The Truth Keeps Silent: A Second Chance Romantic Suspense (Truth & Lies Duet Book 1)

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The Truth Keeps Silent: A Second Chance Romantic Suspense (Truth & Lies Duet Book 1) Page 27

by A. V. Asher

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Alec and Declan got through to Special Agent Nick Kessler the next morning.

  “I don’t know, Alec,” Nick said. “It’s awfully hard to agree to this kind of meeting without knowing what we’re getting into. I need a little more to go off.”

  Alec grimaced. His line was secure, but he didn’t want to go into too much over the phone. “You’ve heard of Cooper Pharmaceutical, aye?”

  There was a pause. “I have.”

  Alec paced the floor of the kitchen. “I may soon receive some documents you may find interesting.”

  “Is that so? What did you say your client’s name was?”

  “I didn’t. Her last name is Elliott.”

  Another pause came on the line. “Mercedes Elliott?”

  Alec froze and shot a look at Declan. “How did you know that?”

  “Yeah, we’re going to want to talk to her. I’m in Washington, so I can’t meet her personally. But one of our agents, Doug Michaelson, has been in your part of the world. I’ll see if he can interview her. Can you have her in London tomorrow?”

  The swift change in direction made Alec’s heart thunder in his chest.

  “Aye. But I want to make it clear I’ll be staying with her the whole time.”

  “Shouldn’t be a problem unless they have to transport her home. You could follow on your own dime if you wanted.”

  “She doesn’t have a passport.”

  “I’ll see if we can get a spot at the embassy then. She can get her paperwork in order while she’s there. I’m going to warn you now; there’s a good chance she’ll be on the flight with Doug.”

  Unease settled in his gut when they ended the call.

  “Jesus, how deep into this case are they already?” Declan said.

  “Hard to say.”

  There were so many unknowns. Would the evidence in the security box show the corruption Mercedes hoped it would? Would it even be there?

  A peal of laughter broke through his brooding thoughts. Mercedes and Shake were in the backyard, sitting across from one another at the patio table. He was telling her a story with his usual animation. Shake had a way of distracting people with humor when they needed it most.

  Mercedes deserved this life. One surrounded by love and friends. Alec wanted so much to give it to her, to erase every trauma she’d endured.

  Declan came to his side, watching Mercedes tease Shake, a giggle rippling through the air.

  “Thank you,” Alec said.

  “For what?”

  “You brought her back to me,” Alec’s voice tight with emotion. “I don’t know if I can ever repay you for that.”

  “Eh, she was going to come back to you on her own.”

  Alec laughed. “Maybe.”

  They would never know. Not that it mattered. She was his.

  “I’m happy for you, Allie,” Declan said. A warmth coursed through Alec at the sound of his childhood nickname. “She’s going to make you a better man.”

  Alec’s lip curled into a grin. “She already has.”

  Watching Mercedes say goodbye to the Kennison family hurt more than he thought it would. She assured them all she’d come back as soon as the river house purchase was final. Alec wanted nothing more than for that to be the truth.

  They would leave in the morning for London. The plan was to pick up the box and catch the meeting with Nick’s colleague in the afternoon. The others had already left, wanting to get a head start on surveilling Knightsbridge Security Boxes. He wouldn’t take Mercedes there without knowing it was clear.

  They walked along the river as the sun slipped below the horizon. Mercedes seemed to take her time, enjoying the trail they’d taken so many times. When they returned to the house, Alec lit a fire to cast away the chill. Mercedes stared into the flames, her fingertips tapping against her lips.

  “What are you thinking?” Alec sat next to her.

  She snuggled up with him, her body cold from the walk. “I’m second-guessing every decision we’re making.”

  “Aye, I am too. I think this is our only real option.”

  “I used to be so good at making my own choices. But now . . . How can I trust myself? The decisions I’ve made have gotten people killed.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “You were fighting an enemy you didn’t know existed. Now you know who they are. You’ll know what to do.”

