Magic and Mayhem: Witch 'N Fire (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Magick & Chaos Book 2)

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Magic and Mayhem: Witch 'N Fire (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Magick & Chaos Book 2) Page 2

by Isabel Micheals

  “From your mouth to the Goddess’s ears,” he mumbled under his breath.

  “Look, I know you’re still upset with me and there’s a part of me–a small part might I add–that understands why, but I really need for us to put everything aside and focus on winning.”

  Cole nodded in agreement before squeezing her hand and bringing it to his lips for a kiss. Regardless of the mess he always found himself in when it came to Zara, he could never stay mad at her for long. Besides, they were family and family always had one another’s back in his book.

  “You drive me crazy, but we’re in this together. Let’s go win a poker tournament. What do you say?”

  “I say hell yes,” Zara replied with the most radiant smile he had ever seen.

  When she was gambling, she was definitely in her element. That is, until she lost. Then things tended to get ugly… real ugly. All Cole could do was hope and pray to the Goddess that the shit wouldn’t hit the fan if she lost her temper, again.

  * * * * * *

  When Zara and Cole finally reached the hotel, which was oddly located to the West of the Strip, it was obvious they took their gambling seriously. The World Series of Poker logo along with poker chips had been painted on the steps to welcome each guest and contestant to the competition.

  The lobby was overcrowded and bustling with activity. Cole couldn’t help but groan when he saw the long line of unhappy guests trying to check in.

  “Do you feel the excitement and energy vibrating around us?” Zara asked him as they took their place at the back of the line.

  “All I see are frustrated people who would rather be somewhere else than standing in this long line waiting to check-into their rooms.”

  “Then you need to open your mind to all of the possibilities or you’re going to miss out. No one likes a spoil sport, Colrath,” Zara quickly admonished.

  Cole rolled his eyes as he watched the desk clerk chat everyone up. She reminded him of Flo on the old television show, Alice, he used to watch on TV Land. Her blonde beehive was definitely held in place by at least three cans of Aqua Net Hairspray. Not only did it have height, but it also looked flammable. He couldn’t help wondering what would happen if someone accidentally held a match too close to it. She was flamboyant, high-spirited, and the only entertainment in the lobby at the moment. To say he was mesmerized would have been an understatement.

  Two hours later, they finally made their way to the front of the line, which made Cole want to cry like a baby. He had never been in a line that long or slow to check-in to a hotel. It was obvious they needed more staff to make the check-in quicker for guests.

  “Why aren’t you two just as cute as a button? My name is Beatrice, but everybody calls me Big Bertha. Welcome to our fine establishment. Although we’re not located on the Strip, our little hotel still provides guests with a plethora of entertainment that ranges from slot machines, to table games, to off-track betting and of course, the World Series of Poker,” she said with so much enthusiasm in a high pitched Southern accent that made Cole instantly want to cover his ears. “Did I also mention there’s a wide range of shows from music to sporting events? How may I be of service to you?” she finally asked, right before blowing a huge bubble with the chewing gum she had been smacking on.

  “We’d like to check-in,” Zara said with a straight face, as she handed Big Bertha a white piece of paper that confirmed their reservation.

  “Sugar, we have might have a tiny, teensy problem,” Big Bertha replied after punching a few keys on her computer.

  “What do you mean we have a problem?” Zara asked.

  “Well, I saw that we had originally put you in the honeymoon suite because of your impending nuptials, but unfortunately for you, our manager’s daughter had a shotgun wedding earlier this morning and needed a room. Since you hadn’t arrived yet… Well, you get the idea.

  “What are you talking about? I didn’t book the honeymoon suite. I booked the Masquerade Suite.”

  “My computer doesn’t lie, Sugar. It says right here on the reservations for Cole McIlrath that not only were you booked in the honeymoon suite, but we also have you down for our Wedding Chapel package, which you are going to absolutely love by the way. We have everything a bride and groom could ever want, including our own Elvis, who can perform your ceremony for an additional small fee.

