Shot on Goal: Seattle Sockeyes Hockey (Game On in Seattle Book 11)

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Shot on Goal: Seattle Sockeyes Hockey (Game On in Seattle Book 11) Page 14

by Jami Davenport

  She spread her legs wider, and he didn’t hesitate to lower his hips and position himself at her entrance. The tip of his erection tickled her, and she moaned in gratitude. She grabbed his ass and squeezed tightly trying to force him down on her, but he was too strong, and she couldn’t budge him.

  “You’re a tease.”

  “I’ve been called a lot of things, don’t recall that being one.” His predatory smile spread heat through her body to the tips of her toes and fingers.

  “You want something?” His tone might be teasing, but his eyes were deadly serious with an intensity she’d never seen from him when handling a hockey stick. That intensity was focused solely on her, and she shivered with anticipation.

  “You know I do,” she said.

  He pushed inside slowly at first until he was buried and every part of him filled every part of her. She squeezed her eyes shut and just felt him inside her, all around her, as if he’d buried himself not just in her body but in her heart and soul. She opened her eyes to find him watching her. His nostrils flared like a bull ready to charge. She moved underneath him, torturing his cock, and watching his tight control deteriorate with every thrust and angle change of her hips.

  “Fuck. I can’t hold on much longer.”

  She ground against him, harder this time. His face contorted into the face of a fierce warrior conquering his world and taking what was his. And she was his.

  He pulled out and slammed into her again, leaving her gasping and clinging to him. Instead of thrusting again, he held still for a long moment, his face buried in her hair, his breathing hard and rough. He sounded like a man who’d skated two back-to-back shifts in a hard-fought hockey game. He lifted his head and met her gaze. She saw things there, scary things, powerful things, things she didn’t want to think about. A few seconds later, he started moving, and she forgot everything but him and the feel of his body on top of her and inside her.

  “Marina, I’ve been dreaming about this for weeks.” He spoke through gritted teeth as he increased the pace of his strokes until they became deep, hard, and close to frantic.

  “Harder. Oh God, harder.”

  She held herself together until the first shudder of an orgasm enveloped her, then she let go just as he came.

  Marina squeezed her eyes shut as her orgasm overpowered her, stampeding through her body and sucking every last bit of energy from her while shooting her into ecstasy and floating her back down on a cloud of boneless contentment.

  Her life would never be the same again.

  Chapter 13—On the Line

  What had she done?

  Stiff as a board, Marina lay in the bed and listened to her partner’s steady breathing. Not just any partner. But Drew. The most forbidden of all partners.

  And the only man she wanted.

  She couldn’t deny what they’d done. After all, they were naked. She could still feel his hands and mouth on her body, and his very nice cock inside her. The things he could do with those hands, that mouth, that cock had surpassed reality and blown away her best fantasy. She should be regretting her foolhardy decision to sleep with him. Not that it’d been a decision, more like a necessity, a requirement, an act she couldn’t control.

  She’d done it. Now for damage control. He had games to play. She had guys to coach and a staff to win over. She couldn’t let this one indiscretion destroy her future. But what an indiscretion it’d been. Her body reacted to Drew in ways she didn’t know a body could react. He made her hotter and more bothered than a nympho in a room full of naked body builders.

  She would dig deep and find a way to resist him. She couldn’t avoid him. They had a performance to prepare for and any changes would arouse suspicions among his already suspicious coaches and teammates.

  Drew rolled onto his back and pulled her on top of him. “I know what you’re thinking.”

  “What am I thinking?” She frowned, most likely he did know. Their situation was that predicable.

  “Dredging up all kinds of reasons why this was not a good idea and why we won’t be able to do this again.”

  “Then you’d be right.”

  “Tell me again we can’t have more of this?” He kissed her long, hard, and deep with a possessiveness that curled her toes.

  “Or more of this.” He nibbled on her earlobe.

