Highlander's Touch: Medieval Romance

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Highlander's Touch: Medieval Romance Page 2

by Joanne Wadsworth

  The two of them had never truly understood that it had been a soul bond which had formed between them in their youth, right on that ledge under the waterfall, but soon they would. The proof would be undeniable, particularly now Coll no longer remained beholden to wed Kyla, not since his foster sister had been tracked down by her own soul bound mate and the two had wed. Aye, that had been one adventure she’d thoroughly enjoyed instigating, as well as seeing Ronan ensure the safety of Kyla’s parents at the fae village.

  “What has that sudden smile on your face, my elusive imp? I sense there’s more you’re not telling me.” Her mate curved his big body around hers and she reveled in the moment.

  “Circumstances were against Coll and Fiona from the very beginning.”

  “Aye, Coll always believed he would be the one to wed Kyla.”

  “Now Coll is going to be shocked to discover Fiona is no longer at Rhue Castle, but instead ensconced within his own household.”

  “He’ll be more shocked to learn of how that’s occurred.” He twirled her around by the shoulders. “When a man accepts his chosen one, there is no going back.”

  “My thoughts exactly, but our issue this time will be getting Coll to that point of acceptance. He may no longer be honor-bound to wed Kyla, but knowing he could never wed Fiona once he’d learnt of Kyla’s marriage has sent him swiftly in the direction of another lass.”

  “Then we need to ensure he is sent just as swiftly back to the one his soul cries out for.” One arm around her waist and the other her back, Kirk dipped her backward and touched his lips to hers. “Just as my soul cries out for yours and always shall.”

  “Are you trying to distract me while we’re on duty?” She snuck her fingers underneath the hem of his white tunic and played with the ties of his black leather pants. “Because ’tis working rather well if you are.”

  “Mmm, distraction is good for the soul.” He kissed her, his passion rising swiftly, just as swiftly as her own passion rose for him. “I love you, Cherub, never wish to live a day without you. I cannae even comprehend how Coll has survived this long without Fiona, or that he even allowed her to wed Matthew rather than to take her for himself in the very beginning.”

  “Coll’s always done what duty demanded of him. He is his father’s firstborn son and will one day be the Chief of Clan MacKenzie. Along with that position comes a great deal of responsibility.”

  Now though, ’twas time for Coll to balance those duties and to accept his mated bond now Fiona was once again free.

  Which would mean she’d need to sprinkle a little bit of fae magic to make that happen.

  A task she was more than up for.

  Aye, let the next hunt begin.

  Chapter 1

  Midnight, a few hours later…

  The welcoming yellow glow of the lit torches along the battlements of Carron Castle brought profound peace to Coll’s soul as he rode the trail toward his stronghold in the dark of night, his men galloping behind him. So many months he’d been gone, but now he’d returned from his mission to gather more warriors to his and Duncan’s cause with an additional two hundred men at his flank. Slowly but surely, he and his twin brother had made inroads into distancing themselves from their heavy-handed father and soon they’d successfully strengthen their two strongholds as they both desired.

  “Our laird returns!” The call came from the head guardsman standing at attention next to the two-story gatehouse. It echoed toward him across the night-shrouded waters and brought a wide grin to his face.

  Up high on the ramparts, standing guard at the corner crenellation, Duncan raised one leather gauntleted hand. Spurring his horse on, he galloped along the high rocky cliff overlooking the inner channel of Loch Carron, kicking up dust in a cloud that swirled all about.

  Under the high arch, he rode, then jerked on the reins and slowed his war horse. He brought the heavily-snorting beast to a halt in the center of the bailey and steered his mount in a circle as he breathed in the renewed sight of his home.

  The leather of his saddle creaked and his chain mail swayed as he swung a leg over.

  He dismounted and landed on the gravelly inner yard with a crunch, his feet once again upon his own treasured soil. Being home again soothed his very heart and soul, as it hadn’t been soothed in so incredibly long. Sixteen months long. Not that he’d been away from Carron for all that time, but for some reason his return this night seemed all the more peaceful. Strange. That emotion only ever assailed him when Fiona was near, that and dire need as well.

