Waiting for Love

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Waiting for Love Page 34

by Marie Force

  “Your fantasy was so much better than any reality I’ve ever known. When faced with running the company again or being here with you, it was a no-brainer.”

  All the time he’d been gone, he’d been laying the groundwork to come back to her. Abby wondered if a heart could burst from happiness.

  “It’s about time you finally got your happy ending, sweetheart.”

  “It’s about time you got yours, too.”

  “You’re my happy ending.” He kissed her again, this time more intently as he fisted her hair and teased her with his tongue, tempting her with promises of much, much more. Many passionate minutes later, he seemed to remember where they were and who was watching. He glanced at the deck and then back at her. “I guess we’ve officially gone public.”

  “Looks that way.”

  He held out his hand, and Abby happily took it. “What do you say we get busy turning your fantasy into reality?”

  “I say I’m all for it.”

  “And how do you really feel about six kids?”

  “I think you’re freaking crazy.”

  Laughing, he put his arm around her and kissed the top of her head as they strolled toward the house. “Crazy about you, but your swearing still needs work. We’ve got time to work on it. Lots and lots of time.”


  “I brought you a present,” he said hours later when they were finally at her place, finally alone. His entire family, including Grant, had seemed thrilled for them, which had only added to Abby’s joy at being with him again.

  “What is it?”

  He gestured toward the hallway. “Let me get it.”

  “It’s in my room?”

  “I dropped my stuff here on the way to Mac’s.”

  “You were taking an awful lot for granted, mister.”

  “I was hopeful.” He kissed her and seemed to forget all about her gift until she squiggled free.

  “You said something about a present?”

  “Ah, right. So I did. Be right back.”

  Abby watched him walk away, still wanting to pinch herself to believe this day had actually happened.

  “Don’t look.”

  She curled up on the sofa and covered her eyes. “I’m not looking.”

  When he sat next to her, the pervasive odor of leather filled her senses. “Okay, open your eyes.”

  On the coffee table, he’d laid out a black leather jacket with matching pants and gloves.

  “If you want to learn to ride a motorcycle, you need the protective gear.” From his side of the sofa, he produced a sleek silver helmet with a built-in face mask that he handed to her.

  He understood her so well—better than anyone ever had. “This is awesome! I love it. Thank you.”

  Taking the helmet from her, he put it on the table. “I can’t wait to see your ass in those pants.”

  Laughing, she hurled herself into his arms and held on tight. “It’s the best present I’ve ever gotten.”

  “Some girls want diamonds and gold. My girl is happy with leather and tattoos. How did I ever get so lucky?”

  Hearing him call her “his girl” was the frosting on the cake of a perfect day. “We both got lucky.” With her hand on the back of his head, she dragged him into another kiss. After weeks without him, she couldn’t get close enough fast enough.

  Starting at the hem and working his way up, he pulled the dress she’d worn to Janey’s shower over her head and tossed it aside, taking a minute to appreciate the lacy pink bra and panties she’d worn under it.

  She yanked on his belt buckle and moaned with frustration when it refused to give way.

  Laughing against her lips, Adam took care of it for her and groaned when she wrapped her hand around his erection. “Condom. Need one.”

  “No. I’m on the pill. Please…hurry.”

  “You don’t like to hurry.”

  “I do now.”

  Still wearing the suit coat, dress shirt and pants, he pushed aside her panties and gave her what she needed in one thrust that made them both gasp from the sheer thrill of it.

  She had no thoughts of the past when she took him in effortlessly, as if she’d been born to love this man and this man only. The powerful relief of being back in his arms and their swift, frantic coupling combined to leave her breathless.

  “God, Abby… I love you so much. I can’t even tell you how much.”

  “I love you, too,” she said, her arms tight around him.

  Knowing they had all the time in the world to give each other, she came, sobbing his name, clinging to him as he surged into her, lost in his own release.

  Abby had traveled a long and winding road to get to where she belonged. It turned out the third time really was the charm. With her heart and soul filled to overflowing with his love, she’d finally gotten it just right.

