The Truth Keeps Silent: A Second Chance Romantic Suspense (Truth & Lies Duet Book 1)

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The Truth Keeps Silent: A Second Chance Romantic Suspense (Truth & Lies Duet Book 1) Page 10

by A. V. Asher

  “I see. Well, she was a lovely person when I first met her and just as lovely the other day.” He let a soft smile play on his lips at the mention of her. He didn’t miss Jason’s hand curling into a fist on his lap. “Unfortunately, I haven’t seen her since we had coffee. I gave her the names of my acquaintances, and we went our separate ways.” He lifted his shoulder.

  Jason stood. “If you see her, will you please tell her . . . Tell her I miss her, and I— I love her.” His voice broke, and he swallowed hard.

  Jason spitting out fake emotions over Mercedes was testing Alec’s control. “Of course. But I don’t know I’ll see her before you do.”

  Jason smiled and held out his hand to Alec again. In shaking it, Alec noted a scab and purple streaks across the top of Jason’s knuckles. Mercedes’s tearstained face, mottled with bruises, flashed in his mind. These were the hands that had pummeled her, frightened her, and tried to shatter her.

  He squeezed a little harder than he meant to, fighting back the urge to end this man.

  Jason didn’t appear to notice Alec’s struggle. He pulled out a business card. “Will you call me if she reaches out to you?”

  “I will.” Alec took the card and laid it on his desk.

  Jason shook Declan’s hand and turned to leave.

  “One last thing.” Jason turned back to them at the door. “She’s good at making people believe things that aren’t real. That she’s been mistreated, or people are after her. I think she believes what she says. Again, you may want to think twice about supporting her. My understanding is your company has an excellent reputation.”

  “I appreciate the heads up, but I’ve a pretty solid bullshit meter.” Alec smiled amicably.

  Jason returned the smile with a nod and walked out of the office.

  Alec turned to Declan, who shrugged. Alec nodded toward the cabinet in the corner where they kept some of their smaller equipment. Declan pulled out the sensor and swept the room. Nothing.

  “That was some crazy shit,” Declan said quietly. “There had to be a reason for that visit.”

  “Aye, there was. He was studying me. He wanted to throw me off balance and see for himself if I’d lie about where she is. Bastard’s getting desperate.”

  “You almost lost it there at the end.”

  Alec grimaced. “Fucker had bruises on his fists.” A wave of disappointment ran through him. “I’d better stay put another night or two. I don’t think it’s safe to go to her.” Damn it, so close.

  “I’ll let Shake and Mason know.”

  Alec tried to get some research done, but he struggled to focus on the documents he was reviewing. The visit from Jason was unsettling. The man was effective in getting into people’s heads.

  His cell phone vibrated, breaking into his thoughts. It was a text from Mariah.

  Hey. I’m free tonight. Dinner?

  Alec contemplated the text for a moment. Mariah Costa had been an operative at another risk management firm in London. They had met at an art auction six months ago.

  Tall and slender with long blond hair and rich brown eyes, Mariah knew she was beautiful. She’d smiled at him while they waited for their clients. Once the job was done, he offered to buy her a drink.

  One drink turned to three. Before he knew it, he was rummaging for a condom in his wallet at her flat. Alec wasn’t much into one-night stands, but she was enthusiastic, and it had been a while.

  For several months, they kept up a casual relationship. One of them would text the other with an invitation for a drink or dinner. Usually, he’d end the evening in her bed. He never stayed the night, and Mariah never expected him to.

  One afternoon, Mariah confessed to being unhappy at work and asked if he had room for her at his company. Alec knew she’d make a great member of the team, but they’d have to end their relationship. He didn’t sleep with subordinates. Although she was prone to flirting a little too openly with him at the office, she respected the boundaries he put in place.

  They’d had dinner a couple of times since ending their physical relationship. Mariah appeared as comfortable as he was with their professional friendship.

  As disappointed as he was that he couldn’t see Mercedes tonight, he had to admit going out with another woman might show his shadows he was living his life and not squirreling away the woman they were looking for. He shot her back a text and made plans to meet up.

