Flag On The Play

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Flag On The Play Page 9

by Lace, Lolah

  I thought about taking Saturday off from work but I needed to give her some space. I needed to take the pressure off of her and me. I am a brute but in the end I don’t want to coerce her into being with me.

  The nighttime came quicker than I ever dreamed possible. My time was ticking away. After a long day of frolicking about the empty house we had to go to our favorite spot, the bed.

  There was no beer, no wine. We decided to remain sober the entire day. That was more than fine with me. I didn’t have to be loaded to be around Kari. I remember drinking a lot when I was with Tess and passing out on the couch.

  Being with Kari makes me feel alive. If she rejects me this time I will be devastated. As soon as it got dark outside we cuddled in bed. I was invading her space as usual. I know I said I wasn’t going to get heavy today but I had questions that were plaguing me. I waited to until a commercial break to speak.

  “Have you forgiven me?”

  “For what?”

  “Taking you.”

  “Mason, I don’t really think I want to talk about that or think about that.”

  “Why not?” I was curiously tormented. I need her to forgive me.

  “This week with you has been good for me. It started off a nightmare but then it changed and I got to relax and block out everything else.”

  “Me too, well it was never a nightmare for me.”

  “Mason, do you still love me?”

  I smiled. “Yes of course. I always will. I thought you knew that.”

  “What I know and what I feel sometimes gets jumbled together. I was so mean to you. I hit you.”

  “I deserved it. I mean it’s no big deal.”

  “No, you have hurt me so bad but I know you didn’t set out to do it. I, on the other hand was saying and doing things just to be mean. I’m sorry. It was malicious. I was malicious.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “You’re strength is one of the things I love about you. Your patience under pressure amazes me. You hang in there for the long haul. I’ve never had that before.”

  “I was obsessed with keeping my family together and I should have seen it wasn’t working. I wanted my kids to have a full time father. I was making so many dumb ass moves when I should have been making moves toward you.”

  “So you never had a girlfriend.”

  “No, that was a lie. I said that because you seemed so happy planning your wedding.”

  “I was pissed but then I don’t know. I wasn’t sure you were telling the truth because I never thought you were ever going to leave Tess.”

  “Tess is the past. I want to make it clear to you that I want a future with you, only you. Do you understand me?” I forcefully grabbed her jaw, twisted and tilted her lips to mind.

  I planted a sloppy wet kiss on her lips. I slid my favorite tit, the left one, in the palm of my hand.

  “Are you still going to work in the morning?” Kari asked.

  “Yeah, I’ll leave your car keys on the kitchen table.” I reached in between her thighs and rubbed her pussy. “Where are your underwear?”

  “You keep taking them off me.”

  “Oh yeah.” I keep doing that. “You have hair, lots of hair.”

  “You didn’t buy me a razor. You know hair grows back when you shave it off. It’s like a magic trick.”

  “I know but it feels so furry.”

  She turned around in bed to face me. “Stop being weird.”

  “I want to feel it on my face.”

  “You would.” She smiled.

  I opened her legs and I positioned my face in her furry place. “You have a fucking jungle down here.”

  Kari slapped the back of my head and then smashed my face in her pussy.

  An urge to mark her thighs with hickeys came over me. It was so immature. I don’t care about Jack. This is not a competition. I love Kari. I want Kari. No more games. No more lies. No more bullshit.

  I took my time removing her t-shirt. I was going to make love to her like it might be the last time. Why am I thinking the worse? Pessimism is Kari’s forte. She loves me. I prefer to live in the cliché that love conquers all.

  My hands gently romanced her body. I hope she knows how sorry I am. I was so wrapped up in pleasing her I felt like I was fumbling around her body clumsily stumbling through the sex.

  Her hands were kneading my back. It felt so nice. Her touch I crave, her lips the same. I went down for another round of hot tongue action. I slowly entered her wet pussy and pulled away from the kiss to watch her as she winced at the intrusion. She watched me. I love looking at her. My hips had commenced to digging a hole within her hole.

