by Alan Taylor
Campbell, Thomas ‘T.C.’ ref1
canoodlin ref1
Capon, Eric ref1
Capra, Frank ref1
Carfin ref1
Carlyle, Alexander ref1
The Carpenter’s Shop (Sir John Millais) ref1
Carr and Vonnie ref1
Carron Ironworks ref1
Carswell, Catherine ref1
Caulfield, Holden ref1
Celtic FC ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Central Hotel ref1, ref2
Central Scottish Dialect ref1
Central Station ref1, ref2, ref3
Centre for Contemporary Arts ref1
Centre Street ref1, ref2
Chalmers, Steve ref1
Chandler, Raymond ref1
Charing Cross ref1, ref2
Charteris, Archibald ref1
Cheney, Dick ref1
Chesterton, G.K. ref1
Children of the Dead End (Patrick MacGill) ref1
Chinese People’s Army ref1
‘Cholesterol’ (Adam McNaughtan) ref1
Chopin, Frédéric ref1
Christ and the Woman taken in Adultery (Peter Brueghel) ref1
Christ in the House of His Parents (Sir John Millias) ref1
Christ of Saint John of the Cross (Salvador Dali) ref1
Citizen Firefighter ref1
Citizens’ Theatre ref1, ref2, ref3
‘City of Razors’ (Eddie Linden) ref1
Clarke, Eric D. ref1
Clarke, Jim ref1
Clean Air Act ref1
Cleland, James ref1
Cleland Street ref1
Clincher, The ref1
Close, Ajay ref1
Clutha Vaults ref1
Clyde, River ref1
Clydebank Blitz ref1
Clyde Buildings, ref1
Clynder, associated with chickenpox ref1
Cobbett, William ref1
Cochrane, Provost Andrew ref1
Cockaine, Mr, ‘an arch fellow from Dublin’ ref1
Cockburn, Henry Thomas ref1, ref2
cock-fighting ref1
Cold War ref1
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor ref1
Collins, Betty ref1, ref2
Colona, Jerry ref1
colours ref1
Commonwealth Games, 2014 ref1, ref2
The Complete Englishman (Daniel Defoe) ref1
Condip Fluid ref1
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (Thomas de Quincey) ref1
Connery, Sean ref1
Connolly, Billy ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
cooking ref1
Cooper, Davie ref1
Council for the Encouragement of Music and the Arts (C.E.M.A.) ref1
Couper, Rev. Dr ref1
Cowan, James ref1
Cowcaddens ref1
Cowper, John ref1
Cranhill ref1
Cranston, Kate ref1, ref2
Cranston’s ref1
Crawfurd, Helen ref1
Crossmyloof ref1
Crossmyloof Ice Rink ref1
Crow Hotel ref1
Crown Street ref1
Cubie Street ref1
Cumberland Street ref1
Curious Scotland (George Rosie) ref1
Daily Express ref1
Daily Record ref1
Daily Telegraph ref1
Dalglish, Kenny ref1
Dali, Salvador ref1
Dalmuir ref1
Dance of the Apprentices (Edward Gaitens) ref1
dancing ref1
Danziger, Nick ref1
Dawson, Jerry ref1
Deacon Blue ref1
Dear Green Place ref1, ref2
Defoe, Daniel ref1
Dennistoun Palais ref1
de Quincey, Thomas ref1
Derain, André ref1
The Detective ref1
Devant, David ref1
Devine, Tom ref1
Diamond, Harry ref1
Dickens, Charles ref1
Diddy, Thomas ref1, ref2
Die Hard ref1
The Divided Self (R.D. Laing) ref1
Donegan, Lawrence ref1
Dosser, Lobey156
Droy, Frank ref1, ref2
Droy, Doris ref1, ref2
drugs ref1, ref2, ref3
Drury Street ref1
Dumbarton Road ref1
Dunbar, Karen ref1
dung ref1, ref2
East End ref1
Easterhouse ref1
Easthall ref1
Eden, Anthony ref1
Edinburgh, invasion of, ref1, ref2; rivalry with Glasgow ref3, ref4
Educational Institute of Scotland ref1
Empire Theatre ref1, ref2
England, Mike ref1
Erskine ref1
Esperanza ref1
European City of Culture ref1, ref2, ref3
