Bad Beta

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Bad Beta Page 8

by Susan Bliler

  Jaxon looked a little reluctant to talk.

  “Hey!” she snapped. “Bay told me the truth.” She didn’t want to get the shifter in trouble, but she was done being left in the dark. “They’re here for you and I’m just a casualty of war. You owe me the truth.”

  Looking repentant, Jaxon nodded. “There are laws that govern shifters. Wolf shifters anyway. We are only permitted to change our mates.”

  She let that sink in. “So if I was dating one of you, I could get bitten.”

  “No,” his head gave a sharp jerk of denial. “Dating isn’t the same thing as mating. Mating is forever, it’s marriage and so much more. There is no divorce for wolves, only death, and even then if one dies, the mate usually follows shortly after from heartache.”

  That had her swallowing hard. She knew all about the loss of a mate and the marrow deep pain that accompanied such devastation. “How do you find your mates?”

  He shrugged, “Same as humans do, date, test compatibility. Some wolves are stricken…”

  “Stricken? What’s that?”

  “It only happens when a wolf meets his gifted mate, the mate that is destined to be his…or hers. It’s extremely rare, which is why many wolves settle for mates they are compatible with.”

  “How…how does he know?”

  At that Jaxon grinned. “It’s extremely painful. The wolf, upon locking eyes with his true mate will seize. It’ll feel like his guts are being twisted inside him, but there’s this visceral need to take her, protect her, claim her. It is undeniable.” He shook his head, “Correction, it should be undeniable. I’ve seen wolves try to fight it.” He clucked his tongue behind his teeth, “Tsk. They all fail in the end.”

  “Why?” Emma asked. “If she’s your one, why fight it?”

  Jaxon’s grin vanished. “Some wolves aren’t ready for their mates. Some don’t like the idea of being tied to someone so fully.” His eyes took on a far off look. “And some are trying to protect her. Say if you were an Alpha, it’d be dangerous to have a mate. It’d put a target on her because as Alpha there is always a target on you. Sometimes to save her, you have to fight your own selfishness and keep her at arms distance, always admiring, always wanting, but never claiming.”

  Emma’s lips had parted. She was watching Jaxon curiously when she finally asked, “Does she know?”

  Jaxon jerked from his reverie. “Hm, what? Who?”

  “Udara,” Emma pressed. “Does she know she’s yours?”

  His eyes dropped then he lifted his chin. “Pretty sure. Wolf females are stricken too, just not as severely as the males. Omega’s are different though, they feel things. They sense emotions. I met with each pack member in private when they first came to me seeking a place. As soon as she walked in and looked at me it felt like I’d been kicked in the balls. She was so fucking…”

  Emma grinned. “Beautiful.”

  Jaxon mirrored her smile. “I was going to say perfect, but yeah, beautiful too.”

  “And you’re staying away from her to keep a target from being placed on her?”

  He just stared at her.

  “Have you asked her what it is she wants?”

  That had his lips pursing in clear displeasure at the route the conversation had taken.

  “Just saying. Maybe you should let her decide whether she wants to have you and be a target or not have you and you both be miserable. We’re only here for a short while, Jaxon. Don’t waste your one chance at happiness because of fear. Someone very dear to me is out there in the ground. If I hadn’t gone after him, if we would have waited and I’d have lost those years. I’d hate myself for it. Our time was so short together as it was. Don’t end up hating yourself because you’re afraid. You don’t strike me as a coward. Go live, Alpha Voshall.”

  His expression softened and his lips tweaked in a slight grin. “Well spoken, Emma. Well spoken. Now, let’s talk about you and how we’re going to get these fucking vamps off your back.”

  “Well,” she sighed, “I’m obviously no one’s gifted mate, so…”

  “Maybe you date one of my guys and see how it works out.”

  Her mind instantly focused on Hayes, but she shoved that idea back. “So, what? My options are Vance, who is basically a kid. Hayes,” her heart gave a little start at the mere mention of his name. “Who hates humans, or Aden, who I’ve spent zero time with and have exchanged zero words with.”

