Magic and Mayhem: Witch 'N Fire (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Magick & Chaos Book 2)

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Magic and Mayhem: Witch 'N Fire (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Magick & Chaos Book 2) Page 5

by Isabel Micheals

  “Too bad. I am,” was her only reply as she laughed harder.

  “Enough. What’s the plan?”

  “Simple. I thought we’d crash a wedding after the bride and groom say ‘I do’.”

  “That’s your big plan?”

  “You got a better one?”

  “No,” Cole said with a heavy sigh.

  * * * * * *

  “It’s now or never Cole, they just said ‘I do’,” Zara whispered.

  “Are you sure about this? There’s a lot of shifters and other magical beings in this church. Things could turn ugly fast and there’s only the two of us.”

  “Would you rather I go in alone?”

  “Hell no. I told you back at The Phone Sword, we’re in this together,” Cole said, holding out his fist as best he could in dragon form. “What’s our motto?”

  “In for penny, in for pound,” Zara said, rolling her eyes.

  “Damn straight. In for a penny, in for a pound. Now let’s make an entrance they’ll never forget.”

  Zara and Cole made their grand entrance just as the bride and groom started to kiss. Instead of clapping for the happy couple, everyone in the room turned and gasp. When her steps faltered a bit, Cole gently nudged her forward until they had reached the front of the church.

  The first thing Zara noticed was the resemblance between her, the bride and the bridesmaid. At a temporary loss for words, which was amazing in and of itself, she finally heard Cole’s voice in her head.

  “Don’t lose your bravado now, sweetheart. Ask for Hildy like Claire instructed us to.”

  Clearing her throat, Zara finally said, “Excuse me, I’m looking for Hildy and was told I might find her here.”

  The gasps in the room grew even louder and sounded like a roller coaster or better yet, the wave at a baseball game.

  Zara quickly turned to face the altar when she heard the beautiful, red head who was the splitting image of the bride and herself say, “Nah! It couldn’t’ be.”

  While there was utter shock and disbelief playing across her face, a face that was oddly identical to hers, there was also a hint of amusement.

  “Damn Fabio, how many times did you and the Spawn of Satan bump uglies that night because that’s some serious seed you’re shooting? Does Babalicious know about those strong swimmers you’re packing? If she didn’t, she does now,” Hildy crooned.

  When Zara turned to see where the loud, sarcastic voice was coming from, she locked eyes with an older gentleman whose thick mane of red hair and green eyes matched hers, right before he promptly passed out.

  “Oh for Goddess’s sake! Someone get a bucket of ice cold water and dump it on him. STAT!”

  So focused on the man lying on the floor, Zoe was shocked when a bucket of ice, cold water suddenly appeared and was doused on his head.

  “What the hell Hildy? I’m going to make you pay for that later on you old hag.”

  “Not in this lifetime or the next, douche knocker. Besides, it’s time to wake your sorry as up and say hello to your daughter. Although I’m not sure why she’s used glamour on herself, especially considering she’s as beautiful as her sisters.”

  “She can see through my disguise, Cole.”

  “I can also hear you chatting up your fire breathing pal over there. Funny, all of the dragons I’ve ever seen have been bigger, but maybe he’s not full grown yet. Don’t worry Cole, everyone knows that size doesn’t matter. Aw hell, who am I kidding? It doesn’t. I know it’s a hard reality for you to accept at such a young age, but it does.”

  “Hildy, shut the hell up,” Fabio said in a seething tone.

  “Don’t yell at me ass wipe. It’s not my fault you couldn’t keep it in your pants. I’m just trying to help the young man out.”

  “Then help him by zipping your trap.”

  Dizzy from the sarcastic comments floating back and forth between these two, Zara felt as though she might pass out. However, at least their bantering had confirmed they were in the right place.

  “Excuse me. Did he say your name was Hildy?”

  “Yes. I’m assuming you’re looking for me because you’re in trouble.”

  Somewhat embarrassed and reluctant to discuss their troubles in front of mixed company, Zara simply nodded in agreement.