  When Alec arrived at the restaurant, Mariah had already gotten them a table. He gave her a friendly kiss on the cheek when she rose to greet him.

  “How are you?” Her dark eyes sparkled in the dim lighting. “It feels like forever since we’ve had a chance to catch up.”

  “It has been a while. How was the Goodwin job? I hear they were happy with their delivery.”

  She rolled her eyes. “The son was a prick, but I managed not to kill him.”

  Alec laughed. “That’s good. I’d hate to get a bad reputation for murdering spoiled rich kids.”

  They fell into an easy conversation. Alec ordered a bottle of wine he knew she liked but nursed his glass.

  “I noticed you had a safehouse blocked off for this weekend. You’re not hiding someone famous, are you?” Mariah’s eyes sparkled with curiosity. One of her favorite things about their job was the occasional protection of famous people.

  He wasn’t going to share the real reason he’d scheduled the house. “Not unless you consider Declan a celebrity,” he laughed. “Our aunt is having a birthday celebration nearby, so Dec and I thought we’d rent the house. Give the cousins a place to stay.”

  “Oh, sounds fun. Are you going up soon?”

  Alec shrugged. “I hope to in the next day or so. I have some projects I want to finish first.”

  The waiter cleared and prepped their table for their upcoming meal. When he walked away, Mariah gently took his hand. Alec froze, staring at her polished fingertips stroking the back of his hand.

  Well shit. “Mariah . . .” Alec shook his head at her.

  “Alec, I know I agreed our relationship would end if I took a job, but . . .” She squeezed his hand. “I think maybe it was a mistake. I can’t stop thinking about you. About us. We had a lot of fun together, right?”

  “We did,” Alec agreed. “And I’m flattered. Truly. But I meant it when I said I wouldn’t date someone from the office. It wouldn’t be right.”

  “I know, but if I had known how much I’d miss you, I might have reconsidered taking the job.” Her wide, brown eyes were pleading. She was beautiful and used to getting what she wanted.

  Maybe there was a time when he’d have accepted such an offer, subordinate or not.

  But Mercedes was in his life again. She might never be his, but he wouldn’t kill the already slim odds for a quick shag with Mariah.

  “I’m sorry, but no. It’s not a good idea.”

  Mariah’s eyebrows pulled down, and she looked away. Blinking rapidly, she picked up her glass for another sip. Alec tried to think of something to say, but the words stuck in his throat. The waiter arrived with their dishes, breaking the tension between them.

  “I’m sorry.” And he meant it. It sucked that he was hurting her.

  “Forget it. I’m sorry too. I knew it was a risk. We can still be friends, right? Have dinner every now and again?”

  “Of course.”

  She poured herself more wine and changed the subject. It took a few minutes for the awkwardness to subside, but by the end of the meal, she was laughing easily again. When they finished, he walked her to the street, and she hailed a cab.

  “One last chance?” She said it jokingly, but her eyes told him she wasn’t playing. If he wanted, he could take her home and have her all night.

  Shaking his head with a smile, he reached to open the door for her. Without warning, Mariah’s mouth found his, pulling him into a kiss. It stunned him enough that he didn’t immediately respond. When she used her tongue to coax him into kissing her back, he pulled away.

  “I meant it
.” Alec peeled her hands from around his neck. “Goodnight, Mariah.”

  She pouted but turned to the cab. Alec helped her into the car and shut the door.

  Alec touched the back of his hand to his mouth, annoyed. This wasn’t how he thought the night would go.

  Maybe she had done him a favor. Kissing another woman on the street would send his shadows the message that Mercedes wasn’t in his thoughts at all.

  It had the opposite effect on him. The kiss only made him ache for Mercedes more. He needed to get it together before he saw her again. The last thing she needed was for him to be horny for her when she needed him to be her friend.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Mercedes had been sleeping for days, only waking when one of her new friends wanted to make sure she hadn’t died on them. When they were satisfied she wasn’t at her end, they’d feed her and let her return to her comfy nest where she’d fall right back to sleep again.

  On the fifth day, she awoke on her own, her energy level nearly restored. She probably couldn’t run a marathon, but she could have lunch at the kitchen table like a normal person.

