Wanting It All (The Passion Series Book 1)

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Wanting It All (The Passion Series Book 1) Page 12

by Livia Grant

  “I told you, sweetheart. You had your last chance. We’re going to do this our way now. Like I said. There are many ways to punish you that don’t involve spanking or paddling. You’re about to find out how very true my words were.”

  Brianna isn’t exactly sure what their way means, but it couldn’t be good. She barely pays attention as James finally removes the speculum.

  Her next sensation is his touching her anus. Her eyes fly to James’ as she sees the bottle of lube in his visible hand and feels his slick, gloved finger probing her tight hole. Brianna is too surprised to even complain when she feels him pressing a finger into her body, seating it in up to the knuckle before circling his thick finger, bringing a strange feeling of fullness to invade.

  She’s reluctantly forced to accept his finger caressing her rosebud and fights the urge to moan with pleasure. Bri closes her eyes, trying to regain control as she feels something hard being inserted into her ass. She opens her eyes just in time to see James hanging an oversized enema bag on one of the high hooks of the rolling cart next to her. It’s when she realizes that James has just shoved an enema nozzle deep into her anus that she truly panics.

  Brianna begins to strain against her restraints in a feeble attempt to free herself. She begins to shake as she feels the invading fullness of liquid flowing into her bowels. Bri has never had an enema before, but has read about punishment enemas in erotic novels. She’s always found the descriptions arousing; in fact, the thought of a helpless submissive being filled up with warm, soapy water and then being made to hold it, painfully, until finally being humiliatingly forced to expel it had fueled more than one of her masturbation fantasies.

  Now she wonders how she could have ever found anything erotic about this sort of punishment. She’s in pain and unbearably embarrassed, even if part of her can understand how watching a submissive’s private hole cleansed in preparation for her Master’s cock might arouse a Dom.

  ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck.’

  She can feel her pussy throbbing and as her juices beginning to flow, she’s furious with herself. Bri shakes her head from side to side as she battles between humiliation and near ecstasy under this invasive punishment at the hands of her husband’s friends.

  She begins to plead with them. “You have to stop this James. You can’t do this to me. Markus is never going to forgive you for humiliating me like this. I’m going to tell him everything you and Lukus are doing and he’s going to kill you both.”

  James’ face is hard and unforgiving as he monitors the water flow into her body. With each passing minute, Brianna’s cramping is getting worse and the pressure in her bowel is getting more unbearable.

  As her groans of sheer agony get louder and more frequent, James occasionally stops the flow to allow her body to accommodate the liquid before opening the clamp again.

  A sheen of sweat soon covers Bri’s body, partly from the heat of the warm water filling her, but mostly from the embarrassment and physical strain of trying to retain the liquid in her body. An undeniable sense of surrender is forming in Bri’s fragile mind, and with it an odd sort of peace. There’s something almost therapeutic in being rendered completely helpless, in being forced to comply with the cleansing her body, as if the flood inside her could wash away her sins when it leaves her body.

  When the huge enema bag is finally empty, James clamps off the tube and immediately begins to squeeze a hand pump bulb attached to the hose. Brianna feels the nozzle still shoved up her ass beginning to expand… ballooning to stretch her tightest hole to new and painful limits. On the one hand, she’s grateful for the balloon’s presence, which acts as a dam and makes it easier to retain the water. Yet, she’s appalled that her ass is being used in this shameful manner.

  James finally unhooks the plastic tubing from the balloon plugging her ass and steps back. His expression is smug as he studies her.

  ‘The asshole.’

  “In case you haven’t figured this out yet, this is a punishment enema. Lukus informs me the more traditional forms of punishment he was using were not having the desired effect. As a basic rule, we discourage orgasms when we’re punishing our subs. I’m pretty sure this punishment isn’t going to turn into a pleasurable experience for you. Although, I must admit, you may experience euphoria when you’re finally allowed to expel, that is if you can get past the humiliation of expelling in front of Lukus and me.”

