The Highest Bidder

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The Highest Bidder Page 12

by Chanta Rand

  “Tristan!” she cried out, as she felt her body explode into a sea of ecstasy.

  He cradled her against his chest. “I’m right here,” he said. “I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere.” He placed kisses on her forehead held her tightly against him.

  She lay, spent, waiting for her thundering heartbeat to return to normal and the flesh between her legs to stop throbbing. Tonight, Tristan had shown her yet another side of himself. She would have never imagined in her wildest dreams that she’d be cuddling with him. He was warm, caring, and sensitive. He knew what she wanted and he gave it to her. He was more concerned with her pleasure than his own. No matter what happened between the two of them, she would cherish the memory of this night forever.

  * * *

  Alexa didn’t remember the rest of the ride to the hotel. She recalled briefly meeting a man named Lou, whom she later learned was Tristan’s bodyguard. She’d never noticed him before and never even thought that Tristan might need someone like that around him. There was so much to learn about him and she wanted to find out everything.

  Tristan’s suite was luxurious. It was decorated in a contemporary art deco style that reminded her of the 1930s artist, Erté. Everything was sleek and polished. All the furnishings were black and white, giving it the feel of a grand theater. The elegant floor-to-ceiling drapes added to the dramatic effect. “It’s beautiful,” she told him.

  “I’m glad you approve,” he said, closing the door. “Make yourself comfortable.”

  She took a seat on one of the large leather couches, while Tristan removed his jacket and tie. She stared at the strong lines of his muscular physique outlined beneath the white shirt he wore. He looked good. Her body temperature rose just looking at him.

  “Would you like a cocktail?” he asked.

  “Yes, thank you.” She looked around the lavish suite. She could see the night lights of downtown Dallas through the windows. “You have a fabulous view,” she told him.

  He smiled. “For a thousand dollars a night, I should be able to reach out and touch the Reunion Tower.”

  She laughed. “I’m impressed. At least you’re learning a little bit more about our wonderful city.”

  “Well, I plan on spending a lot more of my time here. Here,” he said, offering her a shot glass filled with Patrón.

  She sipped it. The taste was so smooth, if she hadn’t known it was Tequila, she would have thought she was drinking water. “I like it,” she said, taking another sip.

  “Don’t get too carried away,” he warned her. “This is potent stuff.”

  She shot him a sly glance. “I’ve had more potent.”

  “Like a flesh-eating dinosaur?”

  She smiled. “You’re not so tough off the field.”

  He put a forefinger to his lips. “Ssh. Not too loud. I have a reputation to protect.” He took a seat next to her on the sofa. “Alexa, I’ve been thinking about you a lot. So, what’s up? What’s the real reason you’ve been ignoring my calls?”

  She took a deep breath. She supposed they had to discuss this sooner or later. “I’ve had a lot on my mind lately. My grandfather’s death was very hard on me. Still is. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about him. He was everything to me.”

  He took his hand in hers. “I know how much he meant to you. How did he die?”

  She shook her head. “I’m not sure. The autopsy showed massive brain failure. He had a stroke five years ago. The doctors said it could have been a second stroke. It’s not uncommon for stroke victims to suffer another one within one to five years after the first. The good thing was he died peacefully in his sleep.”

  “I wish I’d known, Alexa. I could have at least come to the funeral.”

  “The funeral was very intimate. Like me, he only had a small circle of close friends. But at least I still have Greta. She’s very sweet. She’s kept me company for weeks.”

  “Who’s Greta?”

  She smiled. “It’s complicated. She was his girlfriend, sort of.”

  “Why didn’t you call me? I could have been there to support you?”

  She shrugged. “You would have only made things more confusing for me.”

  He gave her a perplexed look. “How’s that?”

  “You wanted a one-night stand, Tristan. I wanted more. I couldn’t handle losing both of you. I can only deal with one catastrophe at a time.”

