Web of Lies

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Web of Lies Page 13

by Elizabeth Knox

  When we finished eating, the waiter came back to see if anyone wanted dessert or coffee. I want a piece of their famous cheesecake with strawberries, but I wait to see if anyone else is going to order. Thankfully, both my girls wanted dessert too. Marie ordered the carrot cake and Amanda got the chocolate mousse pie. When it was my turn, I told him what I wanted. Ryan and Jim both ordered the bread pudding. Zack winked at me, then told the waiter that he wanted the cheesecake with strawberries too. What a copycat he is, the only thing different was he had two beers.

  I leaned over, whispering to him, “Do you always copy off your date's order or is it just me?”

  That made him laugh out loud, which in turn caused everyone at the table to look at us. I know I must have turned at least ten different shades of red. Marie just sat there, grinning at me, the brat. So far, Zack seems to be a nice guy, but we really haven’t gotten to talk a lot. When our desserts arrived at the table, all of our eyes bugged out. They were huge. I swear they are made for sharing, not for one person to eat by themselves. We all ate until we were just about sick. The waiter came back to see if we wanted anything else. We all agreed, just the check. When he brought it to the table, Zack snatched it before anyone even got to see how much it cost. He handed it and a platinum card back to the waiter.

  As soon as the waiter was gone, we all fussed at him. No one expected him to buy everyone’s dinner. Zack just smiled at all of us and said it was worth it to be out having an excellent meal with good friends and new friends. It sounds almost like he spends a lot of time alone. I kind of find that hard to believe, but you never know. Look at me, I’m not bad looking, but I rarely leave the house. Primarily since I work from home. Being an author has its benefits. I wonder what kind of work Zack does. I never even thought to ask Marie the other day. Oh well, I can always ask him while we are walking around the street fair.

  That was really nice of Zack to buy dinner for all of us. He only knows Ryan and Marie, not the rest of us. I hope this streak keeps up. It’s refreshing to meet someone who is genuinely pleasant. Time will tell, that’s for sure. I’m kind of hoping he doesn’t turn into a schmuck. The waiter returned with Zack’s card and once he signed the bill, we got ready to leave. I don’t know about anyone else, but I think someone is going to have to roll me around the fair. I cracked up laughing because Marie just blurted out what I had been thinking. Poor Ryan, he may have to carry her around part of the night.

  When we got outside, we all decided to go our separate ways as couples. We checked our watches, it was now eight p.m., so we decided to meet back here at ten. If someone got tired beforehand, we would call on our cells. I liked the idea a lot. It would give me a chance to see if Zack was really this nice or if he was behaving because we had an audience.

  Chapter Two

  Amanda and Joe went across the street, heading towards the park. If I know those two, they could care less about the fair. They live in Hoboken, so they probably already made the rounds earlier today. They are still like teenagers, sneaking off every chance that they got to make out. I remember those days all too well. I shake myself out of that way of thinking before I am the one who ruins tonight. Marie and Ryan also crossed the street, but they went the opposite direction, checking out all the stands. This was more of a trade goods fair. It’s filled with crafts and other things for the holidays. It was a great place to buy decorations and presents.

  “Zack, have you been to the fair here before? It’s not your typical fair with rides. This is more crafts and ornaments, handmade gifts, and things like that. There are also food stands, but I don’t think we will be stopping at any of those. That is unless you’re still hungry.”

  “You’re joking, right? I couldn’t eat another bite if my life depended on it right now. I don’t see how someone as tiny as you managed to eat that whole meal. I was done before we ordered dessert, then you had to mention cheesecake with fresh strawberries. That has to be the best dessert ever created. I’ve been to fairs like this, but I’ve never been to this one in particular.”

  “Yes, Marie said that you and Ryan grew up together in Jersey City. Actually, her exact words were you two have been best friends since you were in diapers.”

  The look of shock on his face had me laughing until I just about had tears in my eyes from not being able to breathe anymore.

