Demon Mate

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Demon Mate Page 3

by Sheri Lyn

  The bouncers shrugged with a laugh, “Not really. We separated everyone quick enough. Last thing we want to do is arrest the guy in charge of the police you know. Should warn you, they are well on their way to becoming drunk as skunks and that’s saying a lot considering they’re shifters.”

  “We can get drunk?” Brogan asked skeptically.

  “I’ve never seen it happen, but sure seems that way to me. Go check it out for yourself if you don’t believe me.”

  Brogan had to see this or he’d never believe it. No wonder West had sounded so odd on the phone. He nodded to the bouncers and headed inside. For a bar, it wasn’t as loud as it was on some nights. That might have had a lot to do with the two Policemen sitting in the back corner with a huge number of empty tables around them. Seems like people were giving the two lunatics a ton of space.

  “Bout time you showed up.” West hollered from the back with a wave of greeting. “Come on, we already ordered drinks.”

  A quick glance around and he was even more suspicious. Most of the faces in the bar were familiar and most of them had smirks on their faces. He took slow measured steps waiting for something to happen, he was missing something, he knew it he just couldn’t figure out what it was.

  “Sit, have a drink and let’s talk.” Deader announced as he stood and slid in next to West so the two of them were on the same side of the booth facing Brogan.

  “I’m not sure this is a good idea.” Brogan started to say but was cut off by the two men waving him off.

  “We’re doing a favor and trying this new liquor out. It’s made for shifters, have a glass and you can give your opinion too.” West pushed the glass closer with a lopsided smile. “I’m your boss, I wouldn’t steer you wrong, I swear.”

  “Is that what ya’ll have been drinking? I hear you almost started a fight?”

  Deader laughed and nudged West, “We didn’t start it but we would have finished it. And now you have me sounding like a high school jock.” The two men burst into laughter for a few seconds before calming down. “But to answer your question, we’ve only had two glasses of it. We’ve been drinking other stuff prior to this.”

  Brogan still wasn’t sure, but he decided one glass wouldn’t hurt. From the soundwhispere of it these guys had been drinking a bunch of different things. He picked the glass up and took a tentative sip. He couldn’t contain his surprise at the taste. The flavors danced on his tongue and his brain felt like it was having mini orgasms.

  “Holy shit.” Was all he was able to say as the two men grinned huge Cheshire cat grins at him.

  “Right, amazing, isn’t it?” West waved the waitress over and asked for another round.

  “So, I’m taking it this is a keeper then?” She called as she walked away shaking her head in amusement.

  They made small talk while Brogan downed his first glass of the delicious drink and they waited for the refills. He couldn’t remember ever actually spending much down time getting to know Deader. West sure, he was his best bud’s mate.

  The hours flew by and the drinks were flowing freely when they finally got around to talking about anything more serious than arguing over their favorite sports teams, chances of winning, whatever game was coming up.

  “West tells me you’ve found your mate.” Deader slurred with a lopsided grin.

  Brogan couldn’t help the smile that bloomed across his face at the thought of Jericho, “would seem I have. Now to just get him back.”

  “We’ll figure something out, I have faith in us.” West half yelled, half demanded before hiccupping, causing them all to burst into fits of laughter.

  Once they’d calmed down, Deader leaned forward and nodded for Brogan to do the same. “I’ve got a question for you and I don’t want to scream it.”

  “Okay,” Brogan whispered as he moved closer and waited.

  “Have you ever had sex, you know with a man before?”

  Only Brogan’s alcohol soaked brain kept him from dying of embarrassment at the question. Instead he just kinda shrugged sheepishly and shook his head no. “Never been attracted to a man before him.”

  West leaned forward, “It’s different, but so good. You’ll love it, I promise.”

  Brogan moved closer so they were all almost touching foreheads. “I’m scared I’ll do something wrong or screw it up.”

  Both men vehemently denied that statement. “I remember my first time.” West recalled, “I was petrified too, but I had a mentor like friend. He was older and he told me what to expect and how to make sure it was good for me and my partner.”

