Shattered Destiny

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Shattered Destiny Page 21

by West, Shay

  Keera, Gwen, and Kaelin turned their faces from the screen as it went blank, almost hearing the man's scream echo in their head. Saemus rubbed his face absently, violet eyes wide.

  “That's Astra! The Mekans have landed on Astra,” Saemus cried.


  “WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!” Saemus curled all four hands into fists; water rushed out of his siphon in a flood, and the colors of his bell changed rapidly. The enemy was on his home world.

  “What do we do? How do we fight them?” Jon swam back and forth in front of the table. He wanted to go to the portal now.

  “I don't know, but we can't do anything from here!” Saemus wondered if they had made it across the Sea of Solace to land near their home villages.

  “Let's not act rashly! We need to have some sort of plan before we return to Astra.” Forka knew they would be going. This is what he and the others had been training the Chosen for.

  Forka wished his friend and comrade were still alive. If he knew Brok, the old man would have had some sort of plan, some idea of what to do should the Mekans land on Astra. They'd all known it was a very real possibility that the enemy could land on one of the worlds they lived on, hurt or kill those they knew and loved.

  He is dead and gone. So what do I do?

  “If only we had weapons on Astra! Then maybe we could fight the Mekans.” Jon felt ashamed of his less technologically advanced world. Not everyone on Astra could use magic, and those that could did not have the power he and his fellow Chosen possessed. Even with this special gift, Jon doubted he and the others could fight the Mekans alone.

  “We have many weapons on Volgon, weapons that may help us. It's too bad we can't bring them through the portal,” Feeror said.

  “What kind of weapons?” Jon asked.

  “We have plasma rifles and side-arms, as well as a weapon that uses sound to kill a particular enemy and leave all others unharmed.” Feeror paused at Jon's look of confusion. The words for their weaponry were difficult to translate into Gentran.

  “The rifles shoot bursts of energy that can penetrate metal. The sound weapon can kill with sound waves, but we can program it in such a way that it will only kill an enemy. Before we had to leave, we had finally fine-tuned the sound weapon so that it would kill Gorkons and leave all Volgons unharmed.”

  “The plasma things sound like they might be useful since you said they can shoot through metal.” Keera waved her hand absently at forgetting the word for “rifle”

  “I am not sure how effective they will be against the Mekans. The weapons can penetrate metal, but we have only seen it done with armor and the hulls of some of the smaller ships. The skins of the metal giants might be much too thick. The guns might not do any damage at all.”

  “What about building a giant gun like you use? Something really big that would penetrate their bodies?” Keera asked.

  Feeror shook his head. “We don't have anything like that. And it would take much too long to build one.”

  “What does it matter anyway if we can't get the weapons to Astra? We need to focus on things we can use that exist there.” Jon was exasperated. He had been excited about the weapons, but the limitations of the portals rendered them useless.

  “Does your world have the capability of making things with metal?” Voilor asked.

  “We make simple things out of bronze and iron. I'm not sure we can make something like what you describe,” Gwen said.

  “Can you use your power to help with the task?” Voilor was beginning to wonder if there was anything they could do on a planet that did not have the means of building weapons.

  “We have never done anything like what you suggest. We don't even fully understand how the weapons work.” Gwen felt helpless. Some Chosen we are!

  --I believe we can help with this task.

  They all turned to the clone who had spoken. Without the arm bands, no one had any idea which number they were addressing, but most found it didn't matter. One Kromin was the same as another.

  --Our travel pods can transport anything that is required.

  Forka held up a hand to silence the outburst of activity from the Chosen. He felt ashamed that he hadn't thought of the idea. He had been to the strange Kromin planet and had even traveled in one of the pods.

  Without the prophecy, the Volgon's weapons might be the answer they had been searching for. “How long will it take you to reach Volgon?”

  --We would need to search for the planet in our database to determine its exact location. Until we have done so, we cannot give an exact time.

