Wanting It All (The Passion Series Book 1)

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Wanting It All (The Passion Series Book 1) Page 7

by Livia Grant

  If they could see up into the private box, they would see a determined man pounding his wife at a punishing pace. The anger is rolling off his body as he viciously digs his grip into her hips and pulls her body back hard to meet his forward thrusts. There is no love in this coupling, only pain and betrayal. It’s meant to be the ultimate punishment fuck, but within minutes Brianna’s moans of ecstasy as she explodes in a powerful orgasm show Markus firsthand how little he understands his wife’s sexual needs. Her guilty sobs have been replaced with a litany of dirty talk that would make a truck driver blush, or at least want to jack-off.

  “Oh, my God. That’s it Markus… fuck me hard… yes… harder… that’s it, honey… oh God… thank you… I needed this so bad… I’m so sorry… so very sorry… I love you so much… that’s it… fuck me harder… yes…” Her rambling becomes incoherent as she rolls into her next orgasm. She’s sobbing again, but she’s not sure if it’s pain, guilt or sexual release at the heart of her melt down.


  Witnessing his wife come unglued before his very eyes pushes Markus into the most explosive orgasm of his life. His heart feels like it could pound right out of his chest between his physical exertion and his precarious emotional state. As he stays buried balls-deep in his wife’s traitorous pussy, the dam holding his emotions at bay finally collapses and the fearless defense attorney who can eat hardened criminals for lunch finds himself crying hot tears as he grapples with the fact that his marriage is now over.

  He only had one rule: Never be unfaithful. Unbelievably, Brianna had broken the rule and with it, his trust. Even if he wanted to, he knows there’s no forgetting, no making this better.

  Markus briefly collapses over the back of his wife, blanketing her body with his own as he tries to squeeze out one final minute of intimacy before hardening his heart once again. For his own sanity, he needs to reclaim the blinding anger he’s felt since discovering her betrayal. He wants to hate her, but her continued soft cries for forgiveness are starting to get to him. He needs to get the hell out before he does something really stupid.

  Not in a million years would he have ever thought he could walk out and leave his wife some place like The Punishment Pit. His pain and regret are palpable, and the anger he felt seems to have left him with the cum he shot deep inside her. All that’s left is his grief over losing the woman he loves.

  ‘Why can’t I hate her? It would make leaving her here so much easier.’

  As if they’d choreographed the scene ahead of time, the head master from the stage below comes bursting into their private box just as Markus is standing upright, pulling his cock out of his wife’s dripping wet pussy. Brianna is still lost in her own little world of post-coital recovery and can’t see the meaningful look shared between the two men. It’s clear to anyone watching that the two men know each other well. Markus doesn’t even try to hide his broken heart from his dominant friend as they exchange a knowing look. Instead, he takes a minute to get his emotions under control, wiping his tears away on his dress shirtsleeve as he steels himself to be strong once again.

  Markus’ heart is racing as the moment of decision has arrived. Even as he had arranged to bring Bri to the club, he truly hadn’t known if he’d be able to go through with leaving her here. The thought of her being punished like the submissive he’d just witnessed turns his stomach. If only he could forgive her, but he knows it’s too late for that now. He could never trust her again. Markus reluctantly nods and with that simple, defeated nod of his head, his friend’s face turns steely.

  With a final supportive glance at Markus, the Master marches to Brianna and yanks her to her feet by her long thick hair with his left hand as his right clutches her breast. Brianna is jolted back to reality as she’s forced to face the two men. Terror takes over as she realizes it’s no longer Markus touching her. Her knees buckle again and only the Master’s support keeps her standing.

  Markus steps back; protecting her is no longer his job.

  When the Master finally speaks, his voice is full of venom. “So you’re the selfish whore who cheated on my friend Markus. I can’t say that I’m pleased to meet you considering the circumstances, Brianna.”

  “Oh, no,” she says. “You’re Markus’ old college friend, aren’t you?” Her shame is intensified as she realizes her husband has revealed the details of her infidelity to a man she’s meeting for the first time.

