Saved by the Alpha

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Saved by the Alpha Page 4

by Natalie Kristen

  Gage had a real life here in Bear Ridge. He had his own business, his family and friends.

  Marie wished that she belonged somewhere. Sweet Hollow had been a temporary refuge, but it wasn’t her home.

  No place had felt like home to her.

  She had been moving around all her life. No roots, no ties, no attachment to anything and anyone.

  In a way, she was a lot like Karen.

  She was all alone.


  Gage arrived at Shiny Auto Shop and honked his horn. Steve was in the shop with his two employees, Joe and Murphy. Steve looked up from under the hood of a car and waved.

  Jana was already out of the truck and running towards Steve. “Hey, miss me?” Jane asked, spreading out her arms for a hug.

  Steve laughed as he hugged his big sister. “I just had dinner with you two nights ago,” he said.

  Steve walked over to the truck and his eyes bugged when he saw the state of Gage’s truck. “What the hell happened, man?”

  “Some bastard rammed into my truck last night,” Gage answered. He had to struggle with his door and with a growl, he shoved it right off the hinges in frustration. Holding the door out to Steve, he grinned and said, “I know you’ll fix everything up real nice.”

  Steve took the door and smirked. “Yeah. Your truck will be as good as new by tomorrow.”

  Marie got out of the truck and Steve gave her a flirtatious smile. “Hi, I’m Steve. Are you one of Jana’s friends from the city?”

  There was a low dangerous growl and Gage saw his brother and sister turn to gape at him.

  He didn’t know what they were staring at until he realized that the growl was coming from him.

  His bear was trying to force its way out of his skin and go after Steve. Gage stiffened and inhaled sharply when he saw that his claws were out.

  Rip his head off! His bear growled.

  Are you crazy? Steve is my brother! Gage roared back at his maddened beast.

  But his bear wasn’t listening to logic and reason. He wants our mate! Rip his head off!

  Gage pushed his crazed bear down by sheer force of will and looked up to see Steve, Jana and Marie staring at him with a mixture of amusement, confusion and bewilderment.

  “What?” he panted.

  Steve and Jana exchanged a knowing glance.

  “You better keep away from her,” Jana whispered to Steve.

  “Yeah. I like my head firmly attached to my shoulders,” Steven replied, looking pointedly at Gage’s claws. “Do you think…?”

  “Yes! From his reaction, I think that she’s the one. He’s found her,” Jana whispered with a delighted grin at Marie.

  “The lucky bastard,” Steve groused but he was grinning as well. He canted his head at Marie and asked, “How did you meet Gage?”

  Gage knew that his brother wanted to know how he had managed to find his mate. Ever shifter longed to find his one true mate, and Steve had often talked about having a large family. But to have that beautiful big family, he would have to find his mate first.

  “Actually...Gage got his car smashed up because of me,” Marie answered honestly.

  Steve frowned and peered at her. “Gage is a very careful driver. Don’t mind me asking but, were you...driving under the influence?”

  Marie let out a startled laugh. “I wasn’t driving. I was kidnapped. Gage saved me.”

  “What?” Steve’s eyes glowed as his bear rose in anger. Gage suddenly realized that Jana and Steve already regarded Marie as part of their family. Steve’s bear was furious that someone had hurt one of their own.

  “It’s a wolf shifter,” Jana supplied. “His name is Ervin Zunder. He got away last night, but...he won’t get away with this. He will pay for what he’s done to Marie and her friend.”

  Steve nodded and dug into his pocket. “You need a car, Gage? I should be done with your truck tomorrow, but you can use my car today.” He tossed his car keys to Gage.

  “Thanks!” Gage caught the keys and slapped his brother on his broad shoulders.

  “I’ll stay for a while and catch up with Joe and Murphy,” Jana said to Gage. “They always have funny stories to tell me. Steve can drive me to town later. I’m meeting some friends for lunch. You two have fun!”

  Gage nodded. “I’ll drive Marie to collect her things from Sweet Hollow.”

  “Okay. Be careful,” Jana said. She gave Marie a hug and smiled. “See you guys later.”

