Baby For My Omega (MPreg Hospital Book 1)

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Baby For My Omega (MPreg Hospital Book 1) Page 2

by Dex Bass

  “Are you there, Doctor Albright? Hello? Doctor Albright?” Adam had zoned out in his recollections of hiring and MPreg. Oscar was waking him up from his daydream, speaking directly into Adam’s face. His warm breath smelled like pure omega lust. I said, I would’ve called you Adam? If you hadn’t told me how to address you?”

  “No. You would’ve called me Doctor.” Adam could at least assert some alpha authority, even if he couldn’t reveal himself as an alpha. It helped make up for his own insecurity about possibly being discovered as an alpha in hiding. He couldn’t openly tell this omega to call him Alpha, but he could demand to be called Doctor.

  “Right. Yes.” Oscar was still grinning. His smile was like an apology for naughtiness, and a sweet invitation for Adam to get to know him better. Adam did want to get to know him better — if he could.

  “Your complaint. Your medical complaint. You can’t seem to get pregnant?” Adam snapped himself out of dreaming about making love to Oscar. He forced himself to think professionally. Even if the topic of his professional thought had to be Oscar’s being an unmated omega, Oscar’s desire to have a baby, Oscar’s being fertile and ready for an alpha to fill him.

  “You have all my records right there, Doctor Alph— Albright.” Oscar smiled that mischievous smile again. He used his stunning, sparkling blue eyes to point at Adam’s iPad. Was Oscar’s slip of his beautiful tongue just accidental?

  “Ok. So we’ve done three artificial insemination procedures so far into your hungry hole — I mean, into your anal cavity?” Adam couldn’t help but imagine the hungry, horny Oscar in heat, being filled up with fertile donor sperm three times — even if only by syringes wielded by doctors in lab coats.

  Adam would’ve preferred to have been the doctor filling up Oscar. And he would’ve used his powerful alpha cock, not a syringe. But Adam worked hard not to think that. This was work.

  “Yes.” Oscar gently shook his head in disappointment. “Three times. And still not pregnant.” Oscar shook his head and looked down at the floor. He was adorable. Adam just wanted to hug him. Then do more than hug him. But first, hug him, cuddle and protect him, become his loving, caring alpha forever.

  “I’m sorry if this sounds a bit unscientific.” Adam’s mind was full of visions of Oscar on all fours in front of him, offering up his hungry ass for Adam’s alpha cock. But Adam had to put it in much more polite and indirect terms.

  “Yeah, what? You think I’m not omega enough to get pregnant?”

  “No. Not at all. That never even crossed my fantas— I mean, my diagnosis. Never even crossed my diagnosis. You’re definitely an excellent omega.” Adam could smell and feel what an excellent omega Oscar was. But he couldn’t let anyone know that he had the smell sense of an unmated alpha. Officially, he could rely on his iPad screens full of Oscar’s lab charts as his official excuse for knowing that much about Oscar. And according to all the tests, Oscar was an omega in his prime. That Oscar’s prime omega status was confirmed by every part of Adam’s alpha instinct — that part, Adam could just keep to himself.

  “You smell me?” Oscar grinned mischievously again. He stood with his palms resting behind him, on his ass cheeks. He must have been showing off his hungry, fertile omega ass. Maybe he didn’t know that at least while Adam still worked at MPreg Hospital, there was absolutely nothing that Adam could do about that hungry unmated omega ass of Oscar’s.

  “Medically speaking, yes. It could be said that I smell you through the diagnostic blood and urine panels, in that I have your hormone panel results here.” Adam waved his iPad at Oscar, with rows and columns of numbers showing exactly how much of a fertile omega Oscar was. As if both Adam and Oscar didn’t already know that very well.

  Adam acted like nothing was wrong and like he had no idea what smelling Oscar referred to. As far as his act was concerned, smelling Oscar was just a metaphor for lab results. As far as his act was concerned, after all, Adam wasn’t a horny alpha. He was just a meek heterosexual beta. Ho hum.