  “A mentor?” Brogan repeated.

  Deader laughed, “You should see your face.”

  “Well, yeah. I mean that just sounds so weird.”

  “My first time was similar in some ways to West’s. I was with someone a few years older and more experienced. He made it great for me and taught me everything I needed to know before we parted ways.”

  Brogan scratched his cheek, “So, basically you’re telling me it should help that Jericho has experience then?”

  “Nope,” both men chorused before bursting into laughter.

  West winked, “We’re saying, that we’re here to explain things so you don’t have to worry.”

  “Exactly, so some guys are tops, some are bottoms and some are both. Just because a guy is ultra-macho outside of the bedroom doesn’t mean he’s going to be a top. You just never know. Being one or the other doesn’t make you any less of a man either, in case you were wondering.”

  Brogan opened his mouth to respond but before he could Deader picked up the conversation and kept going.

  “Now, one major thing you gotta make sure you have plenty of lube on hand.”

  West snickered at Deader’s words which made both men turn to look at him in confusion until Deader gasped and started to belly laugh too.

  “You said... lube on …. hand. They’ll need it…. on hand and …. on their hand.” West could barely get the words out he was laughing so hard.

  “It would appear I showed up just in time.”

  All three of the men turned and smiled up at Rook as they heard his words.

  “Babe, what are you doing here?”

  Rook took a step back and widened his eyes in surprise. “What in the hell are you drinking? You know what, never mind. I think it’s time to go home and sleep some of this off.”

  Brogan protested first, “No, we can’t leave yet. I need their advice.”

  Rook blew out a breath and leaned forward so he had all three men’s undivided attention. “This bar is full of shifters and as open as Blue Creek is, I really don’t think they want to hear the finer point of sex between men.”

  “But we’re whispering,” West exclaimed indignantly.

  “I love you hun, but you’re drunk and talking loud enough for the whole bar to hear you. Now I’ve already paid your tabs. Let’s go home.”

  “But I don’t want to go home. It’s so quiet and …” Brogan trailed off with a shrug.

  “He misses his mate, babe. Can’t he stay in our spare room tonight so he’s not alone?”

  Rook rolled his eyes and Brogan knew they’d won. He wouldn’t have to be alone tonight. How he could miss someone he barely knew he wasn’t sure, but he did. It was like a physical ache that tore at his soul.

  “Fine, as drunk as you all are he probably shouldn’t be alone anyway. Deader, I already called Skarlet and told her what to expect. Though I don’t think she believed me that you guys really are drunk.”

  Brogan wanted to protest but he couldn’t feel his lips anymore. He tried to stand but the room swayed and he giggled in wide-eyed amusement. “I don’t think I can walk straight.”

  “This is going to be a long ass ride home isn’t it.” Rook mumbled. “Sit back down and don’t move any of you. I’ll be right back.”

  He didn’t have to be told twice. Brogan dropped back into his seat and watched as Rook made his way up to the front of the bar and spoke to the bouncers there b
efore heading outside. Within a minute he was back inside and heading to where they all sat waiting. The bouncers following close behind with amused looks on their faces.

  “What’s going on?” West asked as he tried to stand and almost fell, which caused them all to burst into laughter.

  “Time to go.” Rook announced as he pulled West to his feet and helped him start walking. Brogan looked at the two bouncers and finally understood what was happening. They were going to be their crutches to the car.

  “I’ll tell you one thing, you three sure are going to be hurting mofo’s tomorrow. But on the bright side, this is going to make one hell of a story once word spreads around town.”

  Brogan laughed good naturedly, he was too drunk to really care about what the next day would bring. Right now, he had more important things to think about. Mainly what else Deader and West could tell him.

  “No offense, dude, but I’ve heard enough for one night. Wait till you get in the car okay?”

  The bouncer groaned and the murmured laughter from the other patrons of the bar quickly clued Brogan in on the fact he’d said that out loud. Damn that alcohol was some kick ass shit.