  “’Tis about time you returned home.” Duncan marched down the barbican’s stone stairs, the hilt of his sword strapped to his back gleaming in the golden glow of the moon, his black hair shining a midnight blue on the ends and a recent gash slashing his muscled forearm where his shirtsleeves had been rolled to his elbow. This was his brother, his twin, the one man who’d always understood him as no one else ever could.

  “Beyond time, and it appears you’ve been in the wars.” Still grinning, he tossed the reins of his horse to a stable lad who dashed forward to take them and clasped his brother’s forearms in a firm warrior’s hold. “I’ve missed you, brother.” Searching Duncan’s intense gaze, he sought the knowledge he needed, an unspoken sense of knowing which had always existed between them. The responding twinkle in his twin’s eyes exhilarated him. “You love her?”

  “She’s a fae compeller from the Matheson village, a woman who’s not only my mate, but also holds the heart of a warrior. I honestly didnae expect to find her as I did, and Ella certainly led me on a merry chase across the Western Isles in pursuit of her, but now I’ve captured her and made her mine.”

  “When shall I meet her?” He’d received his brother’s missive about the news that he’d wed while visiting one of their allied clans, that of the MacRaes.

  “She’s at Ardan House and expecting me to return on the morrow. Come with me when I leave in the morn. We’ll ride together.”

  “I wouldnae miss the chance of meeting Ella Matheson.”

  “MacKenzie now. She’s taken my name.”

  “Of course, my apologies. Have you had any further issues with the Chief of MacDonald since your marriage took place?”

  “The MacDonald has no’ attacked again since I wrote to you.”

  “Good, and Kyla?” He’d been struck almost senseless after reading of both Duncan’s marriage to Ella, then on the next page, Kyla’s marriage to Ronan Matheson as well. So much he’d missed, yet never again.

  “Her mate has well and truly claimed her. Ronan is in fact our birthmother’s nephew, is now well aware of the secret of our fae blood. He holds the battle skill as you and I do, is a warrior of immense strength and has proven himself most worthy of her. Ronan also spoke to her parents in the village and all there are taking every precaution in case of a strike by our father. All has turned out rather well on that front. The fae shall live.” Words spoken quietly, their cause to ensure the fae lived one they kept a secret from all but their most trusted, and even though he trusted his men implicitly, as well as the chiefs of their allied clans, they still took all care.

  “Then Ronan is worthy indeed. Have you received any word from Father?” He’d be furious upon hearing of Kyla’s marriage to a man who wasn’t one of his sons.

  “Furious, as is to be expected, although I’ve also sent him word of my marriage to Ella and that seems to have appeased him a touch. She’s a fae compeller, her skill so very strong, no’ that I married her for any reason other than I love her. These are difficult days though, and I’m deathly sick of Father’s demands. ’Tis a shame we cannae break away from him completely.”

  “Agreed, but one day he shall no longer walk upon this Earth, and we must bide our time until then.” Already they’d done a great deal to separate themselves, and when his father breathed his last, he needed to be able to take control of their entire clan, including his father’s holding should he wish to continue his mission of ensuring the fae lived. For now, h
e remained here at his own stronghold, while Duncan maintained his own keep a mere hour or two’s ride away.

  “Coll MacKenzie!” Hands on her hips, Kyla glared from the top step, moonbeams streaming down from high above and bathing her in a stunning shimmer of gold, from her hair to her gown and slippered toes. She appeared the angel she’d always been, even with the furious frown on her face. “’Tis about time you returned home.”

  “Come here and beat me up if you wish.”

  “You can be certain I will.” Although she’d never been able to stay angry at him for long, and it appeared she couldn’t this night either. With a catch to her breath, she grinned and dashed toward him, her vibrant skirts swishing and golden-red locks streaming behind her as she ran.

  “Slow down.”

  She jumped and he barely opened his arms in time to catch her. Twirling her around, he couldn’t help but laugh as she did. Her joyful giggles echoed about the bailey, his own deep chuckles almost smothering hers. Hell, he’d always loved her, as a brother loved his sister, their foster-relationship forever strong.

