Pack Territory

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Pack Territory Page 3

by Crissy Smith

  “You can always call me,” Tasha assured her sister and Adam felt his heart break at everything the two females had to face.

  The teenager looked up at him and blushed. “I’m sorry, Alpha. I know I have to be punished, but please don’t blame Tasha.”

  Adam clasped his hands behind his back and walked to the side of the bed. “You could have been seriously injured or worse.” He shook his head in disappointment and Crystal dropped her gaze.

  “But I think you’ve been punished enough,” he told her and her gaze met his again. “However, I do want you to talk to a friend of mine.”

  The girl made a face and rubbed her eyes. “I don’t need to see a shrink.”

  Adam chuckled. “This woman isn’t a shrink. She’s the mate to an Alpha who happens to be a very good friend of mine.”

  The girl looked confused but nodded. “Okay.”

  Adam smiled at her and crouched of the bed so they could be eye to eye without her straining her neck. “I think you two have a lot in common. You’ll be able to talk to her about things you don’t anyone else.”

  “What things?” she asked suspiciously.

  “Marissa is also a non-shifter.”

  Crystal’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. “She’s a non-shifter and she mated with an Alpha?”

  Adam stood, knowing he gave the girl enough to think about to keep her from running again. “She is. Her childhood was pretty rough, but I’ll let her tell you about that. The important thing is that you can tell her how you feel and she’ll understand.” He met Tasha’s eyes and smiled. “Now I’ll let you two get some sleep. We have a long drive tomorrow.”

  Adam started out of the room but Crystal’s voice stopped him. “Thank you, Alpha.”

  He turned and winked at her. “You’re welcome.”

  She was giggling as he closed the door.

  Adam walked down the hall to the living room and stopped in the doorway. Emily was straddling Cain’s lap and the two were involved in a deep, sensual kiss. He grinned and walked farther into the room. Not only was the couch his bed for the night, but Cain was having too much fun. It seemed a little payback was in order.

  “I’m not interrupting, am I?” he teased.

  The two broke apart and Cain groaned. “I guess I deserve this.”

  Emily moved off his lap but Cain kept an arm around her, holding her close to his side.

  “Yes, you do.” Adam told him and shared a smile with Emily. She laughed and poked Cain in the ribs.

  “Karma, baby,” she taunted her mate

  Cain’s laugh filled the room and Adam relaxed, feeling the stress of the last couple days start to leave his body.

  He’d been there as Cain struggled with his intense feelings for his mate. He was relieved to find that Cain and Emily seemed peaceful in the relationship. It gave him hope for his own future. One he was sure would include Tasha.


  With a kiss from Emily and a handshake from Cain, Adam said goodbye and started the long drive to Gage Wolf’s territory. It was the first time he would enter another Alpha’s territory as an Alpha himself. He knew things would be a little different. As an Alpha, he would be given respect and placed above others. Adam still wasn’t used to that.

  Lost in his thoughts, he jolted when Tasha gripped his arm.

  “Sorry.” She quickly let go.

  Adam cursed himself and sent her a smile. “No, I’m sorry. I was just thinking about Gage’s territory,” he told her, not wanting her to think he didn’t like her touch.

  “That’s where your father is, right?” she asked, keeping her voice low.

  Adam looked in the rear-view mirror and saw that Crystal was asleep. He relaxed his grip on the steering wheel and glanced quickly at Tasha. He wondered what the other Pack members thought about his family. While everyone seemed to take his transition to Alpha rather well, he didn’t want to take it for granted.

  “Yes, he’s visiting his old friend there,” Adam explained.

  “Logan?” she asked.

  Adam nodded. “My father and Logan have been friends a long time. Years ago, they were both Enforcers in their Packs so they worked together and became friends.”

  “It’s good for him to have friends.” Tasha touched his arm again. “He’ll be okay.”

  Adam glanced in the rear-view mirror again before he spoke. “I don’t know.”

  Tasha started to move her hand up and down his arm. While he was sure she meant it as a comforting gesture, it was doing more powerful things to his body. And he didn’t want her to stop.