  Marie waved at Jana and Steve as Gage got into Steve’s car and started the engine.

  “I really like them,” Marie said with a wistful sigh. “I don’t have any family, and...seeing you with your brother and sister really makes me wish that I had at least one sibling.”

  “Siblings can be a real pain in the butt,” Gage mock-grumbled.

  “You have people who love you dearly,” she said, and the deep yearning in her voice made Gage’s heart ache. “You are so loved,” she whispered.

  So are you, Gage wanted to say. You are so loved, Marie.


  Marie had mixed feelings as she returned to Sweet Hollow. She had lived in Sweet Hollow for the past five years, yet she had no deep attachment to the small town.

  As Gage drove into Sweet Hollow, Marie stared at the rows of shops and houses along the street. Everything looked so familiar, and yet, so foreign at the same time. She didn’t feel like she was coming home. She was just coming to pack her things and say goodbye.

  Gage stopped in front of Sweetdreams Diner and Marie hesitated for a moment before getting out of the car.

  She could see her boss, Lani and the other waitress, Olivia in the diner. There were no customers in the diner and the two women were folding napkins at the counter.

  Gage opened the car door for her and Marie managed a smile as she headed for the diner. She pushed into the diner and Lani and Olivia both swiveled round to stare at her. She saw the apprehension in their eyes when they saw Gage but their attention was mainly focused on her. Once they had gotten over their initial shock, both Lani and Olivia jumped up and rushed to her.

  “Marie!” Lani cried, grabbing Marie’s hands. “I tried calling you when you didn’t show up for work. But I couldn’t get through to you. So I called your landlord, Cameron, to check up on you. He went to your apartment and said that your window was broken, but there was no sign of you. I was so worried!”

  “Are you okay, Marie?” Olivia asked. “What happened? Is everything all right?”

  Marie gave Lani and Olivia a quick hug and said, “I’m okay. And...this is my friend, Gage. I was...staying with him.” She took a deep breath and said, “I’m sorry, Lani. I...I have to...”

  Marie stopped abruptly as she recalled Lani’s words. “Wait. You said that Cameron went to my apartment,” she began slowly.


  “And Cameron didn’t find anything in my apartment…?”

  Lani frowned. “He only told me about the broken window.”

  Marie let out a strained sound. “Didn’t he see...” Karen’s body?

  “What? What is it?” Lani asked worriedly.

  Marie shook her head mutely. She felt Gage come up behind her and touch the small of her back lightly. His touch comforted and steadied her.

  “Karen is dead,” Marie blurted out. Tears sprang unbidden to her eyes.

  Donald, the cook, happened to step out of the kitchen at this very moment and he let out a loud gasp of shock and horror. “What? Karen...dead?” he sputtered.

  Lani and Olivia pressed their hands to their mouths and shook their heads in distress and disbelief. “No...”

  “Ervin killed her in my apartment. Karen ran away from him and came to me. Ervin killed her and he was going to kill me too,” Marie said, unable to control the quaver in her voice.

  There was a long silence.

  “We all knew that Ervin would hurt her real bad,” Donald said at last. “My wife tried to talk to Karen when she saw her at the shops
a few weeks ago. But Karen just smiled and hurried off as fast as she could.”

  “Ervin was keeping a tight leash on her,” Marie said, her voice trembling with anger and pain. “She was scared of him. He controlled her, threatened her and hurt her. I saw the bruises and claw marks on her...”

  “No...poor Karen,” Lani whispered.

  “Never did like that wolf!” Olivia spat as her face twisted in disgust. “Ervin thinks that just because he’s the biggest shifter in town he can run roughshod over everyone! I did try to talk to Karen and tell her that she should get out...”

  “Karen was scared. She felt that no one would be able to help her and protect her. And...she had good reason to be scared. Ervin came after her and killed her! He attacked her in my living room. But...why didn’t Cameron find her body?” Marie swallowed hard as her quivering voice trailed off.

  “Ervin got rid of the body and cleaned up the place while you were unconscious, Marie. He wasn’t going to leave any evidence behind. He wanted you and Karen gone without a trace,” Gage said tightly.