  “We can change that.” Jaxon looked at the door. “Pack’s back.” He stood and strode with absolute confidence to the door. “I’ll take care of getting you and Aden some time together, but don’t get too focused on being changed, Emma. There are other paths. If we can take care of these vamps, then there’ll be no need for such drastic measures.” His brows lowered, “Being a wolf isn’t all magic and power. It’s difficult and confusing. You’ll miss your humanity once it’s gone. Don’t go borrowing trouble. I’ll have Aden stay, but he’s a last resort. Know that now.”

  He was out the door before Emma could decide if attempting to date Aden was even something she would consider. Granted he was smoking hot and built like a Greek god, they all were, but where Hayes was dark and brooding with his ever present facial scruff, Aden was more of a pretty boy. His soft brown hair was always perfectly styled, he shaved his jaw every day, and he bore none of the tattoos that Hayes was so fond of. Still, she didn’t have much choice. It was obvious now that Edric and his “friends” were never going to stop going after her and it was a distraction for Jaxon and his pack, who they all felt were the true targets. Funny though, something about dating Aden felt like a betrayal not just to Dean, but to Hayes too and she couldn’t place why. Clearly he wasn’t interested in her, but she just couldn’t shake the damn feeling.

  Chapter 16

  Emma eyed the door for the umpteenth time and fidgeted nervously when Aden soothed, “It’s alright, beautiful. I got you.”

  Clearly he thought she was worried about the vamps coming for her. Truth was, she was wondering where Hayes was and if he was coming back.

  “I can’t get attached to you. I don’t want this…don’t want you.” His words kept playing over and over in her head and she struggled to keep her mind on the game of poker she was currently playing with Aden.

  He grinned when he fed himself two cards from the deck after discarding two and she couldn’t help but wonder if he knew he had a shitty poker face. Eyes going back to the darkened window she turned to glance over her shoulder at the clock on the wall. It was late.

  Tossing her cards onto the deck she stood and stretched. “Think I’m gonna call it a night.”

  “Aww,” Aden pouted. “I had a good hand.”

  She wanted to tell him that she knew by the grin on his face, but didn’t. It felt odd having Aden in her home. She had no connection with him, and while he was nice enough, it felt like having unwanted company. “Goodnight.”

  “Hey!” he called, standing quickly. “Do you…want company?”

  Oh good Christ! She shook her head and lifted a hand. “No. Thank you. I’m just…,” she jerked a thumb over her shoulder. “Okay. Good night. Again.” Then she was hurrying to her room, agitated by the sound of Aden’s laughter as it followed her. He didn’t actually think that he was unnerving her, did he? If anything, he was more of a nuisance than anything. After she’d prepared dinner—which he hadn’t offered to help with the way Hayes would have—he let her wash all the dishes while he sat at the table and drummed his fingers on the surface ogling her ass like some perv.

  This whole spending time with Aden to see if they could form a connection was an epic failure and she didn’t need more time to know that they’d never work. There was no spark or real genuine interest on her part. She just didn’t feel about Aden the way she felt about… Oh! He hates humans, she reminded herself blandly before making quick work of readying for bed.


  The next morning, after preparing breakfast for herself and Aden and doing the dishes, she knew she cou
ldn’t spend another second in the house. Desperately needing a distraction from the day and from the pervy wolf who was constantly waggling his brows at her and staring at her ass, Emma tossed Aden her keys and told him he was taking her to town. Normally, she didn’t let people drive her truck, but she knew if she didn’t give Aden the distraction of the duty, then he’d stare at her all the way to town. Hadn’t anyone ever told him women didn’t like being scrutinized like that? It was bothersome and not the least bit romantic.

  Once they hit the town, Aden asked, “Where to?”

  Hmm, and that was a problem. She only ever came to town for two things. To eat, which they’d just done, or for groceries, which she didn’t need because Hayes had loaded her up a few days earlier.

  Eyeing the town as Aden drove slowly, she pointed to the lone bar. “There.” And even as she said it she knew it was a bad idea. Today was not a day where she wanted to lose her wits, but Aden was bugging the shit out of her and they needed something to do for the next several hours.