  My evil twin was out to lunch but some lust filled angel jumped on my shoulder and told me what spot to hit. It was more than I could take but I was determined to give her my best. I wanted her to leave here and only think of me, only love me, only be with me.

  I rolled my cock around in her sanctuary. My cock was seeking a permanent refuge from the world. I lasted as long as I could but I think love took over and made me cum. I made sure Kari had an orgasm first. I love her. That’s the least I could do.



  It was Saturday, my last day with the man that has turned my life into a chick flick. At least that’s what I thought. I woke up alone. His side of the bed was vacant. Mason was already gone. He went to work and didn’t bother I wake me up. He could’ve said bye. I’m leaving today. I’m going home. Why didn’t he say something?

  The TV was still on from last night. This didn’t surprise me. I’m surprised I didn’t get a see ya later. I rubbed my eyes and looked over at the bedside table. There was a yellow Post-it Note stuck to something. I sat up in the bed. I reached over and grabbed the note.

  I said: Kari I love you forever. Kari I want you forever. Will you marry me? ASAP!

  I blinked a few times. I couldn’t really believe what I was reading. My eyes aren’t deceiving me. I’m reading this again and again like I can’t read. Did I just get proposed to one a Post-it Note? I will give him an ‘A’ for originality.

  My eyes moved back to the nightstand. There sat a velvet box. I grabbed the jewelry box and held it. There were two American Airlines plane tickets on the table. I was two overwhelmed to look inside the box at the ring.

  I was too shocked to move. I picked the little velvety box up but held it far away from my body. The box was freaking me out. What if this was a joke? The ring box was scary but the tickets were not. They were just paper. I can deal with paper. I grabbed the tickets and read that they were round trip to Las Vegas. Well damn. They were for tomorrow.

  Okay calm the fuck down. I was hyperventilating. I read the note again. It said will you marry me. That’s a marriage proposal. These are tickets to Las Vegas. My name is on one ticket and Mason’s name is on the other.

  Should I open the box? I couldn’t resist. I opened the box and inside was an engagement ring. I hurried and closed it back. Marriage, this was something that never came up the entire time I was here. Did it come up? Where the hell was I?

  I couldn’t say anything. If I did I would be talking to myself. Mason removed my engagement ring from Jack off of my finger. He removed it when I was drugged. It was in an envelope inside my purse. I found it the same day I snuck out to see Trey.

  What was I going to say? Hey you took Jack’s ring. I didn’t say anything about it and he didn’t say anything about it. I was officially alive but I felt like I was in a coma. Mason proposed. He wants to marry me. He wants to marry me ASAP, like right now. Today is Saturday and he wants to fly to Vegas Sunday.

  I sat still for at least an hour. I got out of bed and roamed around like a zombie. I showered and dressed. I had to get out of here. I took the box with the engagement ring. It was part of my unbelievable story. I took the Post-it too. I had to show it to someone. They wouldn’t believe me otherwise.

  It took me two hours to leave but I gathered my
things. I climbed into my Camry and I left.

  I was free at last. He let me go or did I let him go. I don’t know what to do. Things haven’t cleared up for me. They are only more confusing. I love Mason. Mason loves me. He believes in us but I don’t know. How could a relationship filled with so many obstacles ever survive? Why me Lord?

  I wasn’t ready to go home. I was antsy. I couldn’t keep still. I went to the mall and I did something crazy and weird. I tried on wedding dresses. I already had a wedding dress. I was supposed to marry Jack last week. I felt the need to remind myself of this.

  Was I really thinking about this? Me and Mason? Well maybe I was. Why else am I here inside David’s Bridal?

