An Alien's Guide to the Human Species

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An Alien's Guide to the Human Species Page 21

by Deb McEwan

  Jack yawned and closed his eyes. ‘Thanks, Daddy.’ They all kissed Jack gently and said their goodbyes to him and Caroline. Donna held Jemima’s hand as they made their way back to their cars and Phil pulled his Dad aside.

  ‘I’m really sorry about my reaction earlier, what I said was unfair and I didn’t mean it. You and Mam were great with me and Sam and we both love you for it.’

  Trevor looked down. He was old school and not a big fan of men discussing their feelings with each other.

  ‘OK, son. I can see you were upset. We’ll say no more about it.’

  They walked on in silence and Trevor looked at the sky.

  ‘Think it’s going to rain later on.’

  Phil looked up. ‘Aye, Dad, it probably will.’

  Max. ‘Jack was discharged from hospital the following day and his parents bought him a gleaming Chopper bike as a present for being such a good boy. Jemima made a fuss and Phil was putty in his daughter’s hands; a few weeks later he bought her a Poppy Princess bike so that she didn’t feel left out.’

  When Jack’s arm was better, the children were playing in the garden on their bikes.

  ‘You’re creating a rod for all our backs, Phil.’ Caroline was washing the dishes and Phil drying.

  ‘You shouldn’t spoil Jemima so much.’

  ‘It won’t do any harm, love. Look how happy it makes her.’

  ‘Because she can wind you around her little finger. You make my job even harder.’

  Caroline felt like she was banging her head against a brick wall when trying to talk some sense into Phil. He definitely had a blind spot when it came to Jemima. They were lucky that Jack was so easy going and didn’t seem too bothered that his sister always got what she wanted.

  ‘Can we talk about this later? I want to see the kids enjoying themselves on their new bikes.’ Phil found it difficult to refuse his daughter anything. If they had the money and it gave him pleasure, he didn’t see why he shouldn’t spoil his gorgeous little girl.

  Phil headed for the back door and garden and was stopped dead by a scream from Jemima. She came running into the kitchen, breathless.

  ‘There’s a massive spider on the step and Jack says it won’t hurt me but it’s big and I don’t like it, Daddy.’ She ran to her father lips quivering and the tears started.

  Phil bent down to console Jemima. ‘It’s OK, sweetheart it won’t hurt you.’

  He got up and looked at Caroline. ‘It’s your fault she’s like this. She’s seen how you react to spiders.’

  Caroline walked towards the back door. ‘I’ll deal with this.’

  Jack was sitting outside on one of the steps leading to the back door. He was tapping a stick and there was a chunky black spider next to it. Caroline’s family waited for her hysterics.

  ‘Oooh, that is a biggie.’ She bent down to have a closer look. ‘Still we are outside and it’s not doing any harm. Come and have a look at the big spider, Jemima, it won’t hurt you.’

  Phil wondered what had happened to his real wife.

  ‘What’s going on? You’d normally be halfway up the stairs by now, screaming hysterically.’

  ‘I’m trying my best to overcome my phobia, Phil. Some support would be nice.’

  Phil shook his head. He would never understand women as long as he lived.

  Now that her mother was relaxed about spiders, Jemima felt it safe to have a little peek. She cautiously held both parents hands and stepped nearer to get a proper look.

  Julian remained still on the step, ready to beat a hasty retreat if the situation required.

  ‘This spider can count.’ Jack said and his parents looked at each other. ‘Every time I tapped the stick, he tapped the same number with one of his front legs. Look.’

  Jack tapped the stick 3 times. Julian didn’t move. Jack tried a number of times with the same result.

  ‘He did, honest.’ Jack was a little miffed that the spider was no longer playing their game.

  They eventually became bored with looking at the unmoving spider. Jack and Jemima got on their bikes and Phil and Caroline went back indoors.

  ‘It’s not like Jack to make up stories. Do you think he could still be a little concussed from the accident?’

  ‘He’s all better now, Phil. He’s just using his imagination. I see this sort of thing all the time at school, it’s nothing to worry about.’

  Fair enough. Phil nodded.

  ‘Clive, Clive, it’s worked!’ Max ran back to the Ops Room looking for Clive. He was relaxing in his quarters so Max sent for him.