  Author’s Note

  Thank you for reading WAITING FOR LOVE! I hope you enjoyed the latest installment from Gansett Island! If you’d like to chat about the book with other readers, join the Waiting for Love Reader Group. Remember, too, that if you enjoyed the book, please leave a review on your retailer’s site or on Goodreads to help other readers discover the McCarthy Series! If you’re not already on my mailing list, make sure you join soon to stay abreast of the latest news and book announcements. And check out all my reader groups, especially the McCarthy Series Reader Group, which is up to nearly 4,000 members in the Tiki Bar!

  The number one question I get about this series is will there be more? Yes, much more to come from Gansett Island! Keep reading for the answer to this and other frequently asked questions about the McCarthys, including news about the hero and heroine in book 9, TIME FOR LOVE!

  A quick thank you to my behind-the-scenes team… My new full-time assistant Julie Cupp has already made me completely dependent upon her awesomeness in a very short time. Thank you, Julie, for taking a giant leap of faith after an eight-year job interview. Thanks to Chris Camara for all her great help, Linda Ingmanson for copy editing, Toni Lee for proofreading and to my three most excellent beta readers—Ronlyn Howe, Kara Conrad and Anne Woodall.

  And to you, my wonderful readers, thank you as always for your dedication to the McCarthys—and to me. You’ve made my crazy journey so much fun, and I love you all! Turn the page to find out about an AMAZING contest, which includes a trip of a lifetime to Block Island, the real-life inspiration for Gansett Island, and lunch with yours truly! Hurry! The contest ends on Feb. 24, so act fast!



  Waiting for Love Contest

  Are you ready for a reader contest like no other with the most FABULOUS prizes? Coinciding with the release of Waiting for Loveon Monday, Feb. 18, the contest will run from Monday, Feb. 18 through Sunday Feb. 24 at 6 pm EST and will require in-depth knowledge of Waiting for Love. Make plans to read the book in time to submit your answers to the Waiting for Love quiz. Those who achieve a perfect score on the quiz, are members of the McCarthys Series Readers Group on FacebookMcCarthys Series Readers Group on Facebook and are subscribers to the mailing list will be eligible for one of the amazing prizes listed below. When you subscribe to the mailing list, you will receive an email with the link for the quiz.

  GRAND PRIZE is a visit to Block Island, RI that includes:

  $750 toward airfare (Continental U.S. only. If you are overseas, you will have to get yourself to the U.S.)

  Transport from T.F. Green Airport in Providence to the Point Judith ferry landing in Narragansett, RI.

  Round trip ferry tickets to Block Island.

  Two nights lodging for two at a hotel on Block Island (the winner can tack on extra nights at their own expense.)

  Two $100 gift certificates to Marie's favorite restaurants on Block Island.

  LUNCH with the author at the famous Oar Bar and an island tour with Marie (subject to author availability when you choose to come)l

  Signed print copies of all eight books in the McCarthy of Gansett Island Series, the
Gansett Island beach bag and towel and the McCarthys of Gansett Island bumper sticker.


  Winner's choice of an iPad Mini or Kindle Fire, $250 gift card to the accompanying retailer and signed print copies of all eight books in the McCarthys of Gansett Island Series, the Gansett Island beach bag and towel and the McCarthys of Gansett Island bumper sticker.


  $100 gift card to the ebook retailer of the winner's choice and signed print copies of all eight books in the McCarthys of Gansett Island Series, the Gansett Island beach bag and towel and the McCarthys of Gansett Island bumper sticker.

  Two Runner Up Prizes:

  Signed print copies of all eight books in the McCarthys of Gansett Island Series, the Gansett Island beach bag and towel and the McCarthys of Gansett Island bumper sticker.

  Prizes must be redeemed by December 31, 2014.

