of confidence in the Divine Providence. On the other hand, I am comforted by the favors God has bestowed upon me by giving me such a victory in discovering what I have discovered. I believe that God will fulfill what has begun and that He will deliver me safely. This is especially so since He delivered me from the difficulties I had at the outset of the voyage when the sailors with one voice determined to return and rebel against me. Therefore, I ought not to fear this storm. But my weakness and anxiety will not allow my mind to be reassured.
I also feel great anxiety because of the two sons I have in Cordoba at school, if I leave them orphaned. I am concerned because Your Highnesses do not know the service I have rendered on this voyage and the very important news I am carrying to you. For this reason, I have written on a parchment everything I can concerning what I have found, earnestly beseeching whomsoever might find it to carry it to Your Highnesses. I sealed the parchment in a waxed cloth, tied it very securely, took a large wooden barrel, and placed the parchment in the barrel, without anyone knowing what it was (they all thought it was some act of devotion), and had it thrown into the sea.
Friday, 15 February, 1493. Last night, after sunset, the skies began to clear to the west. The sea is subsiding a little.
After sunrise we saw land. Some said it was Madeira; others the Rock of Sintra in Portugal, near Lisbon. We must be fifteen miles from land. According to my navigation I think we are off the Azores and believe the land ahead is one of those islands. The pilots and sailors believe that we are already off Spain.
Sunday, 17 February, 1493. I rested a little last night because I have not slept since Wednesday, and my legs have become cramped from exposure to the cold and water and from having so little food. At sunset I reached the island, but it was so dark and cloudy I could not recognize what island it was.
Monday, 18 February, 1493. Yesterday after dark I went around the island to see where I could anchor. The men learned that this is the island of Santa Maria, one of the Azores. The people here had never seen such a storm as that which has prevailed for fifteen days, and they wondered how we escaped. They offered many thanks to God and rejoiced greatly when they heard the news that we had discovered the Indies.
My navigation has been very accurate, and I have steered well. I was sure we were in the vicinity of the Azores. I pretended to have gone a longer distance to confound the pilots and sailors who steered, and to remain master of the route to the Indies, because none of them is certain of my course and none can be sure of my route to the Indies.
Thursday, 21 February, 1493. I am astonished at such bad weather as there is in these islands. In the Indies I sailed all winter without anchoring because of the weather which was good all the time. The sacred theologians and learned philosophers were quite correct when they said the earthly Paradise is at the end of the Orient, because it is a most temperate place. Those lands I have now discovered are at the end of the Orient.