Abe: Four in Hand

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Abe: Four in Hand Page 15

by Mj Fields

  Only one of three things would calm me, actually a combination of any of the three. Number one, drink whiskey. Jamison’s Irish whiskey to be exact. Three shots and a chaser. Number two, fucking someone hard with every tool in my arsenal. Number three, spanking the ass of the one who got the anger brewing inside in the first place.

  Instead, I headed into the pub.

  “There’s my boy,” Pop’s voice boomed through the air.

  “You back where you should be, Abe? Ready to take over and let your old man retire?”

  “Sal, you look like shit,” I said before walking behind the bar.

  “Abe,” my pops gasped.

  “You trying to shut me up, boy?” He hacked.

  “Yep.” Un-fucking real. Every time I walked in here it was the same thing.

  I grabbed the bottle of whiskey and lined up three shots.

  “Big spender gonna share the wealth instead of letting your Pops bust his ass?”

  “Go fuck yourself, Sal.”


  “Let him go, Shawn, at least he’s not blowing smoke today.” Sal chuckled.

  “Uniforms in, Pops?”

  “In the back. They came a few hours ago.”

  “Gone are the good old days where you just wore shorts and a tee shirt, huh, boy?”

  “Yeah sure.” I was not in the mood for his shit. I grabbed a beer and popped it open.

  “You should stick to what works son. O’Donnell’s Pub is a landmark and so were those ball shirts. This place has been here for seventy-five years. Never had fancy uniforms.”

  Not listening to this shit. I grabbed another beer and walked out back.

  Fuck him.

  Once Again


  I deboarded the plane nervous, about the choice I had made. But I promised my parents I would be strong, like I was raised to be. I finished the article on Abe O’Donnell yesterday. I hoped it wouldn’t give away everything about him, but I had decided to write the truth of what I saw Abe wanting in a relationship.

  My parents also made me promise to reconsider looking for another internship and they wanted me to finish my senior year back in school. The truth was, I didn’t want to go back and face seeing Sally and Steve. I guess I should be thanking them both for betraying me. If they hadn’t I wouldn’t be here now.

  I got a cab and went straight to The Shore to make sure everything was going well with my article. I also wanted to see what they would give me as my next assignment.

  “Look who’s here, the girl who got the inside scoop on the ever so elusive Abe O’Donnell, and to my surprise you threw in some of the Steel men, too. Do you think they’ll go for it?”

  “I hope so. Which, brings me to why I am here. My next story, what is it?”

  “Patience, young one.” God, that man made my skin crawl. “I will email back the edits and any suggestions I have and then we’ll send it back to O’Donnell. If things go smoothly I will see what strings I can pull at the Meadowlands.”

  “Giants or Jets?”

  “Whatever we can get a wannabe female sports reporter in on. Beggars can’t be choosers. We do need some exclusive photos, though. I know what a controlling prick he can be, so even just a few cell pics would work.”

  “He’s really not all that bad.”

  “Then it should be a piece of cake.”

  I walked out of The Shore and looked at my watch. It was Thursday at 5:00.

  The cab pulled up to take me home.


  I parked in front of the community baseball field at six. There were four different fields and eight different teams. One team stood out, I mean really stood out. White baseball pants, green baseball jerseys, and white hats. If there had been an award for best-dressed team, they would have won it.

  I liked the way Abe dressed, really liked it. Suits on some men were sexy in their own right. It just gave an air of confidence. Men who wore suits to me had always been hot. But in Abe’s case, the suit wore him. The sleeves were a perfect length allowing the shirts cuffs and his cuff links to be seen. The few times I had seen him in a suit it was either black or dark gray. Without a doubt tailored and cut to fit across his broad shoulders with gentle lines around his trim waist giving the appearance of a perfect V. Which reminded me of how amazing his body was under that suit. Dear God, I was getting a bit moist.