  “I do. Your father was a great Alpha. A man of compassion. He’ll come through this. He was right to turn the Pack over to you and give himself a chance at something else,” Tasha said, and the sincerity in her voice squeezed at his heart.

  “Thank you.” He told her and meant it more than anything.

  She moved her hand down and linked her fingers with his before settling in her seat and closing her eyes.

  The tension that had built while he spoke about his father started to drain as they sat in silence. It was nice—the opportunity to sit quietly with someone. While it seemed people at home constantly surrounded him as the Alpha, he could get used to finding solace in Tasha’s company.

  He didn’t know if that was even possible, but to find out, he had to try. He was certain Tasha was his mate. He needed her calming influence almost as much as he wanted her.

  And oh, how he wanted her.

  His cock hadn’t gone down from half-mast since she’d walked into his office a few days earlier. It didn’t matter how many times he jacked off. He was unfulfilled. If he didn’t get to taste her sweet body soon, he would have to go for a run. His wolf needed to be let out.

  Not only did he need the physical release but he needed to take care of the animal inside who was scratching to be let out. His wolf didn’t understand why he wasn’t taking care of his needs. Sometimes it was easier to just let the animal be in control.

  Then again that was why he needed his mate—to keep him human.

  Tasha fell asleep as they reached the last leg of their travel. Adam kept her hand in his, enjoying the small contact.

  A short time later, Adam turned onto the paved road that would lead him to the gates to enter Gage’s territory. He reached over and ran a hand over Tasha’s face. She moaned as she opened her eyes and straightened in her seat.

  “We’re almost there,” he told her.

  She rubbed the sleep from her eyes before reaching back and shaking her sister awake. “Crystal. Wake up, honey, we’re there.”

  The teenager sat up and stretched.

  Adam watched through the rear-view mirror as the young girl took a look around. He was pleased he was able to give Crystal the chance to meet Marissa. Hopefully she would be able to see how wonderful her life could be. The large iron gates came into view and Adam slowed his speed.

  “It’s so big!” Crystal commented from the back seat.

  Adam laughed at the girl’s excitement. “Yes. Gage has one of the most beautiful territories.”

  Tasha shook her head while she stared out the passenger window. “Ours is perfect.”

  “Yes, it is,” he agreed.

  Adam stopped at the gate and rolled down his window. A young man, no more than twenty, stepped up to the car.

  “Hi. Can I help you?” he greeted.

  “Yes, I’m Adam White. I believe Gage is expecting us,” Adam told him.

  The guard smiled and waved to another to let them in. “Yes, Alpha. Gage said to drive right up to the main house.”

  “Thank you.” Adam nodded to the guard.

  The man stepped back and Adam drove through the gate and up the drive. As he pulled in front of the main house, the front door opened. Gage, Marissa, Logan, and Adam’s father stepped out and approached the vehicle.

  Adam opened his door as Gage opened Tasha’s and Logan opened Crystal’s. After closing the car door, Adam found himself wr
apped in his father’s arms and lifted off his feet in a strong hug.

  Once he was released, Adam looked closely at his father. “You look great.” And he did.

  “I feel great,” his father said, a huge smile on his face.

  Adam threw his arm around his father and the two of them walked in front of the car where the others waited.

  “I’m glad you made it safely,” Gage stated, offering him a hand.

  Adam accepted it and bowed his head to the older Alpha. “Thank you for inviting us into your territory.”

  Gage gave his hand a squeeze before letting go and stepping aside so his mate could greet Adam. Adam bent his head and accepted a kiss on the cheek from the beautifully pregnant woman.

  “Welcome, Alpha Adam,” she said softly.

  “Thank you.” Adam replied trying to hide the jolt of surprise from being called Alpha. It still felt made him feel uneasy sometimes. Especially in front of such a great Alpha like Gage.

  Logan stood next to Gage, and pushing his uncomfortable feelings aside, Adam walked up to his father’s friend. Instead of shaking his hand, he gave the other man a brief hug and whispered, “Thank you.”

