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The Money Talks (Adult BWWM Billionaire Romance Book 1)

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by Cherry Kay

  “Um, well—I guess you lucked out then,” Ari replied lamely. She closed her eyes in brief embarrassment and unlocked her Hyundai Genesis—she finally found it. Mark chuckled; the delicious sound sent another shiver down her back.

  “I did indeed. So where are we going tonight? I’m looking forward to my thank you meal.” A giggle escaped her throat and Mark paused. Great, she must have sounded like some freaking groupie.

  “How about this really great restaurant called Sheila’s? It’s near the lounge actually, but it’s down to earth and Sheila makes really good food, everything is infused with Caribbean and Hispanic flavors.” Ari realized she was rambling about Sheila’s like she was pitching him a deal and stopped herself short.

  “Well, that sounds great. So does down to earth mean I don’t have to wear a suit?” Ari laughed naturally this time and promised him that shorts and a t-shirt were okay. Especially in this Florida summer heat.

  “I think this is quickly becoming one of my favorite dinner outings already. So I’ll see you at Sheila’s at nine,” Mark promised and Ari let him know that she was looking forward to it before ending the call.

  She made it to the restaurant to meet up with her sister without getting into an accident, which was really saying something because she couldn’t stop herself from being wrapped up in thoughts of Mark.

  “Hey sis, you look good as always.” Lisa greeted Ari with a hug and kiss and Ari rolled her eyes. Lisa was the one with the body of a model and a face to go with it. Matter of fact, she was a model all throughout college until she graduated grad school. Needless to say, she paid off all her student debt. Lisa had their mother’s green eyes and long hair, but Ari had their dad’s pretty features. Long eyelashes, pouty lips, and those always seemingly perfect eyebrows.

  “Get out of here, you’re the gorgeous one. So how are you, what’s going on in your life?” Ari asked as they were seated at a table.

  “Girl, you know, the same old same old. Sometimes I tell myself that I’m done counseling these couples who cheat on each other and ruin their family lives, but then that one couple always comes around and proves their love for each other; it’s what keeps me going.”

  “I’m glad something does, because I don’t know how you could possibly sit and listen to people’s problems all the time,” Ari told her truthfully. She had next to no attention span, so she definitely could not be a therapist. Lisa went on to tell Ari about this month’s fairy tale couple and Ari had a hard time believing anything Lisa was saying to be real.

  “So he left her for three months without any sort of word and she just took him back? Just like that?” Ari asked incredulously and Lisa nodded while taking a sip of her daiquiri.

  “Yes, she loved him so much and he realized that he was a stupid idiot and couldn’t live without her, they reconciled just like that. They needed each other.”

  Ari shook her head in disbelief. “Isn’t that unhealthy though?”

  Lisa shook her head. “No, love isn’t really logical or ‘healthy’ in and of itself. Really, the only healthy balance for being in love is if feelings are mutual. They both love each other the same and were able to heal and move on.”

  “Wow… Just wow.”

  Lisa nodded sagely and Ari took a sip of her strawberry lemonade. Well, maybe the fairy tale stuff did exist occasionally, seeing as Lisa observed it at least monthly.

  “So… speaking of love. I heard that a certain Mr. Robinson was at me last night.” Lisa took a sip of her drink innocently pretending as if she hadn’t spoken to Brooklyn and knew everything he did, including his wild imaginings.

  “Really? I had no idea,” Ari said just as innocently and Lisa rolled her eyes at Ari, dropped the act and demanded that Ari tell her everything. “It was just a chat really. He’s in town and just decided to check out the lounge, he is an investor you know.”

  “Yes, a silent investor. Especially given how you got his investment in the first place, isn’t it strange that he did show up?”

  Ari shrugged and took a bite of her sweet plantains. “A guy can decide he wants to check out a jazz lounge, and if he happened to remember he invested in one, it’s more likely that he’d check out that particular one,” Ari justified and Lisa rolled her eyes at Ari again.

  “Yeah, okay sure, if you see him again let us know. Especially Mom, she’ll start planning your wedding right away.” Lisa gave Ari a knowing smile and they both started laughing.

