Zero Gravity Zero Hour - Extinction

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Zero Gravity Zero Hour - Extinction Page 7

by C. O. Amal

  Frank went near Susan and he stroked her checks. Susan slowly opened her eyes.

  “Honey, what were you doing in your office room? I called you many times for food.” Susan whispered, partially in sleep.

  “I am sorry, honey. I have been busy. And now, I finished everything.”

  “Do you want me to serve food for you? It’s in the refrigerator, need a little heat.”

  “Don’t worry about it, honey. Sleep. I need to prepare something for tomorrow.”

  “Okay.” Susan closed her eyes. Frank smiled at his wife and he went outside the room.

  * * *

  Finding the black Porsche with the number 666 was a piece of cake. He got inside the already unlocked car. He then pressed a switch to open the back of the car. Then he exited the car and he went near the back. On the back of the car he found two duffel bags. He took them out of the car dickey. The bags are a little heavy. He quickly carried the bags to his small house on the side of the road. The whole neighbourhood is still asleep.

  Before long, he entered inside the house and he closed the door. He quickly went inside his office room. He closed and locked the door behind him. He quickly opened one of the bags and found an assault rifle and many, many magazines inside. He opened the second bag. In it he found a revolver and lots of magazines for it. And also there are lots of explosives such as time bombs and C4 inside it.

  Frank for a moment smiled at the scene.

  Then he thought about Susan. He can’t hide this from her till Tuesday. He need to purge his family right now. The lesser the threat, the safer it will be.

  Frank quickly took the revolver in his hand. He put a fresh magazine and a silencer in it. Days of online training in using weapons hadn’t been for vain. He quickly marched out of his office room.

  He need to purge Susan first. She will hear any lightest sound in the house. So, if she is the last one, everything he worked for all these days will be in vain. He quickly got inside the bedroom. He could hear the rhythmic breathing of Susan. Heart pounded faster inside him. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get a tight grip on his fear. One false move is all it needs to collapse.

  He aligned a head shot. His hands began to tremble. Frank finally bit his lip and he swallowed his fear, and he pulled the trigger.

  The light sound of silenced shot indeed came. But, Susan stopped breathing. “God speed, honey.”

  He quickly exited the bedroom and he marched towards another room where his kids are sleeping. As guessed, he found them lying there on two nearby beds. This time, he was able to pull the trigger faster. They say, first kill is the hardest. Once you know the rhythm, then it’s just a piece of cake.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 27 – Olivia

  Somewhere in Wyoming

  One week later

  Olivia sat on a chair, nearby a window, and she peered outside. She haven’t seen a single terrorist for a few days now. The surrounding is extremely quiet and occasionally chirping of birds came from different directions.

  Their hideout is near a corn field and there is a highway in front of the small house. The other side of the road is filed with trees and there are packs of birds on the trees.

  A moment later, William came out of the bedroom and he sat on a chair nearby Olivia. Within few days they adjusted themselves with the low gravity. Now, they cannot walk like they have walked before the rise of the terrorists. Now, they have to walk by leaping in the air. It’s not that hard once you have the balance. But, still, they haven’t got full control over the gravity, yet.

  Often, when they stopped walking or stopped running, they lose their balance. At that time they often stumble forward.

  Fortunately or unfortunately, they haven’t seen a single vehicle on the road. Did all the humanity died out?

  “I am thinking about going for a supply run.” William said.

  “When are you going?” Olivia asked.


  “Okay, I am in. I am hungry as hell.”

  William nodded. They have to go for a supply run. Their supply of food will soon run out. They haven’t eaten anything since they got here in Wyoming. Olivia is thinking about going further north, may be to Canada. But William thinks that going anywhere won’t change their situation. He says that they have to fight to survive.

  These terrorists are no ordinary terrorists. They are something else, or otherwise, the gravity will not have deteriorated. These terrorists may be doing something to the gravity. It all make sense because, these terrorists have space crafts. If they were ordinary terrorists, those space crafts would never have existed.

  A moment later Mrs John and Jeb came out of their own rooms.

  “Mom, we are going for a supply run. Will you and Jeb be okay alone here?” William asked.

  “I will be fine. Take Jeb with you. He could help, you know.” Mrs John said.

  “Okay. Come on, Jeb. We are going now.” William said.

  Jeb nodded. Jeb quickly leapt into his room and he came back with a back pack. Olivia and William took their own back packs from a nearby table. Olivia checked her assault rifle. William checked his revolver.

  “Mom, don’t wander away from the house, and don’t ever go outside, okay?” William said.

  “Okay. You don’t have to worry anything about me, William.” Mrs John smiled.

  William smiled back. He quickly opened the door and he peeked outside. Outside is extremely quiet. No danger, yet. Olivia, Jeb and William quickly exited the small house and they started moving towards a nearby city by leaping through the air.

