Wanting It All (The Passion Series Book 1)

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Wanting It All (The Passion Series Book 1) Page 26

by Livia Grant

  Bri’s ankle cuffs are anchored to hooks in the floor, spreading her legs wide. Lukus has brought in what looks like a pommel horse, similar to those used in gymnastics, sans the handgrips. He has it positioned in front of Brianna’s waist. Her arms have been pulled forward on the ceiling enough so that she’s being forced to lean forward over the horse. The position leaves her most private parts completely exposed, vulnerable and available for punishment. Brianna is also blindfolded; she’ll be unable to see any of the punishments coming beforehand.

  Only now does Tiffany truly understand why Lukus gagged her. Without a doubt, she would be screaming at him right now to let Brianna go. The indignant anger she’d been successfully suppressed now resurfaces with a vengeance.

  ‘How dare he do this to Brianna? How dare he do this to me?’

  The music starts to get a bit softer, and Tiff hears Derek announcing the start of tonight’s show as he introduces Master Lukus Mitchell, Master of Masters. Lukus bursts onto the stage, pumped up and looking ready for battle. Tiffany has never seen him like this - wearing his Dom persona as if it were a well-tailored suit. He looks so powerful, so beautifully dangerous. A strong wave of dread washes over her.

  ‘What the hell was I thinking? This guy is hardcore. He’s not the kind of guy who’s going to be interested in playing house with me out in the suburbs. I need to get away from him the instant he lets me loose, even if I have to leave Brianna behind.’

  Tiffany snaps her eyes closed, desperate to shut out the scene on stage. She knows she has no choice but to somehow get through watching Lukus punish Brianna. She only hopes she can make it through without getting turned on like she used to when watching punishments of strangers at the clubs she used to go to with Bri, or when reading about similar punishment scenes in the Beauty books.

  When several minutes pass and she hears nothing new, she finally opens her eyes to see Lukus standing near the front of the stage, staring at her. He’d been waiting for her to open her eyes, as if he didn’t want her to miss a single minute of the upcoming torture. She doesn’t try to hide her fury. He may have restrained her body, but Tiffany makes it clear by her expression that her mind is still her own.

  ‘Well fuck you, Lukus Mitchell. You’ve pushed me too far. I’m done swimming in your shark tank, buddy.’

  If Lukus can detect her defiance, he's not rattled by it. He stands planted, staring at her - admiring her - consuming her. Tiffany's heart races faster as his gaze draws her in against her will. Just when the electric current peaks, Lukus breaks into his sexy smile - the smile she'd vowed to crawl over hot coals to see again.

  ‘Well fuck me. I guess I can tread water for a bit longer.’


  ‘What is he waiting for?’

  A shudder races through Brianna’s whole body from the convergence of fear, humiliation, guilt and excited anticipation.

  Brianna isn’t entirely sure what’s going on. She’d spent thirty minutes back stage before finally being brought out front for the start of the show. She should’ve been relieved when Derek had simply parked both women in Lukus’ office while he worked on the computer. While Rachel had looked quite content to kneel there patiently silent by Derek’s feet, Brianna had wanted to crawl out of her skin. With the promise of her impending punishment in front of the Saturday night crowd hanging over her head, there was little to do but imagine all the wicked things Lukus might be cooking up for tonight.

  She’d finally forced herself to calm down by reminding herself all that she had learned over the last twenty-four hours. Tonight feels totally different than last night. One of the most important things she’s learned is that Lukus will never hurt her. Not really. In her reflection time at Derek’s feet, she’d finally submitted to the notion she’ll just have to trust him.

  But she’d almost wavered when Lukus burst into the office in an obvious state of agitation. She still has no clue what had gotten him so upset, but he’d been rummaging through drawers and cabinets looking for something and then spent five minutes yelling at Derek for letting their stock of extra toys dwindle to an unacceptable selection. She had no clue what they were really referring to; she was just relieved that for once, he wasn’t pissed at her. She had a pretty strong inclination, though, that Tiffany might have been at the heart of his foul mood this time.