  Good save. Adam continued in his disinterested professional voice. “Your omegatin and progesterone levels recently are at the high normal range. There’s absolutely no problem there.” Adam felt himself salivating. Oscar’s hormone levels were indeed high. Oscar was an omega in his sexual and reproductive prime.

  “Right. It sure feels like my hormones are way up. I really feel how much I want—” Oscar’s eyes met Adam’s. Then Oscar looked down, slightly ashamed. “Anyway, yeah, my hormones are normal, so I should be able to get pregnant.”

  “Oscar.” Adam put his hands on his hips and tried to look professional, cool and collected, doctor-like. “Can I call you Oscar?” Of course he could call his patients by their first names. But he just wanted to hear Oscar say it. He wanted to feel that their relationship was more intimate.

  Adam was willing to get as close as he could to Oscar without letting anyone know he was a horny alpha. Unfortunately, that wasn’t very close. He couldn’t do much more than stare at Oscar. Even his staring, he had to mostly keep under wraps.

  “Sure. Oscar. Or Omega. Either way.” There was that grin of Oscar’s again. Adam had seen cheeky omegas before in his line of work. But he’d never before felt so attracted to one, or felt such a strong need to embrace him, nibble at his near, and breed his ass, all at once. Oscar was pure magnetic omega attraction. Adam felt the pull Oscar had on Adam’s eyes, nose, heart, and dick.

  “Oscar. You know, artificial insemination is just attempting to simulate something from nature. I mean, it’s always just an attempt to simulate.”

  “Right.” Oscar nodded calmly. “Just an attempt to medically simulate being mated by an alpha.” As soon as Oscar mentioned being mated by an alpha, Adam visualized it. Adam’s dick rose in excitement. Adam breathed deeply to smell Oscar’s scent, then calmed himself down so he wouldn’t hyperventilate.

  “And sometimes — sometimes — it’s never as good as the real.” Adam was definitely hyperventilating. His skin was probably flushed red. But here he was, trying to explain alpha-mating to a horny omega standing in front of him. “I mean, never as good as the real process. The real, um, what do you call it, um the real uh mating by an alpha. So interficial artsemination, I mean, artificial insemination—”

  “I get it.” Oscar was now not just grinning but smiling wide. “The artificial medical procedure is never as good as the real thing.”

  “Right.” Adam made an effort to look directly ahead, breathe slowly and not overheat. He stood behind a counter to hide the erection that was tenting his slacks.

  “I mean, nothing could possibly be as good as a hot fertile alpha getting on top of me and shoving his stiff dick into me, then knotting up deep inside my love channel and pumping me full of his fertile love-nectar to make me pregnant. Nothing could possibly be better than that.” Oscar looked at Adam knowingly and bit his lower lip.

  Adam knew he was flushing red. Adam was considering crouching down on the floor behind the counter to hide the erection that felt as though it was going to rip right through his slacks. He was salivating when looking at Oscar.

  “Hold on. Hold on for a second,” he said to Oscar. Then he turned around, still in the exam room, and turned on the cold water tap. He splashed cold water on his face. Then he held his face under the running cold tap. He wiped his face with his sleeve and went back to standing in front of Oscar. At least Adam’s face no longer felt hot, even if his dick was just as erect as it had been ever since Oscar had given him that look.

  “Feel better now?” Oscar grinned.

  “Yeah. I just needed to — just needed to — I mean, the air conditioning doesn’t work so well here.” Adam wasn’t sure for whose benefit he was lying. Oscar obviously suspected that Adam was a horny alpha. But Adam couldn’t confirm it, lest he risk his job. His job that was what he lived for.

  “I mean, I was just emphasizing that certainly artificial insemination couldn’t be as good as a real fertile alpha.” Oscar turned his back to Adam. He ben
t over and put his hands on the counter in front of him. He stuck his meaty ass in the air — he was wearing tight jeans, but in Adam’s mind it might as well have been naked.

  “Oh my—” Adam said. He hoped his gasp wasn’t audible.

  “I mean certainly it wouldn’t be nearly as good as a hot fertile alpha taking me as his omega, knotting up inside me, and shooting tons of gooey alpha-nectar inside me.” Oscar looked back over his shoulder, at Adam, and grinned. His sparkling eyes were like gems teasing Adam. “Nothing could ever be as good as that,” Oscar emphasized.