  “Don’t be shy, honey. We’re all family here. The two beautiful women standing near their protective mates who look like they want to pounce on your dragon at any given moment are your sisters. If you haven’t figured it out yet, you’re a triplet. Surprise. The jackass who I had to revive is your sperm donor. The redhead standing next to him is his Baba Love, aka The Baba Yaga, who just happens to be the most powerful witch in the world, I’m your Aunt Hildy and ghost, in case you haven’t noticed. Sweetie, you’re looking a little pale. Maybe you should sit down.”

  “Are you okay, Z? Cole asked, concern evident in his voice.

  “I’m not so sure. Maybe I should sit down for a moment. Things are beginning to spin a little,” Zara said right before she passed out.

  Before Cole could react, one of the strangers had swooped Zara up in his arms and was carrying her to an empty bench in the church. He watched with curiosity as the stranger gently laid her down and remained by her side. Unsure of what to do or how to react, Cole decided it was better to just let them be. He was positive his dragon would have known if Zara was in any danger. When she woke up, he’d ask her to reverse the shrinking spell so that he could shift.

  * * * * * *

  The protectiveness Stefano had felt for the sexy, redhead who has suddenly fallen into his life was overwhelming. He wasn’t sure why she was hiding such beauty under that ridiculous disguise, but he’d find out. In fact, he’d find out everything there was to know about the beauty who closely resembled his new sister-in-law.

  When he saw her sway back and forth on those ridiculous heels she was wearing, his only thought was don’t let her fall. However, when she landed in his arms, he felt for the first time in his life that he had found home.

  Looking back at his brother who was smiling like a buffoon, he silently asked through their twin connection, “Is this what you felt like when you found, Zoe?”

  His brother’s nod confirming his suspicions and validating his feelings was overwhelming. He wasn’t sure what the connection between his mate and the dragon was, but he’d find out because there was no one was going to keep them apart. He’d waited a lifetime for his mate and no matter what it took, they’d be together.

  Zara came to and felt as though someone had knocked her in the head with a sledge hammer, as she tried to sit up.

  “Take it easy, little one,” a soft, sensual voice whispered in her ear. She wasn’t sure who had spoken, but whomever it was, smelled like sunshine, rainbows and… home, which was a little unnerving.

  “Do I know you?” Zara asked, as she shook the cobwebs loose.

  “Not yet, but you will,” was his only reply.

  Curious by his response, she said, “Since you saved me from the hardwood floor, you could at least tell me your name.”


  “It’s nice to meet you, Stefano and thanks for being quick on your feet,” Zara replied in a sexy voice Cole knew she only reserved for men that piqued her interest.

  “Oh, hell no. We don’t have time for this, Zara. Did you forget about the bad guys on our ass? Or, the fact that we need to get back to Vegas, claim your one million dollar prize money, pay off Skinny Mo and the rest of the gambling population you owe, and get the hell out of dodge?”

  “I haven’t forgotten why we’re here, Cole. I was just thanking the nice man. Now, be nice or I won’t reverse my shrinking spell.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “Try me.”

  Stefano watched the exchange between Zara and the dragon. He couldn’t help wondering what their relationship entailed. Were they lovers or best friends? Whatever the relationship, he knew their bond was strong and might pose as a source of contention. Either way
, he was in it for the long hall.

  Chapter 8

  “Are you okay?” Zoe asked with a tinge of concern in her voice.

  Mortified the bride was concerned for her well-being, Zara quickly said, “Oh Goddess! I’m so sorry for crashing your special day.”

  “No worries. I have a feeling you and I have a lot more in common than you realize. Why don’t we go somewhere more private and talk?”

  “Um. Okay. I just need to do one thing before we go.”

  Nodding for Cole to follow her outside, Zara reversed the shrinking spell, which allowed him to shift back.

  Guided spirits hear my plea,

  Annul this magic,

  So mote it be.

  When he was fully clothed, they re-entered the church and followed Zoe down a long corridor that led to what looked like the bridal room.

  Although the room was a bit crowded, everyone took a seat and waited in silence… Unable to keep quiet for long, Hildy finally said, “Since its obvious Fabio can’t keep his wiener in his pants, let’s just cut to the chase.”