  Abe in jeans was just as hot. They always rested on his hips. Not too baggy, but not those awful skinny jeans that some men wore. To me, skinny jeans should be reserved for rock stars and my gay male friends who were a bit showy. I’m sure Abe O’Donnell didn’t even own a pair.

  Abe in board shorts, dear merciful God above, that was the sexiest sight to ever behold. The ink on his side and hip. The V that led to what I am sure is the most beautiful, pleasure- giving piece of male parts on the planet.

  What I loved most about Abe O’Donnell, was his arms. They were strong and very well formed. They had carried me to the beach house in Florida, held me up against the wall, carried me up the stairs of his home, held me all night when I was scared and needed to feel safe. Arms that for two days I missed just as much as I missed my family when I was away from them, maybe even more. This revelation both scared and excited me at the same time. I loved Abe’s arms.

  It had only been three weeks, an insane three weeks might I add, since I saw Abe walk out of the ocean and turn my life upside down. Falling for him at that moment was a first for me. It scared the shit out of me, completely irrational, even as I explained it to my parents for the past two days it seemed unreal. And for the first time, we argued, distance growing between us over a man I hardly knew.

  I decided to take some photos. Watching Abe wind up and throw a pitch was a whole new level of sexy. Cyrus Steel was catching, Jase was playing first, Zandor playing third, Xavier was shortstop, the man who looked very much like the electrician at my apartment house was playing second, and the outfield was made up of men who were heavily tattooed.

  I sat on the hood of my car taking pictures. Abe struck out the first two men before the third batter hit one to center. The outfielders scrambled and my heart began pumping. Have I mentioned how much I loved watching sports? It was exhilarating. I will be the first to admit that I wasn’t gifted athletically, I was more a thinker, a reader, and a writer. I ran track in school, didn’t break any records, but enjoyed it. I loved watching though, and right now, I can honestly say baseball was my favorite.

  When the inning was over, I watched Abe stretch, bat in hand above his head, and then behind his back. He turned, and let me just tell you, the ass was god-like, but the package in the front was just as glorious. I took more pictures. Holy hell.

  He took his sunglasses off and stared in my direction. I watched his eyes narrow and his jaw muscles twitch, he was pissed and even that was sexy so I took a picture of that, too.

  I set the camera on my lap and waved.

  He started walking toward me and Jase grabbed his arm and held up five fingers. I was pretty sure he mouthed, No shit, and then resumed his long, angry strides towards me. I have no idea why, but it made me smile, which seemed to piss him off even more.

  He stopped dead in his tracks about two feet from me, and his hands fisted into balls at his sides. He didn’t say a word.

  “Hi,” I slid down the hood of my car and sat my bag on it. I turned and took a step toward him.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I missed you.” I reached out and took his fisted hand.

  “You can’t fucking call, return a text, and you turned in the goddamn story without consulting me first?” he hissed.

  “Besides all that what have you been up to?”

  “What the fuck do you think I’ve been up to?”



  “It means acting all angry and dark. Being intimidating and—”

  “I know what it means, Miss Bassett.” He hissed.

  I took a step
closer so that I was standing against him, “Nikki.”

  He tensed up even more. I put my hands on his hips and held onto him. “I missed you,” I repeated.

  “You should leave,” he looked up and away from me.

  “Abe,” I reached up and held both hands behind his neck.

  “I’ve been drinking.” He still wouldn’t look at me. “And I am beyond pissed at you. That means you should leave.”

  “Is that what you really want?”

  “I want to blister your ass right now. That’s what I really fucking want.”

  I heard a familiar laugh from behind me, “Well, look at you two.”

  I turned to see Carly, the other three wives, and a little dark haired beauty.

  “Uncle Abe has a girlfriend?” She smiled.

  I let go and stepped back waiting to see how he’d answer.

  “Little Bell,” he smiled and his entire demeanor changed. He picked her up and threw her on his back. “Let’s go play some ball. We need a water girl. Nikki was just leaving.”

  He glanced at me and glared.

  “No, she’s actually gonna sit with us, aren’t you, Nikki?” Carly took my hand.