  The days had lessened some of the bruising, but they had a ways to go. Cressida had left the small makeup bag, so she experimented with covering up the worst of her battered face. A little eyeliner and mascara had her feeling a little more human.

  Shake sat at the kitchen table, his fingers dancing over the keyboard of his laptop. He gave her a huge grin. “Hey, look at you. Out of bed and everything,” he teased. He stood and walked to her, lifting her chin to scan her concealing work. “Not bad.”

  “Maybe I can get a job in the West End?”

  He laughed. “You could. It’s all about slathering the stuff on like mortar on a brick wall.”

  Shake helped her hunt down something to eat, and they sat at the table munching on sandwiches.

  “So, I meant to ask you,” Mercedes said between bites. “How did you get the name ‘Shake’?”

  Shake gave her an amused smile. “Well, you remember Cress and I are twins, right?” At her nod, he continued, “Well, our mum’s a bit of a nutter. She was going through a big Shakespearean period when she was expecting us, so she pulled our names from his work. Cress’s name comes from Troilus and Cressida.”

  “Sooo, what’s your name then? It’s not Romeo, is it?” she teased. “Oh my god, it’s Hamlet.”

  He gave a dramatic sigh. “It’s Lysander.”

  “Lysander?” She couldn’t remember that one.

  “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”

  “Aww, I like it!” she exclaimed. “Is that why you had Sandy on your name tag?”

  “Oh, for sure. My nan calls me Sandy. My mum calls me Lysander, though.”

  “So, the nickname Shake . . .”

  “My mates at school. Nobody wanted to call me by my name. I started out as Shakespeare, but that’s a mouthful, so they cut it down to Shake.”

  “I’d like to meet your mom someday. She sounds fascinating.”

  “Yeah, she’s a crackpot, but she’s really sweet. Oh hey, got some good news. Alec and Dec will join us today. Finally.” Shake rolled his eyes. “Alec’s been getting antsy.”

  A gentle flush crept up her cheeks. “I thought he’d be here days ago.”

  “He was planning on it, but he was waiting for them to give up following.”

  Mercedes frowned. “Were they actually watching him? I thought it was a precaution?” She took a bite of her sandwich.

  “Oh, they were watching him all right. Jason even paid him a visit a couple of days ago.”

  She coughed, the bite turning to lead in her throat. “What? Is Alec okay?”

  “Ah, I didn’t mean to alarm you. All is well. Alec handled it,” he reassured her, pushing her glass of water toward her. “Declan was there. Jason told Alec you were a missing mental patient.”

  “He what?” she cried. That asshole.

  “Yeah, he tried to say you hurt yourself, and he was concerned for your safety, yadda yadda.” He made a jerking-off gesture with his hands.

  Mercedes’s fingers tapped on the table. “So . . . they didn’t believe him?” Jason was so good at manipulating people.

  Shake grinned. “What do you take us for? Of course not.” She must not have looked confident. “Alec knows what happened. We all do. You don’t need to worry about being believed here. We know total shite when we see it.”

  Mercedes was playing poker with Mason and Shake when Alec and Declan’s car pulled into the drive. A minute later, Alec emerged from the hall, and his eyes searched the room until they landed on hers. He smiled, warming her to her core.

  She tried to focus on her cards while stealing glances at him. Jesus, he’s delicious.

  Alec had on a black wool jacket and a dark blue scarf that brought out his eyes. He hadn’t lost the habit of running his hand through his hair. The soft dark waves were tousled. There was a scruffiness to his unshaven jaw she couldn’t get enough of.

  Mason folded his hand and joined Alec. Mercedes didn’t know what they were saying, but it didn’t matter.

  Alec was listening to Mason while he shrugged off his jacket and hung it in the hall closet. The way his body moved fascinated her. For such a big man, he had a gracefulness about him. The polo hugged his powerful upper body beautifully. And his shoulders. She imagined draping her leg over his shoulder while he drove her wild with . . .

  “A-HEM,” Shake said. Mercedes jumped, and an instant heat washed over her face. Shake’s mouth quirked into a knowing smile. He laid out his cards. “Two pair.”

