The Calling

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The Calling Page 19

by Lily Graison

  The hold he had on her neck slacked, his teeth coming away from her skin. "Lay still," he rasped in her ear. "Don't move."

  She stilled under him, her heart slamming against her ribcage. She knew what he was doing the moment he laid his head against hers and wasn't having any part of it. It wasn't going to be that easy for him. She wouldn't play the submissive. If he wanted her, he'd have to fight her for it. She smiled to herself before bracing her arms and arching her back, trying to buck him off of her. He growled, his hold on her tightening as she clawed at the ground and tried to get away.

  Kicking her feet she was able to dislodge him enough to flip over. He reached for her, pinning her to the ground with one arm across the front of her chest. She was panting for breath, struggling under him and raised her head, biting into his shoulder. He yelled and grabbed the back of her head, his fingers twisting in her hair before she released her hold. He grabbed her arms, jerking them over her head. The look on his face nearly made her come. He looked like he wanted to eat her alive and god help her, she nearly wanted him to.

  "Rayna, I'm warning you." His eyes had bled to wolf amber, his voice raspy and thick, guttural. She bucked under him, kneeing him in the thigh before he growled and trapped her legs between his own. He lowered his head, his growl vibrating in her chest. "You don't know what you're doing."

  "Yes, I do," she said. "I don't need a puppy for a mate, Garrett, I need a wolf. Either prove you're that wolf or I'll find another."

  She knew her choice of words were wrong the second they were out of her mouth. His eyes blazed, his deep, rumbling growl sent chills racing up her spine before he took her mouth hard. He forced his tongue past her lips, pressing her head into the ground and she gave as much as she got. The moment he loosened his grip on her arms she reached up, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and held him to her. The rumbling in his chest grew louder, his hips pressing into her just a little bit harder.

  Rayna sank her nails into his shoulders before raking them down his back. She grabbed the hem of his shirt, jerking it up so she could touch his bare skin. He lifted, helping her remove the shirt. She panted for breath as he nibbled on her lips, bit gently across her jaw to her throat. She barely contained the moan wanting to escape as he sucked at her flesh and tried to remember the things Judith had told her. She ticked them off inside her head and knew she'd only accomplished a few of them.

  When Garrett's head lowered, his lips sliding softly across her skin to the top of her shirt and nuzzling his face into her cleavage, she bucked under him, grinning when he landed on his side. She flipped over, crawling to her knees, getting one foot on the ground before launching herself up. He grabbed her before she could stand completely, wrestling her back to the ground. He was on her back again, panting in her ear. "Rayna, don't make me hurt you."

  She looked over her shoulder at him and reached up, grabbing a handful of his hair and pulled his head down to her. "And don't puss out on me. Where's that wolf that wanted me? If you're too afraid to take me, then maybe he will!"

  He growled again and reached for the collar of her shirt. The material ripped as he jerked, baring her back to him. She'd gone without a bra and he took advantage of the fact, pulling her to her knees and cupping her breast in his hand, pinching her nipple to the point of pain. His free hand worked on the snap of her jeans. He latched onto her shoulder, his blunt teeth sinking into her skin deep enough for her to hold still or cause herself pain. He worked her pants and underwear down her thighs before he let go of her and pushed her head and shoulders to the ground. She heard the zipper on his pants moments before he spread her thighs as far as the jeans around her knees would let him. The velvety smoothness of his cock brushed against her folds, slipping against the wetness he found before he lined himself up and slammed into her with a triumphant growl. She gasped and clawed at the ground, her cheek pressed into the grass. He rode her hard, her breath forced from her lungs with each violent surge of his hips, his fingers digging into her flesh.

  Rayna pushed back against him as his grunts filled the air. The sound of wet flesh meeting and the musky scent of sex caused her stomach to tighten, the tingles running laps through her limbs caused sparks to flash in tiny zaps along her veins. She clenched her body, squeezing him inside of her. She heard him say her name before his arms circled her chest, his hands grasping her around the front of her shoulders. His chest was flat against her back and he nuzzled her neck, his growls growing louder as he fucked her. "Do it, Garrett. Make me yours."