  Mega story buildings are clearly visible from their current position. The city is so silent, so tempting. But, there may be terrorists all over the city. A few minutes later they reached near the city, and exactly like Olivia have guessed, the pungent smell of decaying flesh hit her nose. They quickly took a kerchief from their pockets and they covered their face with that.

  Olivia and her team increased their pace. In the sky, clouds parted away and the morning sun slowly increased its intensity.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 28 – Edward

  Somewhere in Wyoming

  Edward and his team started the journey from their last hideout early in the morning. They easily adjusted to the low gravity environment. They only had to change the way they walked. Now they have to gallop through the road. Jim and Jan are very happy to do that. They are in complete excitement.

  There are grass fields on both sides of the road and the sky turned for an early rain. For the last few days, Edward and his team saw no terrorists. As far as they know, everything is very quiet and everything looks peaceful. But, Edward is afraid that the worst is yet to come.

  Edward know one thing for certain – if they want to survive here, they have to start fighting back. The military is not yet here. There are no fighter jets in the sky. Edward don’t know about the ships in the sea, but he is afraid that, that also may have been down for good. Certainly the world is a kind of a dead place right now.

  They seemed to be walking for an hour, and yet, they saw no houses or any other buildings. Then they saw it. A car is parked on the side of the road. Both the front doors are opened ajar, but no one is nearby. No dead bodies too.

  Edward cautiously approached the small black sedan and he checked inside. The car is totally empty. Then, Edward checked whether the car would start, and he started it with no problem. Edward’s face lit up.

  “Now, let’s go in this car.” Edward said.

  “But, do you think that, that is a bad idea? They may easily notice us in this.” Carter said.

  “You’re right about that. But, look where we are now. We are certainly miles away from any nearby town. We could go in this car until we see buildings. Then we could get rid of the vehicle and continue on foot.” Edward said.

  Carter nodded. They quickly got inside the car. Jan and Jim sat in the back seats while Carter sat beside Edward in the front seat.

  A few minutes later,
the car started rushing through the street. Edward made sure to keep a moderate speed. He is afraid that if he accelerated beyond a limit, they might not be able to stop it since the gravity is very low.

  A few minutes later, they passed an abandoned gas station. Then they saw a woman walking through the road not far away from them. Suddenly the woman bolted into run. She galloped through the road faster. She must have heard the sound of the car.

  Edward increased the speed a little. This woman is the first person he is seeing in a few days apart from Carter and his kids. Then the woman ran away from the road and she disappeared behind a ledge on the side of the road.

  Edward parked the car on the side of the road. He and Carter exited the car.

  “Lady, we are not terrorists. We mean no harm to you. We just want to talk.” Edward yelled.

  “That was what the man I earlier saw said. He tried to fucking fuck me.” The woman yelled from behind the ledge.

  “We are not that kind of people.” Edward said. “We are actually happy to see a fellow human after a very long time. We have two kids with us.”

  The woman slowly stood up. Now Edward can clearly see her. She is wearing a dark blue jeans and a blue shirt. She might not be older that thirty and she is very pretty for her age. No wonder why a man tried to fuck her. She quickly galloped towards Edward. “If I figured out you’re trying to fuck me, I swear, I will shoot you in the head.” The woman took a revolver from her waist band.

  Edward smiled. “No problem with that.”

  “Name is Tracy.” The woman said smiling.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 29 – Abigail

  Somewhere in Oregon

  Abigail sat down on the floor, nearby a glass wall, and she peered outside through the scope of the binocular. Jonathan is also on the floor. He is looking outside through the scope of a sniper rifle. Josephine and Bobby are also in this room. They are very busy doing something on Jonathan’s tablet computer.

  They first thought about going away from Oregon. But, after the gravity went to shit, Jonathan is very angry at those terrorists. It must be them, doing something to destroy the planet. Jonathan want to kill all those bitches, personally.

  So, they are now holed up in this building, on the highest level – just below the roof. They would kill any terrorists who roam the streets below. For the last two days, they haven’t seen a single terrorist this way. Did they all left Oregon?

  Jonathan is now thinking about going deeper into the city, looking for terrorists. Jonathan want to bring the fight to their doorsteps. In his spare time, Jonathan teach Abigail and Bobby how to use guns. He even gave them small hand held revolvers.

  On the way to this building, Jonathan found an abandoned military tank, and in it, he found dozens of sniper rifles, revolvers and lots and lots of ammo and explosives.

  The city stink with the decaying flesh. Abigail often puke when she walks through the streets. Inside the building, the smell is a little low. But, there are lot of decaying dead bodies in this building too, on the lower levels.

  “I am seeing no one.” Abigail said.

  “We have to move deeper into the city. We need to sweep search the entire city.” Jonathan said.

