Romancing the Fashionista: The Flirty Fashionistas, Book 1

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Romancing the Fashionista: The Flirty Fashionistas, Book 1 Page 7

by K. M. Jackson

  Nolan pulled back. “Normally my kisses don’t have that effect on women.”

  She grinned, blinking back irrational tears. “I’m sorry. Normally I don’t laugh during a kiss, but it was just too good.”

  Nolan frowned. “Come again?”

  She stepped back into his embrace and reached up. Touching his face, that delicious stubble she’d been dying to touch for so long was soft with the perfect amount of roughness. Mel leaned in, kissed the side of his mouth and licked, getting a leftover taste of breakfast syrup from the corner of his mouth. “Yes, good. It is really good and that makes me happy. Truth be told, I haven’t been this happy in a while. Thank you.”

  Nolan wrapped both arms around her waist and pulled her in even closer. “Well then, if you’re sure about that, let me continue to make you happy, Ms. Mitchell. I do aim to please.”

  “You two gonna make out under the bleachers all day like teenagers or get a room? I suggest a room. Ours is free now, you know.”

  They both looked up towards the voice as Lexi looked down and through the bleachers from where she sat. She once again had the cat-slash-canary grin, and Mel wanted to give her a smack.

  “You have to give me credit. I didn’t interrupt you. Though it wasn’t just me who saw you two not so discreetly making out,” Lexi said.

  Mel moaned.

  “Oh, who cares, girl?” Lex continued. “We’ve come to make a splash, and so far you’re working up to a tsunami. Come sit by me for the second half, and we can take bets on what shade of green the good Mrs. Spencer hyphen Patterson will turn next.”

  Mel looked up at Nolan, who was thankfully smiling and not put out by any of their childish antics. “I’m here for you to command,” he said with a grin.

  At that, Lexi let out a whoop. “I knew he was more than just a pretty face!”

  The three of them watched the rest of the game together, laughing hysterically as the old Timberettes took the field to try a routine with the current squad.

  “Really? Like really,” Lexi said watching Ramona and crew. “There is a time to drop it like it’s hot and a time to keep that thing behind closed doors. Those ladies need to not only pass that torch, but burn that mother to ash.”

  Both Mel and Nolan nodded, not finding fault with her logic. Mel was surprised to find she had gone a full two hours without checking her phone for messages. Too fast it was all over though, and they were heading their separate ways. Mel and Lexi to see her parents quickly before the formal, and Nolan to meet up with Ian. Once again, Mel felt hesitant as they were back in the hotel room getting ready for the last night in Timber Falls.

  Her last night with Nolan.

  Chapter Nine

  “I tell you, I almost peed my pants when I saw you two kissing. It was like out of a movie or something.” Lexi beamed as she fluttered around the room in her panties and bra.

  Mel turned from the mirror where she was applying her makeup and looked at her friend. “Okay, fairy glam-mama, simmer down a bit. This is not some fairy tale, and we’re not running off together. It was a nice afternoon and a nice kiss.”

  Lexi stopped and looked at Mel deadpanned for a moment. “Yeah, a nice kiss that will probably tonight turn nice and nasty and end with your legs in the air, or better yet, you ass up, screaming, ‘Harder, Nolan, harder!’” She punctuated each harder with a solid thrust of her hips and had Mel throwing her coveted #10 blush brush at her.

  “Would you hush your big mouth before he hears you?”

  Lexi covered her mouth to stop a fit of laughter and came over and gave Mel a hug. “I’m so glad you came with me,” she said, now more serious. “I just wanted you to have a little fun and see you’re more than your work and Bailey’s mom. You’re Mel. Just you. Perfect and fabulous and my best friend.”

  Mel felt her heart grow two Grinch-like sizes. Lexi was silly as all get out but she was sincere. Mel knew that despite her meddling, Lexi loved her. No matter what, she had her back and her best interests at heart. “Thank you. I am having fun, and it’s been a long time since I could say that. Though I’m still not promising any sort of relationship with Nolan.”

