Holiday Spice

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Holiday Spice Page 2

by Abbie Duncan

  As I turned to look at the jeweled boxes on display, I ran into a leather jacket that wasn’t hanging on a rack, but on the man that was flirting from across the restaurant. I was somewhat shocked, and quickly uttered an apology while trying to make a quiet escape.

  He followed me over to the front door and asked my name.

  “Me? Oh, I’m Annabelle,” I said sheepishly.

  I couldn’t help but look at the floor. He smiled and complimented my name, lifted my chin and whispered that I didn’t need to feel embarrassed.

  He introduced himself as Leon, a singer/songwriter working at the local coffee shop. He then invited me to his performance Saturday evening. After our conversation was over, I felt as if I were floating on a cloud. My head was spinning, my heart was racing, and I could hardly put together what had just happened.

  Sleep did not come easily that night; my mind was too busy putting together all kinds of scenarios. I imagined that we would go dancing, skiing, enjoy hot chocolate by the fire, get married, and grow old together.

  “Calm down, Annie,” I said to myself. “Let’s just get through the first date!”

  Tomorrow, at his performance, I decided that I would be late. No reason to seem too eager or desperate.

  I had my apparel already in mind: a red dress that had a black leather waist belt, black pumps, and a single strand of freshwater pearls. I also knew that it would be cold outside, but I already had a black leather jacket that would complement the dress perfectly.

  In the morning I rolled out of bed and slowly headed over to my computer to check if I had any orders. Working from home has been fantastic, but sometimes business slows to a halt. To my surprise, I had a surplus of orders for all sorts of artwork. I would be knee deep in paint for the next two weeks trying to complete the requests.

  When I began working on my paintings for the day, my mind was enveloped in a haze. The work consumed me and I lost nearly all track of time. When I finally looked at the clock, it was hours later than I had expected and only five minutes until Leon’s performance began.

  I jumped up and ran to the bathroom, after a record fast shower I threw on my red dress and pearls and did my makeup in what absolutely had to be the fastest time ever seen before.

  I jumped in my car and rushed as quickly as legally possible to the coffee shop he was performing at, still without any clue as to what kind of music I was in for.

  Finding a parking spot was practically impossible, the closest available spot was the next street over; even all of the roadside spots were taken! Now I was really worried and hoped the coffee was just that good! Twenty minutes late, I walked through the door of the crowded shop, and maneuvered my way to a side table, where a nice lady invited me to sit.

  Leon was performing already. It was a more alternative form of rock than I usually listened to, but with very sweet lyrics that would entrance any woman, or really, anyone.

  After the show had ended, the audience slowly dissipated, but I hung out with my cup of coffee. A nice hot chai tea latte would calm anyone’s nerves.

  As I luxuriated in the warm embrace of the gingerbread-flavored beverage, Leon suddenly slid in and sat at my table. For a moment, I was surprised, but of course I had been expecting him. Although, to be totally honest, I had also allowed myself to consider the possibility that it was all a dream and he wouldn’t even say “hello” to me tonight. Thankfully, that was not the case.

  We shared a wonderful conversation that covered almost every aspect of our lives, our pets, even stories from school days! He mentioned he had an all-white German Sheppard and a Siamese cat that often secluded herself from everyone else. I told him about Mr. Reshimi, but carefully made sure to omit saying anything that would suggest I was a crazy cat lady.

  Then, something amazing happened. We decided to extend our coffee chat into a full-fledged date! We walked along the old part of town and visited some of the shops. The whole evening just went incredibly, far better than I could have ever dreamed!

  As time passed, Leon and I continued seeing each other, making it official after about the third week. We spent Christmas at his parent’s house. Of course, when my mom heard about this, she automatically started talking about marriage and children… again.

  After a full month of dating, we decided to take it to the next level… or, at least, I did. I went to the lingerie store for the first time in a VERY long time and picked out something sexy: small, black, with lace and a corseted ribbon lining.