  A menacing smile comes to his handsome face. He looks like a man who’s clearly ready to go to battle for his friend, and Brianna is clearly his target. His eyes never leave hers as he speaks next. “Markus, I’m glad you got one final punishment fuck in before you cut this worthless whore loose. You… bitch… get on your knees and suck your husband’s dick clean one last time. The entire time you’re on your knees, I want you to be thinking about how you had it all and you threw it away.”

  When Brianna is paralyzed with fear, he shoves her to her knees before Markus. He wraps his hand behind her head and pushes her face forward as Markus puts his dick into Brianna’s mouth. He’s no longer hard so she’s able to fit most of his tool into her mouth, but as she continues to suck his cock clean, he can feel himself getting hard again. He hates that he still feels any measure of physical attraction to her in spite of her infidelity. Tucking his prick back into his slacks, he tries to think of the best thing he can say at this pivotal moment to hurt his wife the way she hurt him.

  “No need to blow me, Brianna. I need to save a little juice for the woman I plan on picking up and taking home to fuck in our bed tonight. While you’re here getting punished by my friends, I’m going to go home, get drunk and fuck an endless string of whores just like you until it doesn’t hurt anymore.”

  The pained look on his wife’s face confirms his words are a direct hit, and Markus has to hide the sense of revulsion he feels at what he’s just said.

  As his words start to sink in, Brianna once again reaches out from her kneeling position to grab onto Markus’ legs. She’s holding on for dear life. “Oh, my God. You can’t leave me here Markus. Please… I’m so sorry. I love you so much. Please… I’m begging you. Please let me come home with you and we can fight this out together. Don’t give up on us, yet. I’ll make it up to you, I swear.”

  Markus feels like he is going to be physically sick. He roughly pushes Brianna back, stumbling away, out of her reach. The Master has to step in and restrain her as she wildly fights to leave with her husband.

  The Master’s voice is soft and sympathetic as he addresses Brianna’s departing husband.

  “Go home Markus. You brought her here for a reason. Let me do my job. I got this.”

  Markus feels himself hesitate.

  ‘Can I do this? Can I walk away and leave her here?’

  Markus forces himself to imagine the picture of his beloved wife getting fucked by her ex-boyfriend and he has his answer. She made her choices and now she’s going to live with them. He is shaking with emotion as he makes eye contact with his friend.

  “Lukus,” is all he can manage to say before looking down at his wife. “Goodbye, Brianna. I really did love you.”

  He turns and leaves without a backward glance.


  Brianna’s heart is breaking. Witnessing Markus’ pain is her final undoing. The fact that he could walk out and leave her here tells her that she has truly lost him. She knows she should be afraid of what’s to come, but on another level she welcomes the pain she knows she’s about to receive. She deserves it.

  She slowly looks up until her gaze falls upon the haunting dark eyes of her captor.

  “I have some really bad news for you, sweetheart,” he says. “Markus is my friend – a very dear friend. I owe him big time. So here’s how this is going to go. I’m going to take you down to that stage. And once we’re there, I’m going to make you wish you had never been born.”

  When Brianna refuses to break his gaze, his grim scowl turns into an evil smile. “I see. So you think I’m bluffing? You do
n’t believe me?”

  After several more seconds of their showdown, Brianna finally answers in a defeated tone. “Oh, I believe you. I just don’t care. I deserve everything you’re going to give me and more. You were right. I had it all, and I threw it all away. If I’ve lost Markus, then there’s nothing you can do that will hurt worse than that.” She continues to stare at him defiantly when it hits her. “So your name is Lukus? As in the Lukus he just won a case for today?”

  Lukus smirks. “So now you understand just how much I owe him. The ironic thing is tonight was meant to be a celebration for me and Derek and Markus. Instead, you had to go and let someone stick his dick in you and break my friend’s heart. I almost feel sorry for you, Brianna. I’m not the kind of man you want to make angry. But I am angry, and this is personal. You hurt my friend. I’m going to hurt you… bad.”

