Highlander's Touch: Medieval Romance

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Highlander's Touch: Medieval Romance Page 10

by Joanne Wadsworth

  “Calm down, Coll.” Duncan gripped his shoulder from behind and halted him at the bottom of the stairs next to a flickering lamp. “I struggled to control my emotions too in the days afore I finally accepted my bond with Ella and took her as my wife. Your need to ensure Fiona’s safety and wellbeing is all that will drive you until you claim her fully as yours.”

  “There isnae a bond, and I wish everyone would cease saying there is.”

  “Even I can see how greatly you desire her now that you’re allowing your emotions their freedom. Trust me, the sooner you accept there is a bond and take her as yours, the far easier things will be for you both.”

  “I allowed her to wed Matthew, and no man who is soul bound to another would allow such a thing.” He thumped his chest. “Now I cannae set Elizabeth MacRae aside for if I do, then I may as well be declaring war with one of our allies. The safety of our clan comes first, no’ my own needs and desires.”

  “Our seer, Hamish, said that part of the journey in finding our chosen one belongs in the chase. If you forego your bond with Fiona, then you’ll regret it for the rest of your life. Dinnae make the same mistake I nearly did with Ella. At first I believed my only option was giving her up, both for her safety’s sake and mine, but I was wrong, very wrong.”

  “Hamish didnae confirm or deny the bond existed.”

  The door whooshed open and Fiona stood there in her red velvet gown, her breasts pressed so deliciously tight against the white embroidered detailing at the edge of the low neckline. With her face pale and fingers twisted in her skirts, she cleared her throat. “I overhead your argument just now. Cherub confirmed our bond existed, even if Hamish didnae. Both Duncan and Ella believe we’re mated, but it appears you’re the only one who does no’ wish to listen to any of us.”

  “If I wish to continue leading my clan then I must consider their needs first, no’ my own.” He couldn’t lose the additional number of MacRae warriors who’d stand behind him in the current war raging across these Highlands. “I dinnae want you, Fiona, no’ in any way.”

  “Liar.” She shoved a finger in his chest. “But if that is what you wish to believe, then so be it.” She stepped back into the room and returned with her black cloak donned and satchel in hand.

  “Where are you going?” He seized her hand as she pushed past him, then almost drowned in the deep despair flaring in her beautiful blue eyes as she looked at him.

  “I’m the one woman you’ll never choose over any other. You walked away from me sixteen months ago, and now you’re doing so again and stating your reasoning for why quite clearly. One day you will be the Chief of Clan MacKenzie, and I understand that you need Elizabeth MacRae at your side, so instead of continuing to argue with you, I’m simply going to congratulate you on your coming marriage and leave for Iona. I wish you both well, that you’ll have a long life together and all of that.”

  “Dinnae you dare wish me well.” He squeezed her fingers tighter.

  “Leave me be.” She snatched her hand back and eyed Duncan. “I wish to leave, to no longer remain near your hard-headed brother. Might I stay at Ardan House until I can arrange suitable passage to Iona?”

  He heaved in front of his brother. “Like hell you’re leaving right now. ’Tis late and I—I—” There wasn’t a chance he’d allow his woman to retire to a damn nunnery. Fury blazed through him, so swift and sharp. Enraged, he scooped her up and stormed upstairs. He took the next flight two steps at a time then shoved the door of a chamber on the first floor—which he’d already been assigned—open and stomped inside. Knocking the door shut with his hip, he tossed her onto the fur-covered four-poster bed.

  She bounced, her red locks flying all about her face. Thrusting her hair back, she slayed him with one very fiery look.

  “No’ a word,” he warned. “You’ll stay in my bed for the night, where I know you’ll be safe and unable to leave. Riding through the dark when you’ve been traveling all day is dangerous. We’re all exhausted and need to rest.”

  “You cannae tell me what I can or cannae—”

  “And if you utter even one more word in argument, I’ll bind and gag you.”

  “You will do no such thing.”