  Aden grinned like he was going to get lucky as he put her truck in park. When he exited the truck, he didn’t race around to her door like Hayes did, so she let herself out and stalked into the bar with Aden on her heels.

  The plan was to order a beer and nurse it slowly while watching whatever dumb sport was showing on the TV and to do her best to ignore Aden.

  “Cooper!” Aden grinned at the bartender as they entered.

  “Aden, how’s it going?”

  The bar was dark and it took Emma’s eyes a minute to adjust to the lighting. When they finally did, Aden had already claimed a seat at the bar and had left her standing by the door all alone. Dick!

  “What do you want?” he asked when she took a seat beside him.


  “Two beers, please.”

  Cooper smiled, “Hey, Emma.”

  “Hi, Coop.”

  “How’s your day,” he asked with genuine concern. “I know it’s a hard one.”

  “I’m fine,” she hurriedly whispered.

  “What?” Aden had heard. “Why’s today a bad day?”

  She didn’t answer and so he looked at Cooper expectantly. To his credit, Coop shoved off the bar and paced down it to fill two mugs with draft beer before sliding them down the bar. Emma snatched hers up and took a healthy swallow before reminding herself to drink slowly. This day is going to last forever!

  Four beers later and Aden hadn’t stopped talking, and the conversation had been mesmerizing, his favorite color, favorite food, favorite show, favorite leaf in the forest, bleh! Emma was drinking in earnest now with the hopes of drowning out the drone of Aden’s voice.

  “Hey!” Aden exclaimed as if he’d just had the best idea ever. “Shots! We should do shots.”

  “I don’t’ do…”

  “Cooper, two shots for me and the pretty lady.”

  She wanted to scream at him that she didn’t do shots, but opted to take another healthy swig of her beer to keep the words down. She ignored the shot Cooper placed in front of her and gave Aden a dirty look out of the corner of her eyes. She was not drinking any shots no matter what he said. Swallowing her beer, she nearly choked when a large hand clapped Aden on the back and had beer pouring down the front of his shirt.

  “Hey, what the fuck!” Aden turned, but the fire left his eyes as they landed on the behemoth behind him. “Hey Ross. What’s up, man? Don’t’ sneak up on me like that.”

  “Who’s this,” Ross jerked his chin toward Emma.

  “Emma, this is Ross. Ross, Emma.” Aden’s eyes were on his shirt though as he swiped at it with a fist full of napkins.

  Emma offered a slight smile over her shoulder. “Nice to meet you.”

  Ross ignored her though, his eyes narrowing on Aden. “Hayes know you’re out with his woman?”

  Oh, good fucking Christ ! Emma grabbed the shot in front of her and tossed it back, wincing at the burn before she slammed the shot glass on the bar top and lifted a finger staring straight ahead. “I’m not his woman.”

  Cooper refilled Emma’s shot glass with a big smile as if he was enjoying the exchange.

  “She’s not his woman,” Aden offered angrily as if she hadn’t even spoken.

  “Does Hayes know that?” Cooper countered.

  “He doesn’t like me,” Emma spoke louder. Maybe they just couldn’t hear her over the juke box.

  “You do know that he likes her,” Ross continued. “Right?”

  Emma rolled her eyes and slammed the second shot.

  “Tough shit.” Aden sounded really pissed now. “She chose me.”

  Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! “Didn’t choose anyone,” Emma shook her head and had to flatten her palms on the bar top as the room wobbled slightly.

  “I’m just trying to do you a favor, Aden.” Ross pointed a finger at her face and she drunkenly slapped at it. “She’s gonna get your face pounded in.”

  “I’m gonna pound your face in,” Emma slurred cocking her head from side to side with each word and finally earning herself a direct look from the giant Ross guy. She quickly shook her head and pinched her eyes nearly closed, shrugging her shoulders nearly to her ears. “I’m not really.”

  Ross rolled his eyes. “Take her home, Aden. She’s drunk!”

  “Don’t tell me what to do, man!”

  Aden was shoving back from the bar and Emma leaned forward to whisper yell at Cooper. “We’ll take a bottle of Montana Mud for the road.”

  Cooper hurried to wrap the bottle and took it out of the bills laid in front of Aden. Emma fisted the change and shoved it into Aden’s chest. “Come on, we’re going home.”