European Cup, 1967 ref1
European Cup, Winners’ Cup ref1
Evening News ref1
Evening Times ref1, ref2
Ewan, Andy ref1
Ewing, J.L. ref1
Failkirke, aka Falkirk ref1
Fallon, Sean ref1
fashion consciousness ref1
Ferguson, Alex ref1
Florida Water ref1
Flowers of Sulphur, ref1
football, origins ref1
Foot, Paul ref1
Franklin Terrace ref1
Fraser, George MacDonald ref1
Fyffe, Will ref1
Gaels ref1
Gaitens, Edward ref1
Gale, George ref1
Gallacher, Tom ref1
Gallowgate ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
gangs ref1
Gardner, Ava ref1
Gardner, Robert ref1
Gare Loch ref1
Garnethill ref1, ref2
Gemmell, Tommy ref1
General Post Office ref1
gentlemen, dearth of ref1
George Square ref1, ref2
Gibbon, Lewis Grassic, see Mitchell, James Leslie
Glasgow Apollo ref1
Glasgow Airport ref1, ref2
‘Glasgow’ ref1 (William McGonagall)
Glasgow Boys ref1
Glasgow Cathedral ref1, ref2
Glasgow City Chambers ref1
Glasgow City of Culture ref1
Glasgow Courant ref1
Glasgow effect ref1
Glasgow Fair ref1, ref2, ref3
Glasgow Garden Festival ref1
Glasgow Green ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Glasgow Herald ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Glasgow International Exhibition ref1
Glasgow Mercury ref1
Glasgow News ref1
‘Glasgow 1960’ ref1
Glasgow Observatory ref1
Glasgow Royal Infirmary ref1
Glasgow School of Art ref1, ref2, ref3
Glasgow Sentinel ref1
‘Glasgow’s Miles Better’ slogan ref1, ref2, ref3
Glasgow’s Treasure Chest (James Cowan) ref1
Glasgow Technical College ref1
Glasgow University ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
Glass, Pastor Jack ref1
Glasser, Ralph, ref1, ref2, ref3
Glassford, John ref1
Glaswegianality ref1
Glencoe ref1, ref2
Gles Chu ref1
glottal stop, notoriety of ref1
Gorbals ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8
A Gorbals Legacy (Ralph Glasser) ref1
Gorbals News ref1
Gorbals Boy at Oxford (Ralph Glasser) ref1
Gorbals Cross ref1
Gorbals Doctor (George Gladstone Robertson) ref1
Govan ref1, ref2
Govan Library ref1
Gowley Street ref1
Graham, Morland ref1
Grant, Elizabeth of Rothiemurchus ref1
Gray, Alasdair ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Gray, Dougie ref1
Great Western Te
rrace ref1
A Green Tree in Gedde (Alan Sharp) ref1
Gregory’s Girl ref1
Grieve, Christopher (Hugh MacDiarmid) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Groome’s Gazetteer ref1
Growing Up in the Gorbals (Ralph Glasser) ref1, ref2
Guthrie, James ref1
Halt Bar ref1
Henderson, Hamish ref1
Hammerton, Sir John ref1
Hanley, Clifford ref1, ref2
Harley, Robert ref1
Harni, Yoko ref1
Harthill ref1
Havannah ref1
Havergal, Giles ref1
Hawkhill, lunatic asylum ref1
head covering, ref1
The Heart of Glasgow (Jack House) ref1
Henderson, D.K. ref1
Henderson’s of Meadowside ref1
Henry, George ref1
Herald aka The Glasgow Herald ref1
Hermon, Arthur ref1
Herrera, Helenio ref1
The Hidden History of Glasgow Women (Elspeth King) ref1
Highlanders ref1
The Highland Lady in Ireland (Elizabeth Grant of Rothiemurchus) ref1
High Street ref1
Hillhead ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Hill Street ref1
Hind, Archie ref1
Hiroshima ref1
History of the Church and State of Scotland (John Spottiswoode) ref1