  “Dinnae push me, Fiona.” He plucked her riding boots from her feet, dropped them on the floor then crawled in over top of her, his knees either side of her hips as he loosened the neck tie of her black cloak. “You’ll also sleep on your side of this bed, while I sleep on mine. No more defying commands I issue. Am I understood?”

  “There is no one more frustrating than you. That is what I understand.”

  “Good. I’m glad you’ve recognized that.” He plucked the front laces of her bodice loose next, pushed her gown from her shoulders and tugged the long sleeves down her arms. He dragged the red velvet past her hips and down her legs, then in her white cotton shift, he rolled her under the covers. Never would he allow her to escape him again this night.

  “I’ve never known you to be so forceful, Coll.” She shivered, even though a fire had been lit and warmed the room.

  “I’ll hear no more complaints from you either.” He tossed a large block of peat on the fire and the flames danced higher.

  “And rude.”

  “No’ another word.” He heaved the heavy blue drapes across the window and stomped around to his side of the bed.

  “I hate being soul bound to you.” She thumped her pillow.

  “I’m hardly a good catch. I agree.” Boots toed off, he unfastened the ties of his brown leather pants while Fiona continued to glare at him. He shucked them and in only his tunic which thankfully reached him to mid-thigh, eased in under the covers and glared right back at her. Only his glaring didn’t last long, not when the golden firelight flickered over the soft curves of her face and lit her tumbled curls into a blazing red hue. Damn it, how he wished to have her beside him each and every night to come, to be able to hold her in his arms and watch her as she fell asleep, to always know she’d be safe and close within his reach. His shoulders sagged, his defeat far too real. “Please, dinnae remain angry at me.”

  “Your stupid honor is unbending and completely annoying.”

  “A man’s word, once given, cannae be taken back.” His heart beat so sluggishly slow, the distance he’d instilled between them the greatest chasm. He wriggled a little closer.

  “So I’ve noticed.” She heaved over and gave him her back. “Finally I’m in bed with you, and all I hope for is to leave. Quite ironic really.”

  “I dinnae wish for you to remain angry with me.” Gently, he reached out one hand and trailed his fingers through her hair. The silky mass of curls slid through his fingers and made him itch to touch more of her.

  “Leave me be.” She scampered closer to her edge.

  “Go any farther and you’ll fall out.” This was the worst kind of torture, having her within touching distance and so angry at him. The kind of tortuous agony that sank bone-deep and twisted knife-hard.

  A torture he’d brought upon himself.

  Long minutes passed, each one bringing even more turmoil to his very soul.

  “Coll?” She rolled back toward him, looked deep into his eyes. “Your pain is swamping me, like naught I’ve ever sensed afore. Why is your fae barrier down?”

  “I didnae mean to drop it.” He hauled it back into place. “Please forgive me, Fiona. I cannae part ways with you like this, and I need you to agree that you’ll return to Ardan House with Duncan and Ella, and stay there. No catching passage on a vessel bound for Iona.”

  “I’ve no desire to remain anywhere near you and your future wife once you’re wed. Are you truly going to speak vows with her? This is the last time I shall ask, and if your heart is truly set on her, then I’ll say no more.”

  “Aye.” He had no other choice. “She’s the one I want to marry.”

  “Nay, she is the one you need to marry.” She huffed a breath, her nose all wrinkled up. “Well, I guess that’s it then. You’re an ass, by the wa

  “An ass who must think only of his clan. My people will always come first.”

  “I hate you.” Tears glistened in her eyes. “And I hate your damn sense of honor too.”

  “It must be this way.”

  “Like I said. I willnae beg you to change your mind yet again. You’ve no more to fear from me.” She wriggled back around and faced the fire, and his pain intensified.

  He waited, until her breathing slowed and she finally succumbed to sleep and once she did, he drew her gently into his arms and held her tight. Only then could he breathe more easily.

  Aye, this would be one of the longest, most tortuous nights of his life, and the coming days likely no better. Nose buried in her hair, he memorized her delicate scent, one that would forever torment him. White roses. Whenever he caught that fragrance again, he’d only ever think of her.