  ‘You go girl. He deserves everything you can dish out.’

  Brianna could have kicked herself when she’d unwittingly walked into the kitchen earlier to catch her friends red handed in an intimate embrace. They’d been facing away from her so she wasn’t completely sure what had transpired, but there’d been an undeniable electric current passing between the two of them all night during dinner. She’d truly enjoyed watching the dynamic as the Master of Masters and reluctant sub felt each other out.

  ‘How awesome would that be if Lukus and Tiffany got together?’

  She suspects they’re both going to resist the pull, thinking they’re from too different worlds, but Brianna knows enough about them both to know they’re perfect for each other. If she ever digs herself out of this punishment hell she’s cast herself into, she’s going to do her best to play matchmaker.

  The ache in her shoulders brings Brianna back to the here and now. With each passing minute she becomes more confused. When Lukus had announced it was time to go front-of-house, he’d helped pull her to her feet before escorting her out to center stage. She’d been relieved the heavy curtains had been drawn, keeping the hungry audience at bay for at least a few more minutes.

  The dance music was playing even louder tonight than last night, making any real conversation in the club almost impossible. It didn’t bother her as it gave her and Lukus a legitimate reason to remain silent while he went about the business of preparing her for her public punishment session. She’d quickly realized how silly she’d been to hold out hope he might go easy on her tonight now that they felt more like friends.

  Lukus had methodically reattached her wrist and ankle cuffs first. Then, like a true artist, had gone about his craft of immobilizing her in an almost artful and creative display of submission and vulnerability. Her arms are pulled high, her legs spread wide as they were attached to rings in the floor. She surely would have tipped over in the precarious position were it not for the pommel horse placed strategically in front of her, the top at perfect waist-height.

  Only once he had the horse in place did Brianna realize the hooks her arms were attached to were part of a mechanically controlled system. Lukus had used a remote control to move her arms forward a foot or so, just enough to force her feet uncomfortably onto her tippy toes and her tummy to lean across the horse. While it felt good to let some of her weight be supported by the horse, Bri recognized immediately that she was in the most compromising position possible. Her plugged ass and wet pussy were perfectly exposed, both now perfect targets for any implement in his extensive arsenal. Her heavy breasts were now being pulled away from her body slightly by gravity, making them targets as well.

  The blindfold had been harder to take.

  “Sorry, sweetheart,” Lukus had said. “But I think it’ll actually be easier on you tonight if you can’t see what’s coming next.”

  Brianna had wanted to argue with him, but instead simply thanked him. “Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”

  He’d surprised her when he’d leaned in to brush her lips with his in a chaste kiss.

  “Be a good girl tonight Brianna. You know you need to be punished for hurting Markus, but know I’ll never really hurt you. Stay true to yourself and everything will be just fine.”

  Then he’d left her alone with her thoughts and fears until she heard the announcement starting the show.

  And here she is, waiting. During last night’s show Lukus had addressed the audience at length. Tonight, he’s barely done any talking at all. Still, having only been here one night, she has no clue if this is normal. She feels so vulnerable, splayed out like this for the audience, and she feels a sudden gratitud
e both for the blindfold and the music that’s blocking it all out. At least this way she has a small chance of forgetting there’s a roomful of spectators only feet away witnessing her humiliation and punishment.

  As much as she dreads the punishment, the waiting is actually worse. She wants him to just get it over with. She is somewhat relieved when she hears Lukus finally address the audience, reminding them he’s been charged with punishing his best friend’s wife for her infidelity.

  “I’ve spent the last twenty-four hours punishing the little adulteress just like she deserved. She’s had everything from whippings, beltings and canings, to punishment enemas and painful, personal exams. Still, she’s refused to sign the papers granting her husband a divorce. I have to tell you all that, against my better judgment, I’m beginning to admire her resolve to save her marriage. Regardless, I have a job to do and that job is to continue to punish her for her unforgivable behavior.”

  His sudden touch on her breast is surprising. She’s been on pins and needles expecting pain so the gentle caress molding and squeezing first one and then the other breast catches Brianna completely off guard.