  “See,” Aden lifted his chin at Ross, but let Emma shove him toward the door. “We’re going home together. Tell Hayes that.”

  “Don’t tell Hayes that,” Emma countered. “You’re taking me home and then going back to your compound.”

  “Sure,” Aden snorted, still looking at Ross. “I’m taking her home then leaving.”

  He winked at Ross as if it was code for something and Emma punched him in the chest then stepped around him. “Come on, idiot, before you get creamed.”

  As Emma stepped out the door she heard Aden say, “Yeah. Creamed. If you know what she means.”

  What. A. Fucking. Douche!

  Chapter 17

  Hayes tried to focus on the map Jaxon was pointing at as they both leaned over the Alpha’s desk. He heard Jaxon say the words “flank” and “attack”, but his mind wasn’t on battling vampires. No, he was currently fighting his wolf, who was lunging and snapping at him to get his ass back to Emma’s cabin and get that fucking womanizer, Aden, as far away from her as they could.

  “You listening,” Jaxon barked.

  “Hey!” Aden’s voice had them both turning.

  Hayes instantly dropped his arms to his sides, ignoring his wolf’s sudden glee at the prospect of seeing Emma. He eyed Aden in confusion, looked over his shoulder, and when he found no Emma he snarled, “What the fuck are you doing here? Where’s Emma.”

  “Home,” Aden breathed out on a huff as he plowed a hand through his hair. “We’ve got a problem.”

  That had both Jaxon and Hayes tensing. “Vamps?” They both asked in unison.

  “No,” Aden was shaking his head. “Something else.”

  “You left her alone,” Hayes accused on a snarl.

  Growling in impatience, Jaxon demanded, “What the fuck is going on, Aden?”

  “I took Emma to town. We went for a drink at the bar and she bought a bottle of whiskey for us to bring back with us.”

  The more he talked the more Hayes’ wolf began to snarl.

  “I could tell she was buzzing…well probably drunk and…”

  “And what?” Hayes growled taking a threatening step toward the enforcer.

  “Whoa, man! Nothing happened between us. I mean nothing good. She asked me to leave! I couldn’t talk her into letting me stay so I’ve been sitting out in the woods in front of h
er cabin keeping an eye on her.”

  “And,” Jaxon prodded, “what’s the problem?”

  “She’s playing this sad song over and over. I mean it’s fucking blaring, and I’m worried about what she’s doing in there.”

  “Christ,” Jaxon breathed and he sounded relieved. “Aden go back over there and…”

  “NO!” Hayes cut in. He hadn’t taken his eyes from where they had Aden pinned in place. “I’ll go!”

  “I think I can handle it,” Aden argued but Hayes was already brushing past him.

  Shouldering Aden hard as he passed, Hayes growled, “If you could handle it, boy, you’d be there now and not here.”


  After shifting outside his compound and sprinting to Emma’s cabin, Hayes stood in human form on her porch. Aden had been right. The music was blaring, too loud for her to hear his knock, but he rapped his knuckles on the wooden door anyway. When there was no answer, he tried the knob, but it was locked. Leaning forward, he strained to hear any noise from inside, but even when the song ended it immediately began playing again, there was no other sound.

  Hayes gripped the door knob and turned. When he felt resistance, he just kept right on twisting until he felt the snap of metal as the lock broke. The door pushed open easily.

  Inside the cabin was dark except for one tall candle on the dining table that cast the room into dancing shadows. The room reeked of whiskey and sorrow and had his wolf whining. He didn’t like either of the scents on Emma. His wolf’s eyes scanned the room and there she was in the corner near the stereo. One hand braced on the wall, a drink in the other, she swayed to the beat with her head hung low.


  She didn’t hear him so he advanced slowly. He knew the song that was playing. It was Keith Urban’s Blue Ain’t Your Color. When he got near enough, he reached out and brushed his fingertips against Emma’s elbow. She didn’t startle as he expected. Instead, she turned her head to the side a little too slowly. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were bloodshot. Emma was drunk and if he hadn’t scented it, her too slow blink would have given her away.


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