C. Gabel, p. 174; A. Melaouhi, Rudolf Hess, pp. 101–2 [RETURN TO CH 18]
I. Kershaw, Nemesis, p. 369 [RETURN TO CH 18]
Ibid., p. 378; R. Schmidt, pp. 271–2 [RETURN TO CH 18]
I. Kershaw, Nemesis, p. 379 [RETURN TO CH 18]
Ibid., pp. 377, 939; his authority is Ted Harrison, ‘wir wurden schon viel zu oft hereingelegt’, (unpublished); cited I. Kershaw, Nemesis, p. 939, n. 216 [RETURN TO CH 18]
R. Schmidt, p. 149 [RETURN TO CH 18]
A. Smith, pp. 273, 310, 319 [RETURN TO CH 18]
Ibid., p. 309 [RETURN TO CH 18]
See p. 288 above; R. Heydrich to Reichsaussenminister, 4 May 1942; F & CO 434005 [RETURN TO CH 18]
‘Interview with Professor Haushofer’, op, cit. ref. 40 above [RETURN TO CH 18]
Ibid., p. 3 [RETURN TO CH 18]
Interrogation of Karl Haushofer, op. cit. ref. 39 above [RETURN TO CH 18]
A. Haushofer to M. Haushofer, 13 Dec. 1939; cited U. Laack-Michel, p. 346 [RETURN TO CH 18]
E. Bohle interrogation, 16 Oct. 1945; IWM (Duxford) FO 645, Box 155 [RETURN TO CH 18]
Leitgen ‘Statement’, 1 Apr. 1952; IfZ ZS/262, f. 10 [RETURN TO CH 18]
S. v. Krosigk, p. 159 [RETURN TO CH 18]
TNA FO 1093/10, ff. 100 f [RETURN TO CH 18]
‘Interview with Professor Karl Haushofer’, op. cit. ref. 40 above [RETURN TO CH 18]
Chapter 19: The answer?
Sir James Easton, ACSS; cited A. Cave Brown, p. 11 [RETURN TO CH 19]
D. Popov, pp. 59 ff [RETURN TO CH 19]
Ibid., p. 62 [RETURN TO CH 19]
See G. Ritter, pp. 146–7 [RETURN TO CH 19]
D. Popov, p. 44 [RETURN TO CH 19]
Ibid., p. 87 [RETURN TO CH 19]
Ibid., p. 115 [RETURN TO CH 19]
A. Cave Brown, pp. 349–50 [RETURN TO CH 19]
A. Smith, p. 309 [RETURN TO CH 19]
A. Cave Brown, p. 211 [RETURN TO CH 19]
W. Schellenberg, p. 304 [RETURN TO CH 19]
See Richard Deacon, ‘C’: A Biography of Sir Maurice Oldfield, Head of MI6, Macdonald, 1985, pp. 86–7; and cited in Bild-Zeitung, 16 Mar. 1981 [RETURN TO CH 19]
K. de Courcy to author, 8 Jan. 1990 [RETURN TO CH 19]
A. Smith, pp. 309, 322; L. Picknett, C. Prince, S. Prior, pp. 91, 260, 287 [RETURN TO CH 19]
A. Cave Brown, p. 317 [RETURN TO CH 19]
K. de Courcy, Special Office Brief, 6 June 1984 [RETURN TO CH 19]
Ibid., 1 Mar. 1989 [RETURN TO CH 19]
K. de Courcy to author, 30 Nov. 1990 [RETURN TO CH 19]
K. de Courcy to author, 8 Jan. 1990 [RETURN TO CH 19]
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Note: Hyperlinked page numbers in this electronic version of the index correspond to the page numbers in the printed edition. Since your e-reader may only show a portion of the printed page, you may need to scroll to find the index topic.
ABC-1 agreement, 145
Acklington, RAF, 172, 175
Adams, Maj. Vyvyan, 263–4
Addis, John, 188–9, 193, 195
Air Intelligence, 45, 111, 115–9, 122, 224, 241, 334, 343–4
Aldergrove, RAF, 174
Aldrich, Richard, 19
Amen, Col. John, 307–8
American Mercury, 297–301, 339, 346–7
Anderson, Sir John, 74
Anderson, Ole, 129, 131
Andrus, Col. Burton, 307, 311
Anglo-German Fellowship, 41, 43, 45, 297, 344
British, 39, 44–5, 51, 108
German, 24–6, 31, 36, 44, 146, 197, 227, 286, 300
British, 44–5, 51, 54, 58
German, 24–7, 30–3, 35–8, 47–8, 50, 57, 77–81, 146ff., 218; see also Jews, liquidation of
‘appeasement’, 45, 52–3, 56–60, 65, 81–3, 88, 90–1, 108–9, 127, 131, 136, 219, 234, 243, 262–4, 270
Arnold-Baker, Richard, 235–6, 245–52, 256, 261
Arosa, 64–6, 127, 130, 149, 340
Aschan, Sqdn Ldr Carl, 85–6
astrologers, see Hess, and astrology
Attlee, Clement, xv, 68, 74, 134
Austria, 47, 205
Ayr, RAF, 173, 175–6, 180, 184, 339
Baird, Margaret, 225, 344
Balfour, Arthur, 48–9
Balfour Declaration, 48–50, 68
‘Barnes, Capt.’, see Arnold-Baker, Richard
‘Barbarossa’, Operation, 123, 145–6, 150, 152, 157, 227, 261, 278, 284, 324, 347
Barlow, Lady, 125, 132
Barrie, Maj., 181–2, 184
Battaglia, Roman, 180–1
Baur, Gen. Hans, 121–3, 342–3
Beaverbrook, Lord, xv, 65, 219, 221, 229, 240, 262, 280–4, 294, 331, 351
Hess, Hitler and Churchill Page 49