Heart's Conquest; A Viking Romance

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Heart's Conquest; A Viking Romance Page 16

by Andromeda -

  As she looked down into the dark-red liquid, Rashida’s eyes widened as pictures began to appear. She saw a massive horde of Norsemen swarming the shores of a beach, raiding cities and towns. The scene then changed to a large city hidden behind massive, thick walls with thousands of people living inside it. She saw the Norsemen attack the city and while seeming to fail the first time, succeed the second. Almost as instantly as it began, it stopped, and she lifted her face up to see that everyone was looking at her with great interest. They knew that something had happened for her to stare so deeply into the cup.

  "Rashida?” Alrik said softly. "Are you alright?"

  "I had a vision," she whispered softly.

  "My Lady?" the priest said, having heard what she said. "Can you repeat that, please?"

  "I had a vision!" Rashida repeated louder, this time, for all to hear. "I saw us raiding faraway lands and succeeding. Under King Alrik, our people will prosper!"

  A mighty cheer went up in the air. Everyone clapped and stomped their feet as Rashida raised the cup to her lips and drained it of the blood. The metallic/salty taste rolled around on her tongue, but she ignored it. Taking her hand, Alrik and she walked as one to the waiting thrones. Slowly, they sat upon the large iron chairs covered with thick fur padding and everyone dropped to their knees.


  Later that night, in the massive bed that can only belong to the king, Alrik placed a kiss on Rashida’s inner thigh. They were in the sleepy afterglow of lovemaking, and after their highly stressful and nervous day, they deserved it. Rashida almost had forgotten how big the house was, as it seemed so long ago she was a slave. Now, she was queen. She was in charge now. Everyone answered to her and yet…it still felt so weird.

  After their crowning, there was a big feast to celebrate them and their family. Many of the women from the village came to her, all asking to be in her service as lady maids or servants, which Rashida agreed. However, she made Kaya her head lady-in-waiting and in charge of her children's household. Raising Norse children was almost like growing up in Egypt. The only difference was that since they were royal, they had a lot more freedoms to do things.

  "This is what," Alrik whispered, "number 25?"

  Rashida couldn’t help but giggle softly at that. As, for a man nearing his 30s, he still was lusty and passionate as ever. She was only 26 and she still felt young. "I think so, yes."

  "Then that makes this…26," Alrik said as he placed a kiss to her lower lips, earning a soft moan.

  They didn’t exactly have to be quiet. The home had several bedrooms with the children sleeping far down the hall. When they lived in her old home, they had to force themselves to be quiet. Now, it was completely different.

  "My love, will you get off me a moment?" Rashida chuckled. "I want to talk to you about my vision."

  Alrik pulled himself away reluctantly and crawled up to lay at her side. Wrapping an arm around her body, he pulled her to him. "Alright then, tell me."

  Rashida told him about the vision she saw in the blood, and the raiding she knew that they would succeed in. She told him about the city behind the large walls. How it would take them a while, but in the end, they would succeed.

  Alrik listened with rapt attention and nodded, wrapping his arms around her. "I knew marrying you would be a good idea," he teased.

  "You make me sound like a prized animal," Rashida chuckled.

  He had kissed her lips before he slid his hands down her body. "You are highly prized to me."

  "That makes me feel so much better," she laughed.

  "It should," Alrik said as he straddled her. "Because we are going to do as your visions say. We shall do as my father asked. We shall take France.”

  He reached down, gripped himself and slowly entered her warm depths with a soft moan. With a wide grin, he put her legs on his shoulders and began to move his hips, their fingers intertwining as the sounds of their laughter, moans and chuckles echoed into the night.

  Chapter Twenty-Five: The Trials of Kingship

  Being king was hard, as Alrik was quick to find out. People looked up to him as their leader, to guide them and protect them. Everyone was watching him. Everyone was waiting for him to prove that he was worthy to be the heir of the great late Henrik Ironside. So far, Alrik had shown himself worthy as a protector and leader in the art of battle. Now, he must show that he was a worthy guide.