  This was the night.

  Leon and I had plans to go out for dinner and a movie, but little did he know I would lure him into coming home with me. Well, maybe he knew. It had probably been a longer wait than with most of the girls he dated, but I was nervous and afraid of getting hurt.

  Eight o’clock rolled around, and he was on time like always. Under my dress was the sweet little number I picked up earlier, and I was getting the jitters just thinking about it. Would I have the courage to bring him home? Dinner was perfect; the dim lights lit his hair in a way that almost gave it a hint of caramel brown. The movie was romantic and included many sensual themes that made me even more excited about my plans.

  As we walked up my front porch, he guided me to the door and I pulled him close for the most passionate kiss we ever shared. I put my leg around him and he reached for the door, eyes still closed, locked in the moment. I knew he was thinking the same thing as me.

  Once the door was open, we quickly made our way inside, and he pushed me against the door, I could feel his excitement, and I made him sure of mine.

  My dress came off on the way to the bedroom, as did his shirt, revealing the most gorgeous six pack abs I had ever seen. I unfastened his pants, revealing his risen boxers, and I knew I was almost at the prize.

  He urged me to lay back on the bed and his firm, masculine hands grasped my hips. In a flash my panties laid on the floor, leaving me in the lingerie top, legs spread and quivering with excitement.

  We started off slow, easing into the rhythm of passionate thrusting that no vibrator in my special drawer could ever duplicate. It was intoxicating and he worked me hard that night, but I loved every second of it.

  When I woke up, I was alone in my room. I pulled on my robe and brushed my teeth. Still bleary-eyed, I headed to the kitchen only to be greeted with an amazing sight. I had to rub my eyes to make sure that what I was seeing was real.

  Fresh roses graced the table, along with breakfast, coffee, and Leon, who looked amazing as always. I felt like a complete mess, he was already all dressed and had been out; I was just barely out of bed.

  It was a full year exactly from the day we met up for coffee when Leon told me he had a surprise for me. He’d wrapped a blindfold around my eyes after we got in the car. After he took us on an intentionally long and twisted route, I was surprised when he slipped the blindfold off of my eyes and we were at that very same coffee shop where our first date began.

  Once inside, he led me to a very special table that was completely decked out. Our drinks arrived the moment we sat down, even though we hadn’t ordered yet.

  Leon got up to go bring us pastries while I reminisced about our first visit. It wasn’t hard to guess what he would be bringing back; cheesecake for me and baklava for him. We ate the same thing every time we came back here.

  Leon set down both plates and gestured towards my dessert. On the small plate there laid a piece of New York cheesecake and on that cheesecake there was a sparkle. My breath escaped me. I was staring at a gorgeous solitaire ring.

  Wide-eyed and mouth gaping, I looked up to see Leon on one knee, asking for my hand in marriage. I could hardly catch enough of a breath to tell him that I would absolutely marry him! Little did I realize that the whole café was watching this scene play out. Our audience let out a loud cheer when I finally uttered the words.

  Our wedding was planned for July, set on the beach of Galveston Island, mid-morning in the back of a beach house where the reception would be held. All of my Te
xas family planned to attend, and so did his Mississippi family.

  The regular baristas from the coffee shop, which had become my best friends over the span of my Colorado venture, were my bridesmaids. All of the females in the wedding flew in a separate plane than the men, who flew in on the next flight. We decided to keep things separate until the wedding to make it even a more special day, and to have an awesome bridal shower.

  The next few days would be hell not getting to see my gorgeous specimen of a man. Although, deep in my heart, I knew it would all be worth waiting for… especially the honeymoon!

  * * * * * * * *

  On their wedding day, Annabelle wore a dress that fell just below her knees; her hair was in a wavy up do that she had pulled from a glamor magazine. Her makeup dawned gold and silver accents, making her face shine in the cool sunlight.