  “You know what I think? Mom just likes to plan weddings, you know she’s planning on you renewing your vows with Keith?” Lisa laughed again and Ari looked at her, completely serious. “She still has her wedding binder named ‘Lisa’ and everything, I’m serious.” Ari chuckled at Lisa’s expression as it sobered quickly.

  “Oh my goodness, she does not.”

  Ari nodded. “I’m just going to pretend I don’t know so she doesn’t say anything. I can’t deal with her when she’s in wedding fever.”

  Lisa and Ari finished their lunch and decided to go get their nails done afterward. Ari had time since she didn’t usually go into the lounge during the week. That was when it mostly served as a jazz café and happy hour spot. No craziness of the weekend crowd.

  “So, we’ll see you for dinner tomorrow? Mom doesn’t want to bother you while you ‘take care of your new business,’ but she complains to us all the time how you don’t call her or visit anymore,” Lisa said as they left the nail salon.

  “I promise, but if for some reason I don’t, I’ll make sure to give Mom a call.”

  Lisa stared Ari down and she promised Lisa again before she gave Lisa a hug and kiss goodbye, they went their separate ways and Ari headed home to figure out what the hell to wear to dinner that night. It was only three o’clock then so she had plenty of time to try and decide. Anyway, if Ari told him to wear shorts and a t-shirt she should dress casually too, right? Like jeans and a cute top. So she’d wear her high-waisted jeans; they made anyone’s butt look good, and this cute green blouse she bought at Guess, it’ll accent her eyes… Wait, why was she even bothering with jeans that make her butt look good and a blouse that matched her eyes?

  Ari sighed and shut her closet doors. She needed to stop overthinking this or she would show up to dinner all wound up. Ari would just focus on relaxing and being herself for the next few hours.

  The time flew by quicker than Ari imagined and she found herself pulling into the parking lot at Sheila’s sooner than she was ready. She hadn’t quite prepared herself mentally for this yet. Ari took several deep breaths and got out of her car.

  “There you are. Soon I was going to start crying at the thought of you standing me up.”

  Ari smiled at the sound of his voice. He walked up behind her and slipped his hand around her waist; again he was being so familiar. He kissed her temple as if it was the most natural thing to do and then gestured toward Sheila’s.

  “Shall we?”

  Ari nodded and he led her inside. He was indeed wearing a white t-shirt with a small Armani logo over his right pectoral. Accompanied by the same designer’s jeans no less, he looked like a walking ad for Armani. Everything was just right on him, form-fitting enough to where it showed off his muscle and true size. His hair was combed back in a sexy undercut and he was actually sporting some stubble on his jaw, which made him look all the more delicious.

  “You weren’t kidding when you said this place is down to earth. We even go and pick up our own orders here?” Mark asked when they stepped inside. Ari couldn’t help but laugh at his curious expression.

  “Yeah, we order at the window, go find a seat, and then wait for our number to be called to pick up our food.” It was Ari’s turn to lead him toward the line, it was long enough that he had enough time to figure out what he wanted to order, but not too long so that they were waiting a lifetime just to place their orders.

  “So what do you get when you come here?” Mark asked Ari while he looked up at the menu.

  “Well, I usually try som
ething new every time I come. Everything is fantastic by the way, I know because I’ve successfully tried the entire menu. I really liked the seafood tacos though; it’s a close first with the Mofongo here.” Mark looked down at Ari, a smirk on his face.

  “So you decided to take me to your favorite place to eat?”

  Ari shrugged, not having thought of it that way. “I think I’ll try the seafood tacos then.”

  “Good choice, you’ll really enjoy them.”

  Once they reached the register to place their orders, Mark ended up insisting that he pay for both their meals. She had to give in so she didn’t hold up the line. They found a table in the corner of the restaurant, relatively private from the other tables.

  “So I intended this to be a thank you dinner. I was supposed to pay.”