  “What if they all left this city?” Abigail asked.

  “In that case, we need to go to another city. They must be killing our planet using some machines. We need to find those machines, and we need to destroy them for good.” Jonathan said.

  “Jonathan,” Josephine called.

  “What?” Jonathan asked.

  “I am seeing a lot of movement in the north part of the city.” Josephine said.

  Jonathan stood up and he galloped towards Josephine. He and Josephine quickly began to examine the tablet computer. The satellites still works. So they could monitor movement anywhere.

  Abigail returned her concentration on the streets. No movement anywhere nearby. Is this place completely dead?

  “God, when will this all be over?” Abigail muttered.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 30 – Frank Chester

  Somewhere in Chicago

  Frank crouched down on the roof of the twenty story building and he trained his sniper rifle into a distance. He analysed the streets through the scope of the rifle.

  Suddenly his radio beeped.

  “134, what’s the status?”

  Frank’s group of people don’t use names anymore, instead they use numbers. Frank’s number is 134.

  “Coast looks clear.” Frank said.

  “Okay, over and out.”

  There is no one on the streets, and leaves on nearby trees danced in the light breeze which is coming from the north. Frank for a moment stared at the trees. The city is certainly dead. For the past two days, they saw no one outside. There must be packets of survivors here and there, but they all must be hiding under some underground bunker, where they should remain.

  Frank actually hates these common people. Not to mention his hate towards government. Frank and his group of people are working very hard to destroy the government which are cuffing the citizen with laws. He is dreaming of a day with no laws. But, there won’t be any common people or government fuckers to live in that heaven. Frank and his group will kill anyone who stands in their way.

  But, something began to stir in his thoughts for several days. They actually planned everything thoroughly, but his leaders didn’t said anything about destroying the planet’s gravity. How is he supposed to walk like a normal man in this newly found heaven if there is no gravity?

  For god’s sake, he killed his only wife and two kids for the better tomorrow. And look where it led him. No matter what happens, he will do anything to live in the heaven in his dreams. But, his leaders are thinking something off from the original plan. The leaders still won’t say how they got the space crafts. Frank and his friends love these space crafts, but what still stirring his thoughts is that, how did his superiors made these space crafts under some bunker. Okay, that can be a mystery. But, how did they made those cube shaped machines to kill the planet’s gravity.

  Frank worked for government for twenty damn years, and still, he haven’t heard about any gravity killing machines in his entire life time. And nobody told him that they were going to kill the gravity. Actually, why would they kill the gravity? The real enemy is the people and the government.

  A few days ago, everything was perfect. They killed a lot of jack asses. The city is in fact filled with that rotten smell of these jack asses, and there is no one to remove their dead bodies too. The smell won’t last forever. And everything was going perfectly fine, until they killed the gravity.

  Frank stood up. There is no jack asses anywhere nearby. Frank then for a moment stared at the sky. There are no birds in the sky. This damn low gravity would certainly kill everything. He need to do something about this, or there won’t be any heaven to live here. He hopes that his superiors aren’t harbouring some alien punks. If he found out that his superiors are indeed working against the code, he will personally kill every one of those bitches.

  Frank slowly galloped towards the exit door.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 31 – William

  Somewhere in Wyoming

  Before long they entered inside the city. They stopped nearby the first building, and they cautiously peered everywhere. So far no danger. Here, the smell is really bad. Even the kerchief can’t protect them in this place which is filled with rotten corpses.

  William motioned at Olivia and Jeb to follow him and he galloped towards a nearby building. When he reached near the building, he quickly peered at the alley and he made sure that they are indeed alone. William then looked at the buildings. Then he saw a convenience store about two blocks away from him.

  William led the way and they all galloped towards the convenience store. Before long they reached near the store. Here, there are no dead bodies. William opened the already unlocked glass door and he got inside. The bell attached to the door ringed and t
he ringing echoed through the former quiet atmosphere. It’s still interesting to know that the glass door of the store is standing intact. In this city most buildings are standing intact, but, certainly, there aren’t anyone inside these buildings.

  William for a moment tuned his ears. The city is dead silent.

  William placed his revolver in his waist band. Olivia strapped her assault rifle across her chest. William and team quickly began to search though the rows and rows of food stuff. William filled his back pack with canned goods and mineral water. Quickly his bag became too heavy. William looked at Olivia and Jeb and he found their bags also full.

  Suddenly a swoosh came from the sky. William quickly went near the glass wall and he peered at the sky. Then he saw a spacecraft. It is moving in the north direction from where William and his team came earlier. A few minutes later the spacecraft disappeared behind clouds. William took a deep sigh of relief.

  “Okay, let’s head back.” William said.

  Olivia and Jeb nodded.

  They quickly exited the store and they began to gallop towards their hideout.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 32 – Edward


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