  Chapter Six

  Brogan awoke with a start, rolled over and glanced at the clock on the nightstand. One thirty in the morning. He groaned and sat up startled for a second at the unfamiliar room. His head swam letting him know he was still mostly drunk as he climbed to his feet and headed out of the room.

  He stumbled his way down the hall and opened Rook and West’s bedroom with a loud yawn and a scratch of his belly. “Rook.”

  His friend sat up and squinted at him, “What time is it, man?”

  “Early.” Brogan replied with another yawn which was quickly followed by a hiccup.

  “What’s wrong?” Rook asked as he propped himself up on one elbow.

  Brogan shrugged, he didn’t know what to say. He turned to leave when Rook’s soft voice stopped him in his tracks.

  “Puppy pile?”

  Brogan smiled, “Yeah, puppy pile.”

  “What in the hell is a puppy pile and why are you two awake?” West grumbled from the other side of the bed.

  “It’s what we called it when we were kids. All of us would run and play until we were exhausted and then we’d collapse into a pile and sleep and then we’d wake up and do it all over again.” Rook explained as he pulled up the sheet and gestured for Brogan to get in the middle. “Come on Brogan, for tonight you can be the middle spoon, just no forking, okay?”

  Brogan laughed and jumped onto the bed with a contented smile as he snuggled in. “Thanks, I …” he trailed off and shrugged.

  “I get it, bro. Just go to sleep, we can talk in the morning.” West growled. “The room’s still spinning and I’m tired as hell.”

  He didn’t have to be told twice, he yawned snuggled in deeper and fell right back to sleep.


  He could feel their eyes on him, hear their laughter and taunts as he struggled fruitlessly against the bond that held him fastened tight. He was so tired of fighting already, no matter what he did nothing changed.

  “That was a nice break, ready for some more fun?” He knew that voice all too well, the sadistic bastard was back.

  “Nice to see you too Aeron, what’s it been a couple hundred years? What a shame it couldn’t be a few thousand more.”

  Aeron smirked, “I’ve been waiting a long time for you to come back, I owe you a debt I simply must repay. This time there will be no mercy for you.”

  “Mercy? Since the day I was brought down to this realm I’ve never had a moment of mercy from any of you. Why should today be any different.” Jericho replied with anger and hatred dripping from every word. “Mark my words, brother, one of these days I will repay all your years of kindness.”

  Aeron rolled his eyes, “Let the fun begin in that case.” A whip manifested in Aeron’s hand. The demon smiled as he studied the tool, before glancing up to Jericho. “What think you brother mine? Would you like to feel the bite of the whip or should I jump right to the fun toys?”

  Jericho refused to show any emotion as he maintained eye contact with the fetid creature a few feet away. He’d learned centuries ago that no matter what he said or did his fate had already been decreed.

  “You’re right, too soft. I wouldn’t want you to think I’d gone soft after all.” Aeron winked as he manifested a new whip. “This one, I made especially for you.” He held the toy up so Jericho could see it up close. “Yes, that’s right brother, eight tendrils of whips each covered in spikes, chain and wire. For added measure I had some it dipped in holy water so it’ll make your skin boil and blister.”

  Aeron stepped back and smiled, “Ready or not brother, your time to regret escaping has come. This is your forever, but don’t worry I’ve got even better toys lined up for us to play with later.”

  Jericho watched as Aeron pulled his arm back to unleash his first hit. “I’m sorry.” He whispered just as the whip landed.


  Brogan bolted up with a scream as he searched the room. No one was there, no Aeron and no Jericho.

  “What’s wrong?” West asked as he jumped out of bed eyes scanning for the cause of the screams.

  “Nightmare, I think” Rook called from Brogans other side. “Get a towel, he’s covered in sweat and shaking.”

  Brogan couldn’t catch his breath; his adrenaline was coursing through his veins as he heard the crack of the whip and Jericho’s whispered words. This time he understood. Jericho was saying good bye. Brogan blindly groped at his chest looking for blood or torn flesh, but to his surprise there was nothing there. He’d felt the searing pain, the blistering skin as each whip made contact and left burned and torn flesh behind.

