146 sound sound out, question
150 silver hairs i.e. old age/wisdom (silver also suggests money, an image picked up in purchase and buy)
155 gravity sober authority/wisdom
156 break speak, broach the matter
161 touched affected, i.e. killed
162 meet fitting
165 shrewd contriver cunning schemer/astute strategist
165 means resources/power
166 improve exploit, make good use of
167 annoy injure
171 envy malice
174 spirit influence/essence/disposition
175 spirit soul
182 subtle cunning
183 Stir up provoke
183 their servants i.e. our hands
184 chide rebuke
185 purpose purpose seem
187 purgers cleansers, healers (of the state)
192 ingrafted firmly implanted (gardening term referring to the practice of grafting a shoot from one plant onto the stem of another)
195 take thought become depressed, sunk in grief
196 that … should it would be extreme if he did
198 no fear nothing to fear
206 from the main contrary to the solid
207 ceremonies ritual divination of omens
208 apparent conspicuous, plainly visible
210 augurers Roman religious officials who predicted the future by interpreting a variety of signs and portents
213 o’ersway him influence him, change his mind
214 unicorns … trees supposedly the fierce unicorn could be goaded into charging at a tree, where it would become trapped when its horn got embedded in the trunk
215 glasses mirrors (into which the bear would gaze, distracted)
215 holes holes in the ground, booby traps
216 toils nets, snares
220 humour mood/disposition
220 true bent right inclination, proper direction
223 uttermost latest time
225 bear Caesar hard bear a grudge toward Caesar, dislike him
226 rated reproached, rebuked
228 by i.e. to
229 reasons i.e. reasons to love me
230 fashion him work on him, shape him to our purposes
231 upon’s upon us
235 put on show, reflect
237 untired inexhaustible (may play on the sense of “uncostumed” although this is not historically accurate)
237 formal constancy outward integrity, fidelity to one’s role
241 figures … fantasies imaginings
242 busy constantly active/interfering
245 mean you are you doing
248 ungently unkindly, rudely
251 arms a-cross conventional gesture of melancholy or introspection
257 wafture (dismissive) wave
260 withal in addition
261 humour (a bad) mood, (a disordered) temperament
264 shape physical appearance
265 condition state of mind
266 know recognize
273 unbracèd with clothing unbuttoned
273 humours dampness, noxious vapors
275 wholesome healthful
276 dare risk/defy
277 rheumy moist
277 unpurgèd impure (the sun having yet to purge its moisture)
279 sick offence harmful disorder
280 place position (as your wife)
282 charm conjure, entreat
283 that great vow i.e. the marriage vow
285 unfold reveal
285 half other half
286 heavy sad
287 resort access
293 excepted made an exception (that)
295 in … limitation within certain limits (legal phrase)
296 keep remain
296 comfort make comfortable, bring pleasure to
297 suburbs outskirts, the less tightly regulated parts of a city well known for prostitution
299 harlot prostitute
301 ruddy drops i.e. blood
307 Cato Marcus Porcius Cato was known for his rigid moral integrity; as an ally of Pompey, he committed suicide rather than give in to Caesar
310 counsels plans/secrets
311 constancy fortitude
318 by and by imminently
318 bosom i.e. heart
320 construe explain
321 charactery writing, i.e. meaning
kerchief scarf generally worn about the head (especially by invalids)
327 Vouchsafe deign to accept
337 exorcist one who calls up spirits by magical rites
338 mortified deadened (by illness/by Caesar)
339 strive contend
341 whole healthy, well
345 To whom i.e. to meet the man to whom
346 Set … foot advance, lead on
2.2 Location: Caesar’s house, Rome
5 present immediate
6 opinions predictions (based on study of the entrails of sacrificed animals)
13 stood on insisted on, gave weight to
13 ceremonies omens, portents
16 watch night watchmen
17 whelpèd given birth
18 yawned gaped open
19 fiery warriors i.e. comets, considered to be bad omens
22 hurtled clashed noisily
24 ghosts … squeal ghosts were traditionally supposed to have thin, high-pitched voices
25 use customary experience
28 end outcome
28 purposed determined, intended
30 to directed just as much to
32 blaze forth i.e. proclaim with meteors, fire
41 of … forth out of one of the sacrificial animal corpses
43 in shame of to shame
48 littered born
52 consumed in devoured by
59 humour whim, fancy
63 happy opportune
71 greybeards old men (often derogatory)
79 stays detains
82 lusty vigorous, lively, eager
84 apply for interpret as
87 amiss wrongly
92 press appeal/crowd forward
93 tinctures, stains, relics i.e. tokens marked with a martyr’s blood (tinctures also includes the sense “colours on a coat of arms”)
