Stripper Confessions 2 : The Complete Series

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Stripper Confessions 2 : The Complete Series Page 3

by Solae Dehvine

  “I know you’re new. I just had to have some of your time.” I eyed Blu pointing at her wrist telling me it was time to move on.

  “Thanks for the time. My name is Toy.”

  “I understand that you need to be paid.” Stopping me from walking away, he did a quick thumb through of the money of the bills in his hand as if to show me he was more than capable of paying.

  I turned away to hide my excitement. Either it was the little amount of money I had in my bank account or it was the fact that he was so damn fine. Either way I was intoxicated with him.

  Tonight I was weak and his tongue could be the perfect prescription but I had to get paid for everything I did here. Plus how did it look for me to get caught doing the unthinkable on my first day.

  “And these are all hundreds.” It was like he could hear my thoughts as loud as the bass from the speakers.

  “Whatever you want I’ll give it to you.” I had heard that line a few times but tonight I believed this stranger.

  He took a pen from his pocket and wrote on one of the bills. He took my hand, shoving the money in and standing up.

  “I want you, but I don’t mind putting down a deposit.” He smiled kissing my hand. “I don’t know how you will feel when you get off. But if you don’t mind I would love to take you to breakfast or make you my breakfast.” He licked those lips, the ones I wanted to kiss so bad I had to bite my lip to stop myself. I didn’t know what to say.

  “I’m a manager and I would love to discuss some business as well as pleasure with you.” His eyes screamed fuck me, his mouth screamed 'kiss me', but my heart was telling me to stay cool and I did.

  Not saying a word, I folded the bill and slowly slid the money into the pocket of my shorts

  Blu was there like my fairy God Mother appearing to remind me that I was still on the job.

  “Nice meeting you,” he said winking and walking away.

  “What did he want?” She asked as we both watched him glide into the crowd.

  “He wants to take me to breakfast.” I was trying to digest the words myself. I showed her the bill with his number on it and she smiled.

  “In all my years, that has never happened to me.” I felt special when she said that. With her tutoring, I had made my week's salary in barely an hour.

  “Well brush that shit off girl. We got money to make. You fuck with a customer that’s on you. Just remember all hoes aren’t female.” Her words rang true. Glancing at the bill again I saw that he wrote “Guy” down for his name.

  I thought about him as we walked away, back into the lion’s den of men ready to devour us like fresh kill. But for the rest of the night I was trying to decide: would I be going to breakfast, or would I be breakfast?

  Chapter 3


  It was just after sunrise and instead of laying cozy in my bed, I was sitting in the pale exam room of the outpatient center getting prepped for my surgery.

  For me part of my summer vacation would be healing from the procedure. I made the appointment weeks ago after my consultation and all this time I was unsure until last night.

  Seeing that nipped and tucked bitch trying to take my money made my face hot. It couldn’t happen. I was the moneymaker at club fantasy and there was no way she would take my shine without a fight.

  So here I was in the bland exam room sitting on a table getting arrows drawn on my chest with a sharpie. What God didn’t give me I was about to alter today.

  “Alright there you go. I’m going to go get prepped and the next time I see you it will be in the operating room.” The doctor smiled shaking my hand. His lily-white doctor’s coat shining and his teeth gleaming, my twenty two thousand was probably a speeding ticket to him. I smiled back wringing my hands feeling nervous. His nurse stood quietly through the pre-examination but when he left the real fun started.

  “Okay, so how will you be paying for this?” I knew this part was coming. I was waiting for it.

  “Cash. The doctor told me that was okay.” She nodded and smiled.

  “Hand me my purse please?” She pulled my bag from a chair, which was loaded down with twenty-two thousand in cash.

  That morning once I got home, I counted all the money separating each thousand with rubber bands. But as I pulled them from my purse, I felt the need to count it again.

  “Excuse me. I just want to make sure this is right.” I stood up going over to a counter lined with cotton balls and alcohol pads and started counting.

  I counted every dollar. Flattening the money out perfectly on the counter as the nurse watched me. I knew what she was thinking, but it didn’t matter. I had twenty thousand dollars in savings for this procedure and I was going to count out every dollar for it, there was no way I was dipping into my bank account for this. This breast and ass job would be paid for strictly with cash.

  “Ummm, I’ll be right back.” She exited the room mumbling something under her breath but I was too preoccupied making sure the money was straight.

  A few knocks came at the door.

  “Come in.” I called counting another stack.

  “Look at all that ass.” I knew who it was before I turned around.

  “You came.” I held out my hands for my best friend Lauren. She looked so much different now, her hair in a bun with a loose fitting blouse and jeans.

  “Of course I came. Couldn’t have you going under without some medical advice.” She laughed and I did too. She tried to talk me out of this but my mind was made up. Last night I sent out a text to remind her of everything but I didn’t think she would show up.

  “You know you don’t have to do this right?” she started in.

  “I know I don’t have to but I want to. I’ve always wanted bigger breasts and a butt.” I laughed clapping my booty for her as I counted. She looked sad watching me, tears rimming her eyes.

  “I feel like this is my fault. Like I showed you this world.” She was crying now, the tears falling down her face.