  He let out a deep breath. “That was stupid of me. I was just trying anything to get you in my corner. You seemed dead-set against having any type of meaningful relationship with me. I figured if I promised you a night with no strings, you’d be more willing to be with me. I was trying to give you an out, if that makes any sense.”

  “It does now. But at the time, your little proposal had just the opposite effect. I thought you had no intentions of ever being in a serious relationship with me.”

  “I’m sorry it came across that way. I didn’t mean to put you through that.”

  She laughed. “I thought you were a calloused idiot who only wanted to get in my pants.”

  “Well,” he set his shot glass down. “I don’t want to get in your pants.” He grinned. “But I do want to get in that dress.”

  She giggled. “I don’t think you can get in this dress, but I can definitely get out of it.”

  He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. As his tongue slipped inside her mouth, she felt the flames of desire spiraling through her body. It hardly seemed possible. They’d been intimate less than thirty minutes ago in the limo, yet here she was craving another release so soon. Right now, she had the deepest itch that only he could scratch. Tristan knew how to make her feel good, and he was doing it now, his tongue erotically dancing with hers. She loved the way he just took control, yet still handled her like the delicate woman she was. All she cared about was this moment, being with him and letting him do wickedly delicious things to her.

  * * *

  Tristan was caught up in the moment again. He wanted to touch Alexa everywhere, taste every inch of her. She was finally his and he was going to prove he could be everything she wanted in a man. “Wait a minute,” he said pulling away from her full lips. “This time we’re going to do things properly.” He stood up and led her to the bedroom. They both stood at the foot of the massive bed. He unzipped her dress and it fell to the floor like a slippery second skin, pooling at her feet. She stood naked in front of him, wearing nothing but a black lace thong and high-heeled sandals. A lazy smile spread across his face as he cupped her breasts in each hand and lovingly fondled each one. “This is definitely an unexpected treat,” he whispered.

  Alexa returned his smile. “I couldn’t wear a bra with this strapless dress.”

  “So you wore the world’s sexiest panties instead?” He held her in his embrace. “You’ll get no complaints from me.” He kissed her softly, placing butterfly kisses along her cleavage. He savored the taste of her skin. “I’ve been waiting for you, Alexa. I promise, I’ll be everything you need.”

  “I know,” Alexa answered. “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

  He gazed into her eyes. “You don’t ever have to be afraid with me. I would never hurt you.” Tristan felt her relax in his arms. Earlier, after he’d left the ballroom, he’d sat deep in thought, wondering what he could do to gain her trust. He never dreamed he’d have these precious moments alone with her. And now that she was here, he was going to treat her like the queen she was. He would make sure that she would never regret giving herself to him.

  Alexa closed her eyes as Tristan kissed her again. His mouth moved hungrily against hers, as if the sight of her near naked body had aroused him to yet another level. She felt the evidence of that arousal firmly against the front of her thong. Her hands dropped to his back and she let them roam lower, grabbing his muscular buttocks and grinding her pelvis against his. The friction of their erotic movements sent lightning bolts of rapture through her.

  Against her protests, he abandoned her lips and dropped d
own on one knee before her. Carefully holding her hips with both hands, he let his mouth act as his guide. He placed soft kisses along the lace edges of her thong. Then, he mercilessly teased her by pulling the material aside with his teeth and gently nibbling the delicate skin there. Alexa cried out as she felt his tongue softly darting in and out of her with quick, soft strokes. Weeks ago, he’d threatened to taste her, and now he was making good on his promise. Her knees were in jeopardy of buckling at any moment, and she dug her fingers into his broad shoulders to keep from collapsing from the sheer pleasure.

