Arcadamius Reconquest - Sequence of Actuna of Toris

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Arcadamius Reconquest - Sequence of Actuna of Toris Page 14

by Edward Warrior, Sr

  - Go see it ... She asked for you and missed you. - I did not have to say more than that. Anne stood up and took a little hair. He went out to meet Riley O'Connor, both had a debt to settle.

  Riley was quick to arrive and nearly met along the way to the room where she now lived within the Vortex. - The years have been kind to you Riley O'Connor! - Anne grinned as he held her. Riley could not help but laugh.

  - With you also Anne Ridley! - Smiled again. - Let's go, I wanted to learn new things with his mouth, his version of things happened! - And slowly the hours went by while Anne told her everything he could remember in detail, nothing escaped to its agile and very determined mind.

  - It was when we had news that Rex had died ... - still talking about a whole unlived life.

  - And Samantha? She is happy with Bobby? - I was curious about Samuel's sister.

  - She always hoped you would bring the brother back, did not admit to doubt his word. Reminded us and others every time that Riley O'Connor lived somewhere in the stars and God only knew how she was right! - Concluded once again his narrative that this time it was epic. - He suffered greatly from the death of Rex, he lived for as long a dog can live and always at your side! I think deep down he also hoped her Riley...

  A beautiful young woman recently agreed missed the soft fur of your dog and toes warm on winter nights, the walks in the park and run beside you in the morning at sunrise. In the end, missed a past that would never reach again ... or not.

  - How was life with Chris all these years? - Was an unavoidable theme among them one day have to face him sooner or later. I better be now.

  - I have lived too long in his shadow Riley, more than I would like, he never gave up looking for it, he has violated laws capital for this, but no regrets, none of us regret being here! - She hugged her again, as was confronting able to feel the safety of his arms. Riley always crossed his safety until now. - I have never had children; I cannot for the things that happened to me before I met you. My life was not very regulated and this had future consequences! In any case fulfilled my promise Riley, Chris became a good man! - Finished this part of the story.

  - How are his parents? They survived? - Wondered what purpose had led Raines.

  - They were saved today by the person who else could guarantee them security! - He looked at her without giving further details. - At least we think so.

  - I see ... So the bells are still out there ... - I would need to find a way for this situation to change, on the other hand would be great to see parents and child of the same age side by side. He smiled discreetly. Learn to do it. His days sleeping at the "sarcophagus" as he liked to call it had not been so empty and quiet as everyone should be assuming.

  She had the earth Solaris under his complete control and make use of it when necessary.

  Those alien invaders who had interfered in his life in the prime of life would bitterly regret the audacity to think that the people of Earth could be treated as livestock or harvested as grain on a farm. Arcadamius still tremble just to hear her name in the distance.

  Chapter VII


  It took almost three days of rescue and animosities did not diminish, the commander of the mission provided a rebellion Wing Intellectual which had eleven dissidents, for anytime, did not care to keep that caused him problems on board, but its humanity prevented him from doing worse if I have will. Not had much contact with Riley, they avoided being in the same places at the same time and thus the climate inside the ship also did not prosper. The crew of the Wolf Pack present in the Vortex realized that his two undisputed leaders had no agreement between them, it generated a complete insecurity.

  However, although this was crucial to the success of the mission, other things also were and Chris Raines had a more important issue to deal with Sam Thorne, at the request of his wife Anne. Bobby warns ordered to attend the commander of the closet for a conversation on various topics. Samuel noes were delayed.

  - Hello Samuel, sit down, please! - Anne received and waiting for the arrival of her husband. That opened the door soon after.

  - Hello Sam! Who good that might come! - He smiled and hugged him. They were friends above all, could not be best friends, but he respected the most.

  - Not much to go Chris, so let's get down to business! - She smiled at friends present.

  - Let's start making plans to return to Earth and still do not know anything about this immense spaceship, I thought you could tell us something or where to start! - Chris still had a mission to accomplish and even if he could not an equation to save and awaken the people of the bells at some point need to take final decisions.

  - You're asking the wrong person Chris! Riley is who knows everything about the ship, I cannot even make light a lamp even! - It was true, and that for all practical purposes it was still under control.

  - At the time I was here alone, something that can advance us? The time? As they fed and other things that contribute to elucidate this conundrum? - The captain still tried one last approach to Sam stayed by his side.

  - We were inside that bell around the Earth perhaps for a day if at all, until Joshua arrived and only by chance Riley thought, after Robert and I finally! - Paused briefly to drinking water - appears to be a sequel to the storage of the cocoons that I know and she found just the beginning! After that, I think I already know the rest! - Finished his explanation. But that was not all they wanted to know.

  - How long do you think they were trying to figure out what was going on before hibernation? - Anne wanted to take a course that would not leave his mind.

  - Four days, a maximum of five, that taking into account our biological system as a reference, but there is no way of knowing for sure! - Was the best estimate he and Riley had.