  Brianna decides to press James again. “It’s clear you don’t think Markus is going to be angry at you for treating me like this, but I wonder what Mary is going to say when I tell her you’re here at the club… touching me… torturing me this way. You’re messing with my marriage and I promise you James, I’m going to mess with yours, you asshole.”

  James gently laughs as he lightly presses on Bri’s distended abdomen, forcing an agonizing groan. “Oh Brianna, you have no idea do you? Mary is so much more than just my wife. She’s my submissive. She has been since we were at Northwestern together with Markus and Lukus. She’s been on this very table receiving the exact same punishment when she was naughty too. I must admit; I’m grateful she’s managed to remain faithful to me. Lukus would have to hold me back from beating her within an inch of her life if she ever let someone else’s cock touch her. Why do you think Markus isn’t here himself? He’s a Dom, just like us and he knows he wouldn’t be able to control himself when he’s this angry. Rule Number One for a Dom is to never punish when you’re too angry to control your own emotions. I’m sorry to tell you, there’s no danger of Lukus or me being swayed by your tears or veiled threats.”

  Her brain is misfiring from the overload of information James has just shared. She was shocked enough to hear that Mary, the woman she’s gone out to dinner with several times, is a submissive. How in the world had she missed all of the signs? She seemed so confident and outgoing as the doting mother of two preteen boys. How the hell does that work, anyway? Clearly there is more to the whole D/s scene that Brianna has no clue about.

  But more surprising is James’ assertion that her husband, the always gentle and loving Markus, is a Dom. Clearly these guys don’t know Markus as well as they think they do. Before last night, he’d never so much as fucked her hard, let alone displayed any signs of being a dominant Master like Lukus and James clearly are.

  She wants to argue the point, but the pressure to evacuate her bowels is staggering. She closes her eyes in an attempt to calm her ragged breathing and slow her racing heartbeat. She’s completely unprepared when the slap of the wide leather belt hits her tender pussy lips, squarely making contact with her swollen clit and drawing an anguished cry. When she feels the second stroke of the belt make contact with her splayed cunt, her cry turns into an ear-piercing scream.

  Her eyes spring open to watch in disbelief as James pulls his arm back and delivers another full-force belting, this time striking her inner thigh. From her vantage point, Bri can see her creamy skin immediately turn a bright red. The force of the pain creeps up on her slowly, turning into an agonizing burn. James continues to rain down his belt, pelting her inner thighs and pussy thoroughly. The only reprieve from the belt comes when he leans over to grab first the left nipple clamp and then the right. As he simultaneously unclamps both tortured tits, the rush of blood through the delicate areas feels like pins and needles poking her nipples. Brianna is vaguely aware of her own screams.

  James’ torment of her entire body is too much. The barrage of vicious tortures push Brianna to that secret destination Lukus sent her to the night before on stage. As the blows from the belt continue to rain down on her swollen pussy and inner thighs, Brianna allows her mind to float away. It’s as if she’s hovering above the scene now, watching from outside her body. As a captive victim, the pain is nearly unbearable, but as a spectator, the pain is turning into pleasure. The ache of her full lower abdomen has pushed Brianna to the brink of the cliff. The pressure to expel the liquids saturating her body is exquisite, drawing a long, guttural groan.

  If th
e need to expel has her hanging from edge of the cliff, it’s the hard slap of the leather belt that ends up tossing her over, sending her free-falling into a powerful orgasm. Brianna is so far gone in her own pleasurable little world she completely misses her husband’s friends’ exchange.

  “I don’t fucking believe it. That was so fast I didn’t even have time to stop and hold her off.” James is clearly upset he allowed Brianna to orgasm.

  Lukus’ voice is quiet, almost shaken. “Hell, that was even faster than last night.” He nervously runs his hands through his thick, dark hair.