  Alec lifted her chin and kissed her, her tongue soft against his. She slipped her hands under his shirt.

  “Ah!” he yelped. “Christ, woman. What’s wrong with your hands?”

  “Oh. Are they cold?” she asked innocently, sliding them down his stomach and under his waistband. Her fingers wrapped around him, stroking him slowly in icy bliss.

  Alec stiffened and gasped. Her touch was like a glacier on his bare skin.

  “Ooh, I like that sound,” Mercedes purred.

  Alec moaned, laying his head back on the sofa. She leaned over and kissed his neck, her tongue swirling on his skin. Alec’s heart beat hard in his chest. He pushed his hips up, panting as she worked him.

  “We should go to bed,” Alec whispered.

  Mercedes chuckled. “It’s only five-thirty.”

  Need for her pulsed through his body. “Aye, we should go to bed.”

  They took their time, savoring each other, Mercedes’s cries of pleasure searing into his mind. No matter what happened in the next few days, she’d always be his.

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Alec was struggling. Handing her over to someone else, someone who didn’t need her the way he did, was ripping his nerves to shreds. They sat together in the American embassy, awaiting their appointment. His gut churning with anticipation.

  “Ms. Elliott,” a voice cut through the air. A young man in a suit and tie came to stand before them. “I’m Jared Silva. I’ll be taking care of your travel documents, and I understand you have a meeting with Special Agent Michaelson as well.”

  “That’s right,” Mercedes said, standing to follow the man.

  “He’s not here yet, but I can get you started.”

  They were nearly through processing when a knock came on the door. A distinguished white man with salt-and-pepper hair stepped into the room.

  “Hello, I’m Doug Michaelson. I’m sorry to keep you waiting.” He pulled a chair to the desk and pulled out his leather-bound notebook. “I understand you have some documents to deliver to Special Agent Kessler. Mind if I look?”

  Alec studied the man. “I do. Can I see some ID?”

  The agent’s thick brows shot up. “Oh, of course. I’m so sorry.” He pulled his badge from his coat jacket and handed it to Alec.

  Alec looked to Jared Silva. “Can we have the room, please?”

  “Of course. I’m nearly finished with my part. I’ll be back to check on you.” Jared Silva left the room.

  Agent Michaelson took his phone out. “If it’s okay with you, Ms. Elliott, I’d like to conference Special Agent Kessler into our discussion today. I know he’d be interested in talking directly to you.”

  “Of course.”

  They waited for the call to be set up. Once Nick was on the call, Michaelson turned to Mercedes.

  “Alright, Ms. Elliott, you have our attention.”

  Mercedes told them everything, beginning with her assignment to the case and ending with Mara Donovan sending her access to the safe deposit box. Michaelson took careful notes, both he and Nick asking questions as she laid it all out.

  When they finished up their questioning, Michaelson stepped into the hall to confer with Nick in private. When he returned, he wore a pleasant smile.

  “Well, Ms. Elliott, we’ve been in contact with our superiors, and they would like to meet with you in person tomorrow. I’ve asked that your passport be expedited so we can get you on the flight.”

  “Wait. A flight to where?” A tinge of panic coated her words.

  “To Washington D.C. I know it’s sudden, but they don’t want to
wait. I was already set to fly out tonight. They’ve asked me to escort you there. Tomorrow, you’ll be debriefed, and our analysts will look over the documents you’ve brought with you.”

  “Why are they moving on this so quickly?” Alec said. The cogs of government were notoriously slow.

  “I can’t reveal too much, but I can say Cooper Pharmaceuticals has been under investigation for some time now. A team of agents has hunted for leads for years. If what you say you is true, they want the evidence right away.”

  “That will be hard for them to do considering they won’t have access to the documents.”

  Michaelson’s head snapped up. “What? I thought you had it on you today?” His eyes shot to Mercedes’s bag on the floor.

  “I may have . . . misplaced it.” Alec shrugged, his mouth twitching. “I might find it again if I happen to be on that flight to Washington.”