  “Can you guess?” Forka clenched his jaw.

  --I do not see how that would be possible.

  “If I may,” Moylir interjected. “It will take us some time to collect the plasma rifles and the equipment needed for the sound weapon. We could just meet the Kromins at the portal when we are ready to leave.”

  Forka nodded and turned to Gerok. “How should we proceed? This is your second world, Guardian.” Forka's tone left no doubt that he expected the man to live up to his duty.

  Gerok bristled. “I don't think I like your tone.”

  “Easy, old friend. I only meant-”

  “I know what you meant. Same as that fellow from Earth. You expect me to fight you, to insist we remain behind, is that it?”

  “Well, you have been doing a lot of that,” Forka said, his body changing colors as his anger surged.

  “Because I seem to be the only one who has his priorities straight!” Gerok turned abruptly, his emotions flashing as rapidly changing hues of red and blue: anger, regret, sadness.

  “So you think we should stay here and do what, exactly? Sit around twiddling our thumbs and hope the prophets gain the ability to see into the future again? Can you really sit here and leave the people of Astra to their fate?”

  Gerok hung his head, his greater duty to the Chosen battling with his desire to wage war against the Mekans.

  But isn't that what the Chosen are supposed to be doing? Fighting the Mekans?

  Gerok spun and faced his fellow Guardian. The two stared at one another for a few moments before breaking into matching feral grins. He turned to face the rest of the group. “This trip is going to be tricky. The General of Colony 3 tried to stop us from leaving, and I had to hit him. Attacking any top official on Volgon is considered treason. Our return means danger for us all.”

  Forka sighed inwardly. “We will proceed with all possible caution. The Astrans should be able to render us invisible. It might be best to proceed that way.”

  “Perhaps we should rest up for the night and leave tomorrow? This task will prove difficult, and we will need our strength,” Gerok suggested.

  The others agreed, though the Astrans were anxious about the wait.

  “It is best to be well rested and alert for this task. If we are captured or if something goes wrong, it will cost us more time in the end,” Gerok said. He knew the Volgons would not hesitate to kill them. Striking General Kroylir had sentenced them all to death should they be caught.

  Druska led them from the computer room and to their domicile. He had servants bring them food, telling them he would be waiting with Briska in the portal chamber a few hours past the start of the new day.

  The Chosen found their rooms much as they had left them. It was here that the absence of the others was obvious in the empty sleeping areas. They tried to make small talk to cover their sadness and loss, but it felt false and forced. No one wanted to unleash the grief that they had been holding in since their comrades had died. They had been through so much. All they wanted to do was sleep and forget everything that had to do with destiny. Many hoped that when they opened their eyes, they would find themselves back home and all of this would be some horrible nightmare.

  * * *

  Gwen floated in front of the large window in the hallway. The peaceful vista before her was at odds with the turmoil within. She liked it on this world. Here, she wasn't deformed; she was just small, like a child.
On Astra and Earth, there had been no doubt as to her physical limitations and awkwardness. Will I be deformed on Volgon too?

  The large blades of sea grass moved gently to-and-fro, driven by the minute movements of the water. No Gentrans were out at this hour, and the water was full of gelatinous schools of fish, sneaking onto the plankton blankets to eat their fill. Tiny crabs and sea stars crawled along the ocean floor in search of dinner. I wish I could stay here.

  Gwen felt the vibration in the water behind her before she saw Feeror appear beside her in the reflection in the window. The big man did not speak, merely hovered beside her, both sets of arms crossed over his massive chest. Gwen watched him through the reflection rather than turn to stare up at him.

  “You should be asleep. The journey on my world will not be easy. We may have to fight our way free with the sound weapons. Your power will be needed.”