  She was right she did show me this world but it was something I wanted to see. I wanted to be here and needed the money.

  “Lauren, I am a grown woman and you did nothing that I didn’t want to happen.” I remembered that day that I told her I wanted to strip. How she made me practice right in front of her. I was a million times better now than I was back then. But I was never forced, this was all my decision and today I was making yet another change for me.

  “I still feel responsible.” She crossed her arms sitting in a chair watching me count my money. I ignored her and changed the subject.

  “So how is life Ms. Med student?”

  “Things are busy. My purse is filled with books to read while you're in surgery. Home is good. Bruce is good.” she smiled when she mentioned him. I was happy that she was doing well.

  A knock on the door interrupted us.

  “Alright. I’m back”

  “Okay, that’s all of it.” I pointed to the tower of my hard earned money.

  “Very good, here are some papers for you to sign. I will be right back then we can take you back for prep.” It was my big day, I was finally going to get this done and no one could stop me. I looked over the waivers, skimming through the wording and warnings. I had read everything there was about butt lifts, and breast augmentations. Either I do the enhancement or I go broke... to me there was no question what to do.

  “How does it feel finishing your first semester back at school?” Lauren had to ask about that.

  She encouraged me to go back but school seemed pointless.

  “It was fine but going to that place isn’t going to get me paid.” I reasoned with her as I thumbed through the papers.

  “You gotta do something. You can’t strip forever.” She was right about that and I had already been thinking along those lines.

  “I know friend. I just need a little more time to stack my money. And today I am going to get some help with that.” I was being honest with her; there was no room to lie.

  “Well gu
ess what I found out yesterday.” she wiped her face with Kleenex. “Our old friend Ms. Sugar and Spice is now Pastor Donita.”

  I laughed so hard I nearly fell off the exam table. “You have got to be kidding me.” Lauren smiled and shook her head.

  “She has turned her life over to Christ after that shit I told you about that I saw on the news about her being kidnapped by her baby daddy.” I remembered the story, people were killed and it was all over the news. I hadn’t seen her since then.

  “Wow what a wakeup call.” I shook my head trying to imagine how I would feel in a situation like that. I didn’t know Donita past what happened at the club. I wondered was she like that before she started stripping? Did the club turn her into that monster? Then I thought of myself, how innocent I was when I started out and now I was about to do a permanent alteration to my body because of it.

  “Earth to Syd.” I looked up to see Lauren and the nurse looking at me.

  “It’s time now Ms. Watkins” The nurse was smiling with a wheelchair for me to sit in.

  “I’ll be waiting for you when you get out.” Lauren hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

  Getting into the wheelchair made me feel nervous but there was no turning back now. Backing out of the room and into the hallway the nurse wheeled me towards the operating room. I felt under my gown touching my natural breasts for the last time. When I got out of this surgery, I would be a completely new person.

  For better or worse, stripping had changed me, but I was going to let it get the best of me. I wouldn’t be a statistic. I would leave out of this profession in better shape than I came. That was a promise.

  Chapter 4


  My condo was a palace, more than enough space for my boyfriend Chad and me. The boys had their own apartment off the school campus leaving me alone for once. But walking in I heard the squeaking of a bed, moaning from a woman as my face turned hot as a volcano.

  While I was out shaking my ass and making money this motherfucker was up to no good. I stomped to the bedroom; I wasn’t tiptoeing in my motherfucking house. Kicking my bedroom door open, I saw Chad in the middle of my bed with some bitch, her legs high in the air.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” I screamed sending them both scrambling for cover.

  The girl was some frumpy wild hair creature that kept screaming Chad was full of a million excuses.

  “Baby I’m sorry. It’s not what you think. I fucked up.” he named them all, changing his line after every sentence and as he talked I felt ready to explode.

  There was nothing left for me to say, I calmly went to my closet as they scrambled for their clothing. No words escaped my mouth as I searched through shoeboxes for my gun. Turning around she was gone but Chad still remained, struggling to put on his shorts and still begging.

  “Baby. I was just lonely.” Now the truth was filing out.

  “You are lonely... why? Because I’m out making money.” His thoughts didn’t make sense. Gun at my side I was ready to blow him away, another hazard of being in a family of hustlers. I knew how to use a gun better than some people knew how to tie their shoes.

  “You just changed when you started dancing you're all made up and shit.” He pointed at me.

  “Look at you. You look like a fucking Barbie doll with all that surgery and ass shots.” I cocked the gun.

  “So you cheat on me then you throw insults.” I saw myself in the mirror on the dresser as he put his shoes on.

  “Naw, take that off.” He looked confused. “Take it all off. All that shit I bought you take it off.” He dared to look at me like I was crazy but he was right... I was.

  “So you want me to get naked for you.” a smile crept, a naughty look like he thought I was trying to fuck him. I put my gun up towards his face. Only a few feet between us but close enough for me to have perfect aim.

  “Naw, I want you to get naked and get the fuck out of my house. Have that bitch buy you new clothes.” I watched the realness of what I was saying reach him. His slight grin turned into a frown.