  He started jogging away and left me standing with the women.

  “I should get going.”

  “Like hell you should, my cousin likes you.” Carly tugged my hand.

  “He’s mad and I understand.”

  “Why is he mad?” She asked.

  I didn’t know how to answer.

  Tara chimed in, “It’s how they all get. When they feel an interruption or loss of a control they act like asses.”

  I looked up and Cyrus was behind her.

  “Is that so?” He asked in the same pissy tone Abe had used with me.

  She turned around. “It is and you know it.”

  Seeing her poke him in the chest was almost comical. He was a very big man, as were his brothers, but he was much broader.

  “Gotta tame that ass,” she giggled.

  “Since when have you wanted my ass tamed, Birdie?” He asked, trying not to smile.

  “About the same time I realized I knew I wanted you to tame mine.”

  “You’re confusing two words,” he winked at her.

  “Oh yeah, and what are they?”

  “Claim is not the same as tame.”

  He grabbed her by the hips and lifted her up so she was eye level to him. “Did you have a good day, Mrs. Steel?” He kissed her.

  “Good day, yes. But this is what makes it a great day.”

  Oh my God, could they get any more adorable? I grabbed my camera and took a picture.

  “Hey now,” he set her down. “Personal use only.”

  “I’ll make sure you get a copy, Mr. Steel.” I shouldn’t have done that.

  Xavier was now at Taelyn’s side, “Any fucked up cravings I missed?”

  The way she smiled at him and the way his eyebrow shot up, there was no doubt there was double meaning behind their exchange. She laughed. “It’s passed though.”

  “It better come back real fucking soon,” he grabbed her ass, pulled her into his side, and they walked toward the field.

  “You win the game, we’ll talk,” I heard her say as she smacked his butt.

  “Here, kitty kitty,” I looked left and saw Zandor Steel walking towards Bekah.

  She laughed and ran up to him. He lifted her and went right for her neck. I swear he bit her and I swear she liked it. It immediately made me think about Abe and his sexual desires, which immediately made me want him even more. I saw Carly making a shoo motion to her husband as he was walking over. He stopped and shook his head back and forth crossing his arms over his chest. She shooed him again. Then turned to me and linked her arm in mine.

  “Come on, let’s go watch some baseball.”

  We sat on the bleachers as Carly’s daughter handed out baseball caps that said O’Donnell’s Pub.

  She smiled when she handed me one. “Is your Momma dead?”

  “Bell, not everyone’s mom is dead.” Carly laughed and pulled her onto her lap.

  Carly read the look of confusion on my face. “I’m her new Momma.”

  “Momma Carly,” Bella smiled a big toothless smile.

  “Momma Carly, that’s right. My mother passed away—” Carly began.

  “And so did Tara’s, double whammy there huh, Tara? Mom and Dad.” Bella interrupted.

  “Sure was.” Tara wrapped her arm around her and kissed her cheek.

  “That’s why she needed Uncle Cyrus, he’s like two people.” Bella smirked.

  Tara and Bella laughed. I looked at Carly.

  She whispered, “It’s her way of dealing and honestly it’s helped both Tara and I. Odd I know.”

  Carly reached in her bag and retrieved two bottles of water, then handed Bella one before drinking about half of the other. “You want one? Help yourself. Bending over has become a chore.”

  Zandor was up to bat. Jase and Xavier were on first and second. He hit a fly ball to right field and it dropped right behind the outfielder.

  Bases were loaded and I decided I was going to enjoy watching the game even when I knew there were two angry, yet beautiful blue eyes boring holes into the side of my head.

  “He’s staring at you.” Carly giggled and nudged me.


  “Ooo ooo ooo,” Bell pointed, “Go, Uncle Cyrus! He bats fourth do you know why?”

  “Clean-up hitter,” I smiled at her.

  “You like baseball?” she asked.

  “I love baseball.”