  “You’ve been gone for so long. Six months, you brute.” She peppered his cheeks with kisses. “You should have sent a scout ahead with a message you’d be arriving this night. We were no’ expecting you for another day, and I also almost tripped down the stairs in my hurry to get to you. I’ve missed you so much.”

  “So much that you went and wed another man, when I’d dearly hoped it would be me.”

  “Liar.” She thumped his chest. “You’re as glad as I am that we’ll never have to speak vows.”

  “True.” He hugged her tight. “Where is your husband? I wish to meet Ronan Matheson and thank him profusely for taking you off my hands.”

  “Then you’d best put her down afore you do.” A warrior stood at the front door wearing black battle leathers and his claymore strapped to his side, a man who could almost pass for him with how close in looks they appeared. Aye, they were clearly related by blood.

  “Welcome to the family, Ronan.” Gently, he set Kyla down and extended his hand to Ronan as he strode toward him.

  “I’ve been awaiting this day as much as Kyla has. ’Tis good to finally meet you.” Ronan shook his hand and stared at him. “Well, ’tis no wonder Kyla first mistook me for you.”

  “Glad I am to finally meet you too, and for keeping such a watchful eye on Kyla. She can be quite the handful at times.”

  “Excuse me, but I’m standing right here.” Kyla slapped him in the chest again. “I want to beat you up so bad.”

  “You can do so inside if you wish. Come, let’s all speak further in my solar, to ensure our coming conversation isnae overheard. I have much to tell you all.” He walked across the yard, leaving the whickering of the horses behind. Aye, he needed to inform them of the agreement he’d recently made with the Chief of MacRae, one which involved him soon speaking marriage vows with the man’s eldest daughter, Elizabeth.

  He stepped into the great hall, pulled off his riding gloves and stuffed them in his pocket. Hefty barks echoed and two big dogs raced past the roaring fireplace. They skidded across the polished floorboards, their ears alert and drool flying as they bounded toward him. He prepared himself as only he could for Beast and Buster’s welcome home. Lowering to one knee, he prayed he’d survive the coming impact.

  They hurtled into him and he fell back, got smothered in hearty licks and giant paws thumping his chest. Now this he’d surely missed. He hauled his dogs closer and reveled in the moment of finally being home again amongst his nearest and dearest, his pets included.

  “They’ve missed you almost as much as the rest of us have.” Kyla knelt next to him and gave both the dogs a good tummy rub as they rolled all over him. “Do you recall the day Fiona first discovered these two?”

  “I’ll never forget that day.” Five years ago, in one darkened corner of the stables at Loch Alsh, he’d found Fiona sitting with these two pups as they’d tried to nuzzle at their dead mother’s belly. Their death had been all but close as well, only the empath in Fiona had arisen and she’d scooped the newborn critters up, taken them to her chamber and over the weeks ahead had nursed them until they’d grown strong enough to lap milk from a dish and chew meat on their own.

  “They’ll live, Coll. They’re really going to live.” Fiona has gushed to him one night in the quietness of her chamber, right next to the warmth of the crackling fire as he’d visited her to check on the pups.

  He’d eased down on the thick woolen rug beside her, touched his palm to her cheeks all rosy and red, her excitement brimming forth as she’d played with the two little critters. “’Tis your dedicated touch alone which has seen them live.”

  “They know they’re going to survive as well. I can sense their emotions.” She’d wriggled closer to him, popped a kiss on his cheek.

  “What was that for?”

  A blush. “Um, for helping me with them when needed.”

  “Mayhap we should name them now you’re certain they’re going to survive.”

  “Aye, they should have names. You choose one and I’ll choose the other. You go first.” She’d handed the eldest of the two puppies to him, one pure black in color while the other, still pure black, held a tip of white on his tail to mark the two apart.

  Lifting the eldest pup up, he’d touched his nose to the pup’s nose and got a sloppy lick across his chin in thanks. “This one shall be named Beast, ’cause he’s a beast of a licker.”