  Mark chuckled as if Ari had the faintest chance of that. “Now you can thank me twice, once for last night and again for dinner.” Mark waggled his eyebrows and Ari laughed, not expecting him to be so… silly or laid back, she supposed. “Why’re you looking at me like I’m some sort of alien specimen?” Ari smiled, a little embarrassed to be caught staring.

  “I guess I just didn’t expect you to act so…” Mark quirked his eyebrow at her and she bit her lip, at a loss of what to say.

  “Act so my age maybe?”

  Ari laughed; yeah, she guessed that summed it up.

  “I’m not like the old rich guys who reach this level of success by the time they’re around fifty. Hell, I’m young and I act like it.” Mark flashed her a mischievous grin and she almost snorted. That would explain his playboy status.

  “That’s a good thing in some cases, ‘act young while you’re young and you’ll live longer,’ my dad always said. He also said to know when to be mature.” Ari didn’t know why she brought up her dad, but Mark smiled good-naturedly.

  “Your dad is a wise man. Especially to have raised such a beautiful, strong, and successful woman.” Mark’s gaze was sincere and he kept his golden eyes on hers while he took a swig of his beer. Ari took a sip of water to try and cool down her insides. She didn’t know how he was doing it, but just being around him was making her all tingly.

  “You haven’t touched your food,” Ari commented and Mark put his beer down then sat up to gesture to her plate.

  “You haven’t touched yours either… How about we take these to go and have a walk on the beach?” Mark suggested.

  Honestly, Ari was glad he was giving her an option that wouldn’t require her eating. She didn’t think she could eat while around him, but now he wanted to go for a walk on the beach? At night?

  “I guess that’s a nice idea.”

  Mark chuckled and he told her to wait while he went to get two take out containers. “So Clarissa, do you know any private stretches of the beach up here?”

  “You know you can call me Ari, it’s what I usually go by… and I do know of a spot.” Ari wondered briefly why he wanted a private spot on the beach, maybe he was wary of paparazzi. Yeah, that made more sense then what the other part of Ari’s brain was coming up with, that he maybe wanted to be alone with her.

  “Ari. I like it.” Mark tested out her nickname and she collected herself. Just because he said it all sexy sounding and husky didn’t mean anything. His voice was naturally deep and smoky—it added to his allure. Which really was overkill after you got past his height, build, and face in general. “So, would it be okay if I ride with you? I think my driver will appreciate the night off.”

  “Yeah, no problem, we’ll just take my car,” Ari said and they stood up to leave.

  “Oh my goodness, you’re Mark Robinson,” some breathy female voice gushed and Ari glanced over her shoulder. Some blonde chick had stopped Mark and had her hands all over his arm, leaning into him with the flirty eyes and all. Ari rolled her eyes, ridiculous. It was obvious the girl was trying too hard.

  “Hi, nice to meet you,” he said absently while he brushed her off, or at least attempted to. She didn’t get the hint or the disinterest in his demeanor.

  “Nice to meet you too! I’m Brittany.”

  Ari sighed audibly and Mark’s eyes slid over to her, a delicious little smirk played on his lips. Brittany heard the sigh too and instantly her eyes shot daggers into Ari.

  “It’s been nice Brittany, but you’re doing this all wrong, and obviously I’m with a date.” Mark extracted himself from her grip and he pulled Ari against his side, his hand on her waist and setting butterflies off in her stomach.

  Brittany flipped her hair defiantly and gave Ari a nasty look. “She isn’t even your type, I’ve seen the gossip about you.” As if that would justify her or make her anymore appealing in Mark’s eyes. Mark turned around and ushered Ari outside to her car. They got in and as Ari started up the engine she couldn’t help but laugh at the situation.

  “See what happens when you make your type known to the public?”

  Mark gave her a surprised glance, as if he didn’t expect her to say that at all, then he burst into laughter. “Yeah, you’re right, that happens more often than I’d like,” he said humorously. Ari giggled as Mark laughed while he shook his head at himself. “You’re different from what I’m used to dating.”

  Ari glanced at him with an eyebrow raised. “Since when were you dating me? I thought this was supposed to be a thank you dinner.”