  “She didn’t have to mention the diaper part, sheesh. What else did she tell you about me? Nothing worse than diapers, I hope.” He can’t help but shake his head in disbelief.

  “Just that you’re very good looking and not a schmuck. I don’t know what they have told you about me, but you are like the seventh blind date that they have set me up on. The first six were total losers. What have they told you about me?”

  “Marie only told me that you’re her very best friend and gorgeous. I have to agree with her on the gorgeous part. Ryan, on the other hand, told me that you had a terrible loss in your life almost two years ago and that you have shut yourself off from the world. He also told me you are one of the kindest, most caring women he has ever met. I don’t know what your loss was, I stopped Ryan before he could tell me. I figured if we hit it off and you wanted me to know, then you would be the one to tell me. On the other hand, if we didn’t hit it off, I didn’t need to know all of your business. It wouldn’t be fair to you.”

  As we walked from one stand to the next looking at things, I couldn’t help but think how, in a way, Zack reminds me of my John.

  “I don’t mind you knowing as long as you don’t care if I get a bit weepy while I tell you.”

  “Well, I do have a big shoulder you can lean on if you need it. There is a bench over there if you want to sit and talk for a while.”

  “That would be great. I guess the only place to start is the beginning. John and I met in college, and we were best friends with Marie and Ryan. The four of us were always together, getting into some kind of mischief. John and I had been dating just about three years when he and Marie planned a whole evening full of surprises for me. Long story short, John ended up proposing that night. Of course, I said yes. We took an Uber home so Marie and Ryan could finish the night at the club with the rest of our friends.”

  I take a deep breath to steady myself and fight back the tears.

  “We never made it home. There was a massive wreck in the Holland Tunnel and we were involved. John died during surgery at the hospital. I was in a coma for almost a month. That was nearly two years ago. Everyone keeps telling me it’s time to let him go and move on. It’s a lot easier said than done. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t cry every day anymore. I can smile at some of our memories now, but there are times I feel so lost and alone without him.”

  Looking up at Zack, I continued. “I know John would want me to be happy. He would want me to find love and start living my life again. I wish for that too, but, ugh, the schmucks that Marie and Ryan have set me up with have been horrendous. Zack, I have to say you’re the first guy in a long time that I have really enjoyed being around. You really listen to me when I talk and you don’t seem to be in this just to see what you can get.”

  “Lisa, wow, I had no idea. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. You are right, though, I may not know John, but I don’t think he would want you to be alone either. You have a good heart, one that needs to be loved so you can blossom and grow.”

  “Thank you, Zack. I do believe that is the sweetest thing someone has said to me in a long time. Now tell me about you. Why is such a handsome, kind man alone and not married?”

  “You do know that I hate talking about myself, but for you, I will make an exception. I was engaged about three years ago to my high school sweetheart. Long story short, I came home from work and found her in bed with one of my so-called friends. Since then, like you, everyone seems to want to set me up on blind dates. I loathe them with a passion. Some of the women I have met, ugh. I tried to get out of meeting you all the way up until the time they stopped by my house and picked me up tonight. I have to s
ay I’m glad they pushed me. I really enjoy talking to you. How would you feel about a second date without having four chaperones?”

  I couldn’t help but giggle at Zack’s last comment. I didn’t even think about them as chaperones, but that is precisely what they were. Marie knew I would have backed out too.

  “Sounds like a plan. This way, we will get to see how each other really acts without the others being around supervising everything we do and say. I hadn’t even thought about that until you mentioned it. I do know that Marie was worried I would back out at the last minute tonight. To be honest, I came really close to doing just that. Now I’m glad I didn’t. Do you want to walk around some more?”

  “Definitely, I am still so full from dinner that I am actually hurting. Is there anything special you want to look at or do you just want to walk around and browse?”

  “Just browsing for right now. We still have plenty of time before the holidays. Besides, I’ve already done some of my shopping.”

  “Wow, I have to say I’m impressed. I tend to be one of those idiots out last-minute shopping and cursing myself the whole time. I hate going shopping, especially alone.”