Holy Loch ref1
Home Office ref1
Honeyman, T.J. ref1
Hope Street ref1
Horne, Janet ref1
Horne, Lena, ref1
Horne, Robert ref1
Hornel, E.A. ref1
Horseshoe Bar ref1
House, Jack ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Howard, Peter ref1
Hue and Cry ref1
Hume, David ref1
humour ref1
Hunter, Kenny ref1
Hutcheson, George ref1
Hutcheson’s Grammar School ref1, ref2
‘I Belong to Glasgow’(Will Fyffe) ref1
Ibrox ref1, ref2, ref3
Ibrox Disaster 1971, ref1
Ice-Cream Wars ref1
Illustrated London News ref1
Indictment: Trial by Fire (T.C. Campbell) ref1
infant mortality ref1
Ingram & Glassford ref1
Ingram, Archibald ref1
Ingram Street ref1
Inter Milan ref1
International Exhibition, 1901 ref1
Irish famine ref1
Irn-Bru ref1
Irvine, Alison ref1
Italians ref1
Its Colours They Are Fine (Alan Spence) ref1, ref2
Jack, Ian ref1
Jarvie, Bailie Nicol ref1, ref2
Jenkins, Roy ref1
Jephcott, Pearl ref1
The Jewish Echo ref1
Jews ref1, ref2
jiving, not encouraged ref1
John Brown’s, shipbuilders ref1
John Lewis ref1
Johnson, Paul ref1
Johnson, Samuel ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Johnstone, Jimmy ref1, ref2, ref3
Jones, Kennedy ref1
Jones, Tom ref1
Journal of a Tour of Scotland (Robert Southey) ref1
Juvenile Grand Lodge ref1
Kafka, Franz ref1
Karloff, Boris ref1, ref2, ref3
Kearns, Ade ref1
Keay, John ref1
Keay, Julia ref1
Kelly, Michael ref1
Kelman, James ref1
Kelvin, River, as an exhibit ref1
Kelvingrove ref1
Kelvingrove Art Gallery ref1, ref2
Kelvingrove Park ref1
Kelvinside ref1
Kemp, Arnold, ref1
Kerr, Michael ref1
Kes ref1
Kibble Palace ref1
Killearn, Stirlingshire ref1
‘King Billy’ (Edwin Morgan) ref1
King Billy, aka William of Orange ref1, ref2
King, Elspeth ref1
King’s Arms ref1
King’s Theatre ref1
Kirkintilloch ref1
Knox, John ref1, ref2
Kohli, Hardeep Singh ref1
Laing, R.D. ref1
Lanark (Alasdair Gray) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
landlords, dodgy ref1
L’Angelier, Pierre Emile ref1
Langholm ref1
Laurel and Hardy ref1
Laurier, Jay ref1
Lavery, John ref1
Leighton, Jim ref1
Linden, Eddie ref1
Lindsay, Maurice ref1
Liverani Mary Rose ref1
Loach, Ken ref1
Loch Fyne ref1
Lochhead, Liz ref1
Loch Katrine ref1
Loch Lomond ref1, ref2
Loch Long ref1
Loch Ness monster, Glasgow origins ref1
‘The Loch Ness Monster’s Song’ (Edwin Morgan) ref1
Lockhart, John Gibson ref1, ref2
London Weekend Television ref1
Long, Herbert Kinglsey ref1, ref2
Luftwaffe ref1
Lulu ref1
Lying Awake (Catherine Carswell) ref1
Lyle, Willie ref1
Lynx aftershave ref1
Maan, Bashir ref1
MacDiarmid, Hugh, see Grieve, Christopher
Macdonald, Amy ref1
MacDonald, Hugh ref1
Macdonald, Margaret ref1
Macdonald, Robert David ref1
MacFarlane, Colin ref1
MacGill, Patrick ref1
Mackintosh, Charles Rennie ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Macklin, David ref1
MacLean, Grace ref1
MacLean, John ref1
MacNiven, Dr Angus ref1
Main Street, Maryhill ref1
Main Street, Gorbals ref1
Main Street Library, Gorbals ref1
Mains, Bobby ref1
Mandela, Nelson ref1
Manuel, Peter ref1
Maryhill ref1
Maryhill Barracks ref1, ref2
Matshikiza, Pumeza ref1
Mavor, O.H. (Bridie, James) ref1
McArthur, Alexander ref1, ref2
McCormack, Cathy ref1
McCormick, Malcolm ref1
McGeogh, Jean ref1