  “Brogan. Talk to me.” He could hear Rook talking to him, but the words weren’t making any sense. His mind was trapped in Hell with his mate, who was giving up.

  “I was with him, he’s being tortured. He said he was sorry. He can’t fight or escape this time. He’s going to die there he thinks. He’s saying sorry for leaving just when I found him.” He wasn’t sure how much time passed before he slowly became aware of his two friends again.

  “Are you with us now?” West asked softly as he brushed a damp cloth across Brogan’s sweat soaked face. “Roll over so we can dry you off better.”

  Brogan did as asked without comment. He was exhausted mentally and physically and hung over on top of it. “I’m sorry, guys.”

  “Don’t say that to us ever. We’re glad you weren’t alone for this. We’re pack, that makes us family. Family takes care of one another no matter what.” Rook winked and laid down behind Brogan, “Besides I won’t admit this later but I’ve always wondered what it would feel like to wake up with you in my bed.”

  Brogan chuckled softly knowing his friend was teasing him for all the times he’d flirted with him over the years. “Funny, I never wondered.” Brogan replied with a small smile. “Thanks.”

  West grunted at their antics and laid down facing Brogan, “Want to talk about it?”

  “Can we wait till morning? I just want to go back to sleep. Is it okay if I stay in here though? I don’t think I can handle being alone right now. Especially after….” He trailed off as a shudder ran through his body as he again felt the phantom pain of the barbed whip make contact.

  It was a long time before Brogan could relax enough to fall back asleep, fear of what was awaiting him in slumber kept him restless.


  The smell of frying bacon roused Brogan a few hours later, he rolled over and grunted as his head pounded from the combination hangover and nightmare.

  “If we have to wake up at least it’s to that amazing smell.” West grumbled from the other side of the bed. “If you hurt half as bad as I do I promise you that his breakfast will make it worth getting out of bed.”

  Brogan grunted and climbed to his feet. They both groaned in pain as their heads pounded and their stomachs rolled. “Holy shit,”
he mumbled as he sat there trying to regain his nerve to stand.

  West huffed out a laugh, “I’m strongly thinking that shit should be outlawed.”

  “I’m out here cooking breakfast for you too lazy asses, least you could do is get up and come to the table. I’m not even asking you to put on clothes. Just quit your moaning and get your asses out here before I eat it all. Besides it’ll help, I promise.”

  “How would you know babe? You’ve never been hung over a day in your life. Shifters don’t get them remember.” West stood and wobbled slightly. “I forgot how much I hate this feeling.”

  Brogan didn’t reply because he had nothing to say. It was true, up until last night he’d never been like this before and had nothing to compare it too. Breakfast did sound pretty awful though, the bacon may smell wonderful, but he wasn’t sure his stomach was going to be able to handle it.

  The two men followed Rook back to the kitchen with slow measured steps. They gingerly pulled out their seats and sat down in bleary eyed shock at the amount of food on the table.

  “Rook, when did you have time to cook all this?” West froze as a new smell reached his nose and he blanched in fear. “She’s here now?”

  “When your mate called me this morning asking for help I couldn’t resist rushing right over.” Barbara Wolfe announced as she carried a pitcher of orange juice out from the kitchen. “Not that I knew what to do for hangovers exactly but I had an idea of course.” She sat down and winked. “Besides it’s been years since I’ve had the chance to have breakfast with three gorgeous men in their boxers.”

  Brogan bit his lip to try to contain his laughter at the horrified look on West’s face that only grew worse the longer the woman spoke. The man really needed to get over his fear of her. She was Alpha along with her husband Tristan after all.

  “I must admit I expected you two to look far worse than you do, though I imagine you’re not feeling so great. Deader from what I hear is in much the same predicament, but he has to contend with a mate who is taking delight in tormenting him.” Barbara winked at Rook. “You’ve taken a bit of a different path, haven’t you?”


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