  “Well, if things work out, maybe you will have a shopping buddy this year. All I need to know is what you’re looking for and I guarantee I can take you to the exact place to get it. To be honest, I hate shopping, so I know what I need ahead of time. I get what I need and get out of all the holiday craziness.”

  “A lady after my own heart, if I do say so myself. I have been known to order everything online, including having it wrapped with a card. I know, Mr. Grinch, what can I say?”

  “Now, you have given me an idea. If we are still dating each other by Marie and Ryan’s Christmas party, you can go as the Grinch and I will go as Cindy Lou Who.”

  We took one look at each other and cracked up. I can see it now, me as the little girl who tamed Zack, the big evil Grinch.

  “I tell you what, Lisa, if things work out between us, we will be going to the party dressed as the Grinch and Cindy Lou Who. I’m going to hold you to that.”

  “You’re dead serious, aren’t you?” Shaking my head, laughing. “Okay, it’s a deal. Just remember you agreed to this when you’re all dressed in green from head to toe.”

  “Who said I was going to be the Grinch? I want to be Cindy Lou Who. You can be the Grinch. You’ve got to admit the look on Marie and Ryan’s face would be priceless. What do you say?”

  Once the giggle fit stopped, I said, “It’s a deal. I can see their faces now. If we are lucky, they will never invite us again.”

  We spent the rest of the evening walking around, checking out the different stands and getting to know each other better. I have to admit, it’s been such a long time since I had this much fun. I will probably feel guilty later, but for now, I’m just going to enjoy this time.

  We passed a hot chocolate stand just as the crisp fall air started to seep through my clothes into my bones. Zack saw me shivering and didn’t even ask. He just went and bought two cups with extra marshmallows. This guy is definitely not one of the schmucks that Marie has hooked me up with in the past. I wonder where he has been hiding that they didn’t drag him out sooner. Sadly, the night was coming to an end. It was time to meet back at the car so we could head home. I almost hated for the night to end.

  “Zack, before we go back, let’s exchange numbers so we don’t have to go through those two the next time we want to go out, okay?”

  “That sounds good to me. What’s your number? I will call you, then you can save mine from there, okay?”

  “Sounds good to me, 1-201-997-6324.” My phone rang, then Zack hung up so I could save his number in my cell.

  “Zack, what’s your last name? So I can fill in my contacts.”

  “Actually, Zack is a nickname from my last name. My full name is Donald Zackarelli. I hate the name Donald or Don. When I played football, the coach started calling me Zack and it stuck. I like it a whole lot better. What’s your last name?”

  “Lisa Ann Bryant. Luckily, I like my name. That is all but the middle name, ugh, Ann is so old fashioned. Plus, the initials, I got a lot of jokes about that in school. Lab, ugh, what were my parents thinking?”

  “Most parents don’t think about what they name their kids or how it’s going to affect them later on in life. A friend of mine is a twin. Their parents named them Harley and Davidson. Can you imagine?”

  “No, I can’t. Don’t get me wrong, I love bikes, but damn, to do that to a kid? I guess it could have been worse. They could have called them Marlboro and Camel.”

  Zack laughed so hard, he spit his hot chocolate everywhere. I think some of it even came out of his nose, but I’m not going to be the one to mention it. Reaching into my pocket, I pull out the extra napkins he gave me earlier. Of course, Marie and Ryan had to see the whole thing. Ryan laughed his ass off as Marie hid her face behind Ryan. I know she was biting her tongue, wanting to make a wisecrack of some kind.

  “Okay, you clowns, quit laughing at poor Zack. You guys ready to go or do you have something else planned for tonight?”

  “We are done for the night. Ryan has to work tomorrow, so we can’t stay out too late tonight. What about you two? Do you want to go home or should we drop you off to pick up one of your cars so you can continue your date?”