  There was only a moment of panic as she heard shifting bones before sharp canines sank into her flesh. He shoved her to the ground, his weight holding her still as he drank her down, his hips pounding into her from behind. She screamed through the pain and convulsed around his cock, her entire body shuddering as she came. He slammed into her relentlessly before pushing once, twice... holding his hips tightly against her as he spilled himself inside of her then stilling.

  They fell to their sides, him still buried between her legs. He removed his teeth from her neck, his lips and tongue lapping and soothing the torn flesh as his hands stroked her fevered flesh. A soft rumble emitted from his chest and vibrated against her back. She heard him whisper, "mine," against her neck and for the first time in her life, she felt like she belonged. She felt safe and protected and knew without a doubt, the man, the wolf, at her back would do anything to protect her.

  Her throat tightened and she blinked back tears as her chest swelled with love for him. She grabbed his hand, lifting it to her mouth and kissed his palm. "I love you," she whispered.

  He stilled behind her. He gave the bite mark a lazy swipe of his tongue, his lips caressing the torn flesh before he lifted his head. She held her breath, staring at the ground. When he leaned up and grabbed her chin, turning her head to him, the look on his face nearly did her in. "I've loved you from the moment I first saw you, Rayna. I wanted you the first time you smiled at me in that dingy little bar. Wanted to make you mine forever the first time I kissed you." He leaned down, his lips tasting and teasing her own. "I've always loved you... I adore you."

  She couldn't hold back the tears at his soft admission and turned, wrapping her arms around his neck. After everything they'd been through, this moment made it all worth it. She'd do it all again ten times over if it brought them back here. Everything before this moment seemed trivial to her now. The horror's she'd seen and lived through, the realization that she was going to be a creature she had feared... it was all worth it. Garrett loved her and he was hers. Her mate.


  Garrett watched everyone fill into the clearing and wondered for the tenth time that day what he was doing. A month ago he'd stood in the trees and watched these same people shift and terrify his mate with the intentions of infecting her. Now, he stood before them, pack leader, watching them stare at him as the dying sun slowly gave way to stars. He didn't know what they wanted from him. He had no clue how to lead them but their fear of him had waned a great deal.

  He owed that to her though.

  He looked across the clearing, watching Rayna as she laughed at something Judith said. Her thick mane of hair shined against her white shirt and when she turned her head, he saw the scar on her neck. The scar he'd left the day he'd chased her through the woods and claimed her for his own. The sight of it caused the wolf to slide against his bones, restless energy coiling in his limbs. He inhaled deeply, scenting her on the breeze. His senses tingled with awareness, his body tightening with eager anticipation for his mate. He smiled and resisted the urge to go to her. Even though he'd spent every minute he could with her since that day in the forest, it never seemed like enough. Just the scent of her in a room, the sound of her laughter or an innocent glance in his direction, and he wanted her. Wanted to feel her naked flesh against his own, to have her breath wash across his skin. To feel her limbs tangled with his as he made love to her. Drown in kisses that made his soul sing.

  "You do realize there are over forty p
eople here other than her, right?"

  Garrett tore his gaze from Rayna and looked at Mitch before smiling. "There are? I hadn't noticed."

  Mitch laughed and sat down on the rock shelf beside of him, staring out across the clearing. He sighed deeply before glancing back over at him. "You know, I never thought my life would turn out like this."

  "None of us do," Garrett said.

  Mitch nodded. "How long does it take?"

  "How long does what take?"

  Mitch glanced at his feet again. "Getting used to the idea that you aren't the only thing inside your skin."

  "Do you want the truth or the pretty lie that will make you feel better?"

  "The truth."

  Garrett smiled at him and said, "You never get used to it."

  "That's what I was afraid of."