93 cognizance tokens/heraldic badge worn by a nobleman’s servant
100 were … rendered would be a likely joke
108 reason … liable decorum is overruled by my love
118 ague fever, sickness
123 notwithstanding up nevertheless out of bed
130 remember acknowledge, reward
134 like friends may not actually be so
135 That … same i.e. the fact that those who behave
136 earns grieves
2.3 Location: a street near the Capitol, Rome
5 bent resolved/directed
6 security overconfidence, complacency
6 way opportunity/access
7 lover dear and loyal friend
10 suitor petitioner
12 Out of free from
12 teeth i.e. bite
12 emulation ambitious rivalry
14 contrive plot, conspire
2.4 Location: outside Brutus’ house, Rome
7 constancy resolution, fortitude
9 man’s i.e. strong, virtuous
10 counsel secrets
16 take good note observe closely
21 bustling rumour agitated commotion
21 fray fight, noisy brawl/din, stir
23 Sooth in truth
31 suit petition, formal request
34 befriend i.e. help, protect
40 praetors magistrates (of whom Brutus is one)
42 void empty
46 speed prosper
49 commend me convey my greetings
3.1 Location: on the way to and then within the Capitol, Rome
3 schedule document
4 o’erread read over
7 touches Caesar nearer affe
cts Caesar more directly
8 served seen to, addressed/formally delivered (legal term)
11 Sirrah sir (term of address used to a social inferior)
11 place way
20 makes to approaches
21 sudden swift
21 prevention interruption, intervention
23 turn back return (alive)
25 constant steady, controlled
27 Caesar i.e. Caesar’s expression
31 prefer advance, promote
32 addressed prepared
32 second support
33 rears raises up
36 puissant powerful
37 seat chair of state/high status
40 These couchings this bowing, stooping
40 lowly courtesies humble (or “low”) bows
41 fire excite/incite to action
42 pre-ordinance … decree previously established and fundamental laws
42 turn … lane cast … into the path/return (or transform) … to the narrow understanding;
43 lane may be a variant of “line” (i.e. “rule”) though many editors emend to “law”
43 fond (so) foolish
44 rebel blood i.e. blood that will revolt against reason
45 quality nature, property/excellence
46 sweet flattering, sugary
47 Low-crookèd with body and knee bent low (both “low” and “crooked” have connotations of dishonesty)
47 spaniel-fawning dog-like fawning (spaniels were proverbially submissive)
49 pray beg
50 spurn kick
50 cur dog
51 cause good reason
52 satisfied convinced (to grant a pardon)
55 repealing recalling (from exile)
58 freedom of repeal permission to be recalled/freedom resulting from being recalled
62 enfranchisement liberation
64 pray to move plead with others to act
65 northern star the only star in the sky which does not appear to move when viewed from earth
66 resting unchanging, stable
67 fellow counterpart, equal
67 firmament sky
68 sparks i.e. stars
72 apprehensive capable of perception and understanding
74 holds … rank maintains his position
75 of motion by movement of his own/by the persuasions of others
80 Hence be gone
80 Olympus in Greek mythology, the mountain home of the gods
82 bootless pointlessly, uselessly
83 hands i.e. his own hands; perhaps also those of the other conspirators
84 Et tu, Bruté? “And you (too), Brutus?” (Latin)
87 common pulpits public speaking platforms
89 affrighted frightened
90 ambition’s … paid i.e. the price for Caesar’s ambition has been paid with his death (and no one else will be harmed)
94 confounded with dumbfounded, confused by
94 mutiny chaos/revolt
95 fast firm
97 standing making a stand
97 good cheer cheer up, be heartened
101 age elderly personage
101 mischief injury, harm
102 abide pay the penalty for/remain with
105 amazed stunned/dismayed/alarmed
107 As as if
108 pleasures wills
109 time i.e. time of death
110 drawing days out prolonging of life
110 stand upon are uncertain about/attach importance to/demand to know
118 market-place i.e. the Forum, center of public life
122 acted over acted out/acted over again
123 accents languages
125 Pompey’s basis the pedestal of Pompey’s statue
125 along stretched out
128 knot group
132 grace honor (by following)
134 Soft wait a moment
138 honest honorable
141 feared felt reverence and awe for
142 vouchsafe permit, grant
143 be resolved learn
148 Thorough through
148 untrod state unprecedented state of affairs
149 faith loyalty, constancy
153 satisfied informed, reassured, convinced
154 untouched unharmed
155 presently immediately
156 well to as a good
157 wish hope
157 mind feeling, presentiment
158 fears doubts, mistrusts
158 still … purpose always proves horribly accurate