  “Lukus, what the hell are you doing?”

  Her answer comes in the form of a hard swat against her breast, just catching her nipple and sending shock waves of pain and pleasure through her.

  “Excuse me? What is my name during a punishment?”

  “Sir,” she corrects herself. “I’m so sorry Sir, but why are you touching me like this?”

  “I don’t think that’s any of your concern. I’ll punish you - use you - any way I choose to and if you are truly ready to make amends, you’ll accept that punishment gratefully as your atonement to Markus.

  Brianna’s mind is racing. While it’s true she’s certainly felt a draw to Lukus’ strength, and had even reveled in the scorching hot kiss they shared in his bed this afternoon, she was sure they were well past the danger of giving into their base attraction to each other, if not for their own sakes, then for Markus. Yet here he is, clearly confusing her by intimately touching her body.

  The pain from the slap to her breast has subsided when she feels it - Lukus’ warm mouth sucking her left tit as if he were nursing from her. Before she can rein the feeling in, a shudder of pleasure races through her. A low moan escapes as she feels him licking and lightly sucking on her sensitive nipple. It’s the nip of his teeth that finally wakes her up.

  “Sir, stop it right now. What the hell are you… OWEEIE!!!”

  The pain is sudden and excruciating. Without her eyesight, she can only go by touch, but it feels as if he’s just clamped a heavy-duty, tightly pinching nipple clamp onto her now hard nipple. The pain is exquisite and shoots a direct line of stimulation to her throbbing sex. The pain hasn’t settled in yet when she feels that insistent mouth drawing on other nipple. Now, knowing what’s coming, Brianna tries to let the pleasure she’s feeling from his warm mouth calm her enough to help power through the pain she knows is soon to follow.

  The feel of Lukus’ mouth on her, sucking and nipping her pink nub is intoxicating. Her inability to stop him enhances her feeling of submission. Yet her brain fights the feeling that this is wrong. It’s too personal.

  “Sir, why are you doing this? Markus wouldn’t want you touching me like this.” She’s saying all the right words, but even she can hear her lack of commitment to her chastity. She’s been horny all afternoon and the feel of his warm mouth on her makes her want more. Regardless, he finally does tear his warm mouth away from her nipple, quickly replacing it with the other clamp. She was somewhat ready for it this time so when the clamp pinches her tit so tightly, only a low groan escapes her lips. Her nipples are numbing from the clamps until she feels Lukus attaching heavy weights to first one and then the other, letting his fingers graze the tender tips.

  She’s surprised when speaks softly in her ear, his lips so close she can feel his whiskers brush her cheek. “You really like this, don’t you sweetheart? I suspected you would. You like being tied up, helpless… tortured and on display.”

  “Oh no, Sir. It hurts so much. Please, take the clamps off.”

  “Tsk… tsk… tsk. You shouldn’t lie to your Master, naughty girl. You know I can always tell when a submissive isn’t being truthful.”

  “It hurts too much. Please, I’m begging you.” Bri can the hear panic in her own voice as she fights to get the burn of pain under control.

  “Tell me. The pain is turning you on, isn’t it Brianna? Never mind. You don’t need to answer me with words. I have my own, foolproof way of finding the truth.”

  Brianna is finally getting her breathing under control from the pain in her nipples when she feels Lukus’ hand slowly caressing her welted ass, kneading it, slowly and sensuously. It’s as if he’s admiring his earlier handiwork. He moves lower and withdraws the butt plug an inch, moving the widest part of the plug in place to stretch the tight ring at the entry to her ass. The feeling isn’t painful, but she’s hit with a reminder of her dirty fullness and the strong emotions that accompany her anal submission.

  After reseating the large plug, Lukus slowly slips his fingers lower, stroking her wet slit several times before dipping at least two digits deep into her cunt. While the sensation feels wonderful, Brianna is mortified at the wet slurp as he strokes her and she cries out.

  “Oh God, no. Please, not there. I need to come so bad Sir, but not like this. I need to be a good girl and wait for Markus to forgive me.”

  She’s relieved when Lukus chuckles and removes his invading digits. “Good girl. That’s the right answer, sweetheart.”