  “Who’s Fabio?” Zara asked.

  “Some would call him your sperm donor, others would call him a manwhore, Babalicious over there would call him her main squeeze, your two sisters over there would refer to him as Daddy O, as for me, he’s just a royal pain in my ass,” Hildy retorted. “But non-the-less, we’re all just one big, happy, dysfunctional family who happens to wield magic.”

  “Can it, dog breath,” Fabio replied, before quickly apologizing to Zara. “Sorry, but she brings out the worst in me.”

  “No worries. Cole and I have the same love-hate relationship.”

  “Tell me about,” Cole mumbled under his breath, as everyone in the room broke out in laughter.

  “Since Aunt Hildy’s tirade didn’t scare you off, I’m Zelda and the ecstatic bride standing next to the groom is Zoe. What’s your name?”


  “You gotta hand it to those ass-farts on the Council of Witches. They weren’t very original when it came to our names. Who did they intend for us to be, The Charmed Ones?” Zelda said with a smirk.

  “Council of Witches? I don’t understand.”

  “Maybe I can explain,” Fabio said as he knelt in front of Zara. “You and your sisters are destined to be some of the most powerful witches of all time. Even more powerful than my Baba Love.”

  “I told you not to call me that in front of mixed, company,” Baba Yaga said, admonishingly. Unfortunately, Fabio just ignored her.

  “As I was saying, you and your sisters are destined to be some of the most powerful witches of all time. In order to protect you from your power hungry, diabolical mother, or the Spawn of Satan as Hildy so fondly calls her, the Council of Witches with the help of the Fates separated you at birth. Wait! I actually call Hildy the Spawn of Satan, but that’s beside the point.”

  “Wow Fabio! I forgot to tell you those new leotards you were sporting last week are as tight as a tick. How do your family jewels breathe in those? Oh, my bad! That’s a story for another day,” Hildy said with glee in her voice.

  “Good one, snookum,” Chuck said.

  When the room erupted into laughter, again, Zara and Cole were positive they had missed the punch line. But instead of asking, they just watched and waited patiently for someone to explain, which was a miracle in and of itself given how on edge Zara felt.

  “Don’t mind those two, Zara,” the woman in the weird eighties outfit finally said. “If they weren’t taking digs at one another, we’d know that hell had frozen over. It’s just their way of showing love and affection for one another. Finish the story, Fabio.”

  Nodding, Fabio said, “The reason you’ve never exhibited magical powers before two months ago is because they were bound by the Goddess, herself, when you were born. When Hildy released Zoe’s powers, yours were released as well. It’s an unintentional consequence that we hadn’t considered at the time.”

  “I think I understand what you’re saying, but I’m still confused. Why were our powers suddenly unbound after all of these years?”

  “A couple of months ago, Aunt Viola and I were attacked by a warlock named Alaric and several hyenas. Not only had he stolen her powers, but was also determined to take mine and then kill us. Aunt Hildy and Uncle Chuck, who I originally assumed were the Angels of Death, showed up and intervened. I never knew I was a witch until she let the cat out of the bag so to speak and chanted a spell to release my powers,” Zoe chimed in.

  “So, what you’re telling me is that we were born witches,” Zara replied more as a matter of fact than a question.

  “Exactly,” everyone in the room said with a sigh of relief.

  “Well, that explains a lot. However, it doesn’t explain Cole’s situation. Was he born a dragon?”

  “Yes. He’s also immortal, immune to shifters, as well as vampires, and he’s your familiar.”

  “What the hell, Baba Yo Mama? How is it that I get three ill-mannered, hygiene challenged cats who not only like to lick their nads all day long, but also eat me out of house and home, while she gets a freaking immortal dragon?” Zelda yelled.

  When everyone turned and stared at her in total silence, she said, “Hey, I’m pregnant, hormonal and hungry. Anyone gotta a problem with that?” she asked, as a deadly look crossed her face.

  “No, we’re all good here,” everyone quickly said, as they avoided eye contact. Well, everyone except Mac, but he was sleeping with her and the cause of her current situation.