  ‘Fantastic! This is going to have an incredible impact. If we can train women to overcome their phobia of us, our jobs will be much less stressful.’

  Max gave Clive a man hug. ‘How long has it taken to get Caroline to this stage?’

  Clive opened his log book and checked the dates. ‘Every night for 6 weeks so far. We started with a general relaxation recording for the first week. After that we used specific recordings about spiders.’ Clive closed the book and looked at Max.

  ‘Any changes in Phil’s attitude?’

  ‘No.’ Said Clive. ‘It only seems to affect the person with a phobia and, as far as we know, Phil doesn’t have any.’

  ‘Except that Caroline may find out what he got up to on his Stag party.’ Max chuckled.

  ‘I think that’s a rational fear Max rather than a phobia.’

  ‘Fair point. Now I’m going to contact the Terries and tell them all about your achievement. Well done, Clive. Can you ask Julian to come and see me. I need to speak to him about playing games with Jack.’

  Clive took this as dismissal and left the room basking in glory. He’d find Julian, and couldn’t wait to see Geraldine after she’d finished her shift, to tell her the outcome of his experiment.

  Chapter 20

  ‘You wanted to see me, Boss?’

  Max uncrossed his back legs and turned to face Julian. ‘You know what for.’

  ‘Discuss shift patterns?’ The sarcasm wasn’t lost on Max.

  ‘Don’t play the innocent, Julian. You’re lucky that Jack’s parents didn’t suspect anything.’

  ‘That’s why I did it then.’ Julian sighed. ‘After all we’ve been through together, you don’t think I’d jeopardise the whole mission do you?’ Julian didn’t give Max a chance to respond.

  ‘Gary said you’d over-react.’

  ‘Gary’s still hanging around is he? And what’s it got to do with him anyway?’

  ‘Well, Boss. You know you seek Vicky’s opinion on anything that’s really important to you?’ Julian explained as if talking to a child. ‘Gary’s very important to me and I value his opinion.’

  ‘Fair enough.’ Max said. ‘I understand.’ To Julian he still looked confused.

  ‘I don’t think you do, Boss. So you know exactly what’s going on, you need to know that Gary’s my partner and we both want to cement our relationship with a formal Civil Ceremony.’

  ‘Oh, I see.’

  Julian thought that for such an intelligent commander, Max could be a bit slow at times.

  ‘We want to get married.’

  Now Max was astounded. ‘Married, but you can’t.’

  ‘Why, Boss?’

  ‘Well, because we can’t inter-breed with human spiders and also because you’re both blokes.’

  ‘So it was OK for Piers to marry a local, but not me. Gary’s right, you are homophobic.’

  ‘No, no I’m not, it’s just that…’ His words fell on deaf ears as Julian had already left.

  He explained the situation to Vicky later.

  ‘… And so when I tried to explain myself, Vic, he’d already left.’

  ‘Hmmm.’ Vicky considered for a moment. ‘I’m sorry, love but from what you’ve said, you do actually sound homophobic.’ She put up a leg to stop him from jumping down her throat. ‘Let me finish, Max. I know you’re not homophobic and it’s because it’s all new to you, but Julian’s more sensitive than you and he will have
taken your reaction the wrong way.’

  ‘But he should know me well enough by now, Vic. He knows I’m fair.’ Max was very frustrated. ‘I don’t particularly like Gary, but if Julian loves him, that’s OK by me, even though I’m breaking another directive.’ Max frowned. ‘I’m not sure how to make things right.’

  ‘I know.’ Vicky gave one of those smiles to Max.

  ‘Oh no, what are you up to?’

  ‘Let’s invite them to dinner and suggest a double wedding.’

  In all the time they’d known each other, Vicky still had the capacity to surprise Max.

  ‘But I thought you wanted it to be your special day, Vic?’

  ‘It’ll still be special, Max, but I really don’t mind sharing. It’ll make it special for Julian and Gary as well and will also prove to them once and for all that you’re not homophobic.’