  Flustered at being caught having an X-rated daydream, she stared at her hand. She’d completely forgotten she had a straight.

  Shake’s mouth dropped open when she laid them out. “You have to be cheating. Hey Alec,” he called. “You failed to mention Sadie was such a dirty cheat at cards.”

  “Nah. You’re just rubbish, mate,” Alec called back.

  “Complete rubbish,” she agreed. Mercedes snorted when Shake shot her a warning look.

  “Ah, a gang-up, is it? Should’ve known.” Shake sniffed as he stacked his cards and stood. “It’s a good thing I already have plans with a gorgeous bloke, or I’d stay here and have another go. Next time, I guess.”

  “I’ll beat you next time too.” Mercedes fluttered her eyes.

  “Oi, you’re a cheeky one,” Shake grumped. He leaned down to her ear. “Don’t worry, love. He looks at you the same way.” He gave her a kiss on the forehead. “Take care. I’ll see you in a few days.”

  Mercedes flushed again and wished Shake luck on his date.

  Alec and Declan had brought pizza with them for dinner. While they ate, she caught Alec sneaking a look at her from time to time, sending a shiver of pleasure down her spine. Good lord, he was killing her.

  After dinner, Declan excused himself to go upstairs, leaving her and Alec alone for the first time since he visited her hospital room. Mercedes took in a deep breath, the clench of unexpected nerves in her stomach. At least she wasn’t shuddering like a butterfly or wanting to pass out with exhaustion this time.

  Her fingertips found the rhythm she searched for.

  “You look a lot better. How are you feeling?”

  “Sore, but good. The cuts are starting to itch. Mason gave me some cream to put on, which helps.” Mercedes braved the subject. “Shake said Jason came to see you.”

  Alec’s shoulders tightened. “Yeah, he did.”

  “He told you I was unstable?” Her heart was racing. Would Alec regret offering his help? No one needed this kind of drama in their lives.

  “Something along those lines.”

  “Yeah, he likes that one.” She looked at her hands.

  “I can see why. He can be quite persuasive.”

  Her heart sank. “Can he?”

  “Oh, aye. It was strategic. I might have bought it if I didn’t know better.”

  Mercedes shot a look at him. “You didn’t believe him?”

Alec frowned at her. “Of course not.”

  She smiled at the affront in his voice. “Sorry, I’ve just had some experience with his lies.”

  Alec nodded, fidgeting with his napkin. “He also told me you were engaged to him.”

  Mercedes rolled her eyes. “He likes to say that too. He thinks it legitimizes him or something.”

  “So, you weren’t engaged?”

  Her breath hitched at his tone. Did it matter to him? “No. Not for lack of asking on his part. He had a lot of plans I wouldn’t go along with.”

  Alec’s eyes narrowed. “Like what?”

  “He kept asking me to have a baby,” she said. Alec winced and looked away. “When I’d refuse, we’d get into a huge fight. One day, I found my pills had been tampered with.”

  “Jesus.” Disgust was thick in his voice.

  “Yeah,” she agreed. “The thing is, he doesn’t even like children. It was another trap he could lay out for me. So, I went to my doctor and got on something he couldn’t mess with. He never knew.”

  “Oh, smart.”

  Mercedes gave him a wry smile. “If I was smart, I would have left.”

  Alec’s eyes met hers. “You did.”

  Mercedes breathed out sharply. “I did.”

  Sometimes it didn’t feel real.

  After they cleaned up the kitchen, they settled in the living room.

  “There was something he said I wanted to ask you about.” Alec sat across from her on the couch. “He said you’d made mistakes at your work and someone died. Can you tell me about that?”

  Mercedes’s stomach turned, and she closed her eyes against the nausea. Of course, Jason had told Alec about the worst thing possible.

  “You don’t have to tell me if it’s too hard. I just thought . . .” Alec started.

  “No, it’s okay. You should know.” She exhaled slowly, bringing her knees up to her chest. “I was working on a huge lawsuit between two pharmaceutical companies. Our client was suing Cooper Pharmaceuticals for breach of contract and a whole slew of ethical violations.”

  “I remember this. It was the case you landed before you came to Scotland?”


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