  - I know it's none of our business, Sam, but what will happen to the baby? - Anne as a woman and in the absence of children with her husband worried that immensity that they were a newborn child did not survive and soon, surely, the Vortex would return to Earth.

  - What baby? - Sam raised his eyebrows and looked real surprise to Chris and Anne alternately. - You'll have a baby? - Was surprised by the news.

  - Now! The baby Riley will have in a few months! - Anne did not believe he could be so irresponsible and insensitive.

  - Riley is going to have a baby? - Sam was stunned by the news, smiled thinking it was a joke. - Who's the father? - If it were true I had no idea how this could have happened, had agreed a few days ago and knew that relations between her and Chris had cooled to the point of not even talk when they were in the same room. In any case would not time to diagnose.

  - This is not funny Sam! - It was Chris who raised his voice and the chair where he sat. Took one of the bottles of whiskey that was Robert confiscated, only two of the six that had brought on board, Anne did not used to drink up to get a glass too, Chris looked at her with surprise and served three doses, pushed one of the glasses to Sam started to feel uncomfortable with the suggested subject.

  - You're not thinking that she and I ... - Sam interrupted the words that could be said, but it was too late. He regretted the instant out of his mouth, Riley had not told them it was not their mission saying that he was not the father of that child until moments before or knew existed within her womb. Again felt a deep admiration for her, as it was brave. He remembered the grenades and all that had happened then, at that time Riley was expecting a child of Chris Raines and did not even know, yet did not surrender ... It was an admirable woman.

  - What do you mean Sam? - Chris looked with visible contempt for him trying to shirk responsibility he had with the woman who had been the most important thing in his life and still looked like a teenager of sixteen.

  - She never gave me a chance Chris ... We were never intimate ... - I was cornered and he knew it, not the challenge with lies or cover up something totally unaware. - I thought I tried, but she never gave me an opportunity that was! This child is not mine, Chris ... - He looked at Anne then. - I'm sorry
, Anne, I did not know... - rose to say goodbye and return to quarters.

  - Stay awhile Sam! - She held him by the hand and made him sit down again. In his mind Anne felt that all lit up like a ring of lights around you. Riley was carrying a child "asleep" Chris, now her beloved husband, but not in the past. He always belong to Riley. - Go talk to her and Chris did not hurry to solve! - For the first time in her life, Anne wanted him to hear and not answered, his gaze was enough to understand what the words would not tell you.

  Still left thoughtful and downcast, things did not fit. Laura decided to seek even suspected she was asleep.

  - Laura! - Tapped at the door waiting for an answer. - Laura! Open Please! I'm Chris ... - the noise of automatic door announced that it would open shortly thereafter.

  - Commander! Did something happen? - Was surprised by his presence at that time and at your door.

  - Sorry to disturb you ... I can come back another time if you prefer! - She hoped that she would not refuse your request.

  - Yeah! Wait a moment, please! - I knew it was important not refuse, not being a man and knocking at your door at this hour, but-knowing he would never allow any other woman besides its approaching and even though there were others on board who were part of the group school, it was unreachable. He changed his clothes quickly.

  - What happened? - Left the room to greet him outside, did not want to misunderstandings, let alone be the subject of comments in the crew.

  - What did not you tell me about Riley? - His voice was harsh, but condescending. I wanted an explanation.

  - Sorry Chris ... I could not tell you, I felt empathy for a woman, for the whole situation involved and so many other things that went through my mind at that time! - He felt the blood run cold in his veins. I had omitted vital information for the leader of the Wolf Pack, both in space and on Earth. - How can anyone say no to her? - Lowered his head as a sign of resignation and weakness. Chris let them dangle own shoulders. She was right, there was no reason to scold her. He had done their best and it also showed that Riley was still in charge as he had predicted.

  - Sorry Laura! Not your fault and I regret having her awake at this time! - Was preparing to leave when she held his arm.

  - What do you want to know? - They had not yet finished.

  - How come? - I did not have the answers, but desperately needed them.

  - From the little we know about this process it is possible but it happened. She has aged while in suspended animation, but not in proportion to us, that's for sure! - Leaned against the wall uncomfortable. - I took a closer at the request test that raised the suspicion that the baby could have been implemented in the period was asleep, but it is not the case! I gathered enough material to compare with the on-board database and be absolutely sure what's yours! - Became upright again disengage from the wall, he had the impression he was having a meeting with someone interesting and it might imply that it was available, but was not the case.

  He worried excessively about appearances, knew how society was vile and there would be no different. Moreover, he was interested in Sam, the sleeping!

  Chris grinned to know that even after all this time and in the unlikely event still have a child with her. If not embark on this mission would never know the truth and both Riley and his son would be lost forever. Laura kissed her on the forehead and not reprimanded in any way was worthy in every way of being in the select group to which they belonged, but needed to see Riley as soon as possible.

  - Chris! - Laura called him again realizing he had turned to his call. - It's a girl! - She smiled at him and went inside. He disappeared down the hall toward Riley O'Connor's rooms.