  By participating in this contest, all entrants agree (a) to abide by these and any additional specific official rules and the decisions of the HTJB, Inc./Marie Force Author, its employees, subsidiaries and agents and any affiliated companies, sponsors or other entities furnishing prizes or otherwise connected with the conduct of this contest ("Contest Entities"), which will be binding and final in all respects; (b) to the use of information by the Contest Entities for marketing and advertising purposes as allowed by applicable privacy policies and law; (c) to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Contest Entities and their officers, directors, employees and agents from any and all liability, claims, lawsuits, costs, expenses, fees, injuries (including death), losses, and damages resulting or alleged to result from participation in the contest, acceptance or use of any prize, and/or from entrant's fraudulent or otherwise wrongful acts or omissions; (d) not to sue the Contest Entities for any damages alleged to arise from winner's acceptance of or use of the prize(s); and (e) to the use of the entrant's, name, voice, biography, and likeness by Contest Entities without further notice or compensation for promotion, advertising, filing, and dissemination purposes, except where otherwise prohibited by law. Contest Entities make no warranty, guaranty or representation of any kind concerning any prize and disclaim any implied warranty. Contest Entities are not responsible if the prize cannot be awarded due to delays or interruptions due to acts of God, acts of war, natural disasters, weather or acts of terrorism.

  Frequently Asked Questions About the McCarthys of Gansett Island

  How many books will you write in this series?

  I always answer this question the same way—I’ll keep writing the series for as long as readers tell me they’re enjoying it. So keep those e-mails and Facebook posts coming!

  Who’s next?

  David Lawrence and Daisy Babson will be featured in book 9, TIME FOR LOVE.

  Will you write a “prequel” telling Big Mac and Linda’s love story?

  I’d love to! I definitely think about that from time to time, but I’m not sure when I’ll do it. Maybe that would make a lovely end to the series someday—someday far off in the future!

  Who is your favorite character in the series?

  Duh! Ned! I also have a mad crush on Big Mac, but don’t we all?

  Will you write books for the Gansett Island kids in the future?

  I don’t know. Maybe.

  Have we met all the McCarthy cousins?

  Nope. There’re quite a few others out there waiting for their turn to visit the island.

  Tell us the truth—will David have to deliver Janey’s baby?

  Wouldn’t you love to know!? You’ll have to keep reading to find out!

  Do you have other questions? Send them my way at [email protected] and I’ll post them to the McCarthy section of my website.

  While you're waiting for more from Gansett Island, check out book 1 in Marie's Treading Water Series. Turn the page for a sneak peek…

  Treading Water

  Treading Water Series, Book 1

  By: Marie Force

  Chapter 1

  Jack gauged the impossible twelve-foot putt.

  Jamie Booth, his best friend and business partner, sighed with exasperation. “There’s no way, Jack, so just putt, will you?”

  “Stop rushing me.” Jack took a deep calming breath and aligned his putter as a warm spring breeze blew in off Rhode Island’s Narragansett Bay. He tapped the ball, watched in amazement as it dropped into the hole, and pumped his arm like a professional golfer.

  While their clients congratulated Jack, Jamie moaned and groaned. “I’ll be hearing about this for weeks.”

  “Watch and learn, my friend,” Jack said with a grin. “Watch. And. Learn.”

  His cell phone vibrated in his pocket as the foursome moved to the fifteenth tee. Jack checked the caller ID and saw it was his wife, Clare. After the terrible fight they’d had that morning, he was relieved to hear from her.


  The frantic tone of his oldest daughter’s voice stopped his heart. “What’s the matter?”

  “It’s Mom.”

  “What? What, Jill?”

  “She was hit by a car.” Jill was crying so hard, he had trouble understanding her. “They’re taking her to Newport Hospital.”

  Her words sent a jolt of icy fear straight through him. “I’m coming, honey,” he managed to say. “I’ll be right there.”

  Abandoning his clubs and his clients, he took off running across the golf course.

  In the parking lot, Jamie pried Jack’s keys out of his hand. “What’s wrong, Jack?”