  Leon stood waiting for her at the end of the beach, the makeshift aisle was lined by many beautiful seashells. Annabelle came across the bridge that led to the beach from the beach house following her bridesmaids, all dressed in tropical tea-length dresses. On each bridesmaid’s arm was a member of Leon’s band.

  Leon, along with everyone in attendance, stared at Annabelle as she approached him. Her hair swept by the ocean breeze to reveal her face to her groom. The veil she wore didn’t have a chance of staying down, but she never once let it faze her.

  When she stood next to Leon, he leaned over and whispered to her something that would be a secret from the audience, but their laugh to share for sweet eternity.

  They were finally joined, now husband and wife.

  After the vows had been exchanged and a kiss shared, the audience gathered in the beach house to enjoy cocktail hour as the pictures of the newlyweds were being taken. The featured drink was a fuzzy navel, a deliciously sweet peach concoction.

  The DJ announced the newlywed’s arrival into the house, and everyone chimed in with applause. The night carried on swiftly and sweetly, as one could only dream one’s wedding may be. As they headed out the door to the limousine, their guests blew bubbles in their direction and waved them off.

  The couple would spend their first night as newlyweds in warm embrace at the San Louis Resort. A bottle of champagne and chocolate dipped strawberries awaited them when they arrived. They fed each other the strawberries, but decided to hold off on the champagne since they had already had enough to drink at the reception. Their last few days apart led had heightened their anticipation, resulting in a tangle of skin and satin.

  Months later, as the holiday season approached once more, Leon and Annabelle were overjoyed to share their next big news. They were expecting a baby… a product of the infinite love they shared and would continue to nurture for all of time.

  Simon’s Letter

  “Ah, the mail has arrived,” Elizabeth muttered to herself as she heard the postman clunking down her front steps. One of the reasons she loved the Christmas holidays so much was because of all the holiday cards she received.

  Today was no different in that she had an impressive stack of cards to open. Most young women in their late 20’s don’t get nearly this excited about the mail, but to Elizabeth it brought back fond memories from her childhood.

  She carefully opened each envelope, enjoying the cutting sound her holiday letter opener made. One at a time Elizabeth unpacked the greetings, savoring the beauty of each card. Near the bottom of the stack there was an envelope that didn’t appear to be a holiday card. In fact, the envelope suggested that this was rather expensive stationery and there was no return address. The post mark indicated that it had been mailed locally.

  Her curiosity piqued, she employed her letter opener to slit the top of the envelope. She withdrew a single folded sheet of the finest of stationery and began reading.

  * * * *

  My Dearest Elizabeth,

  I hope this finds you well and in high anticipation of the coming holidays.

  I’m writing to let you know just how beautiful you are to me and that I spend most of my waking hours thinking of you. My nights are filled with dreams of taking you in my arms, kissing you and taking you to heights of pleasure that you have never experienced.

  I assure you that, in spite of what it may seem, you are in no danger from me. I am not evil. You can just think of me as a man who is utterly infatuated with the loveliest of all women.

  Will you please agree to join me for dinner this Friday night? I will send my car for you at 7PM. You can either accept my invitation at that point or you can send my driver on his way. Obviously, I am hoping with all my heart that the answer will be yes. If it is, I’ll reveal my identity to you at that time.

  With much hope,

  Your (for now) Secret Admirer

  * * * *

  Elizabeth felt slightly panicked. Her first thought was to throw the letter away and forget she ever received it. However, she knew that she would never be capable of doing that. Her curiosity would definitely get the better of her.

  Of course, she would accept this invitation. She only had to figure out how to do it safely. She knew that a quick call to her best friend, Celia, would allow some peace of mind.

  Elizabeth surprised herself when she actually told Celia the complete truth, knowing that her friend would admonish her not to accept the mysterious date. Overcoming Celia’s furious objections, Elizabeth arranged for a back-up plan. If Celia did not receive a phone call at a certain time, the police would be contacted.