  “I hope he doesn’t come back to Sweet Hollow,” Olivia said with a shudder.

  “That’s why I need to leave,” Marie said. “I came to say goodbye to all of you. I’ll miss you all. I love working here. Lani, I’m really sorry to just leave without giving you any notice...”

  Lani waved away her apology. “Your safety is the most important thing. I can find another waitress. No problem. But I’ll miss you, Marie.”

  “Do you think...that Ervin will come and create trouble for you here at the diner?” Marie asked, gulping.

  Both Olivia and Lani smirked.

  “I don’t think that scumbag will show up here,” Olivia said. “I’m a badger shifter. Badgers are great fighters. We’re one of the most aggressive fighters around!”

  “And Donald can shift into a tom-cat with wicked claws,” Lani added, gesturing proudly at her cook. “From what I observed, Ervin avoids the shifters in town. He only targets the humans. Karen was human, and she was so sad and vulnerable after her parents passed away. That wolf sure knows how to pick his targets. He won’t pick me, that’s for sure!” Lani shook her fists in the air and cursed viciously.

  Marie went to give her boss and colleagues one last hug and blinked back tears. “I...I’m going to grab my things from my apartment and pay Cameron for the broken window,” Marie said, dabbing at her eyes.

  “I’ll come with you,” Lani said. “The diner is empty and there won’t be any customers until dinner time. Olivia and Donald can hold the fort.”

  Lani marched out of the diner with Marie and Gage, and the three of them got into the car.

  “I give you my word,” Lani said, leaning forward in the back seat as Gage drove. “If Ervin shows up in Sweet Hollow, we’ll make sure he won’t leave in one piece. You’re a shifter, right?” She tapped Gage on the shoulder.

  “Yes, M’am. I’m a bear shifter,” Gage answered.

  Lani smiled. “So you’d know that shifters have their own code of justice. I’ve been living in Sweet Hollow all my life and the shifters here are smaller and tamer than those in other towns. But that doesn’t mean that they are toothless.”

  Gage nodded. “Shifters are territorial. Karen grew up here. She was human, but she belonged here. If Ervin shows up, the shifters will make sure that her murder is avenged.”

  “Not just the shifters,” Lani said fiercely. “The whole town will avenge her.”

  “A tooth for a tooth,” Gage said.

  “A life for a life,” Lani finished grimly.


  Gage glanced at Marie as they drove out of Sweet Hollow and headed back to Bear Ridge. Her luggage was in the trunk and Marie was leaning her head against the window with her eyes closed. Marie didn’t even turn around to take one last look at Sweet Hollow as they exited the small town.

  They drove for a while in silence. Marie had contacted her landlord, Cameron, to let him know that she was going back to her apartment to pack up. Cameron had met them at her front door, and the elderly gentleman had been very understanding and accommodating regarding her early termination of her lease and the broken window.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Cameron had said. “It’s just a window. I’ll submit a claim to my insurance company.” Scratching his white beard, he had added, “To be honest, I’ve been thinking about moving out of Sweet Hollow. I think I’ll put this apartment and my house up for sale. I’m going to live with my son and daughter-in-law in the city. It’d be nice to babysit my grandkids and enjoy my old age.”

  Marie had asked Cameron about the state of the apartment when he came down to check on her early in the morning at Lani’s request. “The window was broken, but someone had apparently swept all the glass shards off the floor. The furniture was neatly arranged, and the floor and walls had been scrubbed clean with bleach.” He wrinkled his nose. “I’m sensitive to the smell of bleach.”

  So Ervin had indeed returned to remove Karen’s body and get rid of all the evidence.

  Ervin Zunder wasn’t just a reckless, savage wolf. He was meticulous and organized. He didn’t panic after killing a human in a crazed, jealous rage. He was calm, methodical and efficient in cleaning up after himself. In fact, he got rid of all evidence of his heinous crime in a very cold, systematic manner.

  A chilling thought struck Gage and his knuckles turned bone white as he gripped the steering wheel.

  Maybe Ervin had killed before.

  Karen might not be his first victim.