  As if reading her mind, Tristan suddenly stood up and swept her into his arms and carried her to the bed. She sat on the edge and watched as he unbuttoned his shirt and trousers. Little by little, his muscular form emerged. She stared at his sculpted body. He could be the prototype for the human male. She had no idea all that perfection lay beneath his clothes. Imagining it was one thing, but seeing it in the flesh was quite another. He was lean everywhere. He was graced with bulging biceps, washboard abs, and muscular thighs, well-toned from years of doing squats, no doubt. He kicked his pants into a pile and stood before her, exposing his naked body to her. He wasn’t shy about doing it, and she wasn’t shy about openly admiring everything the good Lord had blessed him with. Everything. No wonder women were shamelessly throwing themselves at him. She couldn’t blame them one bit! “Your body is beautiful,” she brazenly told him.

  He gave her a look of pure adoration. “I feel the same way about yours, Alexa. Everything about you is beautiful to me.”

  Waves of anticipation rippled through her. She smiled as she watched him retrieve a condom and quickly slip it on. Within seconds, he was back at her side, lying with her on the huge bed. His movements were fluid as he spread her legs, moved on top of her, and smoothly entered her. She gasped as she felt his first thrust. It had been so long since she’d been intimate with a man, she thought she would explode the moment she felt his long, deep strokes. But her body quickly adjusted, and she wrapped her legs around him, eagerly welcoming his powerful thrusts. She let him take the lead, wanting to be dominated this once. She didn’t mind him taking charge in the bedroom. She was helpless to resist him anyway. Before she knew it, their bodies were intricately entwined as they moved to each other’s erotic rhythm.

  Tristan looked down at the woman in his arms. She was the sexiest, most incredible female he’d ever known. He couldn’t believe she was here with him now. He felt her warm walls surround him as her body opened up like a blossoming flower, granting him uninhibited access to her sweet, wet haven. He boldly took what she offered, wanting to fill her with every inch of himself. Their bodies were a perfect fit, rocking seductively together. Alexa matched his every stroke, holding nothing back and arching her hips against his. He dug in deeper, grinding against her and trying not to lose control. Their slow undulating movements eventually gave way to a frenzied momentum as they rode the waves of passion together. His need for her was too great and soon he found himself spiraling out of control.

  He heard Alexa cry out and he felt her body shudder against him, letting him know she’d reached her climax. Within seconds, he followed, engulfed in a white-hot explosion that consumed his entire body. His heard his own deep moan of pleasure as he was propelled toward an earth-shattering orgasm that rocked him from head to toe. Drained, he clung to Alexa, holding her tightly as they both floated down from their cloud of ecstasy. Their eyes locked for few moments as they focused solely on each other. Even their thundering heartbeats were in tune. None of his other experiences even came close to what he felt with Alexa tonight. This was where he was meant to be. This was the woman he was supposed to be with.

  This must be what his homeboys meant when they called someone whipped. After just one time with her, he knew he never wanted to be with anyone else. This was a strange, new emotion for him. How was it possible to develop feelings so deep for someone so quickly? Could Alexa be his soul mate? Did she feel the same way?

  He gave her a shy grin. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

  She nodded her head. “Yes, I’m hungry too!”

  Tristan dropped his head and started laughing.

  Alexa looked at him, mildly amused. “Hey, I haven’t eaten in hours. Wasn’t that what you were referring to? You wanted something to eat?”

  He pecked her on each cheek and then gave her soft kiss on the lips. “Yeah, Alexa. That’s exactly what I was thinking.”

  * * *

  Hours later, neither one of them had moved except to open the door for room service. That was one of the perks of being a celebrity in a luxury hotel. Room service 24-7. Anything your heart desired would be brought up on a platter. For a small cost, of course. If the bellhop was shocked by the sight of Alexa wearing nothing but a man’s large, white tuxedo shirt, he didn’t show it. But Tristan did catch the man starting at Alexa’s legs as he left the room with his tip. Tristan thought he did a damn good job of hiding his scowl. He had to remember, Alexa wasn’t his woman, no matter how bad he wanted her to be. But his mood didn’t last long. He got a kick out of the way Alexa attacked her food. He laughed as she devoured the steak and eggs she’d ordered. “Dang, woman. You really were hungry.”

  “Mmm hmm.” She agreed between mouthfuls. “I told you I was.” She pointed to his catfish and fries. “If you can’t eat all that, I’ll be happy to help.”