  "It gets easier though," he said. "After a while, it just becomes a part of who you are. You're never quite alone after that first shift."

  Mitch nodded his head and looked back across the clearing. "Bryce said I might shift tonight."

  "It's possible. You're wolf seems a little eager to show himself."

  "Will it make me appear weak to say I'm scared shitless?"

  Garrett grinned. "No. Being scared is what keeps us human."

  "I'll take your word for it," Mitch said. He slapped his hands on his knees and took a deep breath before turning to look at him. "So, are you going to shift with the others and join in the hunt?"

  "No," he said. "I don't want to leave Rayna alone until she's ready to shift."

  "So I take it you're staying?"

  Garrett shrugged his shoulder. "For a while, I suppose. We can't decide on anything until after Rayna shifts for the first time."

  "Will she tonight, you think?"

  Garrett looked back across the clearing at her. "No. She can feel the wolf but she can barely call her enough to get her eyes to change color. It'll be a few more weeks I think."

  "Well, I feel kind of sorry for you when she does."

  "And why is that?"

  Mitch stood and stepped down off the rock. He turned to look at him and grinned. "Rayna already has you whipped. Just imagine what that wolf of hers is going to do to your sorry ass."

  Garrett laughed as Mitch walked away and stood up when he saw Rayna walking toward him. He reached for her, helping her up onto the rock face and pulled her into his arms. "What do you say we just skip this whole thing and head for the creek?"

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned up, giving him a soft kiss. "I'd love to but they're all waiting for you to impart your wisdom on them."

  He snorted a laugh. "They're going to be sorely disappointed."

  "No they're not," she said. "You're going to be a great pack leader. They know it too. It's why they're all so happy now."

  "They're happy because you've kept me so distracted. They haven't had time to still be scared of me."

  She shook her head at him and tightened her arms. "Have you decided on a second?"

  He nodded. "Yeah. I'm going to pick Bryce." Her eyes widened slightly and he smiled at her. "He's the best one for the job. He only aided Malcolm because he was forced to. Besides, if he hadn't opened that collar and freed the wolf..." He shrugged and looked away from her. A finger on his chin brought his attention back to her.

  "If you get all moody about that again, you're going to be sorry."

  "Really?" he said, grinning. "And how's that?"

  "You really don't want to know." He kissed her quick and hard. "Are you going to shift?" she asked.

  "No. Not until later. I don't want to leave you here alone while the hunt is on."

  She raised an eyebrow and grinned. "Well, just because you don't shift doesn't mean you can't hunt."

  "And what exactly will I be hunting?" he asked, his arms tightening around her. "Whitetail?"

  She laughed and leaned in to him. "And what if one of the others see my whitetail flashing through the forest."

  "I'll make sure they steer clear of the creek."

  "It's a date then," she said. She turned her head, looking over her shoulder and smiled when she noticed everyone watching them. "I think they're ready for you, pack leader."

  He sighed and let go of her before walking to the edge of the rock face and jumping down. Unlike Malcolm, he didn't feel the need to be above them. He walked to the center of the clearing before starting to speak.

  Rayna sat down on the shelf, watching him as he talked to the pack. His pack. Her life with Garrett wasn't anything like she imagined it would be but she didn't regret a day of it. She was still fearful of the future, and of shifting, but she knew as long as he was by her side, everything would be fine. She had a man who loved her, a wolf who would fight tooth and claw to protect her and a pack of wayward werewolves she could now call family.

  She smiled when he motioned Bryce forward and the joy on his face when Garrett announced him as his second showed on everyone else's face as well. There was a new king on the throne and the pack couldn't be happier regardless of what Garrett thought. He may have been a great cop but this was what he was meant to do. Leading this pack of wolves was his true calling.

  A calling she was glad to be a part of.

  The End

  About the Author:

  LILY GRAISON resides in North Carolina, a stones throw away from the Blue Ridge Mountains and a few hours from the Outer Banks. First published in 2005, her debut novel won a Reviewers Choice Award. Writing mainly in the contemporary romance genre, Lily also dabbles in erotica, paranormals and occasionally in a fantasy realm of her own making. Her love of adventure, and a very active imagination, take Lily to worlds she can only imagine.