  This time around I was trying on simple dresses, colorful dresses, and short dresses. I was looking at what I liked not what Jack thought was appropriate for his dream wedding. It felt nice to shop without any expectations. I knew for sure that Mason would love whatever I picked. Mason would say I liked good in a plastic garbage bag. He would probably take his belt off and tell me to wear it. This thought made me smile.

  I left David’s Bridal and got a bite to eat. I then went over to House of Brides. What am I doing? I tried on one dress and I loved it. I bought it. What am I doing? I just bought a wedding dress.

  I lingered around and window shopped. I went to get my nails done. I hated getting my nails done but I had been going for a while now. I usually stopped the manicures and pedicures in the winter. This was my last visit until springtime.

  I was killing time waiting for my girl Toya to get off of work. She gets home at three. I texted her because I needed advice. I was a frantic ball of nerves. She told me to meet her at her house. I got there before she did. I had to talk to someone and get an opinion on what was going on.

  I wasn’t going to share that I just bought a pink wedding dress. I didn’t want her to think I was a nut.

  I was too stunned when I first arrived at her place. I spaced at the beginning of our conversation. I couldn’t remember what we were even talking about. I didn’t know what I wanted to do. One minute I’m riding the Jack train and then I’m riding the Mason train.

  Maybe she was doing all the talking because I popped into the conversation that was taking place without me although I was right here in her living room.

  “Oh shit chick. That ring is fire.” I heard her. I was back from daydreaming. I had showed her the ring?

  “It is so hot. I can’t even put it on. Mason knows what I like. He knows me. It’s so pretty. It looks good in the box.” Was I rambling?

  “Yeah that ring fits you perfectly.”

  “I don’t know what I’m going to do.” I sound whiny even to me.

  “What do you want to do?”

  “What do you think I should do?”

  “Girl quit. I know you still love Mason. Do you want to be his wife?”

  “Yea-ah-I-ah-think-so. Damn I do, I do, I do. Yes”

  “You saying I do to the wrong person.”

  We both started giggling. “I want Mason.”

  “That ring looks like you got him. Chick, I would be like hell no! But the plane tickets say he means business. He is doing this grown man shit. His actions are speaking louder than his words and I can’t be mad at that.”

  “So what do I do?”

  “What do you want to do?” She asked.

  “Take my ass to Vegas and marry Mason.”

  Toya started singing. “Meet me at the altar in your white dress. We ‘aint getting no younger we might as well do it. Let’s get married.” I joined in and we completely messed up the words.

  I stayed over at Toya’s until seven. I admitted I bought a dress. I ran out to the car and showed her my dress. She was excited and that made me excited.

  Instead of going home I went back to Mason’s. This is where I want to be.


  When I got home from work and the ring was missing but the tickets were still there. The note was gone. What does it all mean? I sat on the edge of the bed and tried to figure it out. I heard a knock on my back door. I raced up the basement stairs. Kari was standing outside. I opened the door to let her in.

  “You came back?”

  “Yeah, we have unresolved issues.”

  “You didn’t bring the police with you.”

  “You would never survive in jail.” Kari slightly smiled.

  “You’re wearing my ring.”

  She looked down at her hand. “I am.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means I needed some time away from you to think.”

  “And what does that mean?”

  “It means I want you. I want us. The answer is yes.” Her words were like music to my ears. I doubted her love for me when I shouldn’t have. Our connection is stronger than my self-doubt. Our love is the truth. She is going to be my wife.

  “Did you pack a bag?”

  “No, I didn’t go home.”

  “Where did you go?”

  “To buy a wedding dress.”

  I closed my eyes. She’s on board. She’s on my team. She’s loves me. “So we’re going to Vegas.”

  She shrugged. “Yeah, we’re going to Vegas.”

  “Okay well you don’t really need anything. We can buy clothes when we get there.”


  I was smiling. I will be smiling for a long time to come. “Our flight is at eight in the morning. Do you want to get some sleep or whatever you want to do.” I felt sort of nervous.

  “I want to sleep. We have to get up early.”