  In the wake of her orgasm, Bri’s breathing is turning shallow and ragged, as if she’s in distress. James is watching Bri carefully and he knows it’s time for her to expel. Nodding to Lukus, the men each begin to release her from the restraints holding her immobile. Once she’s free, Lukus scoops her up into his arms like he would a child and rather gently carries her towards the center stage.

  Embarrassed by her powerful and shameful orgasm, Brianna buries her face into Lukus’ neck in a childish attempt to hide, wrapping her arms around him. She keeps her eyes squeezed shut, trying to focus on not having an accident. She’s trying not to think about the fact that Lukus is going to expect her to use the damn bucket as her toilet.

  He surprises her by stopping midstage and effortlessly lifts her body into a sitting position, on a rather tall stool that has wide stirrups similar to the gynecological table. The stirrups are meant to hold her thighs open wide and as she takes in the details of the odd chair, she sees there’s actually no seat. Her spread upper legs are holding her up, and just below the opening of the seat is an oversized bucket.

  “Oh my God, no, no, no. Please, Lukus. Don’t make me do this. I’m begging you.” She reaches out, desperately grabbing Lukus’ tee shirt, trying to pull him to her. She’s shaking her head in disbelief. Not here. Even with the club empty, they can’t expect her to do this here, in front of them both, splayed open and on display. Her tears are flowing again. She makes a feeble attempt to lift herself off the stirrups, but Lukus easily holds her in place.

  His answer comes in the form of a whisper against her ear. “Don’t make me get the rope to tie you down, Bri. You know you need to do this. I promise. You’ll feel so much better when you’re done.” All traces of anger seem to have dissipated. What remains is concern.

  As her ragged breaths become increasingly labored, James reaches beneath her to deflate the balloon in her ass. He’s nice enough to give her a warning before he starts to remove it. “Okay, it’s coming out now Brianna.”

  Brianna is physically shaking from the strain on her body, the fear of the loss of control over her most private bodily functions, and the cool air hitting her sweat covered body. She’s squeezing her eyes closed tightly in an attempt to forget where she is long enough to allow her body to relax enough to expel. And even though she’s decided to comply and release the enema, she finds her body just won’t cooperate.

  Several agonizing minutes tick by. When her shaking approaches actual convulsions she vaguely hears Lukus say, “Fuck this” before scooping her up into his arms and clutching her tightly against his warm chest. Brianna wraps her arms around his neck and buries her face against him as she lets the sobs consume her. She’s crying so hard she barely catches Lukus’ words.

  “Go home, James. I’m sorry I dragged you down here today. I’ll talk to you later.”


  Lukus pushes through the door at the back of the stage, rushing through the backstage dungeon, through his office and into the small elevator that barely fits them both. He struggles to lean down to push the button that will take them up to his loft. He prays Brianna can hold it a bit longer or he may find himself with a major mess on his hands.

  ‘It would serve you right if she can’t hold it, you asshole.’

  The guilt he’s been pushing down since last night is back with a vengeance. Brianna is not an informed member of the club and she didn’t have a clue what she was signing up for. No matter what she did, she doesn’t deserve this kind of humiliation. Markus is just going to have to get his divorce the old-fashioned way - through the courts.

  ‘He’s a lawyer for Christ’s sake. He shouldn’t need me to do his dirty work for him.’

  Lukus is relieved her convulsing has slowed to a mere shivering by the time the elevator doors open. He rushes through the great room in his loft, through his huge master bedroom and is relieved to arrive at the door to his luxurious master bathroom. He lowers her feet to the floor, making sure she is steady before he prepares to leave her to go into the bathroom for some privacy. Her eyes are closed tightly, trying to shut out what's happening to her.

  “Brianna, open your eyes sweetheart. Look at me.” All traces of his anger with her are gone and when she opens her eyes, she’s surprised to see his are full of regret.

  In a rare gentle moment for the Dom, Lukus reaches out to stroke the tears away from Brianna’s cheeks with the pad of his thumb. “I never should have pushed you like this. I’m sorry. I blackmailed you into putting your signature on the club papers and I know you had no idea what you were signing up for. I’m going to leave you alone for a while. If you need me, just call out, okay?”