  Lexi gave her a look.

  “Fine,” Mel conceded. “Ass up wouldn’t be the worst thing that happened tonight. Maybe it could be his ass though.”

  Lexi shook her head. “Look at you always having to be in control.”

  But when they arrived at the formal, this time in the designated Placid room, all thoughts of legs and asses in the air were washed away as Mel saw Nolan dancing literally cheek to cheek with Ramona Spencer now Patterson. They were pressed up against each other like teens at a basement party as Ramona said something in his ear and swayed to a song that made all sorts of promises about what one night with the singer could do to a woman.

  “Well, shit, what the hell is this?” Lexi said, bringing voice to Mel’s thoughts.

  “I guess I should have gotten here earlier. Seems his dance card is filled.”

  They stared at the two a little more as they looked uncomfortably right in each other’s arms, grinding to the heavy bass music.

  “Fucking Ramona Spencer,” they said in unison, once again bringing up their old mantra.

  Finally Lexi let off a sigh. “Drink?”


  Mel watched as Lexi made her way to the bar, ogled by no less than five men who she knew had wives somewhere in this shindig. She shook her head as she grabbed a seat at an empty table and started the countdown clock on when she could get out of there. One drink and she was done.

  “They look cozy, don’t they?”

  Mel turned towards the male voice and saw it was the man she knew to be Ramona’s husband, Jim. She looked back at Ramona and Nolan and felt sorry for the guy. At least she had no real stake in this game. “No, not really. It’s just a dance.”

  Jim shrugged. He was a good enough looking man, around fortyish with sandy blond hair, in good shape, and if he went lighter on the drink he’d be fine for a long while yet. Ramona did all right for herself, so why was she taunting him by grinding with Nolan on the dance floor? “Nah, Ramona always gets what she wants.” Mel noticed the slight edge of anger in his voice as Jim licked his lips in a way that had her longing to get out of there and heading for the nearest shower.

  “I doubt that,” she said, leaning away from him.

  Jim leaned back, obviously noticing her discomfort. “No, it’s true. It’s what I like about my girl. She takes charge. Goes after it and gets what she wants. We’re both that way. Aggressive. In the bedroom and out.” He leaned in again. “And a woman like you seems to be the type who knows how to get what she wants too.”

  Mel really leaned back this time. What the hell is this fool saying to me? “I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Oh I’m sure you do, honey,” Jim replied as he glanced at Nolan and Ramona who, at that point, were looking back their way. Suddenly, Mel felt a little ill. Not about the idea of a threesome, though they weren’t her thing, but the idea of being in any sort of sexual situation with Ramona fucking Spencer filled her with revulsion. But then Mr. Spencer slash Patterson continued. “Hopefully if Mr. All American plays ball, it will be a quad.”

  Mel almost choked. Check, please! She was more than ready to leave now. Mel was just about to tell Jim where to get off when he placed his hand at her neck in what could have been a sexy way if it wasn’t so tight and possessive. It was almost shocking in the way it stilled her. She was about to open her mouth to tell him off when a voice beat her to the punch.

  “If I were you, I’d move my dirty hands before they got broken and go collect my wife.”

  Instantly Jim lifted his hand. “Sorry, man. I was just making the lady an offer.”

  “Does she look like she wants what you’re offering?” Nolan’s voice was low, steady and just a litt
le deadly.

  “Okay, I’m out.” Jim hopped up, took his drink, and scuttled to the other side of the room where Ramona looked more than a little put out. Nolan took the seat he vacated.

  “I’m really sorry. I should have been waiting for you at the door, or at least run over as soon as I saw that ass hitting on you.”

  Mel shook her head. “It’s not your fault, and you’re not my keeper. Besides, you had your hands full.”

  Nolan let out a frustrated breath. “Yeah, I did. I can’t believe I got pulled into a dance with her. You know how she is with announcements. I wish I had gone to your room and picked you and Lexi up. I would have had an out then.”