  Michaelson’s mouth curled up, and he sat back in his chair. “Nick told me to expect a little pushback from you. I’m sorry, I really am. But I’m not authorized to take a British citizen on an American transport. However, I may tell you where she’ll be housed and how to get access to her accommodations.”

  Alec didn’t like being separated from her, but there was little chance they would get a more secure transportation. Mercedes would be safer on this flight than on a commercial one.

  “Very well. I look forward to handing the documents to you when I’m standing by her side in Washington.”

  The documents in question were being evaluated by Cressida and Declan as they spoke. This would give them time to review them before he turned the originals over.

  Michaelson balked halfheartedly but eventually relented. There was no way to force Alec to give him anything.

  “Jared Silva will come for you soon to complete your paperwork. Once it’s all set, we’ll be on our way.” He looked between them. “I’ll give you two a minute.”

  Now for the hard part. Tears welled in her wide hazel eyes. The fear in them pulled his heart apart. He opened his arms and she settled into him, her fist curling around his shirt.

  “Hey, it’s only a few hours really, one day tops. I’ll be right behind you.”

  “I know. I wasn’t ready for them to separate us so soon. I thought we’d have one more night.”

  “I did too. But maybe it’s better this way. We’ll get it over with and be back together before you know it.”

  A tear escaped down her cheek. “I love you.”

  Alec’s heart swelled. He’d never tire of hearing her say it. “I love you too. Don’t forget that, aye?”

  He kissed her, wanting to keep her with him forever. But he had to let her go. This time, she’d come back to him.

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  A knock came, and Jared Silva peeked in. “Agent Michaelson asked me to come get you and bring you upstairs. Right this way, Ms. Elliott.”

  Silva had the good grace to step into the hall and avert his eyes politely as Alec pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Mercedes’s heart was saturated with fear and resentment. If she had a choice, she’d never leave him again.

  She stepped away, the taste of him lingering on her lips. Shooting Alec one last look, she picked up her bag and joined Mr. Silva in the hall.

  Mercedes was grateful he didn’t try to make small talk. She wasn’t in the mood to listen to comments about the weather.

  Mr. Silva led her to an office several floors up. “Make yourself at home.” He gestured to the chairs. “It’ll be a little while before your documents are ready. Can I offer you a beverage? Water? Tea?”

  “Water would be great, thank you.”

  He bobbed his head and hurried from the room.

  Alone, a sinking feeling came over her. The white noise of the wind and the traffic below was eerie.

  Mercedes crossed to the window and looked out at the London skyline. She loved this city. It was too bad she hadn’t taken the time to enjoy it. That would change when she came back. She’d make Alec play the tourist with her. They’d take in a West End play or visit Tower Hill. It gave her something to look forward to.

  The door to the office opened and softly shut with a click.

  Then, the quiet voice of her nightmares cut through the silence. “Hey, beautiful. I brought you water.”

  She could see the figure behind her in the window’s reflection. Mercedes’s gut turned to ice. All the work they’d done to keep her safe hadn’t mattered.

  Jason had found her anyway.

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  Jason saw her shoulders stiffen and pushed away a flash of anger. When Mercedes turned, her hauntingly beautiful eyes struck him. They were mostly green today, with a touch of gold flecks.

  He walked toward her and held out the bottle of water. A peace offering of sorts. She didn’t move. He lowered his arm and put the water on the table.

  “You look good.” The catch in his throat surprised him.

  “No thanks to you.”

  Regret churned in him. Her expression filled with pain. He’d done that.

  She didn’t have a reason to trust him, but she was going to have to.

  “Sadie.” Jason took a step toward her. Remorse filled him when she backed toward the window. “I’m sorry for what happened. I swear I didn’t . . .”

  She cut him off. “How did you find me?”

  “We have our ways.” Jason hardened himself against the look of disgust on her face. “You need to come with me.”

  “I don’t think I need to go anywhere with you, Edward.”