  Logan patted his back. “You’re welcome.”

  Noticing Tasha and Crystal off to the side, Adam motioned them closer. Tasha walked confidently up to him but Crystal lingered behind.

  “Let me introduce you all to two of my favourite Pack members, Tasha and Crystal,” Adam said to the group, hoping they would make an extra effort to make the women feel welcomed.

  Marissa, like a true Alpha’s mate, embraced Crystal and held the girl tightly. “I am so glad you’re okay, Crystal. Everyone was so worried about you.”

  Once Marissa had released her, Crystal dropped her head. “I’m sorry for all the trouble I caused.” She spoke barely above a whisper.

  With her arm still around the teenager, Marissa hushed her. “That’s all over now. If I told you how many times I ran away from my Pack—”

  “Marissa,” Gage warned in a low voice.

  Crystal moved closer to Marissa, and Tasha moved closer to Adam. He knew how scary Gage could be in Alpha mode, but he was also one of the most honourable men Adam had ever met. He wrapped his arm around Tasha’s waist while Marissa waved a hand in the air at Gage.

  “Oh, stop scaring her.” Then she whispered to Crystal, “He thinks he is big and bad, but you should see him reading all the baby books.”

  “Marissa!” Gage snapped at her.

  Pulling the girl towards the door, she only laughed. “I’m just saying that maybe you should calm down before you give yourself a stroke. I wasn’t going to tell her everything.”

  Gage growled before following her into the house.

  Adam held back his laugh until the three disappeared from sight. Then he wasn’t the only one laughing. Logan and his father were joining him. Wiping a tear from his eye, he looked over at his father and watched the man who had been so depressed grin.

  “I can hear you three yokels,” Gage hollered from the house.

  Logan sobered and pointed towards the house. “We should go in before he comes out to get us. Marissa doesn’t allow any roughhousing inside.”

  “Logan!” Gage yelled.

  Biting his lip to keep his amusement inside, Adam led Tasha up the stairs.


  Adam stepped out of the bathroom into the guestroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Marissa had whisked Crystal away to another room so Gage had taken Adam and Tasha to their rooms to clean up or rest—whatever they preferred.

  Adam wanted to spend some time with his father but a shower had sounded great. Now clean and energised, he looked forward to going downstairs for a stiff drink and good conversation.

  At the knock at his door, Adam turned and strolled to it. Pulling it open, he expected his father but found Tasha outside his door instead. Her eyes widened before dropping to his waist, reminding him he wasn’t dressed. Before he could speak, she licked her lips and his cock jumped beneath the material.

  “Tasha,” he practically moaned. He wasn’t sure how long he was going to be able to keep his hands off her if she didn’t leave quickly.

  She lifted her hand and ran a finger over the small scar beneath his nipple he’d gotten as a child. This time he did moan and caught her hand in his.

  “If you come inside, we won’t be talking,” he warned.

  Her gaze met his and she smiled. “I hope not.”

  Then she was pushing him back into his room and closed the door. Adam stood stunned as she sent a seductive grin before reaching for the hem of her shirt and pulling it over her head.

  “I have too many clothes on,” she announced.

  His throat had gone dry so all Adam could do was nod. Tasha ran her slender fingers over the waistband of her pants before pushing them down her hips. When she straightened, she only wore a matching pair of blue panties and bra.

  “God, you’re beautiful.” Adam finally managed to speak.

  She tossed her hair and laughed. “I could say the same about you. You have a gorgeous body, Alpha.”

  Her use of his title had Adam’s body cooling. In the past, women of the Pack would offer themselves to the leader as a gift. No Pack he knew of still had that practice, but he needed to make sure Tasha didn’t think she had to give him her body.

  “You don’t have to do this,” he told her even as regret coursed through his body.

  She took several steps. “Oh yes, I do.”

  Adam backed away as she continued towards him. “No, you don’t. I don’t expect anything from you.”