  “Okay.” I held out my hand and she took it. I kissed her fingers and led her back to the basement.

  * * *

  The next morning Kari and I made it to the airport on time. We didn’t have much to take with us. We didn’t talk much but we were in a place where words didn’t seem necessary. We boarded the plane and I felt a sense of relief. This is really happening. She sat by the window and I sat in the aisle seat. She put headphones on. I guess she does this all the time. I remember she listened to music the last time we went to Vegas together.

  “What are you listening too.” I asked.

  “You don’t know this song.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I know.” She smiled, my future wife smiled.

  “Let me hear.”

  Kari removed the ear-bud from her left ear and handed it to me. I leaned my head close to hers. I put the one earbud in my ear. She leaned her face into my shoulder and we rode all the way to Vegas like this.

  We rented a car when we got to Vegas. I thought we would need one. We booked a room at MGM Grand. Weird, I’m saying we. I’m thinking we. Weird.

  I wanted to get married tomorrow. Kari wanted to get married on Tuesday. I wanted to do it within the next twenty-four hours. I couldn’t wait for Kari to be my wife. That’s all I wanted for so long. I won. We were getting married tomorrow.

  Kari relaxed in the bathtub while I home-worked all the essential things needed to get married.

  The plan was simple enough, book a time at a wedding chapel. We were going to go down to Clark Avenue and get a marriage license early in the morning. I would download the application today. We would get married in the afternoon. It was simple enough. We were eloping and no one could stop us. This felt rebellious. I like this feeling.

  Kari had a pink wedding dress she refused to let me see. I had a blue suit that I brought from home. It was very impromptu but it felt right for us.

  There was absolutely no sex before the wedding. That was Kari’s idea. I’m not sure why? I think there should be sex every day and twice on holidays.

  Monday couldn’t get here fast enough. But it was here. Kari looked beautiful in her pink dress. It was form-fitting and it showed off her tits, her ass and her back. It didn’t really look like a wedding dress and that’s what made it so sexy.

  Things were a blur. We got hitched at one o’clock.
It was eighty degrees in Vegas in November. I remembered Kari’s dress because I couldn’t wait to get her out of it. My cock was very impressed with the dress. The ceremony was traditional. We had rings, flowers, pictures and the employees were our witnesses. You may now kiss the bride was the highlight. I tongue fucked her right in the chapel.

  We spent all day smiling at each other. We hung out at the pool. We went to dinner and back to the hotel. We spent all night drinking and fucking and drinking and more fucking. I sure hope what happens in Vegas follows us back to Naperton.

  Kari changed her last name to mine. Why is this so easy? Love isn’t hard at all. Loving Kari is the smartest thing I’ve ever done. She’s my wife and we have just started living the rest of our lives together.

  We were in a blissful place. Everything could be figured out later. We had each other so every obstacle was nothing to worry about. We had a lot of things to discuss when we got back home but we decided to just enjoy our honeymoon status while we were here.

  We returned to Naperton on Thursday. It would be back to work for me. Kari had a few days before she had to return to work. Kari was going to go to her house on Somerset while I was at work. I was going to meet her tonight at our new house. She might be bringing Trey with her. She told me she would let me know.

  I hated that we had to part but I had taken off work and I needed to get back to oversee new contracts I had inquired recently. I have a beautiful ball and chain. I’m so lucky.



  I was home, my old home. Mason told me I should keep the property and rent it out. He said it was mine before the marriage so I should just keep it.

  I sat in the car for a good ten minutes before I stepped out and into the garage. I’m married to Mason. I’m Kari Rizza. My heart felt warm. I was happy. I was more than happy. I never thought this day would come and here it is I’ve been married for four days.

  I decided to leave all my luggage in the car along with my sweater. I just wanted to go inside and take a nap. My plan was to sleep and then go pick Trey up. I miss my son. We have to have a mother son talk. I don’t know how I’m going explain this craziness to him.


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