  “If he wanted to hurt me, he could have done it in 100 less complicated and expensive ways than this,” she assured Celia. “But I appreciate your concern. You’ll definitely hear from me, though. Hopefully with some juicy details about Mr. Mysteryman.”

  At seven o’clock on the dot, Elizabeth was waiting by her doorway dressed in a floor length black skirt and a red silk blouse. She clutched firmly her coat and purse when a limousine pulled up in front of her house, a tingle of anticipation and fear dribbled down her spine.

  Elizabeth was impressed as a uniformed chauffeur exited the car and came up to her door. Quickly locking her front door behind her, she followed the man back to the limo.

  “This is all for me?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Please step inside.”

  He opened the back door and held it for her as she got into the vehicle.

  Elizabeth enjoyed the sensation of sinking down into the buttery leather seats. She hadn’t been in a car this nice since… well, forever!

  The drive was long and silent as her driver seemed to be a man of very few words.

  “Who are we going to meet? Is it nearby?”

  “We will be there shortly, ma’am.”

  She watched the scenic countryside as they continued to drive. Finally, the car took a turn onto a private tree-lined drive and came to a stop in front of what she could only describe as a mansion.

  The driver turned off the car and came around to assist her exit. Smiling, he escorted her up a wide stone staircase to an enormous wrap around porch and led her by hand to a set of red double doors. He opened them and stepped aside so that she could enter. As she was gaping at the size of the foyer she now stood in, the driver closed the doors and vanished.

  Wondering what she would do next, a woman came to greet her.

  “Hello, you must be Elizabeth,” she said warmly. “Come with me.”

  Elizabeth was still in a bit of shock, but she followed the woman down a long hallway off which there were many doorways. The woman stopped in front of what was clearly a formal dining room. She stood aside and motioned for Elizabeth to enter this room.

  “Enjoy your dinner,” she said, smiling and closing the doors as she left.

  Elizabeth saw that the table was set with ornate finery as well as many lit candles and several silver domed covered dishes. She didn’t see her host at all until he stood up from one of the high backed chairs on one end of the table. When they locked eyes, Elizabeth gasped aloud and nearly fainted.

  “Hello, Elizabeth,” the man said
. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  “Simon?” Elizabeth managed to squeak. “Is that you?”

  “It is, darling,” he said.

  “But how? You…I… They said you were dead!”

  “I know, Elizabeth. I promise to explain everything to you over dinner. Just know that I never stopped loving you.”

  Still in shock, Elizabeth allowed herself to be seated at the table.

  Simon explained to her that his small start-up company had discovered a major flaw with a U.S. military weapons system being used, among other places, on Air Force One. The contractor who was building the system had billions of dollars at stake and Simon’s life had been threatened.

  “The defense contractor had built in a software exploit that could have threatened the President’s life! The Secret Service confirmed that my own safety was in danger, and so was anyone that I cared about,” he said. “I was given no choice. It would take months or years to isolate the threat. No one was sure if the Chinese or some other nation was involved.”

  During the last 4 years Simon had been working at a secure research facility in Wyoming. His team had been involved in some amazing top secret projects.

  “There are many parts of the last few years that I will never be able to talk about,” he said somberly. “But I am so thankful to be back here and with you.”

  When his service was completed, he was returned home and a company that no one had ever heard of offered to buy out Simon’s little start-up business for a whopping $60 million. It was the government’s way of paying off Simon and his 2 partners – each man walked away with $20 million in their pocket to assure their long-term silence.

  “You must know, Elizabeth, that I’ve never stopped thinking of you,” he said as they drank wine by the fire following their long dinner.

  “I never forgot about you, either, Simon,” Elizabeth said. “I was destroyed when they told me… when I thought you were dead.”

  “We have so much time to make up for,” he said as he gently removed the glass of wine from her hand and set it on the coffee table. Then, without another word, he took her into his arms and kissed her as if he were a drowning man seeking the life giving air that only her lips could provide.


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