  Adam stepped to the sink again. Splashed cold water on his face again. Held his face under the tap again. This time it didn’t really help. His entire body was hot. His dick was dripping precum inside his briefs.

  Adam stood up from the sink and looked at Oscar again. Looking at Oscar was just about the last thing he should’ve done. Adam unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt to cool down. He saw Oscar’s eyes scope out the top of his manly chest and chest hair. He just wanted to cool down, but opening his shirt like that only heated up the situation.,

  “So you should find an alpha,” Adam blurted out, looking at the floor. “We have an alpha referral service. Room A111. Open 24 hours.”

  “What if I already saw the alpha I want?” Oscar winked. Or Adam just imagined him winking. No, Oscar definitely winked. Then Oscar obviously stared at the chest hair Adam was showing off with his open shirt. Oscar wasn’t hiding anything. He didn’t have to hide being an omega. He didn’t have an MPreg Hospital job to protect, a no-unmated-alphas policy to try to hide from.

  “I have another patient,” Adam blurted out again. Adam stared at his feet, then at the floor tile, then at the walls, then at the door: anywhere to avoid looking at Oscar again. He breathed deeply to hold his breath; of course, breathing deeply made him smell Oscar that much stronger. It was overwhelming. “Oscar. You have to leave now. The alpha referral service, is in room A111. Or just leave. Just leave the hospital. I’m busy here.”

  Still standing up, Adam turned to the laptop on his desk and randomly started punching keys on the keyboard, trying to look busy. Then he randomly moved the mouse around and randomly clicked.

  “Your laptop screen is still dark.” Oscar was grinning again, standing in the doorway, looking over his shoulder back at Adam. Oscar was clearly showing off his round, ready ass as he stood there in Adam’s office. He even gyrated it ever so slightly.

  “Yeah. I’ll call someone to fix it. I’ll call somebody, someone. Who do I call? I’ll call Alpha.” Why had Adam blurted out that stupid word? “No. I mean I’ll call IT. Yeah. I’ll call IT. You have to leave. Bye.” Adam waved goodbye to Oscar hurriedly, almost frantically, like a child waving through a school bus window.

  “Ok. I’ll — umm, maybe I’ll see you later. I hope I’ll see you later.” Oscar’s smile had only grown. He waved goodbye to Adam cutely, coyly, impishly.

  “Wait.” Adam muttered in his winded breath. He could barely speak. He gave Oscar his card. The one with his direct line. With his email address. With his cellphone number. Handing over that card to Oscar was as good as handing in his resignation letter to the hospital. But he had to do it. Otherwise Oscar would be just another patient passing through Adam’s doors, and Adam could lose touch with this magnetic omega forever. He’d rather lose his medical career, everything he’d ever treasured, than lose the chance to at least romantically pursue Oscar.

  And Adam realized: he, the professional, highly esteemed alpha, had just gotten all weak-kneed and tongue-tied for an omega. That wasn’t how an alpha was supposed to be. But somehow loving and lusting for Oscar like that actually made Adam feel more like an alpha. Even if some people’s definitions of alpha included not caring about whatever hot guys might be in the alpha’s path. Adam didn’t care. Adam was only his own man. Except the hospital. The hospital cared, and no matter what, Adam definitely cared about his job.

  There was a soft knock on the door of the exam room. “Can I come in?” It sounded like one of the physician’s assistants, Ollie. Ollie always actually asked permission to enter a doctor’s examination room. He was one of the few people who actually waited to receive an answer to can I come in? Before coming in. Ollie was a good guy.

  “Yeah, come in.” Adam said it with a sigh. He walked over to the water cooler this time. He pressed the blue button for refrigerated water and splashed it on his face again. “What’s up, Ollie?” Adam asked. He suddenly remembered what was up in his own pants: his erection, which had receded only slightly since Oscar’s departure.

  Ollie walked into the room and looked around. He even looked under the exam table. He must’ve been looking for the alpha that had sent that little omega patient into heat. “Dr. Albright, I just wonder if you know. There was a pretty heated up omega strutting out of this room a few minutes ago.”