  The tiny girl sighed. “I can't sleep.” Feeror's presence made it difficult for her to think. Her feelings were jumbled and confused. The Volgon's reaction to her physical form the first time they'd seen her was still painful to think about. She had been inundated with stares, snickers, and pointing fingers her whole life. But her encounter with the Volgons was the first time she had ever had anyone react to her with outright disgust and loathing.

  And yet, somehow, his being at her mercy, unable to fight the invisible power that had choked the very life from his body had somehow turned his thinking around, made him respect her. She understood a little about the warrior race from their journey together, and yet his new attitude baffled her. Kyron had never accepted her and Voilor only tolerated her. Seelyr and Moylir did not seem bothered by her presence, but Gwen chalked it up to their being girls.

  “What bothers you?”

  Gwen's jaw tightened. She did not want to show weakness.

  “You may speak your mind.”

  His tone suggested that he had an idea of what was causing her grief. I might as well admit it. “I am afraid of what will happen should the people of your world ever catch sight of me.” Gwen hated the petulant tone of her voice.

  “There is no need to worry. We will remain invisible.”

  Gwen rolled her eyes. “Yes, but what if something happens and we Astrans can't maintain the invisibility shield?”

  “You worry about things that are not going to come to pass. You can easily maintain the shield.”

  The man's stubbornness was galling. “What would your people do if they saw me?” Gwen persisted. She knew that whatever she conjured in her mind was probably worse than the truth.

  Feeror glanced at her as if gauging her seriousness. “If you are seen, you will most likely be killed. But it will be because you are a stranger appearing suddenly out of thin air and not because you are deformed.”

  Gwen winced a little. She had always hated that word. “But your people will react the same way you did when you first saw me.”

  “Yes, they will.” Feeror couldn't lie. “You should come to bed. If you are strong tomorrow, you and the others will be able to keep the shield up, and we will never have to find out what might happen if it should fail.” Feeror reached out one hand as if to touch the tiny girl, but at the last minute, he curled his fingers into a fist and swam back to his room.

  He can't stand to touch me. She didn't think it was possible for her brain to become even more muddled. Men! For a brief moment, Gwen considered waking Kaelin. Surely, the girl would have some advice about how to deal with Feeror. She floated in place awhile longer, drinking in the serenity of the Gentran landscape before sighing loudly and making her way back to her own room. Not that I'm likely to get any sleep anyway!

  * * *

  “I don't see why we are even bothering to go.”

  Brad refused to answer. He had heard it all before. When he'd spotted the girl exiting her room, he had followed. He wanted to spend as much time with her as possible before their trip through the portal.

  Kaelin furrowed her brow and sighed in exasperation. “Fine, I won't bring it up anymore.”

  “I just don't see that it does any good. We have no choice.”

  “Well excuse me for not being as self-sacrificing as you!” Kaelin huffed.

  “Besides, I'm not sure I would want to go back to my world alone.” Brad said the words, holding his breath.

  Kaelin's heart raced. There was a part of her – a large part – that wanted to remain near Brad. “You could always come with me,” she whispered.

  Brad shook his head as he drew her in close. A part of him marveled at how completely his mind was Gentran while on this world. He was quite certain that, were he to be walking about on Earth, he wouldn't find her gelatinous form quite as appealing. But here on this world, she was a great beauty, and the feel of her body and the fine cilia under his hand made his heart race.

  “I don't mean to be so whiney! I am just tired of the adventure. I want to settle down and live peacefully and quietly.” Kaelin was annoyed that this race didn't have the ability to produce tears. She needed a good long cry.

  “Believe it or not, I want those things as well. But I can't live peacefully for a few short years, knowing that something horrible is coming for those I care about.”

  “You know, this thing with you being right is getting to be insufferable.” Kaelin elbowed Brad.

  “It's a terrible habit that I can't seem to break,” Brad said mockingly.

  Kaelin snorted a burst of water through her siphon. Truth be told, she was grateful for the playful banter. It distracted her from her fear and misery. She wished she could be as brave as Gwen or as steadfast as Brad, but she just wanted to go home.

