Lawfully Rescued

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Lawfully Rescued Page 4

by Barbara Goss

  “Now, I feel silly,” she said with a half-sob and half-laugh.

  “Don’t feel silly. I have some of the same feelings. We’ve been together for weeks. You’ve been the best traveling companion, and I’ll miss you too.”

  “You will?”

  “Certainly.” He continued to stroke her hair, hoping to calm her down. Before long, he felt her heavy breathing and knew she’d fallen asleep. Logan pulled his arm carefully out from underneath her and crept back to his own bedroll.

  He didn’t fall asleep for a while as he tried to sort out his feelings. Could she mean more to him than just as a companion? She stirred something in him he couldn't deny, but the purpose of the trip wasn’t for him to romance a woman. He had to concentrate on finding Homer Washburn and bringing him in. Still, he wouldn't leave the woman he’d become fond of in El Paso until he knew she was safe and settled.

  Paulina and Logan trotted into El Paso late the following afternoon. Neither of them looked happy to have finally arrived. That morning, Paulina donned her skirt and blouse which she’d laundered in the river.

  “Well,” Logan said, “there’s four saloons. Where will you start?”

  Paulina shrugged as she eyed the places.

  “Do you want me to go in with you?”

  She shook her head. “No, I have to do this myself.”

  “All right, but I’ll stay outside each saloon. If you need me, just holler.”

  Paulina cast her big blue eyes on him, and he nearly melted.

  “Thank you, Logan. Just knowing you’re within calling distance gives me courage.”

  After being turned down from the three best saloons, Paulina looked defeated. The fourth saloon was rather dilapidated and didn’t look as reputable as the other three. They both looked down the street at the saloon called “The Watering Hole.”

  “Tell me exactly what the other saloons said when you applied,” Logan said.

  “They all told me the same thing: they don’t need any more employees, and they aren’t hiring saloon women.”

  Paulina was a beautiful woman, but she still hadn’t fixed her hair properly, and of course, that gray skirt and old white blouse didn’t do much to help her looks. He could have kicked himself for not buying her a new outfit to apply for the jobs and getting her to do something to her messy hair. She’d combed it, but it was curly, and went whichever way it wanted, it seemed.

  Logan didn’t like The Watering Hole. There was a man lying drunk near the front door, and the place looked dodgy to him. Still, Paulina made her way there, and Logan followed.

  Paulina looked back to be sure Logan was waiting outside for her before stepping into the saloon.

  The inside of The Watering Hole didn’t look much better than the outside. Paulina made her way to the bar, and the barkeeper asked gruffly, “What can I get ya?”

  “I need to speak to the manager.”

  “Hey, Fanny!” he yelled. “Someone’s here ta see ya.” The man continued wiping down glasses with a dirty towel.

  When Fanny appeared, Paulina thought she was attractive in a middle-aged sort of way. She was wearing a lot of makeup, and her hair was bright red.

  “Hello,” she greeted warmly. “You wanted to see me?”

  “Yes. I’m looking for employment. I’ve worked in a saloon before and I’m very good at—”

  “You’re hired.” Fanny moved from behind the bar to stand before Paulina. “Turn around.”

  Paulina complied.

  “You’ll do just fine. Can I have one of my girls fix your hair?”

  Paulina nodded. “There’s just one thing.”

  “What’s that, honey?”

  “I won’t be expected to…you know…become intimate with the customers, will I?”

  “Oh, yes! That’s the best part. I charge the men three dollars and you get to keep ten percent. You can make up to ten bucks in one night. This is a gold mine business.”

  Paulina didn’t know what to do. She supposed it was her fate to end up in a place like this, doing what she dreaded most. Maybe, once she got used to it, it wouldn’t be so bad. She could sure use that kind of money. It would also free Logan from protecting her so he could go off and find his criminals. She just wouldn’t tell him the whole story of her being hired.

  “So,” Fanny said, “are you all right with it?”

  Paulina looked down at her feet. “It isn’t what I hoped for. I’d hoped to just drink with the customers and make sure they all had a good time. That’s what I did in Laredo until, well…I guess I really have no choice. I need a job and the other saloons aren’t hiring.”

  “Don’t let the other saloons fool you, dear. They’ll all expect you to give out favors, sooner or later, but there you’d be giving it out for free; here, you get paid.”

  “How many women work here?”

  “You’ll be number ten. You all get one week a month off—I’m sure you’re aware of why that is,” Fannie said. “You also have all day to do as you please. I have a maid to do the laundry, sewing, and cleaning.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “We need to fit you for some clothes and have your hair done,” Fannie said. “Let’s you and I go upstairs and get started. You can start tonight.”

  “I just need to check my horse in at the livery. I’ll be right back,” Paulina told her.

  When she stepped outside, she forced a smile. “I got the job, Logan.”

  “Figures. Is it as bad inside as out here?”

  “No, not really. I must go back so they can do my hair and fit me for some outfits, so I guess you’re free to find your criminals now.”

  Logan played with the crease in his hat. “I guess I’ll take off, then.”

  “Be careful,” she said.

  “I will. Would it be all right if I stopped back to see you when I bring my criminals back here to jail?”