  And so Max was on shift and Vicky was preparing for the evening’s dinner party. Max wasn’t a big meat eater and Gary was a vegetarian so there were two main courses. Junior and a mate of his had helped Vicky source the ingredients so she intended to serve vegetables and pasta in a cheese sauce for Max and Gary. Vicky and Julian would eat beef stew with dumplings and Vicky hoped that Caroline had mastered the recipe by now. They’d wash the main course down with a little dry white wine; none of the spiders were keen on red. There was ice-cream for dessert and chocolate and liqueurs to finish off the meal.

  The evening got off to a bad start. Gary was being his usual drama queen self and refused to shake legs with Max until Julian nudged him and he relented. Max tried to ignore the insult. ‘Hello, Gary. Hope you’re well. Good to see you again.’

  Gary cut to the chase straight away. ‘Thank you for the invitation. I hope you’re going to apologise?’

  Max and Vicky looked at each other. They were going to wait until dinner was over before announcing Vicky’s suggestion for a double-wedding. All the indications were that Gary was planning on being stroppy all night. Max nodded to Vicky.

  ‘Actually, Gary, Max has had a brilliant idea and that’s why we’ve invited you here tonight. Please come through both of you, and I’ll explain.’

  Both Julian and Gary were delighted with the suggestion and they all hoped that Elvis would agree to carry out the ceremony. Gary, now happy, turned on the charm and the evening passed pleasantly.

  After they’d left, Max and Vicky were tidying up. ‘Thanks so much for saying it was my idea, Vic, I appreciate that.’

  Vicky responded with a kiss and they retired for the night.


  Max sent a transmission to Haggis Fanshawe informing him about Clive’s amazing breakthrough. Haggis gave Pamela Birdflu the news and it wasn’t long before Max received word that Clive was to be recalled to Largo. It came as no surprise.

  ‘I’ll be sorry to lose such a skilled cameraman and good friend. But he’s a lot more than that and I have to consider the greater good.’

  Vicky agreed. ‘But what about Geraldine?’

  ‘I explained their situation and the Terries are more than happy for Geraldine to accompany Clive. I hope for his sake that she wants to go. What would you do, Vic?’

  ‘Follow you to whatever planet takes your fancy, Max.’ She smiled. ‘Max?’

  He anticipated what was coming.

  ‘I’m going to wait until after the family holiday until I speak to Elvis about our wedding ceremony. Is that OK with you?’

  Vicky knew that if Elvis was farmed out to other members of the family while Caroline, Phil and the kids went on holiday, he wouldn’t be in the best of moods. Max’s decision to speak to him after this, when he was likely to be happier, gave them the best chance of success.

  ‘Couldn’t agree more, darling.’ She gave him a kiss and got ready for work.

  Later in the Ops Room, Max sent word that he wanted to speak to Clive as soon as his shift was over.

  Max. ‘The year was flying by and the Gibsons were soon looking forward to the school summer break. This was traditionally the time for families all over the country to visit foreign lands or holiday in their own country. Good weather couldn’t be guaranteed in their own country, even during the summer season when the weather was supposed to be dry and sunny, which is why they visited foreign lands.’

  ‘As the children were on a break from school, the sneaky holiday companies, called travel agents, increased their prices and families with less money had to save more to pay for their holiday. Phil and Caroline were hoping to save a bit of money by going for a last-minute deal.’

  It was Saturday morning and the children were in the living room watching a Disney DVD. Phil had made them breakfast and returned to the kitchen. Caroline handed him a coffee. ‘Thanks, darling. The holiday then, you wanted to talk about it?’

  ‘Oh aye. I’ve been wondering what to do. Do you think we should drive and take Elvis with us or ask your parents to look after him?’

  ‘Not sure if Mam and Dad would be up to it. What about your Dad and Jolene?’

  ‘I could ask them I suppose, it wouldn’t hurt.’

  Elvis had watched this exchange of views. Much as he liked Martin and Jolene, he didn’t fancy going to stay with them for a week or two. He got up, stretched and walked up to Caroline. Elvis looked at Caroline until she noticed him, he then sat down and raised his right paw for her to tickle.

  ‘Aw look, Phil, it’s as if he knows what we’re talking about and he’s telling me he wants to come with us.’