  “You’re correct about the reservation being under the name Cole McIlrath, but I didn’t book the honeymoon suite” Zara fervently insisted, as she ignored the stunned look on Cole’s face. Yeah, she might have forgotten to tell him that she had booked the room in his name since she didn’t have a credit card.

  Ignoring Zara’s response, Big Bertha continued talking about the wedding venue as though she had never spoken.

  “Did I also mention that your wedding can be as simple or elaborate as your wishes and budget dictate? For instance, we have one package that includes a wine tasting excursion to our wine cellar. Another that offers a ride on the ‘Carnivale Parade’ where you can be part of the show. Doesn’t that sound like fun? Of course we also had the package you had selected, which included a specially designed honeymoon suite, but as I explained, our manager’s daughter is in the family way and had to tie the knot immediately, so that’s no longer an option.”

  Cole was beginning to wonder if Big Bertha ever took a breath. He had never met a woman as long winded as her. The dread that had been taking up residence in the pit of his stomach was slowly making itself known, the longer they spoke with Big Bertha.

  “Big Bertha, what in tarnation is going on? Why is this line so long?” a tall, slightly overweight gentleman asked, who Cole could only assume was the night manager.

  “Oh, don’t get your boxers all twisted up in a wad, Mel. You know that’s not good for the family jewels,” Big Bertha replied.

  “Beatrice, quit flapping your lips and get these guests checked in or it’s back to cleaning toilets for you,” Mel replied, obviously annoyed with Big Bertha’s antics.

  “Look, I’m doing the best I can, Mel. It’s not my fault your princess got herself knocked up and we gave her and your new deadbeat son-in-law their room. I’m just trying to be hospitable and explain the situation. Don’t yell at me for trying to bring a little class to this dump.”

  “Beatrice, give them another room and get this line moving, or I swear you’ll be scrubbing toilets until you’re old enough to apply for Social Security.”

  “Kiss my grits, Mel,” Big Bertha replied, obviously undeterred by his threat.

  Zara’s shoulders slumped in defeat as Big Bertha and Mel continued to argue. She also continued to ignore and deflect the daggers Cole was throwing her way. If looks could kill, she’d have been dead twice over.

  “I apologize for my manager’s insensitivity to your situation, Sugar. But don’t worry your pretty little head. Ole’ Big Bertha’s not going to let anyone spoil your special day. I’ve booked you in a Deluxe Double Suite with a view of the Mountain at half the price. While it’s not the honeymoon suite, it does have its own set of charms.”

  Tired of trying to convince the woman they weren’t getting married, Cole simply smiled and said, “Thank you very much, Big Bertha. Your help has been greatly appreciated.”

  “No problem, Sugar. My, aren’t you a handsome one? If I were twenty years younger and ten pounds lighter, I’d give your fiancé a run for her money.”

  “I’m sure you would,” Cole replied with a wink, as he signed the sheet of paper she slid in front of him and quickly grabbed the room keys. He was exhausted from the long drive, not to mention the lengthy wait in line, and needed to decompress.

  “Oh, I almost forgot to ask. Silly me. Do you wish to use the card on file to cover the bill and any incidentals,” Big Bertha asked.

  “Um. No. We’d like to pay in cash if possible,” Zara quickly said.

  “Of course. Unfortunately, you will need to leave a card on file for incidentals. I’m afraid it’s company policy.”

  “Not a problem. Just use the one you have,” Cole said begrudgingly.

  “Excellent. Oh dear, I just realized that you’re also here for the World Series of Poker Championship. How exciting? Just remember, we also have massages, a spa and outdoor swimming pool, as well as a nightclub to help you relax and enjoy your stay in Vegas. That is, if you make it out of your suite. Know what I mean?” she asked with a wink of her own.

  “That we do, Big Bertha. Thank you again for your hospitality,” Cole replied in an effort to move the eccentric desk clerk along and get to the room.

  “You’re welcome, Mr. McIlrath. I hope you and your fiancé enjoy your stay and good luck with the wedding and tournament.”

  Cole had to bite his tongue and remind himself that no one looked good in prison orange, in order to prevent himself from strangling Zara. Married? What the hell? he thought as they entered the bank of elevators that would take them to their suite.