  Brianna only has the energy to nod. She’s grateful that Lukus finally stopped the insanity. As he turns to leave, she calls to him.

  “Lukus?” Her voice is weak. “Thank you.”

  He turns back to her briefly, a melancholy look on his face. “You’re welcome, Brianna.” He watches as Brianna turns and rushes into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

  Chapter Ten

  Lukus wastes no time making a beeline to his well-stocked wet bar. He doesn’t care that it’s not even noon; nothing is going to stop him from pouring himself a tall whiskey. He downs the oversized shot in one gulp, letting it burn his throat on the way to his churning stomach. He pours a second before walking away from the bar and turning to the window.

  It was this view of the Chicago skyline that had been the selling point when he bought the empty building over six years ago. He’d been looking for a space to open his club, but hadn’t expected to find a place to live at the same time. He’d known he was home the first time he experienced the unfettered view from the top floor of the seven-story building. He’d spent a full year converting the first three floors into The Punishment Pit, complete with a half dozen guest apartments. The top – a high-ceilinged loft - had morphed into his private sanctuary with a small private theater, half basketball court and full weight room.

  The following year, he managed to remodel the middle floors into the new home for his already thriving security business. He’d installed a street-side entrance on the opposite side of the building from the club’s alley entrance. He’d worried it would be difficult to mesh of the divergent parts of his life so closely, but he’d worried for nothing. The only downside now is that managing everything under one roof gives him little reason to leave the building.

  Lukus finds himself in a rare mood this morning, no doubt the direct result of being brought to his knees by the feelings courtesy of Brianna. The guilt he understands. It makes sense to him. It’s the deeper emotions that he has yet to come to terms with.

  He’d left her in the bathroom, and he finds himself hoping she’ll stay in there until he gets his head on straight.

  Lukus is a man of action, so spending time analyzing feelings is not how he’d normally choose to spend a Saturday morning. There’s no other choice today. He couldn’t turn off his brain, or other body parts for that matter, not even if he wanted to. He’s enough of a realist to know he needs to face the situation, and he doesn’t like where that leads him.

  ‘I’m jealous, completely and insanely jealous of Markus. Fuck me.’

  Like a bullet between the eyes, it hits him that Brianna is the first woman he’s met in so very long that comes even close to that elusive balance of strength and submission he’s been seeking for years. In many ways, she remin
ds him of Mary, only she’s a hundred times better. No offense to Mary, but Lukus has never once been tempted to cross the line with James’ wife in spite of frequently disciplining her in very intimate ways. While she is the right balance of strength and submissive, she was never his type physically.

  But Brianna… hell, she’s the real deal. She’s the kind of woman who’s the picture-perfect wife on your arm at an important business dinner and the slutty whore in your bedroom when you get home. He’s watched her struggling with her deep submissive tendencies, but she never once has let him push her to a point where she forgets who she is at her core. The defiance in her eyes as she stands up to him – the resolve that makes her fight for her crumbling marriage - makes him want to turn her over his knee for a good, hard, intimate spanking and then immediately pull her into his protective arms to gently wipe away her tears and make sweet love to her.

  ‘I’m so fucked. I don’t do ‘gentle,’ ‘sweet’ or ‘love’.

  He understands why Markus is completely broken at the thought of losing her. Lukus feels the same sense of loss at the idea of her leaving, and she’s not even his to lose. Her big, expressive chocolate brown eyes. That beautiful, tight, tanned body. Hell, he usually prefers blonds, but he even loves the feel of her long, dark hair running through his fingers. He can imagine holding it in a tight ponytail, using it to pull her body back onto his cock while he fucks her hard from behind. She’s so responsive he can just hear her begging him to fuck her harder. Her body is made to enjoy the delicate balance of pain and pleasure he’s spent much of his adult life learning to deliver.


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