  Every morning was the same for him, becoming a routine. He woke up, most likely tangled in the sheets with Rashida, though she was always up first. Then, he got up from the great bed to walk to the basin that was filled every morning with hot lemon water. Once he cleaned his face, if he didn’t have to shave, he pulled on his clothes before going down to the feast hall for his normal meal.

  Sitting down with his family, their meal was normally a quiet one, as Rashida liked to school the children on their letters before they went to school. Normally, Norse children were raised in the home until they turned 12, then they were enrolled in the training school. However, for Rashida, this wasn't good enough, so with a couple of other shieldmaidens, she made a school for children from the ages of 3 to 12.

  As he watched her, he thanked the gods every day over and over for gifting her to him. He knew that in the beginning they had their problems, but their love was unlike any other.

  After their meal, Rashida went to the school with the children, while he had to go to his father's office to look over piles and piles of paperwork. Notes about different Jarls telling him who he could and could not trust, the prices of food shipments and when to expect them, the list of his subjects that owed him tribute, and so much more. He must go through everything carefully, and by the time he was done, it was time for dinner.

  Dinner, of course, was a loud affair, as they opened the doors of the Great Hall to everyone to come and share their table. People rushed to find a seat, as they were limited, and then the food was served. Alrik and his family sat at the top dais, on display for all, and he found all the eyes on him a bit unnerving. But he knew that as king he must look to be brave and unnerved.

  Later at night, he would take Nakia in his arms and make love to her with great passion like he always did. Afterwards, they would lay in bed together and talk. He had to do this repeatedly, every day like the next. Being king had a lot of responsibilities, but he knew that he must do it.


  It was a cool Autumn morning, the day Alrik announced for plans to be made for raiding come spring. Everyone was excited, and as word spread of his plans, several Jarls came forth to join his plans for conquest and raiding. One pair of brothers aroused Alrik’s interest, and not in a good way.

  Brothers Boden and Canute arrived in Safirinnsjø in elaborate longships, dressed in rich fur cloaks. Striding confidently into the Great House, they came upon Alrik, sitting on his throne, looking over some paperwork. Standing side by side, they swept deep bows before the eldest, Boden, spoke.

  "My king!" he said loudly, his voice booming. "We have come to join the Jarls who wish to go raiding with you!"

  Alrik tried to not flinch at the loudness of his voice and looked down to Isis, who was sitting in his lap before he turned to the two men and nodded. "I have not seen or heard of you before," he said. "What makes you think that you are worthy?"

  Boden smirked. "My king, my younger brother and I both came into our Jarldoms in times of battle when we were young. We are mighty warriors in our own right and would be ten ships each to your fleet."

  Isis looked at the two men, her green eyes sharp as she narrowed them. Alrik might not know it, but she and her twin sister were beginning to show that they possessed the same powers as their mother. Not close to what she held, but trickles of her power were pouring down. Both girls had different gifts that show it. Isis could tell when someone had hidden intentions, and right now, she got the strange tugging at her gut when someone who wasn't all the way true was around her.

  "I shall talk to my wife,"
Alrik said. "As I do not make these kinds of decisions without her."

  The two men looked at each other. "My king," Canute said boldly. "Such things are…above the mindset of women."

  "You would think that, wouldn't you?" Rashida said suddenly as she appeared behind them. "It's a good thing then, you are not king."

  Boden and Canute dropped to their knees in respect. However, the brothers threw a sideways look that Rashida caught, but Alrik did not.

  "Forgive me, my queen, if we offended," Boden said. "I didn't mean to."

  Rashida nodded tightly. "I take no offence, but my husband is right. Such things he normally talks to me about as I'm the mouthpiece of the gods."

  "People from all over have heard of your power," Canute said as he lifted his head. "Only a fool wouldn't."

  "Let us hope there are no fools among us then," Rashida said as she took Isis’ hand to lead her away. But before she left, she looked to her husband. "Husband, I give my approval of what they offer."