  Mel flashed him a heated look. “Is that what I am, an out?”

  He frowned. “Jeeze, of course not.” Nolan ran a hand over his head. “God, I’m really screwing up what is supposed to be a nice night. Can we please let this bad energy go and start again?” The way he looked at her so sweetly with so much hope in his eyes let Mel know he was sincere and wanted to start again.

  She smiled. “Sure, and hell, I’ve been propositioned by better and worse than the likes of him.”

  Nolan grimaced. “Worse? You really need to hang with a better class of people.”

  It was then that Lexi came over with their drinks and Ian in tow as the DJ announced a line dance. Mel looked at her friends. “Care to cut it up to some truly awful music?”

  Nolan took her hand as she took Lexi’s with her other. “Sure. Tonight we’ll be young again.”

  As they swayed together to the sounds of the old hit, Mel took a moment and focused in on being in Nolan’s arms, the feel of him as he smoothly and confidently led her around the dance floor. The delicious masculine smell of him, a combination of soap and fresh air, so unlike the men she was used to who somehow smelled like a mixture of spin class and Barney’s. The hardness of his chest didn’t feel in any way pumped up or trainer-induced as she leaned against him. She could feel his heartbeat slow and steady against her chest and wondered for a moment, before dismissing herself for being silly, if there could actually be something more.

  But it was foolish. This was just one weekend—an anomaly in a lifetime of working weekends. This was not her real life, so she’d better take the time and enjoy it for what it was.

  They laughed and danced with Ian and Lexi for the better part of the night in between the two of them bickering. When she and Nolan got up for another dance, they left Lexi and Ian arguing over their lists of top five hip-hop classics. The argument before happened to be top sci-fi movies. Mel was over the bickering and she knew the night would be over too soon. During a slow moment during an R&B jam Mel pulled back and looked up at Nolan. “You want to get out of here?”

  He blinked down at her. She could tell he was surprised at her boldness but then he grinned and she could see he wasn’t really surprised but pleased. “I’ve been waiting for you to ask that all night.”

  They made their way to the table and saw the top-five argument was still in full force, only up to number three. Mel leaned down to whisper in Lexi’s ear. “Leave the connecting door unlocked.”

  Thankfully not her normal self, Lexi only gave a nod as Mel hugged Ian. “It was great to see you.”

  “For real. It was cool, Mel. Don’t be a stranger. Fifteen years is too long between friends.” She smiled at that. It was nice to feel she did have a new friend in an old one.

  Chapter Ten

  The ride up to the sixth floor was quiet. Quiet and tenser than the sexy cool boss lady fantasy Mel had in her mind when she gave Nolan the proposition. In her head, she was hugged up next to him, leaning on him nonchalantly while he whispered in her ear about the sexy times to come. The reality was her leaning sideways on her heels trying not to feel the throbbing pain coming to the balls of her feet from all the dancing. Mel nibbled on her bottom lip and tried not to let the fact that she was nervous about the possibility of getting busy with this man show all over her face to the elderly couple in the elevator with them.

  Nolan moved closer to her side and took her hand reassuringly as the elevator stopped on the fourth floor. They both let out a snort as the elderly couple got off and the man placed his hand playfully on the woman’s behind. It was then Nolan wrapped his arms around her and his lips covered hers. The mood was set again.

  When the elevator stopped on six and Nolan pulled back, it took Mel a moment to get her bearings as they exited.

  She took off her shoes in the hallway, not wanting to take another step in her heels and slung them over her fingers. Nolan looked down at her pinched toes and swept her up into his arms. “Really? You’re seriously going there?” she asked, though couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped her lips.

  “Come on, Mel. Your feet hurt. Let me carry you to the room.”

  Mel shook her head but went with it. As far as fulfilling fantasies went, Nolan was doing a damn good job with this one.

  He got to his door first and paused, looking down at her. “All right, I’m not the type of man who presumes. Shall I take you to yours, or are you coming to mine?”