  “Yeah, and?” Adam put on his best face of looking concerned but not perturbed. And Adam definitely didn’t want to look guilty. As far as Adam was concerned, he had absolutely nothing to do with that heated-up omega that had just visited him. Nothing at all.

  “He looked like he’d just smelled a ready, fertile, unmated alpha. I was just checking if an alpha had gotten in here somehow.” Ollie’s eyes were still scanning around the room, under the exam table, even under the sink. It seemed somehow beyond his understanding that there was a big six-foot-four two-hundred-thirty-pound alpha standing right in front of him: Adam.

  “I — I don’t know,” Adam said. Of course Adam knew. And lying was never good. Lying in the hospital where he’d built his life was especially not-good — and to Ollie, one of his most trusted assistants.

  “Dr. Albright, you’re like, you’re not an MPreg man, are you? I mean you’re not alpha or omega or anything, are you?”

  “Oh, Ollie, um, you know—”

  “Dr. Albright. You and I, we’re friends and coworkers. I respect you.” Ollie pointed to the picture on the wall of him and Adam dressed in scrubs, emerging from a difficult Caesarian surgery. “But you know it’s for everybody’s good, everybody’s well-being, that MPreg Hospital doesn’t allow unmated alphas into the patient areas.”

  “I’m not. I’m not anything I shouldn’t be. I mean, I have my professional demeanor, Ollie. I mean no matter which way my dick hangs. No matter who I lust after. I have my professional limits.”

  “I’ve smelled your pheromones a few times.” Ollie spoke quietly. “I didn’t want to say anything.”


  “I didn’t want to say anything, but you know, I’m deeply committed to this hospital, just as much as you are.”

  “You know I’d never do anything to endanger the hospital or the patients.”

  “I know. But I’m not the problem. Other people are the problem?”

  “Everybody’s been talking. I’m not the first one to smell your alpha pheromones. People talk about it. And then when that omega came out of your exam room looking like he was ready to fuck a fire hydrant — I mean people talk.”

  “Gossip is gossip.” Adam shrugged.

  “Dr. Albright. It’s more than just talking. Word is — there’s going to be disciplinary action. It’s been coming since before this omega incident today. I didn’t know how to bring it up to you. But I think the whole hospital knows now.”

  “They know what?”

  “Give me the professional courtesy of being honest with me, Dr. Albright.” Ollie stood closer to Adam. They were the only two people in the room. Still, Ollie talked as if somebody might be eavesdropping. Because they might have been. Security at MPreg Hospital was famously strict. Especially about the little matter of not allowing unmated alphas near the patient areas. That rule was ironclad. “Dr. Albright. The entire hospital knows that you’re an unmated alpha. They’re going to fire you. Today’s incident is just giving them more ammunition, more evidence.”

  “I’m not—” Adam began a half-hearted denial. He knew he couldn’t deny it. Somehow he felt as
if he should at least make some kind of tiny, half-hearted effort at denial.

  “Don’t lie to me. Don’t pretend you’re something you’re not. You know I’m always your friend, your ally here.”


  “Speaking personally, Dr. Albright. I’m an omega, as you know. As you full well know. I’ve smelled your pheromones from day one. I’ve seen it in your eyes that you’re an alpha. You’re no sexless beta. But I’ve protected you. I haven’t talked to anybody about you. Other people aren’t so discreet though. Too many people know.”

  “So I’m gone? I’m out of here? Everything I know, my life at the hospital here, it’s all over? What am I going to do? My life is male pregnancy medicine. It’s either this or — I don’t know, going back to residency to become an obstetrician for women, maybe. But I love working with male pregnancy. I love this hospital.”

  “Dr. Albright. Adam, if I can call you Adam. Slow down a bit. I’m not the discipline committee here. I’m just the messenger. It’s not me you should be trying to convince.”

  “Right. So?”

  “So it’s the hospital at large you should be trying to convince. Not me.”

  “So I should step out this door right now and yell out into the hospital Please excuse what just happened and I am definitely, certainly not an unmated alpha because that would be totally against the rules please don’t fire me?”


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