  Chapter Five

  Brianna’s trip from the balcony to the stage occurs in a haze of numbness and fear. She is carried over the shoulder of her husband’s friend and is only vaguely aware of Lukus stopping to feed his security code into keypads as they pass through several locked doors.

  She knows she should be struggling to get away. For a moment she has the ridiculous hope of calling for help. But her cell phone is in the car, and even if she had it, who would she call? Her brother? Her parents? She can’t imagine facing them with what she’s done.

  Tiffany? Under normal circumstances the answer would be an unequivocal yes, but tonight Brianna isn’t so sure. Hadn’t Tiffany warned Brianna repeatedly that she was playing with fire? Her infidelity caused the only argument she’s ever had with her best friend. Sometimes Brianna thinks Tiffany loved Markus as much as she loves her. But who didn’t love Markus?

  ‘Apparently everyone except me since I betrayed him, and with a complete asshole like Jake. Whatever happens now, I deserve it.’

  The dance music is much louder in the club again when Lukus finally stops walking and unceremoniously dumps Brianna on her ass. She is horrified by what she sees. They are backstage, but the area is a replica of the same dungeon on the stage, with a few extras.

  She’s struck again by the reality of her situation. This is no theater. There are no porn stars waiting to go on-stage to perform. There are no make-up or dressing rooms. This club is one big punishment dungeon. And it is here that she will be made to pay for her sins.

  Three waist-high metal cages line the wall. They look like large dog kennels to Brianna, only at The Punishment Pit, they are used to lock up submissives. Two of the cages are occupied with naked slave girls. In spite of the commotion all around, one chubby slave looks to be peacefully sleeping in the first, curled up on the small mat lining the cage floor. The second cage is occupied by a girl tied in a way that has her pussy and ass sticking out of a two by two hole in the cage. The lascivious display has an obvious, depraved logic; with her bottom so presented, the girl’s Master can punish or fuck her at his whim.

  Bri has been too entranced by the sights around her to notice that Master Derek has joined them backstage. He’s squatting down right in front of Brianna, sizing her up. “So you’re the fucking bitch that was stupid enough to cheat on Markus. You must really have shit for brains. I’d be saying my prayers now if I were you.”

  Brianna remains silent. What is there to say? She has no idea how Markus found out about Jake, but now that he knows, it seems pointless to fight.

  Derek moves to stand beside Lukus. They spend a few minutes huddled together, talking too quietly for her to make out what they’re saying.

  As she’s straining to listen, she glances across the room near the door to the stage. Kneeling quietly near the door is the slave girl who had been on stage at Lukus’ feet giving him a blowjob. The girl’s eyes are obediently lowered, but as Brianna watches her carefully, she shoots Bri what could be interpreted as a reassuring smile. It’s the first bit of comfort Bri has felt since entering the club.

  The men have stopped talking and now return to Bri. Lukus squats down at eye level with her, and when she fails to look at him, he reaches out and almost tenderly places his hand under her chin, raising her face up to meet his steely gaze. They size each other up for a few seconds before Lukus lays out what’s about to happen.

  “Just for the record, you should know I don’t agree with the course of action Markus has asked me to take with you tonight, Brianna. Personally, I’d like to take you out there and spend the next three days putting you through every conceivable punishment my sick mind can think up. Unfortunately, I can’t because you aren’t a member of the club and Markus wants to protect Derek and me. So here’s how this is going to work. I’m going to drag your ass out to center stage and string you up to the whipping post. Then I’m going to lay out your crimes along with all of the evidence against you. You’re then going to be given a choice of signing one of two pieces of paper. Personally, I’d love to force you to sign them both, but Markus has made it clear to me I only need you to sign one.”

  He stops long enough to make sure Bri is still paying attention before continuing on. “The first piece of paper is a standard contract that all members sign when they join The Punishment Club. It outlines all of the rules of the club and grants legal consent for Master Derek and me to punish members in any way we deem appropriate, for as long as we feel appropriate. Every member is given a safe word, which they can invoke at any time, but the second they do, the punishment stops while we evaluate. If their life is not threatened and I think they are just trying to escape, the punishment continues until I say it's done. We don't play games here. Of course, we can't force members to stay. They can resign their membership if they disagree with my decision."