  “Okay, I’ll bite. What are familiars?” Zara asked, figuring she didn’t have anything to lose. She’d just make sure to stay out of her sister’s line of fire. And everyone thinks I have a temper, she quickly thought as Cole snorted.

  “Something wrong?” Zoe asked, directing her question to Cole.

  “No. It just became abundantly clear where Z’s temperament comes from, one might say.”

  “One might also be singing soprano in about two minutes,” Zara countered in an overly sweet voice that fooled no one.

  Stefano couldn’t help but admire the fire in his woman’s eyes. The more he learned about her, the more he quickly transitioned from smitten to admiration to head-over-heels in love. Damn, she was going to be a handful and he was up for the challenge in more ways than one.

  “Let’s get back on track, shall we,” Zoe said. “Familiars are guardians who watch over you, even though I have yet to receive mine. Hint. Hint. Baba Yaga. From the way it was explained to me, they’re normally always cats; which is the reason mommy dearest over there is in a tizzy.”

  “This may be your wedding day, but I’m not above or beyond breaking out the wire hangers, little sister so watch yourself,” Zelda replied right before biting into pickle that had been dipped in dark melted chocolate.

  “Just ignore her. She won’t return to the land of the living for at least an hour now that she has food,” Zoe said, dismissively. “Now where was I?”

  “You were about to finish telling Zara about familiars,” the groom said, as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. Zara had to do a double take because he looked an awful lot like Stefano. While the hunk with the sensual voice that made her body hum had a bulkier frame, pale wintry blue eyes and lips made for sin, the groom had a slimmer build with vivid green eyes that sparkled like emeralds. It took Zara a few moments to look away and realize that Zoe had been trying to grab her attention.

  “Sorry,” she muttered, as her cheeks flushed red.

  “There’s no reason to apologize. He had the same effect on me when we officially met in human form. This is my husband, Nicolai, and that handsome devil over there is his fraternal twin Stefano, who you’ve already met.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Nicolai. Once again, we’re sorry for crashing your wedding.”

  “Not to get off the subject, but how did you find us? More importantly, why are you here, exactly?” Zoe inquired.

  “Hmm. Where do I start?”
r />   “In my experience over the years, the beginning has always been preferable,” Baba Yaga said in a soothing, encouraging voice.

  Sucking in a deep breath, then slowly letting it out, Zara finally said, “It all started at the World Series of Poker Championship where I had made to the Final Nine.”

  Fabio squealed with joy as he wrapped Zara in his arms. “I can’t believe one of my babies is sitting at the Final Nine table. You’re such an ole’ chip off the block. I’m so proud to be your father.”

  “Oh-kay!” Zara mumbled hesitantly, not sure what in the hell had just happened.

  “Oh for Goddess’s sake, Fabio! Let the poor girl go. You’re going to give her a complex, you douche knocker. We get it. You both love to gamble. However, she seems to be much better at it than you, even when you cheat.”

  Zara and Cole quickly looked at one another as if a light bulb had been turned on. Now, they knew where Zara had inherited her penchant for gambling.

  “Put a sock in it, Hildy,” Fabio groused. “Go ahead honey, finish telling us your story.”

  “Oh-kay! Well, the night before the tournament was to begin, Cole and I received a special invitation to play in a private game. Although Cole was skeptical, we decided to participate. The initial plan was for me to win a few rounds and then call it a night. However, when Rolo accused me of cheating, I might have lost my temper and accidentally blew out the back wall the Bellagio.”

  “Holy hell, you are a chip off the old block,” Zelda replied as she bit into a piece of fried chicken.

  Where the hell is she getting all the food? Zara thought before she continued with her story. “Once I blew out the wall, all hell broke loose. Cole was hit by a couple of magenta looking fireballs, which triggered something in his body because a few minutes later, he had shifted into a dragon. The bad guys, who Cole insists were hyenas, ran like their asses were on fire. When we exited the building, the Po-Po were waiting for us, which created a few more problems as we made our escape.”

  “What do you mean created a few more problems?” Baba Yaga asked in a tone that had Zara quickly telling the rest of her story.


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