  “That’s a good, strong name for a dog.” Jiggling, she’d lifted her own pup with its white-tipped tail flicking from side to side, higher. “I’m calling this one Buster.” She’d grinned at him, so damn adoringly, her smile near melting his heart.

  “Beast and Buster.” He’d wanted to kiss her cheek right back, and had barely restrained.

  “They’ll be our dogs.”

  “Aye, always ours.”

  “Coll?” Kyla squeezed his shoulder and stirred him from his memories. “Do you still wish to speak this night? If you need to catch up with Beast and Buster some more, then we can speak to you in the morn.”

  “Nay, my apologies. I just got lost in my thoughts.” With one last hearty rub down each of the dog’s backs, he rose to his feet then strode down the side passageway toward his solar. He pushed open his door and a maid scrambled to her feet from in front of the blazing fire.

  The lass stuffed one loose lock of her brown hair back under her frilly cap and wiped her hands against her aproned skirts. “Your fire is lit, my laird.” She bobbed her head. “Would ye care for a tray and a tankard of ale?”

  “Aye, a tray sounds fine, but make it whiskey instead of ale.” He and his men had ridden hard this day to make it back to Carron by midnight. His hunger and thirst beat at him.

  “As you wish.” The maid bustled out.

  Moonlight slanted through his window overlooking the inner courtyard and filtered over the top of his chunky wooden desk and the pile of seneschal’s accounts gracing one side. He pulled out his desk chair and sat while Duncan eased into one of the two corner padded chairs and Ronan took the other before tugging Kyla onto his lap. His new cousin and now brother-by-marriage, stroked one hand over the slight rise of Kyla’s belly. Well, well, it appeared she was with child, which no one had yet mentioned to him.

  “Congratulations,” he murmured, motioning to her bump.

  “We thought no’ to include this news in the missive Duncan sent you. I wanted to tell you myself of the babe.” With her flushed cheeks, Kyla was so adorable.

  “I’m glad you waited to inform me.” He tapped the desktop, rapping away.

  “You look more worried than glad right now.”

  Elbows to his knees, Duncan eyed him from his seat. “Spill whatever it is you’ve no’ yet told us.”

  “You’re aware I was with the Chief of MacRae when I received your missive, yet what I have no’ told you yet is that after learning of Kyla’s marriage, I entered into a discussion about forming a p
ossible marriage of alliance with John MacRae.” He leaned back, breathed deep. “I’m to wed his daughter, Elizabeth. She and her father are due to arrive here afore the end of the week, at which time we’ll speak vows.”

  “Is there a reason for your sudden rush to wed, other than to secure our alliance?” Duncan scrubbed a hand along his jaw, looking far more worried than he should. “I didnae expect this news from you on your return.”

  “I understand ’tis sudden.” Although he’d had good reason for wishing to wed quickly. The shimmering image of his fiery empath flared to vibrant life within his mind, as it always did when his thoughts turned to her. With her mass of red curls tumbling to her waist and her blue eyes, so soulful and beautiful, focused only on him, he drowned in the exquisite beauty of his Fiona, the woman who’d forever remain beyond his reach.

  “Coll?” Kyla frowned at him. “Where did you just go again?”

  “Old memories is all.” He smiled at her, tried to ease a little of her worry by doing so. He might no longer be honor-bound to wed Kyla, but now he was honor-bound to wed Elizabeth, the contract he’d entered into almost as binding as any marriage contract could be. It had been the only way to ensure he didn’t ride hell bent for Rhue and steal Fiona away from Matthew. Dishonor her or the gentle giant of a man she’d wed, he’d never do. Flicking his gaze between Kyla and Duncan, he muttered, “Neither of you can tell me it isnae a wise move to wed Elizabeth. Forging a stronger alliance with clan MacRae is imperative.”

  Duncan shuffled forward an inch, his sword hilt bobbing in its baldric. “The MacRae’s eldest son now possesses a large parcel of land near us, and of course wed a fae-blooded Matheson lass a few years past. A marriage of alliance isnae entirely necessary considering the familial fae-blooded ties we now hold with them. You can change your mind if you wish. John MacRae would understand.”


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