  “Or this.” His hands slid up her thighs and parted them. He slipped a finger inside her wetness and moved it languidly in and out. Marina gasped and arched into him.

  “What were you going to say about why this is a bad idea?” He slid down her body and added a tongue along with the finger already inside her. His thumb rubbed her clit, while his mouth and fingers did the rest. She came in a rush of unfettered passion and hot release.

  As her sanity trickled back slowly, he watched her with unveiled desire shining in his now brilliant green eyes. “Now why isn’t this a good idea?”

  “Hell, if I know,” she said and reached for him, pulling him down for another kiss and more.

  She was going to hell, or even worse, social media purgatory if this got out, but damned if she cared right now. They had sex again, showered together, and had sex one more time.

  Only then did Marina hear the constant chirping of both their cell phones. She grabbed hers and gasped at the long line of text messages from Kaley.

  Where are you?

  You have a meeting with Ethan in fifteen minutes, and the bus leaves for San Jose in an hour. Mina is looking everywhere for you.

  Are you OK?

  Answer me. I’m getting worried.

  Marina quickly tapped out a response: Overslept. On my way.

  Drew frowned at his cell and looked up, “Shit, we have to get to the SHAC.” He rose to his feet and started pulling on a pair of sweats he scooped off the floor.

  Marina rushed to pull on her rumpled clothes. She’d have to stop by her house and grab the suitcase she’d already packed. No time for a shower or to change.

  Together they raced for the door and tore out of the parking lot in their respective cars. When Marina walked by Kaley’s office on her way to her meeting, Kaley looked her up and down, smiling knowingly. “Well, looks like you had a good night last night.”

  Marina shot her a murderous glare and kept walking to the conference room, entering with one minute to spare.

  Ethan was already seated, as were Aunt Mina and one of their young, new marketing staff. Ethan’s brow shot up, but he didn’t remark on her disheveled appearance.

  “Our laundry facility is closed, and I—”

  His brow inched higher.

  “I—don’t have anything to wear other than this.”

  “I see.” He narrowed his gaze and assessed her carefully. He had to be seeing the burns on her face from Drew’s stubbled beard, yet he decided to get down to business. For the next excruciating hour, she listened to thoughts about the ticket holders’ event and wondered why she needed to be there. She could feel Aunt Mina’s eyes on her and ignored her. The older woman had an uncanny ability to read Marina’s mind, and right now that would be disastrous. Her thoughts weren’t exactly clean as they continually drifted to how Drew looked as he thrust into her, or how hot it was when he went down on her.

  She blushed, and the heat rose to the point she half expected steam to be curling from her collar. She tugged at it without thinking.

  “That’ll be all. Thanks, everyone. Let’s get to the airport. We have a game to win.” Ethan rose from his seat, and Marina gladly stood, too. She was following Ethan out the door when Mina’s voice stopped her.

  “Not so fast, missy. I need to talk with you. In private.”

  Marina swallowed hard and shut the door, leaving her alone with the most feared person in the entire organization, even if they were related.

  She stood near the door, ready to mount a hasty retreat if required. Mina watched her like a cat watching a tasty mouse.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing. My alarm didn’t go off.

  Mina pursed her mouth, looking like a guppy. “I see.”

  “I need to go, and I can take care of myself.”

  “Like you did four years ago?” Mina didn’t pull any punches, and Marina cringed at her aunt’s hurtful words.

  “I’m older and wiser. I’m not going to do anything to jeopardize my future.”

  “I hope not.” Mina stood and walked to the door, pausing when she was even with Marina. “But if you do, I’m here if you need me, no matter what.”

  “Thank you.”

  “And, Marina, some things are worth fighting for, more than a job, or your reputation.”

  Before she could respond, Mina was out the door and striding purposely down the hall.

  Marina stared after her, confused as to what Mina could possibly know or have surmised. They’d been so careful in public. She touched her face, fearing the truth might be written there for all to see.

  Warmed but troubled by her aunt’s words, Marina retreated to her office to grab her suitcase.