  Chapter 6

  A deep and sultry voice murmured words filled with wicked promises and nibbling kisses grazed her ear. Warm lips glided down her neck and—oh my. She opened one eye within the near dark of Coll’s chamber, the embers in the fire all that remained aglow to light the room.


  “Mmm.” He stroked the firm pad of his thumb over her shift-covered nipple, lowered his head to her breast and wrapped his lips—cloth and all—around the beaded tip. He sucked, hard, and her toes curled inward and dug into the mattress.

  “What are you doing?” She sank her hands into his hair and arched her back. This couldn’t be real. It had to be a dream considering how their last conversation had ended, unless of course he just wished for one more last tryst between the sheets, and knowing her, she’d gladly give into him just to have one more memory to keep.

  He moaned against her breast, took the throbbing tip even deeper then released it with a soft pop before moving to her other breast and tracing that nipple just as he’d done the first.

  “I believe we discussed our parting would soon occur, no’ a possible bedding.”

  “Aye, we did, but I cannae keep my hands off you.” He stroked one hand down her side, over her hip and along her outer thigh.

  “I’ll never agree to being your leman.” Surely only heartache would follow if she did, only the sweet need currently racing through her very blood, and her deep desire to have at least this one last moment with him overrode all else. Aye, dawn had to be close and with the rising of the sun, so too would come their inevitable parting. One last touch. “What do you want from me, Coll?”

  “I want your skin sliding against mine, and I want to touch you below, just as I did afore. I want to bring you pleasure and to make you come.” The gold flecks in his brown eyes shimmered bright as he moved into a crouch between her spread legs and tugged her hem higher. “You’re all I can think about. You consume my every thought, both day and night, always have and always will.”

  “Wait.” She could barely breathe with how fast he moved. “You disrobe first.”

  “As you wish.” With a wicked grin, he heaved his tunic over his head then let it slip slowly through his fingers until it pooled onto the covers beside them. His cock rose sure and strong from a nest of black curls, his large shaft saluting her high.

  It beckoned for her touch and she gave into her own need and wrapped her fingers around him. He was so firm, thick and pulsing with life. A bead of his essence leaked free and shimmered on the head. Gently, she rolled her thumb over it. Aye, she wanted this moment, would never let it pass her by, no matter their parting would soon come.

  Lifting up, she released him, but not for long. She smoothed her hands over his rigid pecs, the smattering of dark chest hair tickling her fingers. Oh, how she itched to touch all of him and greedy for more, she traced over his wide shoulders, caressed along the firm contours of his biceps and forearms then wriggled forward, swept her hands around to his back and over the curves of his tight buttocks. Her mate was allowing her to touch him. More, she needed more.

  She cupped his balls in one hand, the fine hairs covering them silky smooth.

  “What are you thinking, feeling?” His balls drew even tighter and higher, the hunger in his eyes blazing bright.

  “I love you, Coll. I always have.”

  “Dinnae say that.” He tipped her back, slid her shift up her body until he exposed her upper thighs then took her right foot in his hand and massaged the soft arch before trailing upward along her calf until he reached her knee. Smoothly, he set her foot down and massaged her other foot with the same firm, kneading touch. “I want to treasure this moment with you while I can, to never forget the sensation of your creamy skin under my fingers.”

  “I want to know your body as I know my own as well.” She snuggled her head into her pillow, her anger at him from last eve flickering swiftly away.

  “As I wish to know yours.” He eased onto his belly between her legs, raised her knees over his shoulders and slid her shift higher, until his gaze caught on the red curls covering her entrance. With a deep inhale, he parted her folds and stroked along her sensitive slit. “There are simply no words to describe the emotions currently taking me, but my heart is pounding so hard, will likely heave from my chest soon enough. I hunger for a taste of you, to devour every inch of your flesh and to stamp my mark upon you.”

  “You may do as you please.” Her heartbeat pounded fiercely too. She could never turn her chosen one away, not when their very souls were bound to each other’s.