  Mark laughed again and Ari smiled. Glad she was so funny, but really she was just being herself. “Okay, how about I let you off the hook for your thank-yous and you agree to make this a date? Humor me.” He turned. What should have been a request into more of a polite demand and Ari glanced over at him and found his golden eyes keen on hers. He was serious.

  “Sure, why not? It’s a date then,” Ari agreed and then paid attention to the road as the turn off for the private, residential area of the beach was coming up soon.


  She had agreed that it was a date. So now he could kiss her goodnight and hope it lead to other things. Ari had successfully gotten under his skin and Mark had to have her in any and every possible way that he could… while he could.

  “So is this private enough for you?” Ari asked as she parked in a small lot that lead directly to the sand and the ocean. On either side of the lot were beachfront properties and Mark wondered if Ari lived in one of them or just heard of this beach from someone who does live there.

  “Yeah, it’s perfect.”

  The water was dark and the beach was perfectly separated from the hustle and bustle of tourists and the boardwalk. Ari didn’t wait for Mark to open her car door; instead she got out when he did. After they took off their shoes to walk in the sand, Mark smiled, pleased with himself when he took her hand and she didn’t pull away from him.

  After a moment of comfortable silence while they walked in the cool sand under the crescent moon, Ari broke the silence. “Why are you holding my hand?”

  Mark had to laugh again. She amazed him; she was so real and open. “Because I like you Ari, and we’re on a date while having a moonlit stroll on the beach. Holding hands goes without saying.”

  Ari digested this, her lip found its way between her teeth once more. “I just… find it hard to believe that you like me… enough to have a moonlit stroll and hold my hand,” Ari said truthfully.

  Mark stopped and pulled her to a halt as well. He pushed her hair back behind her ear and caressed her cheek and then leaned in to kiss her. She stiffened for a moment and then relaxed, finally kissing him back. Her plump lips moved against his hypnotically and soon Mark was pulling her firmly against him while he swiped his tongue against her bottom lip. Ari gasped and he used the opportunity to slide his tongue against hers, tasting her mouth and caressing her tongue in heated strokes. Mark’s craving for her roared with new strength and he wanted nothing more than to have her naked underneath him.

  He forced himself to pull back a little and he broke the kiss reluctantly. Mark’s throbbing cock begged for attention it only wanted from Ari.

till hard to believe?” Mark asked her and she shook her head while trying to blink herself out of the daze Mark had caused. He knew she wanted him just as much as he wanted her in that moment. Maybe they should speed their walk along and head to Mark’s hotel.

  “Believing isn’t so difficult when you’re so… hard,” she said quietly and lifted an eyebrow at Mark, mirth in her eyes. Mark laughed out loud at her corny joke and she giggled too, causing his cock to punch at his jeans. Soon this would get painful for Mark and they might end up in jail for public indecency.

  “Honey, I’ve wanted you since New York, it’s just gotten bad since you’re so close,” he whispered in her ear and kissed her neck, causing her to shiver and press her warm, supple little body into his. Mark marveled at how she fitted so well with him.

  “So… what are you going to do about this now?” she almost challenged him, and the fact that her tone is almost a challenge got his blood raging through his veins. Mark needed inside her smart little mouth and tight little body immediately.

  “Oh, Clarissa, you shouldn’t have asked,” he answered huskily.

  Mark nipped at her neck and she gasped, clinging closer to him. His hands moved down her hourglass figure to cup her ass that looked so ridiculously good in those jeans she was wearing. Mark squeezed the soft jean-clad flesh and she moaned as his mouth covered hers once more, his tongue seeking and tasting, wanting to taste her in more intimate places. Soon Ari’s breathing became erratic as he kissed and sucked on her neck and collar while his hands roamed everywhere from her ass to squeezing her breasts and caressing everything in between.

  “W—we need to go, Mark… We need to go.” She gasped and he picked her up and carried her back to the car. Mark took the keys from her and put her into the back seat, he climbed in on top of her and shut the door behind them.

  “I can’t wait. I need to taste you now.” She looked at him with wide eyes and Mark was thankful she had so much room in the luxury sedan.


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