McGinn, Matt ref1
McGinn of the Calton (Matt McGinn) ref1
McGonagall, William Topaz ref1
McIlvanney, Hugh ref1
McIlvanney, William ref1, ref2
McIvor, Margaret, ref1
McKelvie, Harry ref1
McKenna, Kevin ref1
McLaren, Moray ref1
McLean, Jack ref1
McNally, John ref1, ref2
McNaughtan, Adam ref1, ref2
McPhail, Bob ref1
McShane, Harry ref1
Meiklejohn, Davie ref1
Melville Arthur ref1
Memoirs of a Highland Lady (Elizabeth Grant of Rothiemurchus) ref1
Memorials of His Time (Henry Cockburn) ref1
Merchant City ref1, ref2, ref3
Merchant’s House ref1, ref2
Millais, Sir John ref1
Miller, Captain ref1
Miller, Glenn ref1
Miller, Jonathan ref1
Miller, William ref1
Milngavie ref1
Milton, home of the Tongs ref1
Milton, Ernest ref1
mince, how to make ref1
Mitchell, Alex ref1
Mitchell, James Leslie (Lewis Grassic Gibbon) ref1
Mitchell Library ref1, ref2
Molendinar Burn ref1, ref2
Molly the Staffer ref1, ref2
Moore, Sir John ref1
Moray Place ref1
Morecambe and Wise ref1
Morer, Thomas ref1
Morgan, Edwin ref1
ey, Sir Oswald ref1
Muir, Edwin ref1
Muir, James Hamilton ref1, ref2
Muirhead, Agnes ref1
mummification ref1
The Mummy ref1
Munro, Michael ref1 Munro, Neil ref2, ref3, ref4
Naismith, Douglas, ref1
Name’s Phelan, The (Jim Phelan) ref1
Necropolis, ref1, ref2, ref3
Neil, Andy, ref1
Neil, Chris ref1
Neill, Bud ref1
Newbery, Francis ‘Fra’ ref1
Newton Mearns ref1
The New Statistical Account of Scotland ref1, ref2
New York ref1
Nichol, J.P. ref1
Nicolson, Harold ref1
Nithsdale Drive ref1
Night Moves (Alan Sharp) ref1
No Mean City (Alexander McArthur and H. Kingsley Long) ref1, ref2, ref3
Nurmi, Pavvo ref1
Oakley, C.A.178
Odeon, Renfield Street ref1
‘O Glasgow’ (John Barclay) ref1
Orange Walk ref1
O’Grady, Hubert ref1
Oriental Café ref1
Orwell, George ref1
Otago Lane North ref1
Palmer, Robert ref1
Pankhurst, Christabel ref1
Pankhurst, Emmeline ref1
pantomime horse ref1
parental responsibility ref1
Parkhead ref1
Parliamo Glasgow (Stanley Baxter) ref1
Parliamo Italiano ref1
Partick ref1
Pasely, aka Paisley ref1, ref2
Pasquette, Didier ref1
Paterson, Grace ref1
The Patter (Michael Munro) ref1
Pavilion Theatre ref1
Pears’ soap ref1
Pennant, Thomas ref1
People’s Palace ref1
Peter’s Letters to His Kinsfolk (J.G. Lockhart) ref1
Phelan, Jim ref1
Picinisco, Italy ref1
Pieri, Joe ref1
Plaza Palais de Danse ref1
Poe, Edgar Allan ref1
police, praise of ref1
Pollokshields ref1
Possilpark ref1
Possil Pigs ref1
Possil Uncle ref1
Press Bar ref1
Princes Square ref1, ref2
Princess’s Theatre ref1, ref2, ref3
Pritchett, V.S. ref1
The Proclaimers ref1
Project Sigma ref1
pronunciation ref1
Prowse, Philip ref1
pubs ref1
punch-making ref1, ref2
Quasimodo ref1
Queen’s Dock ref1
Queen’s Park FC ref1
Queen Street ref1
Queen Street Station ref1
Queen’s Theatre ref1, ref2
‘Radical Army’ ref1
‘Radical War’ ref1
rainfall ref1
Ramsay, Allan ref1
Rangers FC ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
razor gangs ref1
Rebels ref1
recidivism ref1
Recollections of a Tour Made in Scotland, A.D. 1803 (Dorothy Wordsworth) ref1
Red Clydeside ref1
Red Road flats ref1, ref2
Reid, Dr ref1
Reid, Harry ref1
Reid, Jimmy ref1
Reith, John ref1
religion ref1
Rent Restriction Act ref1
Rent Strikes ref1
Riddrie ref1