  Visit Lily at her website to find a complete listing of all her books and sample her Free reads.

  Other Books by Lily Graison

  The Wicked Series

  The four men who make up the rock band, Wicked, the hottest act to hit the scene in years, have earned their wicked status without much help. They're bad, sinfully delicious, and a temptation to every woman they meet.

  Gearing up for a worldwide tour, the guys are about to come face to face with the only women strong enough to tame them. But it'll take more than a few smooth words to win the hearts of these ladies. When you can have any woman you want, how do you convince the one you can't live without her?

  Wicked: Tempt Me Not [Book 1] Devin Shaw, front man for the band, Wicked, is forced into seclusion by his manager after his destructive behavior almost destroys the band. Sent to a remote cabin alone isn't Devin's idea of fun, but to save his career, he'll do what it takes.

  Holly Baker, escaping the hassles of her big city life, arrives in the mountains of Tennessee and awaits the arrival of her friend, Roxy, to start their two-week vacation. Their plans change drastically when Roxy is called away at the last minute, leaving Holly to fend for herself.

  Devin and Holly's worlds collide when a mix up strands them in the same cabin. Alone with nothing but each other for companionship, how will Holly react when she realizes she's trapped with none other than the hottest lead singer the country has seen in years? Will Devin be able to work with a constant distraction the pretty brunette offers? Or will the two discover that sometimes temptation is a wicked dessert best served hot!

  Wicked: Leather and Lace [Book 2]

  Roxy Carlisle is on a mission. She's been in lust with Luke Harris, lead guitarist for the band Wicked, for two years. When her best friend, Holly, hooks up with the bands lead singer, and asks her to tag along to New York with her to meet the band, Roxy couldn't pack her bags fast enough. The chance to meet Luke in person was a dream come true. Even better if her ultimate fantasy of finding herself in his bed were to happen. One way or another, she was determined to have him. That is, if Holly's hair-brained idea of playing hard to get doesn't backfire in her face.

  Luke Harris loves women and they love him. All he ever has to do is speak to them and they fall all over themselves to
be the lucky lady of the night. That all changes though when a feisty brunette comes barreling into his life and changes all the rules. She's immune to his usual charm, or so it seems, but something in her eyes tells him otherwise.

  Has Luke finally met a woman he can't seduce? Can Roxy follow her plan and not give in when Luke sets his sights on her? When sex is all you're after, can you walk away when your heart demands more?

  Wicked: Jade Butterfly [Book 3]

  Christian Palmer, bass player for the band Wicked, isn't your typical rocker. Much to his band mate's amusement, he's quiet, shy and looks like your average boy next door-but that's all about to change. An encounter with a girl he can't seem to forget calls for drastic measures and with the help of his friends, Christian goes from dud to stud in hopes to wow the girl of his dreams.

  Jessi McClure has led a fairytale life. She has a job she loves, friends she can count on and couldn't want for anything else. Until she meets, and photographs, an unlikely rock star. Running into him again was just dumb luck, but when their paths keep crossing, she can't help but notice the change this shy, gorgeous guy has taken on and is drawn to him even more.

  When fate keeps stepping in and hands you something you didn't realize you wanted, do you throw the chance away or hold on with both hands? Will Jessi get more than she bargained for when the man she thought she knew turns out to be so much more? And can Christian hold on to the girl of his dreams when a misunderstanding threatens to tear them apart?

  Wicked: Sweet Temptation [Book 4]

  Mick Sheppard, drummer for the band Wicked, has sworn off women after his whirlwind romance with a fan cost him thousands in legal fees and a years worth of gossip in every trash magazine known to man. So, imagine his surprise when he wakes from an alcohol induced haze in Vegas, hung over, and married to a woman he knows next to nothing about.


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