  It was like a punch to the gut.


  “Don’t call me that,” he ground out.

  “Why not? It’s your name, isn’t it?”

  “No.” He took a step toward her. “Let’s go.”

  “I’m not going with you.” Her voice trembled. “There are Marines everywhere. I’ll stir up so much shit we won’t make it to the elevator.”

  He inhaled, reining the anger in. She knew how to push his buttons. It would do him no good to allow her willfulness to goad his temper.

  Instead, he pulled his phone from his pocket, dialed, and put it to his ear.

  “What’s the twenty?”

  “Right where we want him,” the voice on the other line said.

  Jason smiled and tucked the phone in his pocket. “Beautiful view, isn’t it?” he said brightly, and as if nothing were amiss, he strode to the window beside her. Mercedes backed away but had run out of places to go.

  He wanted her off balance, and the change of tone had the intended result. Mercedes’s brow furrowed as he got close to her. He snaked his hand out, capturing her arm and wrenching it behind her back. Spinning her, he slammed her face into the glass. She gave a satisfying cry with the impact.

  “Shh, shh. I know that hurt. Just wait,” he murmured in her ear.

  Jason couldn’t help but press against her. He’d missed her tight body so fucking much. He grasped her chin, guiding it down so her eyes were on the street below.

  “Look down there, love. Can you see what I see?”

  She stiffened.

  “Yeah, you see him, don’t you?”

  Alec McKinley was moving at a quick pace. His head was down, but he easily stood out amongst all the other pedestrians.

  “Now look up there.” Jason jerked her jaw toward the brick building on the opposite side of the street. His man’s form was clear on the roof of the building. As expected, he was already in position, on his knees, eye to the scope of a rifle resting on a tripod, his target sighted.

  “I can make it happen. Right now.” His grasp tightened. “There’s nothing I’d rather see more than that piece of shit’s brains painting the pavement. Or to see him take a gut shot, gasping for breath as he dies, slowly, painfully. Will you give me a reason to give that order? Hmm?”

  When she didn’t answer, he relaxed his grip on her chin and allowed his fingers to caress the smooth curve of her cheek. The scent of her was intoxi
cating. He breathed her in.

  She had been away from him for far too long.

  “We need to talk, you and I. There’s a lot to be said.” He took a steadying breath. “But right now, we have to go.”

  He stepped away from her reluctantly. She stayed at the window, watching as McKinley made his way along the sidewalk.

  “There are several people following him. If he slips away, we have backups. Think about all the people you love.”

  Mercedes turned to him, the heartbreak in her eyes tearing at his heart.

  This was why he loved her. She made him feel. It reminded him he was still human. He stepped to her and took her hand gently. “I know you have no reason to trust me, but I need you to listen to what I say and do what I tell you. Or they will kill you.”

  The door to the office opened, and the embassy representative walked in. He halted at the door. His pleasant smile shifted to wariness.

  “Can I help you, sir?”

  “I’m Jason Hollis. I’ll be taking Ms. Elliott off your hands now.”

  The young man shut the door quickly behind him. “It wasn’t in the plan to do this here,” he hissed. “You’re supposed to take her at the airport.”

  Stupid little fuck.

  Jason didn’t try to mask his annoyance. “We got eager. I’ll be taking her now. And she’s going to be a good girl, aren’t you, Sadie?”

  Mercedes said nothing, but her face was filled with submission. There was nothing she could do here. The only thing keeping McKinley alive was her compliance.

  Jason put his hand on the small of her back and guided her past Jared Silva. “Why don’t you escort us to the car?”

  Mercedes stiffened as she passed an armed guard. Jason tightened his grasp on her arm. Once they entered the car park, he released her.

  “You did well,” he said. “Keep it up, and McKinley might see tomorrow.”

  Jared Silva walked ahead of them, leading them to a black car parked in the back corner of the garage. “The cameras are off back here, as was requested.”

  Adam was there, rifling through the car. “God damn it.”


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