  Alrik nodded. "Then they shall raid with us."

  "Us?" Boden repeated as he lifted his head to look to Rashida. "You are coming with us…my lady?"

  "Why wouldn't I be?" she asked.

  "You…You are queen," Boden stammered. "A queen's place is back at the homestead to watch over the people."

  "That might be true," Rashida said, "but I am also Alrik’s wife as well as Seiðr. My place is at my husband's side. Where he goes, I go."

  The brothers looked at each other once more, an inaudible conversation going on between them. Rashida frowned slightly as they stood and Alrik shook their hands. Isis looked at the two men. Like her mother, she could sense that something wasn't right and frowned also.

  I am going to have to watch these two men, Rashida thought to herself. Very closely…


  Rashida watched as the ships were loaded with supplies, shields were hung on the sides and families were saying goodbye to the ones leaving. Today they were launching the ships. They were going to France. Alrik was going, of course, as was she and his uncle Gerik, who served as Alrik’s advisor. Two new members were coming also: one being Rashida’s younger brother, Nour, who was now a young man, and the other being Knute, Alrik’s younger half-brother. Staying behind, however, was Sven, who had become Alrik’s second-hand, to govern, and Kaya, who was Rashida’s, to watch over the children and homestead in the place of their queen.

  The smell of the burning ram that was sacrificed not long ago to the gods to bless their voyage filled the air. Rashida exhaled deeply, her hand going to her stomach where another new life grew. She knew that she was not that far along, barely two months, but she could always sense when she was with child. She knew that Alrik would be furious if he found out that she was with child and going raiding, but then again, she would love for him to try to stop her.

  Someone coughed behind her, and when she turned around, she saw Gala. She couldn’t help but arch an eyebrow in slight confusion. Her ex-mistress had been avoiding her ever since she became queen. Not saying a single word for the couple of months she and Alrik had been on the throne.

  "What is it?" Rashida asked bluntly.

  Gala tried to not frown at the girl's disrespect, but nodded tightly. "I have come to ask you something."

  "Yes?" Rashida said, nodding slightly.

  "I was wondering," Gala said. "If I would have the permission to marry again…and have custody of my sons."

  Rashida frowned slightly, her mind working at what Gala truly wanted. From what she'd watched of Gala, she was normally not in the company of any man, except Boden. She had seen them talking several times with what appeared to be flirting. Disturbed by this, she went through Henrik’s library and found information about Boden and Canute.

  To say that Henrik disliked them was an understatement. He hated them, as Boden and Canute were the youngest sons of the Jarl that tried to kill Henrik a long time ago before Alrik was born. Not wanting to kill the boys, Henrik sent them away, and death and destruction had followed the two men ever since.

  In Henrik’s defense, however, the Jarl was threatening to kill his wife over something minor and Henrik challenged him in honorable single combat and came up on top. He had the chance to kill the boys, but they were young, and Ingrid was with child, so Henrik banished them instead.

  He most likely should have gone ahead and killed them, however, because the brothers soon gained a name for being bloodthirsty and power hungry. They seized their Jarldoms from other Jarls and had been reigning terror on all who know them. When Rashida confronted Alrik with this information, he promised that he would watch them, but Rashida knew that in the end, she would be the one to make sure a stray arrow didn't 'accidently' hit her husband in the back.

  As for Boden and Gala, she had noticed them flirting and wondered if her wanting to marry had something to do with him. Boden was the oldest and Canute was the youngest, yet they could pass as twins. As for her having custody of her sons…that wasn’t going to happen.

  Her sons were old enough to fend for themselves, and she knew that Gala didn't really take care of them when they were young. While they might lightly respect their mother, they didn't love her like they did their father. They also highly respected Alrik, and chose to leave her care to be under his.

  "No," Rashida said simply as she turned her back on the older woman.

  Gala blanched in shock, having never truly heard that word before in her life. "What…?" she whispered.