  Chapter 3

  Thirty minutes later, Cole couldn’t believe his happy ass was back in Zara’s compact car, cruising down the Strip. All he had wanted was a hot shower and a comfortable bed, but Fate was an evil bitch and had other plans.

  “Cole, quit pouting. You could have just stayed in the room.”

  “Not unless I wanted to suffocate to death.”

  “It wasn’t that bad. Dramatic much,” Zara countered, as she joined Justin Timberlake on the radio singing “Sexy Back”

  “Zara, the smell in that room could have taken down an elephant. Hell, it probably had and they just didn’t want anyone to know.”

  Cole cringed when he thought about how the smell had been the first thing to attack his senses, once he had released the lock with his room key and opened the door. The out-of-date room had wreaked of stale cigarettes and dirty sex. The carpets were oddly wet, which only added to the funk already circulating in the room.

  From the mildewed carpets to the bathroom corrosion and wallpaper peeling, the Deluxe Double Suite had felt more like a cheap motel room hookers rented out by the hour than a luxurious room for honeymooners. If the sinking feeling in his gut wasn’t a sign they were royally screwed, the disastrous room and two-hour check-in fiasco should have been, but he wouldn’t bail on Zara, even when his instincts and body were telling him otherwise.

  “Oh My Goddess! Look at the blonde in the white angel costume with wings. I wonder what she’s selling.”

  “I’m sure something we can’t afford, or Clorox can’t get rid of,” Cole said sarcastically.

  “You are so bad. I’m going to pull into the Bellagio and park so we can walk the Strip for a while. I don’t know about you, but I need to stretch my legs after being cooped up in this car all day.”

  “Fine, but don’t forget we need to stop by a Walgreens to pick up disinfectant and something to fumigate that nasty room.”

  “I promise. Now cheer up and let’s go have some fun.”

  Two hours later, Cole was ready to call it a night. They had enjoyed the fountain show at The Bellagio, met Spider Man at the Marquee Pool Party, stopped in at Gilley’s to check out the Vegas Bikini Bull Riding Contest, and enjoyed the street dancers entertaining the crowd while earning a few bucks on the side. He had to admit it was all exhilarating, but now it was time to hit the sack.

  “It’s after midnight, Z. We need to find a Walgreens and then head back to the Motel from Hell.”

  “Okay. I’m a little tired myself. Besides, tomorrow is a big day and we’ll need all of our faculties, if we’re going to win the World Series of Poker Championship.”

  “Finally, you’re being the voice of reason.”

  “Hey, be nice or I’ll let you sleep in that nasty room for the rest of the week.”

  “Honey, there’s not enough disinfectant in the world to wipe away the stench in that room. I don’t even want to think about all of the dirty things that have been done in it. Good thing my tetanus shots are up to date.”

  Zara couldn’t help but laugh at Cole’s disdain for their hotel. She had to admit that he was right, but she’d never tell him out loud. However, what she would do is use a little hocus pocus to make the room more livable during their stay. She knew deep down in her core, something monumental was about to happen for them. This was their time to shine.

  * * * * * *

  Cole couldn’t believe the drive back to Motel Hell took even longer the second time around. When Whodini wrote the lyrics for, The Freaks come out at Night, he definitely had Vegas in mind. Not only was he exhausted, but also pissed off because Zara wouldn’t stop at a Walgreens to grab some cleaning supplies.

  Maybe I could just sleep in the car, he thought as they entered the overcrowded hotel lobby and made their way to the elevator.

  “Cole, you’re pouting again.”

  “I’m not pouting, Z.” he replied in a sweet, saccharine voice that wasn’t fooling anyone. “However, I am a little pissed that you didn’t stop at the Walgreens like I had asked.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ve got it covered.”

  “Mm-hmm. If I had a dime for every time you said that to me, I’d be rich right now.”

  “Well, this time I do,” she said, licking her tongue out at him as they entered the room even Hades wouldn’t have occupied.