  Before Gage could pursue this train of thought, Marie straightened up and coughed.

  She turned to him, and he saw the deep sadness and regret in her eyes.

  “You okay?” Gage asked quietly.

  She exhaled slowly and said, “I...I’m just thinking...about Karen. She thought that she was all alone, but almost everyone in Sweet Hollow had been worried about her. Karen was a grown woman and she was free to do whatever she wanted. If she wanted to get involved with a stranger in town, that was her right. But people cared. The townspeople could see that she was going to get hurt and they tried to warn her. People had reached out to her but she kept pushing them away. She retreated deeper and deeper into herself, feeling more and more isolated and scared. She was so young. She had her whole life ahead of her.” Marie wiped her eyes.

  “You did the best you could, Marie,” Gage said gently. “No one could save her. She didn’t save herself. She was too afraid, too beaten down, too wounded to see that she did have options.”

  Marie sniffed. “She came to me.”

  “You didn’t kill her. Ervin did,” Gage said firmly. “Don’t blame yourself. Put the blame where it belongs.”

  After a long pause, Marie took a shaky breath and whispered, “No one knows where Ervin dumped her body. He probably dumped it in a shallow grave or at the bottom of a lake. Karen deserved better, so much better.”

  “What would Karen want for you, Marie?” Gage asked.

  Marie frowned and chewed her lower lip. “Karen tried to protect me,” she said at last. “She told Ervin to leave me alone. She...she wanted me to be safe.”

  Gage nodded. “Yes. She would want you to be safe.”

  Marie smiled through her tears and nodded.

  They turned into Bear Ridge and drove to the town center. “Let’s get you something to eat,” Gage said. “Nom-Nom is one of my favorite restaurants and it’s very popular with the locals. Let’s hope we can get a table.”

  Gage parked in front of Nom-Nom and walked with Marie into the crowded restaurant. Once they opened the door, they were greeted by the inviting aroma of exotic spices and cheerful conversation.

  Gage was glad to have a corner table near the window. He nodded and smiled politely at the many familiar faces in the restaurant but made it clear that he wasn’t in the mood to mingle. He just wanted to sit in the corner and enjoy his meal with Marie.

  When their food arrived, Marie inhaled the delicious aroma
and her stomach rumbled loudly. “Oh,” she exclaimed in embarrassment. “I didn’t realize I was that hungry!”

  Gage grinned. “I’m famished, so let’s dig in!”

  The sight of Marie enjoying her food made Gage really happy. He liked feeding her and taking care of her. And he wanted to do that for the rest of his life.

  The door of the restaurant opened again and Gage looked up to see the Sheriff stroll in.

  Lincoln had been the Sheriff of Bear Ridge for the past twelve years. He was a brawny bear shifter in his early forties, and he was a stern but fair Sheriff.

  Gage knew that Lincoln always put the interest of the town first, and he wasn’t afraid to make the hard, difficult decisions that needed to be made. He was respected for his even-handedness, but not particularly well liked for his inflexibility.

  Lincoln stood in the middle of the restaurant and sniffed the air.

  Gage saw the Sheriff narrow his eyes as he turned around. His alert, guarded gaze landed on Marie.


  Gage put down his fork as the Sheriff came over to their table.

  “Good day, Lincoln,” Gage said levelly.

  “Gage,” Lincoln said but his eyes were on Marie. “Your friend is new in town. Is she...visiting?”

  “Marie, this is Lincoln. He’s the Sheriff of Bear Ridge. Lincoln, this is Marie.”

  Marie stared at the two men, picking up on the tension between them. She smiled nervously and said, “Nice to meet you, Lincoln.”

  The Sheriff nodded politely. “M’am, are you here to visit...”

  Marie opened her mouth to reply but Gage said in a clear, firm voice, “Marie’s not here to visit anyone. She’s here to stay.”

  “No.” There was a steely edge to Lincoln’s voice. “She can’t stay in Bear Ridge.”

  “Marie is staying,” Gage repeated slowly and deliberately.

  Lincoln took a long look at Marie. “She is...not like us. She is...”


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