  “Of course. Just send me a message, and I’ll meet you anywhere. I have the daytimes off.”

  Logan seemed to look everywhere except at Paulina.

  “I guess this is goodbye, then…for now,” she said.

  Logan finally looked at her. His eyes looked sad. “Can I give you a goodbye hug?”

  “You may,” she said.

  He took her into his arms and held her. “Be careful, and if you meet a man named Homer Washburn, stay clear of him. Don’t let any of the men touch you. You’re there to make sure they buy drinks and have a good time, right?”

  Paulina said, “Yes,” while still in his arms. She was glad she hadn't looked at his face while she'd lied.

  Paulina underwent a complete transformation. She was given four gorgeous outfits with sequins and ruffles along with sparkling white boots. A woman named Felicia styled her hair. When Paulina looked in the mirror, she couldn’t believe she was looking at Paulina Flanders. The dresses were a bit low cut, but she’d worn ones like that in Laredo, so it didn’t bother her as much as the length of the dresses, which only covered her legs from mid-calf up. One of them had a slit up the side that showed even more of her legs. Felicia said she’d get used to it in no time. What frightened Paulina the most was what she would be expected to do that night.

  Logan felt miserable after seeing Paulina disappear into the saloon, and he began to miss her immediately. He had a strange feeling about everything.

  What were his feelings for Paulina? Was it normal to miss someone so quickly if there was no more than companionship or friendship between them? Why did he feel so protective of her? She'd been on her own when he’d met her, and now she was on her own again.

  He should just walk away and forget about her. He had to find Washburn and put him away.

  Still, the uneasiness wouldn't leave him. He took a few steps away from the saloon, then spun around and walked inside, hoping to catch Paulina and talk her out of the job, but she had disappeared. A woman met him as she came down the stairway.

  “Hello, I’m Fanny. Can I help you?”

  Logan removed his hat.
“I’ll have a seltzer.”

  “Sure thing. Saving the whiskey for tonight, are you?” she asked flirtatiously.

  He didn’t know why he was there or why he needed to explain his choice of drink to her, so he didn’t answer.

  “I’m new in town. What type of entertainment can be found here, in El Paso?”

  Fannie winked. “We have the best entertainment, right here. The finest drinks at reasonable prices and the prettiest women, also for reasonable prices.” She winked again.

  Could she mean what he thought she had? Had Paulina lied to him?

  “So, if I want a woman for the night, I just pay for her?”

  “Whoa!” she laughed. “If you want her for the whole night, it’s double the price. Most just pay us three dollars and move on after they’ve been…entertained.”

  “How many women do you have?”

  “Ten. More than enough to go around, especially if some entertain several in one night.”

  “I see. Do you have any women with blonde hair? I’m partial to blondes.”

  “I have two of them: Betty and Paulina.”

  Logan felt ill. He pushed his half-finished seltzer away.

  Chapter Six

  Paulina twirled in front of the full-length mirror. So far, she’d met Felicia, Becky, and her roommate, Elsie, who were sitting on the bed, watching her.

  “You look fantastic, Paulina,” Elsie said.

  “When I see my image, I feel confident about the job…all except that one part.”

  “Oh, it’s nothing,” Elsie assured her. “I just imagine myself somewhere else the whole time. My partner doesn’t care. Think about what you’ll buy with all the money you’ll be making.”

  “I suppose. What if the man is ugly and smells bad?”

  Elsie laughed. “It happens often. Always carry a perfumed handkerchief and keep it close to your face.”

  Fanny poked her head into the bedroom. “You girls ready? It’s almost seven.”

  Both women nodded.

  “And Paulina: you look beautiful. Felicia is so good with hair.”

  “I love my new look,” Paulina said, admiring herself in the mirror again.

  Fanny clapped her hands together silently. “Well, you haven’t even started working yet, and already you have a customer who wants you for the whole night. And he’s paid in advance. This has never happened before. Why, he doesn’t know what a prize he’s getting. I should have charged him more. You’ve already earned your money…if, that is, you please him.”

  “Really?” Paulina asked. “What does he look like?”

  “Does it matter? Honey, you’ve made money and you haven’t even walked down the stairs yet. You’re going to be so successful here, I just know it.”

  “How did he know to ask for me?”

  “He asked for a blonde. I gave him the choice between you and Betty, and he chose you.” Fanny tapped her cheek and said beneath her breath, “Perhaps he’s seen Betty. She is getting up there in years.”

  Fanny looked at her pocket watch. “C’mon ladies: it’s showtime!”

  The ten women climbed down the red carpeted stairs, and all eyes in the saloon were on them. Several men stood and walked over to claim their favorite woman. One tall, husky man with a full beard and mustache stood and took hold of Paulina’s arm.

  Paulina tried not to blanch, but she knew she had. The man tried to lead her to Fanny, but then she felt her other arm being pulled in the opposite direction.

  “Excuse me, sir, but this woman has been spoken for,” the man pulling her said.

  It was Logan!

  Paulina’s heart beat so fast, she thought it would jump out of her chest. She looked from one man to the other, not knowing what would happen next. Might there be a fight?