  “Babe.” I cut him off with a cock of the gun. I was done talking and I would blow him away if I needed to, most of all he knew that. I wasn’t afraid to do it and he knew it.

  He stripped, slowly pulling down his shorts with his dick flapping out. It was covered in the juices of someone else.

  “Hurry up bitch.” He glared at me. “Yeah you don’t like it do you. That’s what they say to me every night.”

  “You don’t have to do this shit.” He said once he was completely naked.

  “You didn’t have to fuck a bitch in my bed. Now get the fuck out!” He scrambled to the door taking slow steps the closer he got to the door.

  “Move bitch. Get the fuck out of here!” My screams could probably be heard through the building. But he didn’t budge. Putting his hands up like he was going to hold me but that wasn’t going to happen.

  I shot the gun, inches from his head putting a hole in my door he ducked as I stepped back re-aiming just in case he charged at me.

  “Get the fuck out!” I screamed as he scrambled out the door. He was butt-naked with his dick swinging as he ran almost falling in the grass.

  I wanted to shoot him as he left, splatter his brains across the cars in the parking lot. I could have done it easily but he didn’t matter.

  No man ever stayed with me for long. Slamming the door, I went back to the room. My thousand-dollar piece of fine fabric and memory foam mattress was all soiled with the sweat and juices of him and some bitch.

  I walked through my condo gazing at what stripper money built. Furniture that cost more than people made in a year. My walk-in closet looked like a mall. One side with my work costumes and the side with everything else you could imagine. In my closet mirror my body looked perfect, but the more I deviated from my plan the more the men jumped ship. Chad wasn’t a new situation, he was just one of many that weren’t strong enough to stick with the plan.

  It was always like this, no one wanted to get serious with a stripper.

  “To hell with them.” My back was on the wall as I slid to the carpeted floor of my room. I hated this. Every time that it ended with a guy I got emotional thinking about how my Dad left. One day he was there and the next he was gone, that evening his place was set for dinner but he never showed. Even worse when Momma died, waiting for her for two days and then calling the police and the hospitals only to be told that no one cared about a stripper.

  Then the police finally did come only to tell me she was gone.

  “Fuck!” I screamed into my room smelling the musk of his sweat mixed with hers. Scrambling for my phone, I dialed the furniture store. Tears coming as I spoke.

  “Yes, this is Blu Collins. I want to re-order the King Memory Foam that I had delivered a few months ago.” I waited for the woman to click some keys trying to find my order.

  “We still have it in stock ma’am. That will be one thousand forty eight dollars plus the delivery fee.” She shuttered like she was unsure but I was beyond sure.

  “I don’t care what it costs. I need that bed today and this old one hauled away.” I wouldn’t let the tears fall. Clouding up my eyes would be the closest I would get to crying.

  “Alright Ms. Collins we can charge it for you and have it right over this afternoon.” the woman was nice unlike every other person in my life. I just needed someone that understood me and didn’t want to take advantage.

  At the back of the closet were all the things that I bought for Chad, they needed to go out too.

  I grabbed all his shit and threw it towards the bed. The time that I spent on him wasn’t worth it.

  “I need a real man. One that wants to build an empire like me.” I spoke it all and ran down my whole plan, getting that bitch, getting the club, and getting a real man.

  “Get it together Blu.” I had to refocus and get my head clear of this Chad shit. Money always made me feel better. I laughed at the bitch from earlier, Tori.

��My little Toy.” I laughed thinking about how I lived for money and there was no better way to make money than off the back of another bitch. I just needed to figure that shit out.

  I thought about that bitch from earlier. That Syd bitch. I had to get her out of here, she was definitely going to be a problem, and I could already feel it.

  “That’s what you do Blu, focus on shit that matters. Not bitch men.” I told myself.

  You can do this. You have to do this. I eyed my Mom’s picture that was on my dresser. It was like she was talking to me.

  “I hear you loud and clear Momma. I’m going to get it done.” I told her and I meant it, I would do this for her.



  Twelve hundred dollars and six hours later I walked out of Club Fantasy with a smile on my face. I made my way to the parking lot as my tired legs yearned for the bed but as I made it to the pavement, I saw him. Standing against his car, smiling like a kid on Christmas, was my same customer from early in the night. I wasn’t sure whether to run back into the club or scream for help.

  “I’m not going to hurt you.” He said to me raising his open palms like a surrendering criminal. There were a few girls leaving at the same time that I was but they were too far away to help.

  “I just want to talk to you for a minute.” I walked a little closer, feeling somewhat safe with him. I didn’t know this man but the look in his eyes was so innocent. How could he hurt somebody? Well, if he was going to do something at least it was daylight with a few witnesses, too bad for me I couldn’t avoid him. My car just so happened to be parked a few spaces away from his.

  “You know it might not be the best thing to hang out like this. I might think you are stalking me.”

  Usually I would have dismissed this guy, banished him away or maybe hurt his feelings but it probably wasn’t the best thing to do since I was now in the customer service industry.

  He laughed it off.

  “I needed to talk to you. I really liked the way you did your thing in there.” I walked slowly towards him, being careful to leave a few feet between us. “Just give me five minutes to convince you.”


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