  Brianna feels a surge of hope knowing they won’t touch her unless she signs a contract. She realizes now that Markus was likely representing the club over some dispute with a member.

  Her voice is small. “Why would I knowingly sign a paper giving you legal permission to beat the shit out of me? Do you think I’m stupid?”

  “As much as I look forward to lighting up your ass, I honestly hope you don’t sign my contract,” Lukus replies. “I’d much rather you sign the second piece of paper - a letter of intent to proceed with an immediate, uncontested divorce. Markus is in pain and he just wants closure as quickly as possible. Against my advice, he’s offering you one get out of jail free card to avoid your extended stay here at the Shang-ri-la. All you have to do is sign that and we cut you loose. You’ll be out of our lives, and out of Markus’ for good. Hell, I’ll even be a prince and let you use my cell phone to call someone to come pick you up.”

  As Brianna absorbs his words she swears she can hear the pounding of her own heart. She knows she should be grateful that she’s being given any choice at this stage of the game, but the realization that Markus has put into motion paperwork for a quick divorce in the space of just a few hours cuts her to the core. Until Lukus said the ‘D’ word, she’d been holding out hope that Markus would cool down and possibly give her a second chance once she was punished.

  Lukus doesn’t bother to wait for her answer. Instead he drags Bri to her feet and she finds herself sandwiched between the two muscular men briefly before Derek grabs her and throws her over his shoulder.

  “Don’t forget,” Lukus tells his partner as they head to the stage. “If she chooses option one, she’s all mine and then you’ll have just one job tonight, Derek – to make sure I don’t lose control and kill the bitch. I swear to God, I’m going to whip her raw.” His words sound menacing, but Bri suspects her husband’s friend is just trying to lay it on thick in an attempt to coerce her into signing the quickie divorce papers. At least she prays that’s what he is doing.

  As they burst through the door to the stage, Brianna can feel the heat of the stage lights through her little black dress. She can’t see the audience from her vantage point over Derek’s shoulder, but she can tell the stage curtains must still be open because the club is quickly quieting down and the music has bee
n lowered.

  Derek saunters to the heavy whipping post and unceremoniously dumps Bri from his shoulder. As she totters on her heels, he reaches up and pulls down manacles attached to a hook high on the whipping post. He brings the chain lower until he is just able to lock each of Brianna’s wrists into the heavy metal restraints, immobilizing her arms above her head.

  When Bri realizes she’s facing the audience, she closes her eyes to shut out the horror of her situation. She knows there is no escape.

  Lukus begins to pace the stage as he addresses the audience. “Members, tonight I have the unpleasant job of putting the wife of one of my oldest friends on trial for her infidelity to her husband. Tonight was supposed to be a celebration for her husband, Derek and me. Instead I have been asked to make sure the little whore understands the severity of her situation.”

  He moves over to her, so close now she can feel his warm breath as he leans in to whisper in her ear. “You make your choice yet, sweetheart? You taking door number one or door number two?”

  Bri refuses to open her eyes as she answers in a voice loud enough for only her captor to hear. “Fuck you, Lukus. I’m not signing anything and you can’t touch me or I’ll sue your ass so fast you won’t know what hit you.”

  She can hear his sharp intake of breath followed by a slow, long exhale. The unexpected intimacy sends a shiver through her entire body, drawing a low laugh from Lukus. He steps away from her and continues to address the club.

  “What Brianna here doesn’t understand is that running the club is just my hobby. My day job as they say is owning and running one of the biggest private investigation and security firms in the entire Chicagoland area.”

  Turning back to Brianna he continues. “You thought you were being so careful, but several months ago Markus came to me to ask for my help. He didn’t have anything concrete, but he just had a feeling that you’d cheated on him. See, he noticed what looked like faint cane or riding crop marks on your ass when you were in the shower and since he knew you didn’t get them from him, he decided he might want to find out what the hell was going on.”


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