  Brad gave her a final squeeze. “Come. We need to get some sleep.”

  Kaelin nodded reluctantly and watched the man swim to his rooms. She smiled and waved when she saw him look back one last time before disappearing inside. Keera, Jon, and Saemus were snoring in their sleeping areas. Kaelin smiled at Gwen's absence. She had noticed the girl leaving and had spotted her and Feeror talking near the large window in the main hallway. She and Brad had gone the opposite direction, not wanting to intrude.

  Gwen returned, and the two girls shared a small smile. They tried to still their racing thoughts, sheer exhaustion taking over and sending them into a deep sleep.


  “GREAT LUCIAN'S GHOST! Look at me!” Kaelin wailed. She stared at her thick, scaly skin in horror.

  “What's wrong?” Moylir stretched, reveling in the feel of her own strong body. She was tired of being stuck in a body with such weak outer coverings. She was doubly pleased to see the armor and weapons right where they had left them. She began putting on her armor, trying to ignore the cries of dismay from the Astran and Earth Chosen.

  “I'm a giant lizard!”

  “And on your world, I was a pasty weakling. We have all had to suffer in less-than-perfect bodies.”

  The Volgon Chosen donned their armor and utility belts. There was some argument as to who would get to wear the armor belonging to Kyron and Seelyr.

  “We will draw straws again.” Gerok growled as he placed his small plasma side-arm in its holster. This was the first time since the deaths of the Chosen that he felt strong again.

  “Why does it matter who gets it? No one will be visible anyway. We don't have time for these games. The Kromins could be here any time with the ship. We must get to the colony,” Moylir said curtly.

  “Let's just leave it here. I don't really feel like I need clothes anyway.” Gwen was a little disappointed to find her body on this world as twisted as her form on Astra and Earth. However, she was glad that she stood a little taller, although everyone was larger than usual.

  “How are we going to find our way to the weapon if everyone is invisible? We don't know how to get there,” Gwen said.

  Gerok ground his teeth in frustration. He hadn't anticipated this complication. “What do you suggest?”

  She balked a little at his glare. “I'm not sure. This is your world.
You know it better than I do.”

  “Perhaps one of us can remain visible. If anyone attacks, the others can join the fight if need be,” Voilor suggested.

  Gerok hated having anyone one of his Chosen out in the open, but it appeared this might be the only way. “So be it.”

  Gwen was relieved to be invisible. She hadn't missed Feeror's flinch when he'd seen her emerge from the portal. All hope that the man was getting over his revulsion had died with that involuntary movement.

  Voilor volunteered to remain visible so the others could follow him to the Colony. He took the lead, setting a quick pace. He stayed to the shadows, moving quickly and silently. He gritted his teeth at the quiet sounds of movement coming from behind. Any youngling would be whipped within an inch of their lives for making so much noise while away from the protection of the shield.

  He spotted movement and signaled the others to take cover. His sharp eyes noticed a Volgon moving about leisurely. Disappointment filled him when he saw it wasn't a Gorkon. The behavior of the Volgon bothered Voilor, though he couldn't put a finger on exactly why.

  “What is he doing walking in the open?”

  Voilor jumped a little at the disembodied voice of Gerok. “Perhaps there is an enemy close-by, and he is attempting to draw them out.” Voilor watched the man, and nothing in his demeanor suggested he was doing anything more than going for a nice walk.

  Except Volgons did no such thing.

  Before they could speculate further, another Volgon, this one a child, came running from around one of the buildings. Voilor drew his plasma side-arm, certain that he would see a Gorkon sprinting after the young pup.

  And then a sound unlike any he had ever heard came floating on the slight breeze: a child's high-pitched laugh.

  Voilor could not ever remember hearing anyone in the Colony laugh. The sound sent chills up his spine that were not altogether unpleasant. More like unfamiliar and strange, but pleasing at the same time.


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