  * * * *

  Drew had a good practice that afternoon, still operating on a high from being with Marina all night. Despite little sleep, nothing slowed him down. He was all over the ice, stealing pucks, sending laser-accurate passes to his linemates, and shooting at the net with fierce determination.

  He caught Gorst observing him with interest as he cut down the first-line defense and put one over Brick’s shoulder for a goal. His teammates were encouraging, even though they looked at him as if they were thinking, Who the fuck are you, and what did you do with Drew?

  Drew was grinning, having the time of his life. OK, the second-best time of his life. The time of his life had been last night, and he was hoping for a repeat.

  Marina had avoided him all day and not answered his texts. He’d figured as much. She was regretting what they’d done, while he was angling for more naked time with her. He’d let her be until tonight.

  That evening, he had every intention of sneaking into her room. He hung out with the guys at dinner. When everyone broke up to go to their rooms or wherever they went, he slipped away, and bribed a cute, giggly front desk clerk to tell him Marina’s room number.

  Drew took the elevator up to the tenth floor where the staff was staying. The doors slid open, and he peeked out, looking left and right. No one was visible, so he scurried down the hall, praying he wouldn’t be caught. He found 1032 and rapped on the door. No one answered. He rapped again. Nothing.

  Disappointed, he stole down the hall and took the elevator to his floor.

  He needed her. Badly.

  Chapter 14—Playing the Odds

  Drew tried to do the right thing and go to sleep but there was no fucking way in hell he could. The mattress in this hotel was too soft, but he knew his sleeplessness had more to do with his life than a simple mattress. And even more to do with last night with Marina.

  He had to see her. Talk to her. Assess her state of mind. If for no other reason than to calm him down before this big game.

  He was keyed up about the game tomorrow night, only it wasn’t a good keyed-up, more like a dread sitting in his stomach like a badly digested spicy burrito. He also couldn’t get Marina out of his head. He kept picturing how she’d looked the night before. The images had him hard and salivating. He doubted a cold shower or a hot one with a hand job would alleviate the frustration eating away at him.

  Was Marina still up? He had her pegged for a night owl, judging by her excessive use of coffee and constant yawning before ten a.m., and her habit of skating after eleven o’clock at night. He was a bit of night owl himself, which he guessed was a good thing since hockey games were in the evening. Better to be at his peak later in the day than earlier, especially since his peak hadn’t been that great.

  On a whim, he texted her.

  We need to talk. Want to get a drink in the hotel bar?

  She responded immediately. What if someone sees us?

  He tapped out, So what if they do? We’re friends. You’re helping me with my game. And I do need some help with a few things I’ve been thinking through.

  She didn’t respond quickly this time. He’d almost given up on her when his phone chimed. OK, see you in ten.

  He grinned and pulled on some sweats, a T-shirt, and running shoes, happy to see her under any circumstances. He shoved a Skookums baseball cap low over his eyes and headed for the elevator, looking more forward to seeing her than he had to anything else he’d done all day.

  She was late, and he feared she’d changed her mind. He sipped his ice water and glanced one more time at his phone. He’d been waiting twenty-five minutes. The bar was dimly lit and empty except for a couple drunk businessmen at the bar who paid zero attention to him. At least he wasn’t taxed with dealing with fans.

  When she appeared in the doorway, he breathed a sigh of relief. God, she was lovely, even dressed in jeans and a baggy sweatshirt. She had to be the most beautiful woman on the planet. Or at least in his world. He’d been surrounded by gorgeous women most of his life, but none of them affected him like this petite bundle of energy. And now he knew what she looked like naked.

  She lit up his entire world with one smile, and he wished for the hundredth time they could go out again. Only he couldn’t, not as long as he was playing for the team, which would be through the end of the season at the least. His future was undecided both on his end and the team’s, but he couldn’t afford to worry about it. The team had a Cup to win, and he might not be as involved as the rest of the guys, but he did care about winning that Cup for them and Dave. And oddly, for his father. If the Sockeyes won the Cup, he would’ve achieved his father’s unachievable dream and fulfilled his dying brother’s last wish, and he could move on to whatever he chose, whether it be hockey on his terms or something different.