  Phil raised his eyebrows. ‘He’s a dog, Caroline. Stop trying to humanise his feelings.’

  So much for that thought Elvis and returned to his basket to lie down.

  ‘I know. We’ll ask the kids whether they want to go abroad or stay in this country.’ Said Phil. ‘If it’s abroad we’ll fly and Elvis can stay here, if they want to stay here, we can take Elvis with us.’

  ‘What if my Dad or your parents can’t look after him?’ Said Caroline.

  Phil laughed. ‘There’s always Jean I suppose.’

  Elvis covered his eyes with one of his paws.

  ‘He knows exactly what we’re talking about.’ Caroline said as she rushed over to Elvis to stroke him. ‘Don’t worry, boy, there’s no way I’ll leave you alone with my mother.’

  The following morning, Phil announced there was to be a family meeting. This hadn’t happened before and the adults had decided on it so that they could empower their children.

  Max. ‘Years ago, human children were brought up to do as their parents said. They could get into trouble if they attempted to argue with their parents, teachers, policemen or indeed any other adult. In the new century on earth, children were treated rather differently. They were no longer passive spectators in their families. Not only were they allowed an opinion, but their opinions were valued.’

  It was the first family meeting in the Gibson house and the children weren’t sure of the correct protocol. Jack’s friends parents were divorcing and Jack wondered if his parents had some bad news for him and Jemima.

  ‘Are you getting divorced and will I have to decide who to live with?’

  ‘No way, Jack. Whatever made you think that.’ Caroline hunkered down so she was at eye level with her son.

  ‘Sophie Byrne’s parents are breaking-up and she said they all had to have meetings to decide who she would live with.’ Sophie Byrne was Jack’s best friend and he always called her by her full name as there were two Sophie’s in his class in school. His family always knew which Sophie he was talking about, without the surname.

  ‘I don’t want to decide who to live with.’ Jack didn’t look too upset and was trying to be practical.

  Caroline repeated. ‘Jack, we’re not getting divorced. We’re all going on holiday.’

  Jemima danced around the kitchen. ‘Yeah, holiday, holiday, holiday.’

  ‘Where we going?’ Now that Jack had accepted that his parents were not splitting up, he was curious about the holiday.

  ‘Well, Jack.’ Said Phil
. ‘That’s why we’re having this family meeting. We want to know what you and Jemima think?’

  ‘If we go to Spain, will we be able to fly?’

  ‘Yes, son we will.’

  ‘Let’s go to Spain then.’ It was as simple as that in Jack’s mind.

  Jemima ran around shouting Spain, Spain, Spain though she didn’t have a clue where Spain was.

  ‘Can Elvis come?’ Jack didn’t want to be separated from his dog. ‘No, son.’ Said Phil. ‘But if Nanny and Granddad agree, they’ll look after him and Elvis will have his own holiday.’ That seemed to satisfy Jack, though Elvis thought he was getting the rough end of the deal.


  Clive finished his shift and reported to Max. ‘As we suspected you’ve been recalled to Largo. The Chief Scientist wants you to assist with research. I can’t say anymore at the moment as the research is top secret. You’re going to be famous, Clive.’

  They shook legs and Max added. ‘They’re happy for Geraldine to accompany you. Do you think she will?’

  Clive smiled. ‘She will, Max. We’ve already discussed this possibility. Both of us are keen to start a family and Geraldine would be happier for the spiderlings to have a stable upbringing.’

  ‘Fantastic, Clive. I’m really pleased that everything’s worked out for you.’ Max was genuinely pleased for Clive and Geraldine.

  ‘Your transport isn’t for another month. How do you and Geraldine fancy covering the family holiday? They’ll likely be going to a sunny place and it’ll make a change from all of this rain.’

  Clive agreed that would be a great way for them to finish their time on Earth.

  The day before flying they drove Elvis to Donna and Trevor’s bungalow. Elvis was not impressed and withheld his affection from Phil and Caroline. He allowed the children to stroke him but did not return their enthusiasm. This upset Jack. ‘He knows we’re leaving him and he’s upset.’

  ‘He’ll get over it.’ Said Phil. ‘Dogs live in the moment, Jack so as soon as we’re gone he’ll forget about us.’


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