  Cole watched as Zara grabbed a white candle from her bag and placed it in the middle of the room. Although he had no idea what she was up to, he remained silent and continued to watch her out of curiosity, as she began sprinkling salt in a circle. Once the candle was lit, she closed her eyes and began chanting…

  Creature of wax,

  Creature of Fire,

  Please listen to me and grant my desire,

  Cleanse this nasty room,

  By the power of three,

  And blast away all mildew, stale cigarettes, raunchy sex and negativity,

  With harm to none,

  So shall it be

  Cole was mesmerized as the room transformed from a hooker’s lounge to a beautiful suite with two large sofas covered in fluffy red pillows, a large red recliner that he would gladly fall asleep in right now, a coffee table, two side tables, and flat-screen television to finish off the look in their separate living area. The once corroded bathroom was now pristine with a double vanity, a walk-in shower and a whirlpool tub. Zara had also conjured up two king size beds that would allow his six-foot two frame to sleep comfortably in. The kitchen area was now fully stocked with enough drinks and food to feed an army. Most importantly, the stench of stale cigarettes and raunchy sex was nonexistent.

  “There. Are you happy now?” Zara asked, as she looked around the room and was pleased with what she saw. She had to admit that her powers were growing stronger and stronger every day.

  “How did you learn to do all of this?” Cole asked in astonishment.

  “What can I say? I’ve been practicing.” Zara replied nonchalantly as she grabbed a coke from the refrigerator. “Want one?”

  “Sure. Thanks”

  “I’m going to take a shower and hit the sack. Enjoy!” she instructed before grabbing a few things from her suitcase and walking to the bathroom.

  Cole popped the top on his soda and decided to take a load off. It had been a long day and he had a sneaky suspicion that all hell was about to break loose in Vegas.

  * * * * * *

  Although the next morning had come earlier than Cole would have liked, thanks to Zara, he had slept like a baby in the Sleep Number bed she had conjured up. Since they had a busy day ahead of them, he quickly whipped up a feast fit for a King.

  “Mm. What smells so delicious?” she asked with a yawn.

  “All your favorites: scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, chocolate chip pancakes, orange juice, milk and coffee.” He had quickly learned a long time ago that Zara was a beast until she’s had her first pot of coffee.

  “Ooh! Gimme, gimme,” she said, as he placed the hot, freshly brewed cup of coffee in her eagerly waiting hands.

  “After breakfast, we have a lot to do. Yo
u need to check-in for the Final Nine Competition and pay the ten thousand dollar buy-in. It would also be a good time to size up the competition. I thought we’d spend the day watching some of the other games since your tournament doesn’t officially start until tomorrow. What do you think?”

  “Did you pick out my outfits for the competition as well?” Zara asked in a snippy tone.

  “No, but if you need me to milady, I’d be more than happy to oblige,” Cole shot back. “Who peed in your Cheerios this morning?”

  “No one. I just thought we’d have some fun while we’re here and all you can talk about is the competition.”

  “Because that’s why we’re here. Have you forgotten about all the money you owe Skinny Mo and a few other shady characters might I add.”

  “How could I forget when you remind me of it day-in and day-out?”

  “Look. This is our last chance to get out of this mess, Z. Skinny Mo is not going to be so accommodating this time when you don’t pay up. We need to stay focused on the prize.”

  Cole had to give Zara credit for being able to convince Skinny Mo to put his neck on the line, again. But he knew that if she didn’t pay up this time, there would be hell to pay. He just needed to keep her focused and pray they had a snowball’s chance in hell of winning.

  “Hello, Earth to Cole. Did you hear what I said?”

  “No. Sorry.”

  “Now whose head is not in the game? I asked you to tell me about how the Final Nine rounds work.”

  “In the first round, they will eliminate five players. The last four standing will go on to the second round, which occurs the second day and where they will eliminate two more players. The final round, which takes place on the third day will consist of the last two remaining players and is where the champion will be determined.”

  “That’s doable with your coaching.”

  “I’m not finished. Although each of you are guaranteed one million dollars, even if you’re taken out in the first round, the higher you go, the more money you’ll walk away with and the greater your chances are of winning the eight million dollar grand prize. Right now, you’re in fifth place based on your chip count, so you need to play smart and make sure you progress to the next round.”


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