  “It’s Clare.” Jack told him the news in a flat, shocked tone as they peeled out of the parking lot.

  “Oh my God,” Jamie muttered.

  During the brief ride, a series of images flashed through Jack’s mind, spanning the nearly twenty years he’d spent with Clare. His stomach ached when he remembered their angry words that morning. She has to be all right. She has to be.

  “Talk to me,” Jamie said.

  “We fought.” Jack felt detached from the moment, as if he was watching a movie of someone else’s life.


  “This morning.”

  “I didn’t think you guys ever fought.”

  “We never used to, but lately…Seems to be all we do.” Jack hadn’t even realized it until that moment, until it was possible he could lose her.

  “What happened this morning?”

  “She…pushed me away. In bed. Again. I can’t remember the last time she didn’t push me away. It’s been months.”

  “You never said anything was wrong.”

  “I was afraid to say it out loud until I heard she might be hurt.” He ached with worry and fear over what he’d find at the hospital. “Or worse.” Forcing himself to breathe, he said, “God, what if she’s dead? What if the last thing I said to her was ‘if you want out of this marriage, just let me know?’”

  “You’ll work it out. You two are solid, man. Whatever’s wrong, you’ll get through it.”

  Provided she isn’t dead, Jack thought. Please don’t let her be dead.

  They pulled up to the emergency entrance, and Jack leaped from the car. Inside he found his daughters in the care of a nurse and a police officer. Jill, Kate, and Maggie were crying as they flew into Jack’s arms.

  Jack held them for a long time, his heart racing as their gut-wrenching sobs ramped up his already out-of-control anxiety. “Can you tell me what happened?”

  Jamie put an arm around Maggie and led her away so her older sisters could talk to their father.

  “We were leaving the mall,” Jill said, swiping at tears. “And this car came right at us. We jumped out of the way, but she just stood there, and the car hit her.” A sob hiccupped through her. “She went right over the top and landed on the pavement.”

  “Okay, honey,” he said, comforting his daughter while he tried to process what she’d said. As he imagined the scene, his chest tightened. “Maybe she just couldn’t get out of the way in time.”

  Kate shook her h
ead. “She didn’t move. It was like she wanted the car to hit her or something.”

  “I’m sure it was so scary, but you must’ve seen it wrong,” Jack insisted. “Mom would never do that.”

  A young doctor came through swinging doors to the waiting room. “Mr. Harrington? I’m Dr. Rooney.” He led Jack away from the girls.

  Jamie left Maggie in the care of her sisters and walked over to hear what the doctor had to say.

  “Your wife is in extremely critical condition with a significant head injury,” Dr. Rooney said. “She also has multiple fractures and a lacerated liver. When we get her stabilized, we’ll be taking her up to surgery to remove her spleen and repair her liver.”

  Shocked, Jack said, “But she’ll be all right, won’t she?”

  “The head injury is a big concern. We’re inducing a coma to allow the swelling in her brain to subside. The next twenty-four to forty-eight hours will be critical.”

  Jack’s hands were trembling, so he jammed them into his pockets. “How long will you keep her in the coma?”

  “Hopefully, only a few days,” Dr. Rooney said. “We’ll have to wait and see what happens when we take her off the sedation.”

  “What could happen?” Jack had never experienced such raw fear. “She’ll wake up then, right?”

  “I can’t say for certain. The head injury is severe. I wish I could tell you more, but it’s a wait-and-see thing at this point. I’m sorry.”

  “I want to be with her.”

  “I’ll come and find you when we get her settled after surgery,” the doctor said as he walked away.

  “A coma,” Jack said, incredulous.

  Jamie squeezed Jack’s shoulder. “Why don’t you call your mother and ask her to come help with the girls?”

  “I just can’t believe this. She’s never been sick a day in her life. Remember how she was after having the girls?”

  “I remember. She’s superwoman, so there’s nothing to worry about. I’m sure she’ll be asking for you in no time.”

  “Yeah,” Jack said. “Definitely.”


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