  Zack and I looked at each other. Without saying a word, we knew what the other one was thinking. I haven’t had a connection like this to anyone before or since John. I can’t get over how much they seem to be alike. The funny thing is I’m not even trying to compare them like I do with every other guy that I have met. It just pops into my mind at the moment something happens to remind me.

  “I think we are good for tonight. If you want, you can drop me off in Bayonne, then head into Jersey City for Zack, and you two to go home.”

  We all piled into the car to head to my house. It was deathly silent almost the whole ride. Almost as if someone was afraid to break a magic spell that had been woven over the evening. It had been a magical night. For the first time, I enjoyed being out with my friends and meeting someone new. Fingers crossed that it lasts. Even if it doesn’t, at least tonight showed me that there are still really great guys out there. You just have to wade through the schmucks to find them.

  When we got to my house, Zack jumped out so he could come around and open my door for me. After helping me out, he walked me to my front door, making sure I got inside without any problems.

  Leaning over, he said, “If it’s okay, I’d like to call you tomorrow to set up our next date. Unless you want to go out again tomorrow night? If that’s the case, I will text you what time I’m picking you up since I know where you live.”

  “I’d love to go out tomorrow. Do me a favor, don’t tell Marie and Ryan we are going out. I want to have a little fun with those two for all the months of pure hell they have put me through. Is that okay with you?”

  Zack laughed, “Sounds like fun to me. Should I tell Ryan something awful and I just don’t think I could take seeing you again?”

  “Only, if I get to tell Marie that you are by far the biggest schmuck that they have set me up with so far. Is it a deal?”

  I stuck my hand out and Zack took it, shaking on our deal. I winked at him, trying to keep a straight face. He grinned at me since his back was to them.

  “I’ll make you a bet. Marie will be calling me as soon as they drop you off, so we have to make this look good. Maybe you could try to give me a kiss, so I can shove you away and quit trying to make me laugh. They are never going to believe us if we are laughing and giggling.”

  With a devilish grin on his face, Zack leaned over. “You got it, sugar lips.” Then he tried to kiss me. I gave him a mild shove, but his acting performance made it seem like I shoved him really hard. I had to rush into the house, slamming the door behind me as I slid to the floor, cracking up laughing. Poor Zack, he has to ride home in the car with them, getting the third degree from Marie. I so wouldn’t w
ant to be him right about now. Thinking about that had me laughing so hard I was just about in tears.

  I have a feeling Zack is a bit of a devil. He sure agreed to my mischief quick enough. Tomorrow night should be entertaining, that is if Marie lets me get any sleep tonight with all the questions she is going to ask me. Just then, it hit me. I sent Zack a text, Turning off the sound on my phone so I don’t have to answer Marie’s questions tonight. Good luck . . . lol. It wasn’t long until I heard the ping. Gee thanks . . . lol. Good Night. When I don’t answer, she is going to make Ryan call Zack to find out what happened. If Zack is smart, he will turn his sound off too.

  Chapter Three

  The next morning when I woke up, I had a half dozen missed calls from Marie. There was also a text from Zack. I read that one first before I even tried to read Marie’s and to listen to the missed messages.

  Good Morning Beautiful, I had a great time last night. If it’s good with you, I will be by around seven tonight to pick you up. I look forward to hearing from you. Zack.

  I decided to put on some coffee before I replied to Zack and called Marie. Knowing my luck, she will be breaking my door down if she doesn’t soon hear from me. That’s the last thing I need first thing this morning. The thoughts of a hyper, spazzed out Marie made me get the coffee going that much faster.

  Once it was brewing, I sent Zack a quick message. Good Morning Handsome, I had a great time too. I dread checking all the missed messages and calls from Marie. Seven sounds perfect, anything special I should wear or just casual?

  After making myself a cup of coffee, I make my way into the living room and my favorite comfy chair. Setting the cup down, I get situated, then start going through Marie’s messages. The first couple weren’t too bad, but towards the end she was having a fit wanting to know what the hell Zack did to upset me so much that I wouldn’t even talk to her. Now comes the voice messages. I dread listening to these.


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