  “I give you my word I willnae take your innocence.” He pushed one finger inside her channel, stroked so decadently in and out before curving his finger into the perfect spot that had her rocking her hips for even more of his exquisite touch.

  And more he gave her. He stroked higher and such pleasure ricocheted through her core, made her nipples stiffen into even harder points and abrade the soft cotton still covering them.

  “I want to see all of you.” Coll pushed her shift higher, past her belly and breasts then drew it over her head and dropped it on top of his tunic. Their clothing piled together looked so right, and as he cupped her breasts and plucked her nipples, the sight of him loving her even more so. “You’re my fiery empath, always mine.”

  “I love how it feels when you touch me. Please, dinnae stop.”

  “I have no intention of stopping right now.” He nibbled on her breasts, up the length of her neck, along her jaw then nuzzled in behind each of her earlobes. His teeth grazed her skin and she writhed against him, rolled her hips into his in a wanton way which she couldn’t halt, the needy sensations spiraling through her in ever-increasing waves. “Are you ready for more?” he whispered raggedly in her ear.

  “Aye,” she panted, barely able to draw in a breath. “Although I fear I cannae take much more.”

  “You’ll take everything I can give you.” He pushed her legs wider with his legs, slithered down her body and nuzzled her mound until a feral sound rattled free from his throat.

  “Are you all right?” She grasped his head, her fingers sliding into his midnight-black hair.

  “Nay, my cock is about to break.” He glided his fingers along her lower folds, dipped his head and kissed her right there, over her nub where all her pleasure stemmed from. “And you, my love, are a tasty wee treat I want to devour.”

  “Then devour away.”

  “Prepare yourself, for my hunger roars.” He lapped at her nub, sucked it and flicked it with his tongue. ’Twas such divine torture, his rhythm deep and all-consuming as he brought her more pleasure than she could have ever imagined. Higher and higher, the sensations kept building and before she lost her mind and catapulted from the plateau he’d sent her climbing toward, she searched and found the hard length of his cock.

  Pumping him in time with how he stroked one finger into her, she sought to bring him the same pleasure, and as his emotions flooded her, his fae-skilled barrier well and truly down, she held tightly onto each and every delicious feeling he offered her. “Kiss me, Coll. Please kiss me.”

  “I’m com
ing.” He lifted himself up and over her, his warm, wet mouth connecting with hers as he continued to stroke her flesh below, his finger moving in a rhythm she completely adored.

  “Coll.” Her body cried out for his, to accept all of him. She craved him, his complete and full possession and right now she had nowhere to go but to soar from the edge of a cliff she wanted only to fly from. Such sweet pressure collided within her. “I cannae hold on any longer.”

  “Neither can I.”

  She wanted to make him come too, and as his cock swelled in her hand, she swiped across the head. He jerked and spurts of his hot seed gushed forth and coated her fingers.

  “Ah hell.” He buried his face in her neck as he continued to pulse in her fisted grip.

  “Make me come with you.”

  “Aye, love, of course.” He lifted up, looked deep into her eyes and flicked her clit. She broke apart, instantly splintered into a thousand different pieces, her core rippling with wave after wave of pure pleasure.

  This was love.

  This was the mated bond.

  This was what he intended to deny them both of.

  * * * *

  Such intense sensations stormed through Coll as Fiona came around his finger, her body so responsive to his, and his to hers. She’d pumped his cock, given him such unexplainable pleasure and he’d shattered, even now still soared and had no desire to come back down.

  “I need to feel you closer, Coll.”

  He needed to feel closer to her, too, had wanted to thrust deep inside her, to join them together in the ultimate way, only she wasn’t his to take.

  “Your emotions are still bombarding me.” She caught his face in her hands and searched his gaze. “As long as you dinnae regret what we’ve just done, that is all that matters right now.”

  “I regret so many things, but touching you as I’ve done will never be one of them.” He kissed her, wanted to do so much more but held back. “Do you still hate me?”


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