  Fanny hurried over to them and spoke to the bearded man. “Sir, this man has paid for Paulina in advance. I’m sorry. I still have six other beautiful belles available.”

  Homer dropped her arm. He flashed Logan a look of hatred. “I’ll pay for her in advance for later tonight, then.”


  Paulina turned her head to look at him, because when he spoke, she knew exactly who he was: Homer Washburn.

  “I’m sorry,” Fanny said, “he’s booked her for the whole night.”

  Homer’s hands squeezed into fists, but he was silent. He looked at the women standing behind Paulina and reluctantly chose another woman.

  Fanny asked if they’d like to buy a few drinks at the bar first. When they both declined, she led Paulina and Logan to a room upstairs. “I don’t usually escort the couples to their rooms, but since Paulina is new and you’ve never been here before, I will." She turned left at the top of the stairs. “This wing is for…um…entertaining. The other wing contains the women’s personal bedrooms. Since you’ve requested the whole night, I’ve given you what we call the bridal suite. It’s the biggest and most elegant.”

  After Fanny had left them alone in the room, Paulina spun around. “Logan! I've never been so glad to see anyone in my life!”

  “You lied to me.” He winked at her. “When I found out, I had no choice but to book you for the night.”

  He held her at arm’s length. “I hardly recognized my messy-haired companion. You look gorgeous.”

  “Logan, that man was Washburn! I recognized his voice.”

  “Are you sure?”

  She nodded emphatically, and Logan whistled.

  “I got the devil’s look from him, too,” he said. “I’ll have my job cut out for me.”

  “So,” Paulina said, “what do we do now?”

  Logan pulled her to him, unzipped the back of her dress, and slipped it to the floor. Paulina shivered when she stepped out of her dress, but she wasn’t afraid. He stripped off all but her pantaloons and camisole. Paulina loved the look of appraisal in Logan’s eyes. He played with the straps on her camisole as if to remove it.

  “Get into bed,” he whispered into her ear.

  Paulina obeyed. She crawled beneath the large quilt and waited. She felt anxious and nervous all at once, but if it had to happen, she was overjoyed it would be Logan and not Homer or some other stranger.

  Logan turned off the lamp, and Paulina heard him remove his clothing. She wasn’t sure if what she felt was eagerness or freight, but she welcomed Logan into the bed.

  He pulled her close. She felt that he was still wearing his smalls, but his chest was bare. It felt so good to be pressed against his hard, muscular chest with only her camisole on, and her body responded in the strangest way.

  Paulina waited for the love-making to begin, but all Logan did was to hold her. He stroked her hair as he had that night on the trail. She thought that perhaps he needed to know she was all right with it, and that he just needed some encouragement.

  “Logan, I’m so glad it’s you. If I must do this for a living, I’m glad you’ll be my first.”

  Logan kissed her forehead and pulled her closer. “When I become a woman’s first, I’ll also be her last.”

  Paulina pulled away from him and sat up. “What does that mean?”

  “It means that I follow the Bible, and it says that a man and woman should be wed before they enter the act. I try to follow God’s word. I don’t always succeed, and right now I’m more tempted to sin then I’ve ever been in my life.” Logan pulled her back into his arms and kissed her neck. “I’m so tempted.”

  “But I need you to be my first. It has to be you.”

  “I’m sorry, Paulina.” Logan sighed. “If you only knew how sorry.”

  “So, what do we do tonight, and what do I do tomorrow night? I can’t sleep with Homer Washburn! Of all people, not him!”

  Logan kissed her lips to silence her.

  Logan wondered why he’d thought kissing her into silence was such a good idea when he was already tempted beyond his willpower. Her lips were velvety soft, and when she returned his kiss, he knew he was on a one-way trip to paradise. He gently broke off the kiss, held her tigh
tly, prayed for strength, controlled his breathing, and recited a Bible verse in his head: Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. And, there hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God [is] faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear [it].

  He kissed Paulina’s forehead. “I’ll have a plan tomorrow. Goodnight, sweetheart.” He placed his pillow between them and turned on his side and away from her.

  When Logan awoke, two big blue eyes were frowning down on him. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. “What?”

  “What’s your plan? I’m not going to bed with that killer tonight.”

  “Don’t worry, you won’t be. Trust me.” She was still in her camisole and pantaloons. “Get dressed.”

  Logan wrapped a blanket around himself and slipped on his pants while her back was turned and she was pulling up her sequined dress. He walked over to fasten the zipper and whisper in her ear, “Your hair is a mess again.”

  Paulina gave him an exasperated look. “What’s the plan?”

  Logan thought hard while he put his shirt on. What, exactly, was his plan? He’d had several the night before while trying to fall asleep, but which of them would he use?

  He tucked his shirt into his pants. “I’m going to put you up at one of the hotels until I can lock Washburn up.”

  “No,” Paulina said as she tried without success to fix her hair. “He’ll find me. I’d be scared to death in a hotel so close to him.”

  Logan decided to invoke Plan Two, “Then you’ll have to come with me to apprehend Washburn at his home. I could leave you some distance away and—”

  “No!” She threw the hairbrush across the room. It was the first time Logan had seen Paulina angry.


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