Second, thanks to the readers who provided feedback on numerous drafts and helped improve the story along the way. Gordon Patchell, Stella Du, Kevin Rice, Pam Oyanagi, and Ginna Bladassarre; without you, I probably wouldn’t have finished the book. In the middle of the fourth draft, I had the pleasure of meeting an exceptional author, Erica Bauermeister, who offered excellent insights on the story, and on writing in general. To Patty, Megan, and Angie, who threatened an intervention if I didn’t publish the damned book. And to Mally, who was gracious enough to take time out of her busy schedule to show me the sights of San Francisco; I likely wouldn’t have been able to find my way out of the airport, not to mention making it to Shakespeare’s Garden, without you.
Finally, thanks to Geoff Robison, who designed the cover; Don Skirvin and Carl Walesa, who edited the final draft; and Lloyd Bondy, who provided his photographic expertise.
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