  Marina sat across from him, and he couldn’t wipe the stupid grin from his face. If anyone had been watching them right now, he was damn sure they’d know he was crazy for her.

  “Is something wrong?” she asked.

  He blinked a few times. “Uh, no, why?”

  “You’re staring at me as if I have something on my face.”

  He started to tell her how he couldn’t stop staring because she was stunning and perfect and checked all his boxes. Instead, he held his tongue and took the high road. “Nothing. Nothing at all.”

  “What’s going on? You wanted to see me.”

  “Nothing, really. Couldn’t sleep and figured you probably were awake. I hate to drink alone.”

  “Drink alone? You’re drinking water.”

  “Yeah, but if I was alone it’d be something stronger.”

  “I can’t lie, I’m glad you texted me. We do need to talk. Clear the air.”

  Yeah, he was expecting this. She’d be racked with guilt after last night, while he was racked with passion.

  “We can’t do a repeat of last night. Not until our futures are clearer. And maybe not ever, depending on where we end up.” The words rushed out of her mouth as if she were trying to say everything before she stopped herself.

  “I don’t see why we can’t keep it a secret. Last night was—magical. I want more of it, of you. I need you, Marina.”

  She frowned, and her eyes were sympathetic yet uncompromising. “Last night was a mistake.”

  “An incredible mistake. We’re so good together. How can you throw it all away?”

  “I’m not throwing it away. We need to finish out the season first. See where things go. Where we land.”

  He hated her plan, but the set of her jaw and the hardness of her eyes told him she wasn’t going to be easily swayed. Fine, he’d let this go for a while, make her suffer as much as he was suffering, until neither could stand being apart.

  “OK, have it your way, sweetheart. But you haven’t seen the last of me naked yet.”

  “Thank you.” Her joyous laughter was music to his starved soul. “Have you heard from your parents?”

  He blinked at her quic
k change of subject, his brain taking a moment to adjust from sex to parents.

  He shook his head. “No, not since my showdown with Dad. It’s weird. I thought I’d be relieved, but I miss him.”

  “Do you think he’ll show up tomorrow night?”

  “I don’t know. I can’t imagine him not showing up. Sometimes we have blow-ups, and he comes back acting as if nothing ever happened, but then, I’ve never told him how I felt about hockey before, either.”

  “I’m sure that came as a shock.”

  “He’s one of those guys who would’ve played forever if he could’ve. He can’t understand anyone with a talent for the game not feeling the same way.”

  “I’m sure it’s tough for him. He wants the best for you.”

  “Yeah, he does, just goes about it wrong.” He met her gaze. She was watching him in that way she had as if she could see right into him and read his deepest thoughts. It was odd, and he’d never felt it with anyone else.

  “He is a little driven.”

  “A little? Try growing up with both of them. You were a world-class athlete. You know how my mother was as a coach.”

  “Tough but fair. Always pushing me to the edge and slightly over. She knew how much was enough and how much more I could do even when I thought I couldn’t.” She sounded wistful.

  “Did your parents push you?” he asked.

  A smile tugged at one corner of her sexy mouth, and he swallowed. Just looking at her mouth was making him hard, and he couldn’t seem to do a damn thing about it.

  Marina got a faraway look in her eyes as if recalling fond memories. “No, they never pushed me. I wanted this. It was all me. From the first time I laced up my skates, I knew I was doing the thing I was born to do. Did you ever feel that way, Drew?”

  He started to shake his head. Frowning, he searched his childhood memories for those early days when skating was fun, when his big brother and father would take him and some friends to the frozen pond behind their house and they’d play hockey.

  “Yeah, yeah, there was a time. I did love it. Did you love the competition, too, or just the skating?”


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