  He smirked. “Alright now, don’t try to bite off more than you can chew!”

  Her eyes grew wide as she swallowed a forkful of over-easy egg. “Is that a challenge?”

  He laughed again. “No, it’s a safety precaution. I don’t want you to get greedy and choke. ‘Cause I’m an athlete, not a doctor, and I wouldn’t know what to do.”

  She punched him playfully. “You mean you don’t know the Heimlich?”

  “No, but I know the Heisman.”

  She grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it at him, all the while laughing. “You are worthless!” she teased.

  He rolled over and grabbed two more pillows, playfully pushing her head into the feathery mass of one of them. She wrestled free and jumped off the bed, laughing hysterically. They both grabbed more pillows and abandoned their food, each chasing the other around the bedroom, each trying to be the victor of the pillow fight. Finally, they both fell breathless into a heap of pillows on the floor. Tristan held his hands up. “I surrender in exchange for a kiss.”

  “Oh yeah?” She giggled and straddled his hips as he lay flat on his back. “Why should I have mercy on you? You don’t even know how to save me.”

  “I don’t even know how to save myself, Alexa. I think I’m falling for you.”

  “Wow,” she paused and stared into his eyes. “That’s deep.”

  He could tell she’d gone into defense mode again. She was trying to shelter her heart against him. “Alexa, before you go building walls around your castle, just hear me out.” He swallowed and pushed on. “Since the day we met, life hasn’t been the same for me. When I’m away from you, I can’t stop thinking about you. When I’m with you, I want more of you. You consume my thoughts day and night. I just wanna be a part of your life.”

  “I had no idea you felt that way,” she admitted. She leaned over and kissed him. “That’s the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to me. But is it true?”

  He gave her his most insulted look. “How could you even doubt me? Y’know, it took a lot of nerve for me to work up the courage to tell you that.”

  She smiled. “I believe you.” She seductively caressed his naked chest. “Speaking of working up the nerve, how are your other nerve endings?”

  He grinned like a kid at Christmas. “There’s only one way to find out.”

  Chapter Eight

  Early the next morning, Lou dropped Alexa off at her apartment. She had only a few hours to spare before she was scheduled to be in surgery. She felt silly being chauffeured around town in a limo, but at least Tristan wasn’t with her. She’d refused to let him accomp
any her back home, for fear that they might end up repeating last night’s performance in the back seat! She sat in front while Lou made small talk, mostly about his love of sports. She was grateful that he didn’t ask her any questions about Tristan. She was still trying to sort out what had happened.

  She was seeing a side of Tristan that she never knew existed. She had no idea he felt that way about her. She had no idea males could feel that way at all. Men were such an enigma to her. From all of her past experiences, it seemed the male species was all about “taking” and females were all about “giving.” After her night with Tristan, she truly believed he was different from any other guy she knew. And she was looking forward to getting to know everything about him.

  At home, she took a quick shower. It was an awkward experience. Her private parts were tender, and her body was still sore from her marathon lovemaking session. Twice wasn’t enough for Tristan. He wasn’t satisfied until he’d made her scream three times. Not that she was complaining. He was everything she’d hoped for in a lover. And he was unpredictable. Each time they’d made love, his style was different. The first time he was gentle and sweet with her. The next, he was more forceful, even whispering dirty comments to her. Then, the last time, he was sweet again, holding her and caressing her like she was a precious treasure.

  She laughed out loud. She was too old to be bending her body in all those crazy positions, but she had loved every minute of it. Tristan was just as bold and aggressive in bed as he was on the field. She was glad they’d finally taken the plunge. She’d been running around feeling like Atlas, with the weight of the world on her shoulders. Now, there was no more angst about how she should handle him. She was no longer worried about what she would say when he called. She wasn’t beating herself up with indecision. And to think, all it took was a roll in the hay. For the first time since her Pawpaw’s death, she was happy again.


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