  She briefly revels in the glow of his approval. She smells the evidence of her arousal just before she feels his wet fingers pressing against her lips, demanding entry. She hungrily opens her mouth to suck her own juices from his digits. It feels so decadent to be enjoying her own taste as he spends several long seconds finger-fucking her mouth until all traces of her essence is cleaned away.

  He steps away and a few seconds later she feels the sting of what she suspects is a riding crop landing across the top of her already tortured breasts. The pain is all consuming and only the restraints keep her in place. She’s unable to defend herself from the next onslaught she knows is on the way. She doesn’t have long to wait. The next swing comes from the opposite direction, catching the tender underside of her breasts hard and strong.

  “Ohhhhhhh noooooo! Oh, God!” She’s panting in an attempt to power through the pain.

  While the first two swings of the riding crop had been strategically spread out, the next half dozen strikes come fast and furious, never giving Bri a chance to catch her breath. She’s a bawling, mumbling mess by the time the strikes stop coming. She vaguely has to acknowledge that as bad as the pain is, taking the strokes on her recently caned bottom would be worse. So, when that’s what happens, her screams let Lukus know the punishment is doing its job.

  Brianna begins to release the final shred of control she’d been clinging to as the next thwack of the crop connects with her most tender spot where her butt and thighs meet, dragging a guttural cry from her.

  She feels it starting and she’s certain that Lukus has to recognize the signs as well. His well-placed last strike has set her on her way to her happy place. Her brain knows she’s supposed to push the feelings down, but all willpower is gone. With each masterful stroke of the crop, she flies higher and higher.

  She’s waiting for something. Oh yes… waiting for him to warn her… to stop her from coming as he has several times today, but when his warning doesn’t come, she takes his silence as his tacit approval.

  Her powerful orgasm erupts with the next strike to her welted breasts. The torturous end of the crop connects like a bulls-eye with one of her clamped nips. The pain pulses to her core, erupting with a red-hot explosion. Through her sexual overload, she vaguely thinks about what a great show she’s putting on for all of the spectators tonight. As she floats through her climax, she wonders how many other s
ubs are getting fucked by their masters right now as they enjoy this spectacle.

  Surprisingly, Lukus isn’t chastising her for coming without permission. Instead, the crop continues to rain down on her ass as if he’d missed the entire event, which of course is impossible considering her loud moans. As her first orgasm wraps up, she can already feel the next building. If he continues like this, she knows it won’t be long before he pushes her over the cliff again. She’s truthfully not sure how she feels when she hears him throw the riding crop to the stage floor, signaling that at least this phase of the punishment is over. She could have endured a few more strokes if it would’ve meant coming again.

  Her hearing is enhanced from being blindfolded, so she’s able to pick up the subtle sounds of Lukus removing his belt as he’d done earlier this afternoon. At the time, he’d belted her to near orgasm only to leave her wriggling with pent up sexual desire. Funny thing is that instead of worrying about how much the belt is going to hurt on her already sore ass, she’s readying for the strokes to lead her to her happy place of all-consuming, sub-space orgasms. They’re well worth the price of pain required to get there. It flits through her brain that it’s only the promise of these strong orgasms that had tempted her into cheating on Markus with Jake in the first place. She hates how much she needs them.

  Lukus’ lecture starts simultaneously with the first strike of the belt falls hard across her ass. “Why are you being punished, Brianna?”

  Through her sobs, she answers with truthful remorse shining through. “Because I did the unthinkable. I cheated on my husband, who I love so very much, and with a total jerk who has hurt me before. I’m so sorry.”

  “And what the fuck made you do such a stupid and irresponsible thing?”

  Another belt stroke rains down on Bri’s ass as the inquisition continues. It’s distracting to have to answer his questions while fighting to keep the pain and pleasure balance from boiling over inside of her. “I had to. I love Markus so much, but he was too gentle. Sometimes I need to be dominated. Sometimes I need the pain, Sir. It takes me to my happy place. Thank you, Sir, for letting me go to my happy place.”


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