159 shrewdly astutely/seriously/dangerously
162 spoils plunder of war
163 measure extent, quantity
165 be let blood i.e. killed (literally, “bled” as a doctor’s patient was)
165 rank diseased/swollen
171 purpled blood-red
171 reek steam (with hot blood)
172 Live were I to live
173 apt ready, prepared
174 mean manner
175 cut off killed
176 choice best, most worthy
176 master leading
180 see you but you only see
182 pitiful full of pity, merciful
184 pity pity i.e. our pity for Rome drove out pity for Caesar
186 leaden dull, blunt, i.e. benign
187 in … malice though strongly hostile to Caesar/though strong with the power to harm
188 Of brothers’ temper with brotherly temperament
188 receive admit, embrace
189 kind gentle, well-meaning/brotherly, natural
190 voice vote
191 disposing distribution
191 dignities offices of state, formal roles
193 multitude common people
194 deliver you inform you of
194 cause reason (plays on the sense of “grounds for legal action”)
196 proceeded taken action (plays on the sense of “taken legal action”)
198 render give
205 credit credibility/reputation
205 slipp’ry perhaps also literally, due to Caesar’s blood
206 conceit think of
210 dearer more acutely
213 Most noble addressed to Caesar’s spirit
216 become befit, suit
216 close come to an agreement, unite
218 bayed hunted by dogs until cornered
218 hart male deer; puns on “heart”
220 Signed in marked with
220 spoil slaughter, (blood of your) mangled body
220 Lethe the river of Hades, the classical underworld, which induced forgetfulness; here refers to Caesar’s death/oblivion
222 this i.e. this hart, Caesar
227 The enemies even the enemies
228 cold modesty sober moderation
230 compact agreement
231 pricked marked down
232 on proceed
233 Therefore for that reason (i.e. to be counted as a friend)
238 Or else otherwise
239 good regard just consideration
244 Produce bring forth
246 order ceremony
256 protest declare
257 leave permission, consent
259 true rites proper funeral rites
261 fall befall, happen
267 About i.e. in
276 tide of times course of history
277 costly dear, precious
283 cumber overwhelm, destroy/trouble, burden
284 in use commonplace, customary
285 objects sights
287 quartered with cut to pieces by
288 custom of constant exposure to
288 fell cruel, fierce
289 ranging roving, roaming
290 Ate Greek goddess of discord and vengeance
291 confines regions
292 havoc war cry signaling merciless slaughter
292 let slip unleash
293 That so that
foul wicked/stinking
294 With i.e. along with
294 carrion men rotting carcasses/corrupt men
294 groaning crying out
301 big swollen (with grief)
302 Passion grief, strong emotion
305 seven leagues twenty-one miles
306 Post ride quickly
309 Hie hence hurry away
311 try test
313 issue outcome (of the deed)
314 which results of which
314 discourse relate
3.2 Location: the Roman Forum
2 give me audience listen to me
4 part the numbers divide the crowd
7 public given in public/concerning the public
7 renderèd given
11 severally separately
13 last end (of my speech)
14 lovers friends
14 cause grounds for action/explanation/subject of concern
15 for because of
16 Censure judge
17 senses minds, wits
29 rude uncivilized
31 vile lowly, contemptible
35 question of considerations behind
36 enrolled officially recorded
36 extenuated lessened, minimized
37 enforced exaggerated, emphasized
41 place … commonwealth i.e. his rights as a free man in the Roman republic
46 triumph pomp, ceremony
47 SECOND PLEBEIAN not the same man who left earlier to hear Cassius
49 parts qualities
50 crowned literally crowned/rewarded/surpassed
58 grace listen courteously to
58 Do grace to honor, respect
59 Tending relating
64 public chair pulpit, platform for public orations
66 beholding obliged, indebted
80 interrèd buried
84 answered paid for
85 leave permission
93 general coffers public treasury
115 masters sirs
116 worse i.e. worse tyrant
119 dear abide it suffer grievously for it
123 But only
124 stood against resisted, fought against
125 poor humble
134 closet cabinet
138 dip … blood i.e. as if Caesar were a martyr
138 napkins handkerchiefs
142 issue children
146 meet fit
155 o’ershot myself gone further than I intended
169 from back from
169 hearse coffin or stand on which the body rests
171 far further
174 mantle cloak
177 Nervii Belgian tribe of warriors defeated by Caesar
179 rent tear, slash
183 As as if it were
184 unkindly cruelly/unnaturally
185 angel favorite, dearest friend/protective spirit
196 flourished triumphed/prospered/brandished (its sword)
198 dint impression, mark
198 gracious virtuous/blessed
200 vesture clothing
201 marred spoiled, stained
201 with by
208 About! Get moving!
Julius Caesar Page 21