  She stopped and a thoughtful look crossed her face. Then she laughed. “Do you think I’m only sleeping with you because you’re my Alpha?”

  “I just want to make sure you know that being with me is your choice,” he told her honestly. He wanted nothing more to than to take her and bury himself as deep inside as possible, but he wouldn’t take it as a ‘thank you’ for finding her sister. He wanted Tasha to be with him because she just couldn’t stand not having him any longer. He needed her to want him as much as he wanted her.

  She’d reached him when his legs hit the bed, stopping his retreat. “I see. Now how can I prove this is something that I want?”

  Her eyes sparkled with mischief when he met them.

  “Oh, I know!” she said before dropping to her knees in front of him.

  She yanked the towel off and hummed her approval. “I see that no matter what you say there is a part of you that wants me.”

  “All of me wants you,” he assured her. “All of you.”

  With a firm grip, she wrapped her hand around his leaking cock. “I’m glad to hear that,” she said, right before engulfing him.

  Adam moaned and buried his hands in her hair and she started a strong sucking rhythm. The wet moist heat that surrounded and teased his cock was almost too much. She used her tongue to massage the sensitive spot directly under the mushroomed head. Unable to remain still, he bucked against her mouth. “Yes!”

  Tasha made a sound at the back of her throat, sending vibrations through his cock to the rest of his body. Not wanting to come before he was inside her, Adam yanked on her hair and pulled her away from him.

  Still on her knees, she gazed up at him. The sight of her before him was almost too perfect and he could barely keep from shooting his seed. He helped her stand with a hand on her arm and turned her until she was bent over the bed.

  Adam rubbed and teased her bottom before pulling her panties down her legs. She was already wet when he briefly teased her folds. Her scent flooded all of his senses. There was no doubt that she wanted him, that she was already ready. His fingers slipped inside her pussy and she moaned lowly.

  Adam wanted every sound he could pull from her, wanted to hear her beg. He pumped two fingers in and out of her sex. She lifted her hips and pushed back, drawing his digits even deeper. Each time she pushed back, Adam twisted his fingers, driving them in and making her cr
y out in ecstasy. Almost desperately, she rode his fingers and he knew it was almost time. He pulled his fingers from her body and replaced them with the tip of his cock.

  “Please, Adam!” she begged. “I want you.”

  Adam rubbed his cock against her pussy, causing a low moan to escape both of them. With shaky hands, he reached around and cupped her breasts through the silk that still covered them. He licked up her spine until he caught the back of her bra in his teeth and ripped the fabric apart.

  “Oh!” Tasha cried as he removed the ruined lingerie from her.

  “Now enough with the talking,” he said, squeezing her.

  Tasha pushed back against him, silently telling him what she wanted. With one hand playing and pulling on one pert nipple, he moved the other down to play with her clit.

  She shamelessly rubbed against him, trying to get enough pressure to go over the edge. Catching her ear lobe between his teeth, he slid both hands along her body to grip her hips. He bit down as he plunged inside. Tasha cried out as he went all the way with his first thrust. Licking the small bite, he pulled out and slammed back inside.

  Tasha wasn’t a passive lover. She moved into each stroke and met him in every way. Her hot body accepted and milked him each time he withdrew and entered again. Adam felt her body tighten only seconds before she dropped her head and screamed into the bed.

  Three more thrusts and Adam was there with her, howling his climax.

  Chapter Four

  Adam stroked Tasha’s back as her head rested on his chest and she slept. After another round of mind-blowing sex, they had settled into his bed where he had been happy to hold her.

  Her breath whispered across his skin and his body came back to life. Easing out from under her, Adam pulled on a pair of jeans before quietly leaving the room. He knew he’d missed his chance of visiting with his dad since the house was silent as he made his way through it. Knowing where he would find the kitchen from his previous visits, he walked down the hall with thoughts of Tasha in his head.

  She was one of the strongest, most confident women he’d ever met. To him, she was absolutely perfect. She was the kind of woman a man would be lucky to have and would make a wonderful mate to an Alpha.


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