  "I said, no," Rashida repeated. "Your request is refused."

  Gala didn't exactly have to ask permission for what she was requesting. However, it was the right thing as she was the widow of the past king and she couldn’t marry anyone. Rashida knew this. She also knew that whoever Gala married might have a claim to the throne, and if she was pushing for Boden, then he might have a stronger claim than Alrik. That, Rashida knew she could not allow.

  She turned from the doorway and began to walk past the older woman, but before she could, Gala reached out and grabbed her arm in a claw-like grasp.

  "You owe me everything," Gala hissed. "I could have sold you away when Ingrid left, but I kept you! I could have given you to any man I saw fit, but I allowed Henrik’s pup to become your lover! You owe me your loyalty!"

  Rashida glared at her. Instantly, her green eyes began to glow and Gala jumped back in fright. "I owe you nothing," she said oolly. "The gods would have made a way for me. And as for my loyalty, that belongs to my husband."

  Gala took a threatening step forward. "You will regret this…"

  "As will you, if you try something," Rashida said as she stepped closer to her. "I said, no. Leave it like that before you meet the same fate as the king who threatened my family the first time."

  Gala knew what she meant. She could still remember the blood pouring from that king’s eyes, ears and mouth. She didn’t want to meet the same fate as he, but she would be damned if all her hard work came to nothing. As she watched Rashida walk off to join her husband at their ship, her anger bubbled in her chest. Casting a glance to Boden, who had watched everything, she gave him a small nod.

  Chapter Twenty-Six: To formulate a strategy

  Rashida sat astride her mare’s back next to Alrik on his stallion. The two animals stood upon a large hill and below them was Paris. Not long ago, they reached the shores of France and it wasn't that hard to find the capital city, as all they had to do was follow the roads.

  The roads in France were a lot different than the roads in England, as they were very well dug from consistent use from passengers. It didn't take long for their arrival to be noticed, and with every town that they passed, there was resistance.

  Rashida noticed that the two brothers, Boden and Canute, were just as bloodthirsty as Henrik made note of them. There was more than one time in which they went above and beyond in fighting the Frenchmen. They killed people when they had surrendered and after Alrik had said that no harm would come to them. Yet, they diso
beyed orders blatantly.

  "We have to watch those two when we invade," Rashida said to Alrik.

  Alrik turned to look to his wife. "What do you mean?" He tried to not stare long at her, see the way the sun reflected off her green eyes or how the wind was lightly rustling her hair.

  He hadn't touched her since they left Safirinnsjø, and it'd been wearing on him. They needed to stay focused on planning, and he needed to use the head on his shoulders right now, not the one in his pants.

  "Boden and Canute," Rashida said. "They are causing trouble and I don't like it. Remember what I told you about Gala…"

  Alrik nodded. He remembered that Rashida had told him that Gala had come to her right before they left for raiding. His stepmother had come to her and wanted permission to marry, then have custody of her sons again. Rashida was right in telling her no, and Alrik’s brothers didn't want to return to her care anyway as she wasn't truly a good mother to them in the first place.

  "I agree with you," Alrik said with a nod. "We have to watch them all. And I hope that Sven is alright back home."

  "I know he is," Rashida said with a soft smile. “He and Kaya would protect our children with their lives.”

  A commotion behind them made them turn around to see what was going on. When they saw who it was, they couldn’t help but both frown deeply. Boden and Canute. The two men, along with some other scouts, had found a town nearby and sacked its resources, as well having brought back captives. Two women were held by the brothers, screaming and wiggling. Their clothes were dirty and their hair was a mess, as if they were snatched from their beds.

  Rashida frowned and lightly kicked her horse’s side, and the mare began to walk down the hill, followed by Alrik. "What's going on here?" she asked.

  "My queen," Boden said as he flashed an evil grin to the women. "We were raiding and found these two…wonderful beings."

  “What do you plan to do with them?" Rashida asked.


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