  Did not touch the door or at least used the intercom, simply took the master key that carried full-time with him and entered the opening that unlocked the door. The light was soft and mournful, that Riley was lying on the bed side and back, turned down to the ground with the Glock in his hand pointed at the ready.

  - Chris? - I still had the gun pointed at him curiously that bore his name and she made sure to pull first. The first shot always out of it by her hands, was his main rule. He had always been first in his life. - You are crazy? He could have stuck a bullet in your head! - Still shaking because I felt beforehand that someone would enter in your room without your consent. They would never catch him by surprise. Let alone among his.

  Riley remained standing in front of him was covered only by slightly ajar light blue robe that it accentuated her legs, which remained separate, so you could have the basis for a clear shot, her breasts swelled up to the neck that would not close entirely up will half of the breast. It was inevitable who still looked completely at length, not with youthful desire, but notice how beautiful it was. Riley was still and completely lost in that look, it was not your Chris of old, but he could still feel the essence, emanating from him.

  - Maybe you want to change ... - he looked her up and down again.

  Riley realized he had been observed in detail and thought it best to follow the advice she herself was not safe to be alone with him and had avoided it at all costs in recent days. She asked him to turn. This time made sure there were no mirrors or something, the previous examples.

  - So what brings you here at this time of night? - Riley wore military pants and a tight white shirt with nothing underneath, had been present Tommy had brought a considerable stock. Six of his commands were women; Rebecca rightly predicted that if the environment were on their male majority would not survive so long in space. It was a great leader in this regard. She sat on the bed with one leg crossed underneath and the other hanging down to the ground.

  - It was not Sam's fault, but he did not know you were pregnant ... There was to take something that was not done! - It was the most direct possible, there was no margin for more lies.

  - I see ... - held the foot that knit together under the leg at bottom was still a teenager like many others having to have to break the news to her ex-boyfriend who was hopelessly pregnant after separation. It looked like a "soap opera"! He smiled inwardly at the memory of such a thing apart and forgotten in time. Continued arranging terms for the scrapes he got himself into.

  - You do not have any obligation Chris and do not want to feel responsible! I wanted you too ... It will be the result of a past love and that even though this is impossible! - She uncrossed her legs and let swung freely. He wanted to hold her as much as I could, but that would be a big mistake at any time. Anne loved and respected.

  - I will not steal me to have this child with you Riley, but things have changed! We'll find a way, this time needs to be you to trust me! - Still loved her desperately.

  I love you so much ... This is Chris, I loved ... - tried to fix what not concert was. - I trust you, I'm sure that together we will find a solution ... - was the only thing he had left to say, everything else would be words to the wind.

  - What will you do Riley? - He asked anticipating that she already had a plan. If knew well, would soon put it into practice. And the sooner he knew they would have fewer problems, for sure.

  - You tell me? You are in charge! - She looked at him at length.

  - No! You're! Always! - He got up to leave. - Tomorrow do pronouncement! The mission command is yours! - Left without saying goodbye, could not bear to kiss her even if superficially. The mere fact of being at his side already urged him to take her in his arms.

  Riley let him leave altogether and embraced legs still sitting on the bed, put her chin on her knees and looked thoughtful with what happened. That night I would sleep in peace for the first time in a long time. The thought that haunted lately had finally dissipate. Her daughter would have a parent at last.

  Return to Earth

  - Gentlemen! Ladies! Asked were gathered here so I can make a statement to all and partly elucidate many of the doubts that have been raised so far! - Chris Raines had certified that the original thirty-eight crew members and others who made up the Earth ship were present. All remained seated, although some were visi
bly elated to have aversion to the military.

  - As of today no longer will be in charge of this mission! - Heard a long buzz. - I ask you to be quiet, please; I will clarify who will be in charge and how it will happen! - He asked Riley who was waiting on the side door to enter and stay by his side. Sam has positioned itself with the rifle near the door by which they entered. Most did not understand where those two had left, though never had the freedom to roam the ship freely since leaving Earth. But it was unlikely that they came from the Earth's original mission.

  - First I must say that our rescue mission so far has been a success, we are absolutely sure that the rest of humanity who was abducted Mothership this is still within the bells that captured them and in suspended animation! - I knew that now would come the worst part.

  - In addition, we managed to rescue Riley O'Connor life that are here beside me and Sam Thorne who can see him next door! - He pointed to the man as the rifle and paused looking at the crowd that was still watching intently, now in absolute silence.

  - For this reason and because I always like to recognize my supreme commander, now I return you to the command that is rightfully yours and submit myself ace their orders, and I hope that everyone here to do so! - There was a big fuss among civilians who did not tolerate being constrained space exploration free of duty and did not recognize them as able leaders for the mission, much less strange that now presented itself. He was the head of the scientific group that refuted what was being said and tried to create an unfavorable environment. The Wolf Pack remained unscathed and under the orders of Chris, now under the Riley orders.

  - You must think we came to the room and we were five years on a ship wandering between planets to rescue a mythical being that you and your group created! - He looked at the other colleagues at his side.


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