  She looked into his eyes and the heated look he gave her made her nipples harden as her pulse quickened. “Where is your room key?”

  “Inside my pocket.”

  She reached into his pocket and pulled out his key, swiping it for him and opening the door as he carried her inside.

  Entering the suite, Nolan eased her down his body after flipping on the light by the door, then smoothly dimming it down to perfect sexy lighting. Mel stilled. How did he know that light dimmed down? Did hers do that too? And if he knew then he must have practiced with it earlier.

  As if totally sensing her thoughts, Nolan leaned down and kissed her playfully while taking off his suit jacket. “To answer your question, yes I’m that guy who tested all the lights earlier in hopes of getting you back here. I know, total nerd move, but your kiss this afternoon rocked my world. I wanted to look cool and be ready. And by telling you shows how uncool I really am.”

  Mel smiled, the bloom of excitement rushing up from her toes. She gave him a slight shove, pushing him farther into the room past the sitting area. “You are so damned perfect, you shouldn’t be real.”

  Nolan pulled her hard to his body then took her in a tight embrace as he lowered his lips to her once again. “Oh but I’m very real, Ms. Mitchell. You’ll see soon enough.”

  His kiss was unlike the one on the field and nothing like the one on the dance floor. Where the others gave her thrills and chills of excitement, this kiss was all heat and deep smoldering sex. It was as if she was kissing him again for the first time as his tongue captured her own and his large hands cupped her behind, pulling her into his very evident erection. It was as if he was consuming her. Going in deep and coming back up with a piece of her soul. When Mel pulled back for air, she looked at him in confusion.

  “Do you want to stop?” Nolan asked, his voice dark and husky, his breathing as labored as her own.

  Hell no she didn’t want to stop! Mel shook her head no as Nolan kissed her again, softer with a hint of smoke and a promise of the flame to come. “I need to hear you say it.”

  Mel looked him in the eyes and nibbled at her lip before swallowing. “I want it.”

  Nolan walked backward into the bedroom area as he continued to capture her with his stare while unbuttoning his shirt. “What is it you want?”

  Mel reached to her side, and as Nolan unbuttoned another button she slowly undid the hidden side zipper of her dress. “You.”

  Finally, the damned shirt came off, and she was treated to his generous expanse of muscular chest. He was beautiful with a soft smattering of hair that trailed down to a most tantalizing V on his impossibly ripped stomach. Mel swallowed to keep from drooling. Damn, the man was hotter than she thought. Could it be that freaking Facebook came through? Part of her wanted to shoot
a thank you to that little hoodie-wearing CEO.

  “You going to just look, or would you care to touch?” Nolan’s question pulled her up short, and for a moment she didn’t believe that touching was even an option—for so long he’d only been a dream. Mel took a step forward and reached out. Running her hand lightly over his chest then down his belly, feeling a rush of powerful pleasure as he trembled under her caress.

  Feeling bold, Mel leaned forward and kissed him on the bulging tendon between his neck and shoulder. When his breath caught, she nipped at his skin then licked.

  “Woman, you’re going to kill me. I’m trying my best to play it cool here but you’re not even out of your dress and I may just come in my pants from the excitement.”

  Mel smiled and took a step back going for the shoulders of her dress but he stilled her hands. “Wait. Let me, please.”

  Mel dropped her hands to her sides, gladly letting Nolan take over as he eased the straps of her dress off her shoulders, kissing each one. Then, he slowly guided the fabric down her body, warming each uncovered spot with a touch from his lips until he was on his knees before her. Mel sucked in a breath as he slipped the fabric down over her hips, kissing her now-exposed stomach. Letting the fabric fall, he took hold of both of her ass cheeks, feeling under the stretch lace fabric and kissing her at the V of her thighs. “God Mellie, you are a dream come to life.”

  The old name slipping so easily from his lips took her breath away with the reverence in which he said it. Mel pulled him up by his chin, causing him to rise and looked him in the eye. “Then we’d better get to action before we both wake up.”


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