  Cyrus nailed the ball, but the other team was quick and only Jase made it home. Bases were loaded again. The next two batters popped out and then Abe was up to bat. I whistled very loudly and he looked back at the bleachers.

  “Let’s go, O’Donnell!” Bella and I yelled.

  “Strike one!” The umpire called and Abe shook his head.

  He swung on the next pitch, but missed.

  “What the fuck, O’Donnell? Don’t leave us out here all alone. Hit that bitch.” Zandor yelled.

  The next pitch was a beautiful backdoor slider and he nailed it. Zandor, Xavier, and Cyrus all made it in as Abe was looking to come home. It was tight, a bit of a run-down began until Abe made it safely back to third.

  I stood up, stuck two fingers in my mouth to whistle, and clapped. “Nice hit, O’Donnell!”

  He looked up, then down at the bag and kicked some dirt around.

  “He’s ignoring you?” Jase laughed as he walked up to us.

  “I like to think he’s just really focused.”


  The game ended with O’Donnell winning by four, which apparently meant both teams had to go to the winning team’s sponsoring bar. I watched as Abe talked to the other team, shook hands, and laughed. I also watched as the women on the other bleachers checked him out. I wasn’t really the jealous type before, but after Steve, I had a few trust issues and Abe was angry at me. Still, I decided to let it be known that he was mine and to let him know he better be getting over two days of no phone calls or texts. I came back even knowing all of his secrets and what his intentions were with me.

  I stood beside him, he glanced over, and then away. One of the other team members asked if I was with him. He didn’t answer until the man continued with, “God, please tell me she’s single.”

  “She’s not single and she’s a pain in the ass. Walk away while you can.”

  I shook my head as I looked down and grabbed my phone.

  Abe took my hand and continued chatting with everyone around us. He seemed to know everyone and he was very friendly. Interestingly enough, they all liked him too. This side of Abe took some getting used to.



  I was fucking pissed. She had a lot of explaining to do, even if I was glad she’d come back. A. Lot. But now wasn’t the time or place. I helped clean up the equipment and carried it to Jase’s car.

  The night had gone as
planned. Thirty people were at the pub and Pops was gonna make a lot of money tonight. About damn time.

  She was waiting for me at her car and I still wasn’t in the mood.

  “You played well.” She smiled that sweet sexy smile, and I almost lost my fucking mind.


  “So everyone heads to the Pub now?”

  “That’s how it works.”

  She blew out a breath and looked at the ground. No doubt waiting for me to say something.

  “You wanna give me a lift?”

  “Yes, I would like that.”

  I sat in the passenger side of her car and slid the seat back. “When did you pick this up?”

  “Two hours ago.”

  “Who went with you?”

  “No one.”

  “What do you mean ‘no one?’ ”

  “I had my keys. I just got out of the cab, into my car, and came straight here. See? I’m fine.”

  “No Nikki, you’re fucking lucky. Do you get that? What do you think he was gonna do to you next time? That sick fuck watched you, videotaped you. Who the fuck do you think was tampering with the electricity, Nikolette! Huh? What do you think he was gonna do when he finally got you alone in that GODDAMMED basement! He was gonna fucking hurt you. So fuck, no it’s not okay that you went there.” I slammed my fist into the dashboard. “I would fucking kill someone if they hurt you. You wanna see me back in jail? Keep this shit up.”

  She didn’t say a damn word. She fucking knew better. Shit. The mere thought of that son-of-a-bitch hurting her made me want to blow.

  “Two more blocks, take a left and it’s on the right. O’Donnell’s.”

  “Italian?” she tried to joke, but I wasn’t in the mood for her shit.


  We pulled up and I got out. I looked back and she was like a little lost puppy dog. “You wanna come have a drink?”

  “Yes.” She got out, slammed the door, and hurried to my side.

  We walked into a packed bar. It was fucking awesome.

  Pops was smiling from ear-to-ear. “You won!”

  “We sure did.”

  There was one stool left and I pulled it out for Nikki.


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